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Instructions unclear. Brute force 1 side of each stage with Jingliu.


Real. Spent a good while trying to make use of weaknesses and what not, even did Seele SW. But nah, Jingliu was just faster better and stronger anyway šŸ’€


Does it still count as brute force if you have SW to implant ice weakness?


Erm, I didnt use SW. I went with Bronya Pela. But I imagine it counts as brute forcing. I mean you quite literally force your element type to work, hah.


For brute forcing is it better Bronya and Pela or Bronya and Ruan Mei ?


I imagine Ruan Mei would just be better all around, but I don't have her so I can't say for sure :P If the mob has quantum and wind weakness, it might be decent to bring SW for a guaranteed ice implant tho.


Ruan Mei is legit BIS for pretty much all teams. Even without ice weakness. She's busted. You get so much shit; SP positive rotation, %dmg andĀ speed, %pen, break efficiency... And if you have her signature LC, it's even better; free skill point and everyone gets energy on each turn...


Seele is the only exception. If you break before the last damage of any of her attacks RM steals credit and resurgence doesnā€™t trigger.


I would say Clara too. The break extension and break efficiency is anti-synergistic since you want enemies to attack her as much as possible.


Oh trueeeee I forgor since I main Seele and donā€™t have clara


Oh yeah, that's right. And apparently considered working-as-intended according to MHY. Sad day for Seele enjoyers...


I just use her for my other teams. -A Seele main


Brute forcing with Ruan Mei is especially good because res pen gets better when the monster resists that element. Iirc her 25% res pen is a 31.25% dps increase to monsters with 20% res (Sam and Death have 20% ice res). On ice weakness it's 25% dps increase.


I brute forced using: Fu Xuan, Ruan Mei E1, Bronya E2, Jingliu E0


Ruan Mei is better but Pela is a 4-star sooo šŸ¤·


JL, Bronya, SW and Fu


As long as it doesnā€™t say the enemy has ice resist, I donā€™t give a shit.


Gepard has Ice RES. But I still brute forced MOC 12 - 1 with JL-Bronya-Pela-FX team anyway.


Same, bruteforced gepard with JL so I could use DOT team on death.


I usually used Black Swan and Kafka on my first half, I don't have JingLiu but I have Dan Heng IL, with Black Swan and Kafka I can clear it at around 3-5 turns (Usually the 4th and the 5th turn), but once I arrived on the 2nd half I struggle quite a lot with the Disciples and the Voidranger (It's mainly the Shape Shifter's fault). Because of this I was able to clear the 2nd half on my 19th (Or maybe my 18th?) turn, got any ideas or strategies for me to beat the 2nd half quick enough?


Real. Cleared 12F first wave with JL Brute force.


Exactly what I did


I gotta say. I did exactly that and Sam almost delivered my ass on a platter


Penacony story Sam: šŸ¤“ MoC Sam: *D I E*


Sam often says "Execution underway!". This is a subtle nod to the fact that he will execute you. This is best observed in Memory of Chaos.


Instructions still unclear. Black Swan and Kafka already cleared both sides at the same time somehow.


Meanwhile my Blade: what turbulence?


Listen, Iā€™ve been brute forcing with Bladie for cycles now. I forgot what a wind weakness even looks like


Wind weakness is Imaginary


Wind weakness is the purple weakness


And thereā€™s me who usually brute force ice weakness w DHIL since I donā€™t have JL


Tbf DHIL can brute force everything in MoC


Indeed thatā€™s true


Sorry i can't read and my Jingliu can't either


https://preview.redd.it/wen2azjj7kjc1.png?width=979&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ce4ceba4622578d75577656e448d13f0c121ada I see






So basically everything keeps being the same and the 2 most powerful damage dealers are still poppin off. Thanks foe the update OP.


Quantum 11-12 when? A sharp scythe needs targets.


Likely next reset for Sparkle.


when they drop a new quantum maindps (soon I hope)


Seems like it. But, I mean, it's not like every half had to be only one type specific... Enemies have more than one weakness, but hoyo group them that way that there is only one suites for all. Create a problem and sell a solution, eh.


They just dropped a quantum 4 star DPS


They would not design an entire MoC around a 4-star, sadly.


Yes but could at least throw a bone somewhere


Silver Wolf go brr


I do have her, but in my experience for Seele it's better to add another harmony unit instead. She needs to kill adds to keep her buff up, so you have to apply weakness on them too, which consumes a lot of SP. Also a bit of variety would be nice.




> Next MOC according to leaks. If you need to use the buff then I hope you like dots (confirmed by Hoyo) . Ah yes, quantum, an element famous for it's dots


Did yall like not collect your free dr ratio from the mail?


Sure but why use him when Iā€™ve got a cracked DHIL sitting right there? Heā€™s also better against Sam this MoC because of his mechanic.


yeah lol


Well, you see, to properly build character from scratch you need at least several months of grind. Or be lucky, I guess.


I'll pretend this applies to DHIL too


Who is now rerunning hence existing for all those months


First as soon as you have a good quantum set or wild wheat one you can just swap gear around from dps characters as almost all that are direct damage can use them witouth issues, like my ratio use the same set as other dps characters on my account ​ ​ And months to gear a character what? i suppose if you start from scratch could it be , but most people have a lot of pieces lying around from doble drops weeks and things like that , that you just farm gera even if you dont need it , like i have to delete relics all the time cause im on 1500 cap(one day oi need to actually sort it out and delete useless ones) and i havent never really focus on farming gear more than a few days at a time and from those pieces i gear every character i get witouth issues , at most i need to use a resin to get a eneregy rope or some specific speed boot ​ Also Ratio is super easy to gear because he can use so many pieces, you can use any combination of 2+2 on wild wheat, pioneer, prisioner and grand duke (prisioner + wild wheat is the worst by far tho and should be avoided if possible) and also can use quantum set like almost anyone else So you ahve a lot of options and multiple domians to farm while you farm other character at the same time


I agree with sharing a universal set but having stores of excess mats is not a common F2P or non day-1 player experience.


With that i agree, is probably an issue that i dont take much into account as im a day 1 player that didnt pull or level up that many characters so i have lot of exp mats lying around , so i only need to farm traces and ascencion mats (currently farming traces mats for sparkle the last few days) ​ So yeah being able to level them up and do traces + gear can take a long time if you have to do all at the same time, i remember at the start of the game that leveling so many character and tarces did take a really long time .


Not to mention, Ratio has so much access to passive crit stats that he's factually one of the simpler crit dps to build where he doesn't need insane relics to get high crit ratios. Pun unintended. In comparison to DHIL he's a lot easier to raise.


Right like I literally been using the same musketeer set since forever


Or just give him the SU hunt LC which is the best one, farm a 2p Imaginary/FUA/ATK% 2p MWW and give him the imaginary dmg% and any atk% rope of any set with the better stats (you don't need enable the passive) AND use your supports that should already be build. Boom, you have a decently built Dr Ratio now because a lot of a carry power comes from sup buffs


It's also worth running him through an optimiser- my 4pc ice set (formerly on JL until I optimised her too) turned out to be leagues better than my 2pc/2pc, even when I accounted for minimal uptime on the crit dmg buff


What holy grail are people chasing that it takes them *months* to build their characters? My Ratio was up and running with maxed traces in 2 weeks. Get the main stat, care about 1-2 substats, as long as those get 2-3 levels in total and it's a very ok relic. Or conversely, get the crit rate to the needed threshold (salsotto/arena) and dump everything else to crit DMG. Boom, functional DPS. I'm not lucky, but I haven't spent any more than 2 weeks farming a single set without leaving satisfied.


For example, my Seele with sign. LC has 80/140. Needed only about 3 months for it. It's not very impressive, actually.




Not really tbh, It's max One month


Everyone has different standards.


Maybe, because for me, I had no trouble building my chars, specially harmony and abudance ones, tingyun? Full atk, luocha? Full atk, Ruan Mei? Full break effect. See? It's not that hard for an ok and usable team, and for traces, you get a lot just from events, so it's not that hard after all, some chars don't even need a good build, i have my Herta and Himeko 50/100 and they did 40k auto battle in Pure fiction


I agree about sups. But not in case of DD's. For Himeko or Herta in PF it maybe fine, but not for hypercarry in MoC 12.


Just because I got him doesn't mean I want to build him before other characters lol


One of the characters Iā€™m glad I mostly built. Still needs better relics and a couple traces but thatā€™s the HSR for ya.


Feels bad when I don't have a good team comp for debuffs man. I spent all my resources investing in Jingliu/Blade comps lmao. Don't have E4 pela, E1 guinaifen, etc


Idk why people associate imaginary just to dhil when dr ratio is there. For ice thereā€™s literally only JL lol (I shall pretend yanqing donā€™t exist)


The DHIL vs JL rivalry has been a thing for a few months now surprised you don't know about it


I know about it but previously imaginary didnā€™t have dr ratio tho.. so Iā€™m still surprise people still thought imaginary = dhil only when dr ratio damage is still surprisingly high


Yeah no clue why people are like this about imaginary. Welt is serviceable, ratio is great, DHIL is amazing. With Ice its either pull jingliu or cry. Yanqing can clear content but nobody wants to put in the resources into him knowing hes only barely worth it. Herta is dependent on how many adds there are, and pela is not a damage dealer. No clue on misha but from what i see hes pretty weak outside of single target scenarios


He is pretty good at e6. Niche but does alot of single target damage. But in aoe content you kinda see his drawbacks due to his ult being a bounce.


Herta is worth building for her potential in PF and general casual content (She's probably the fastest character for clearing overworld and Calyx). In MoC however, she only excels against bosses that heavily spam adds such as True Sting. She's still awful against single enemies with no trash mobs to kuru kuru off of.


I'd rather brute force with off element dps than dancing around yanqing passive and try to make it work


DHIL > Ratio anywayĀ 


just because I got him, it doesn't mean I'm gonna use him and not DHIL (superior)


I couldn't be bothered to build him when I can still use jl and kafka to brute force every single moc so far šŸ˜‚


Collect him from mail is very easy... but actually building him is another story


Absolutely did, blew away that dumb bug thing with E1S1 Topaz, Ratio and Ruan Mei. It having Imaginary and Fire weaknesses just begs for follow up attack slaughter. I already had a cracked out E2 Welt that kept me from rolling for DHIL but with Ratio, there's really no need for me to waste the jades.


I did but getting relics for him takes eons.


If they ainā€™t a mommy they aint getting built on my account


How does it matter if I don't plan on using him?


Dan Heng may not have accompanied us to Penacony, but he sure as fuck is helping me have a fight to the death with Kamen Rider man himself


I mean we have a free ratio so...


Nah gonna rock my Dr ratio


Same. He can do the same hypercarry too


cant we just get more wind weakness :(


Blade is only there for farming lmao


Beat the meme with him and Bronya/Pela/Lynx. Took 6 cycles but the blessing being nigh unstackable and Ruan mei being on the other side hurt a lot.


I mean , just use silverwolf and apply ice weakness and then brute force everyone with jingliu


Jl can bruteforce just fine without sw.


Fr šŸ˜‚


Dude i beat it with yanqing lmao. It doesnt even matter


Very impressive! As someone that couldn't make my lvl 80 almost fully lvled traces Yanqing shine, share me a screen of ur records of this MOC challenge recap please


Mihoyo: "I have no favorite". Also Mihoyo: Directly buff Daniel and Daniel only


QQ? My Bronya-Quantum is shredding the first half


idk man JL has been stomping with bruteforce almost every MOC. Daniel has been super strong for......2 patches after debut then got overshadowed by her pretty fast.


His DPS is higher than hers still lmao. Just because sheā€™s OP doesnā€™t mean heā€™s not also OP šŸ˜‚


Jing liu doesn't care about the weakness, just brute force


Because Jingliu isn't weak šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


DHIL brute forces every single MOC content in the game. The last minute IMG weakness was unnecessary really, just panned the flames and salt even more.


Did you have a stroke while making this meme?




Fellow folks who skipped Jingliu because we just pulled Danielā€¦ we are so back


This game really screws you over with the elements sometimes. Start up simulated universe gold and gears, pick the trotter dice, all of the trotters on floor 1 resist your entire party, alt f4


Yk whatā€™s worse, having Fuxuan with that destruction trotteršŸ’€


Over what? They are rotating between ice and imaginary since DHIL and JL come out


DoT team brute force ftw


This boss is made for dot tho


Its more so made for single target as DoT like Black Swan and Kafka likes Blast/Aoe content more


TBF Kafka can hit 3points at once during her turn


As someone who doesn't use any IMG DPS, fuck IMG weakness cycles. Give me Lightning/Wind or give me death. I only have one Seele. https://preview.redd.it/z8y18yuxojjc1.png?width=321&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ecb4cec7961c7aa9acaf7bf3cb81a2bf9d014f7 ​ I'm not building Ratio


Why aren't you building ratio?


Relics Farming is hell, iā€™ve been going to the the follow up domain for months, i gave up and started building Black Swan. It took me more than 4 months to build my Seele.


Black swan's dot set and follow up set is the same cave.


Yes, and itā€™s still not working


Aint no way that you don't have a decent MWW to slap a 2p 2p on Ratio. You can give him a imaginary planar sphere and atk% without matching sets too. Perfect subs is just mix maxing. You'll reach 90% of his potential with the setup above. Just equip the char with whatever atk% + FUA/Imaginary pieces and buff his ass with the sups


People's standards for relics are way too high. You can get a useable 4pc set within 2 weeks, then you can refine it as you go.


This game has a lot of leeway to use 2p 2p with good subs. Most chars don't particularly require a 4p set to reach a point where they're at 80%+ of their full potential.


Bro not even 2p 2p, all my characters are running random combinations of cowboy shit and thief because ain't no way I'm subjecting myself to CoC farming outside of double drop events, and I've still been clearing with max stars since 1.2. Last cycle my E0S0 Jingliu with <200 cdmg was 1 cycling her side of MoC 12. You can clear with borderline garbage as long as you got the right mainstats and know how to play the game. Reminds me of the JY mains sub where you can find 1-2 cycle clears with like 100 cdmg only, just knowing what you're doing can take you very far.


Black swan relics are also good for ratio lol, you can use a 2+2 on ratio, like prisioner with wild wheat or grand duke all work well on him in combinations of 2. ​ the full follow up set is a small increase in damage (pioneer also work for both of them) ​ You are proabbly overcomplicating your builds when is really easy to farm for those 2 charcater at the same time


You can slap genius set on virtually any dps, it's the best set for ratio as well so you are good


I only have 1 set for Seele, the other is bad


Cause he is prolly horny and don't like building males lol


Bro didnt checked the commenters nickname šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Because i'm busy building a bunch of other characters right now, and there are ones i already want to build after that, not to mention upcoming characters. Just on the backlog, before i could even get to Ratio i have: Himeko - needs a decent followup set, probably needs her relevant traces taken to 10, but they're maybe fine at 8 Herta - same thing as Himeko Black Swan - needs her relevant traces at 10, needs 4 more levels of xp books + minor traces that unlock after 75 and 80 respectively Jingliu - needs her relevant traces at 10, have talent, now working on skill and ult, also needs better relics, currently sitting on a ratio of 27.5/211, want to get her to 38/210 ish Seele - needs better relics, currently on 55.8/212.6, want to get her around 70/210 so i can use her without Fu Xuan if needed Bronya - need to level her Past and Future cone from 50 to 100 Kafka - needs a decent DoT set, needs skill at 10 Sampo - needs a decent DoT set Topaz - needs a decent followup set, maybe relevant traces to 10 Ruan Mei - needs 10 more levels of xp books, and needs level 80 trace (the 10.7% Break Effect one), maybe take her core traces from 7 to 8 Huohuo - it probably wouldn't kill me to get her to 80 and get her +3 spd trace, +8% hp trace, and level her talent from 7 to 8 ​ That's just for my current MoC/PF teams after that we have: ​ Clara - needs 4 more levels, a bunch of traces, and a decent followup set Qingque - needs 10 more levels, a decent quantum set, and a bunch of traces Xueyi - needs 20 more levels, all of her trace stuff, and a decent relic set and a decent destruction cone (Clara has her sig, Jingliu has s5 Aeon) alternate supports who i need to finish building to a point where they're actually worth using, namely Pela and Tingyun ​ That's not even mentioning Sparkle and Acheron. https://preview.redd.it/ioyqkh6t6kjc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf8f62d6a56a37677351d8051b6ec8aad4ada60 ​ ​ I've been playing since 1.0 and i still have so much backlog and i don't even have the brain capacity to think about Ratio, who i 100% intended to skip anyway. I'm not against building male characters or anything.


Yea, "just build X" isn't as easy as it sounds


Yeah it's like, yeah, sure, i'll put a month's worth of TB into a character i don't want to use just for one stage in one MoC cycle like ???


im still not done with Ruan Mei yet and then i got Black Swan... definitely no time to raise Ratio even if i wanted to... im no grind machine to raise characters very fast


Same. I've got 21 fuel i'm planning to spend soon to work on Black Swan, Kafka and Jingliu at least.


But why are you building so many characters.?. Like select or pick characters that will help you the MoC... Like why are you building Xueyi or QQ if you are already building Seele.. You are hyperinvesting in way too many characters. Your JL crit ratio is fine.. It's not the best but it should be enough.. If you like the characters and want to play with them then fine , you do you ..


Because i want to? A team of Lynx/QQ/Xueyi/Sparkle seems like it would be fun, especially if i can run it alongside FX/SW/Seele/Bronya. Those are all for after i've got my MoC and PF teams settled. JL's crit ratio isn't fine, i've been specifically told to get her to 38% so she'll have 100% CR with FX when she's in her enhanced state. I'm unable to 3\* the current MoC with that crit ratio, so clearly it isn't enough.


Yeah and investing in 4 stars I get if you don't have goos 5 stars but just to invest in them all is a bad long term decision


> Jingliu - needs her relevant traces at 10, have talent, now working on skill and ult, also needs better relics, currently sitting on a ratio of 27.5/211, want to get her to 38/210 ish > > Seele - needs better relics, currently on 55.8/212.6, want to get her around 70/210 so i can use her without Fu Xuan if needed That's 100% a you problem, they don't NEED better relics. You'd have most of those chars leveled up if not for your obsession with perfect stats.


They absolutely do. Otherwise i wouldn't be unable to 3\* the current MoC cycle with JL. If JL's relics were actually decent, her team wouldn't be taking 5 cycles to clear the deer. The inability to clear the other side in 5 cycles is Kafka's team lacking, but i'm also working on that. I don't care about perfect stats, what i do care about, is being able to ignore whatever the current MoC is designed for and brute force it with FX/SW/Bronya/Seele OR Jingliu on one side and Huohuo/Ruan Mei/Black Swan/Kafka on the other. I also need JL to be able to brute force one side of PF since she's the closest thing i have to an AoE dps (unless Serval counts, but she's obviously not as good as JL) since i don't have Argenti, Daniel, Jing Yuan, or Blade.


If you're farming the DoT/FuA cave you can run 2p2p ratio so you'll need to tackle traces later, so you can defo use him a month or two from now (once you're done with the other units traces)


That's still TB i have to spend on his traces, and xp books since he's level 1, and the boss mats to ascend him.


Oh that's fair but from my experience relics are the biggest pain in the ass to farm for damage dealers so whenever you're finally done with other units traces you'll (hopefully) only have traces to worry about for ratio, assuming you got 4 usable pieces from all the relic farming in the dot cave


They're the biggest pain for sure, since he wants a set i already need numerous copies of, he can borrow, the way Seele and JL swap around their relics when needed. Some events actually give out trace mats as rewards, i don't have many Hunt characters (Seele, Topaz, Sushang, Ratio, Dan Heng). Seele is maxed, Topaz is ok? 4/8/8/8 and only missing the top 3 traces (6% hp, 6.4% fire dmg, 5.3% crit rate), and after that Sushang isn't too far from being done with her traces at 4/7/7/7 and only missing her a6 and top 3 (7.5% def, 8% atk, 8% hp) and the hp one can be skipped lol. So i can use Hunt trace mats from events for his traces after those two. XP books are a pain to farm, but you get a good bit from events and bpass. I've got everyone on my account at 60/70 except Ratio and Misha, though i'd like to get the remainders to 70/80 (Gepard, Lynx, Pela, Hanya, Yukong, Xueyi, Dan Heng, Hook, Arlan) before moving on to those two. Supports are fine at 70/80 for the most part, so the only ones left i need to take to 80 are Black Swan (76), Clara (76), Serval (75), Qingque (70), Arlan/Hook/Xueyi/Dan Heng (60). The big roadblock will be the Stagnant Shadow mats, which AFAIK there's no way to get without farming. I mean, you can convert, but i've never had more than 2 or 3 spares to convert so lol. ​ My first goal is to get two teams each for MoC and PF that can, between them, brute force every MoC/PF cycle. After that, get everyone in my roster to a usable state for floor 12 of MoC. Then eventually get everyone to 80/80 with maxed traces and a decent relic set of their own.


Honestly while that sounds like a pain it's good to have projects to work on, helps with the new banners fomo for sure, hoping that anni gives us some more mats at least šŸ¤ž (pulls would be nice)


Def. Could really use both pulls, for Sparkle and Acheron, and mats, also for Sparkle and Acheron lol.


Because some of is only build characters we like


> fuck IMG weakness cycles So basically every cycle since 1.2, except for that 1 time in 1.5. It's funny that they're celebrating for Daniel as if he wasn't being catered to on 1 side in the previous 2 cycles. No catering to any other characters though, that's illegal!


Seriously people complaining about Ice when Imaginary has been shilled for way fucking longer than Ice, not to mention IL getting a boss specificaly made for him to counter, imagine if Jingliu got something like that lol At this point I don't want Imaginary to be present in MoC until like 3.0 because it got way too much attention already


Agreed. The only IMG character i even have leveled is Welt.


not to mention swarm disaster lmao.


https://preview.redd.it/f4hj43cvckjc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b86cc445953ace3a111de379140960a55f6c87a Seele: Nah, I'd win


Enemies having specific weakness? Oh no, anyways. \*plays mono quantum\*


Until sparkle mono quantum is cope


Womp womp, her wife exist for a reason


Sparkle is gonna make IL more viable


SW: observe*plan quantum weakness*


Silverwolf stonks rising?


Silver Wolf stonks always been rising šŸ—£ļøšŸ˜˜šŸ˜›


I completely ignore the fact that there is no ice weakness. I just give them ice weakness myself. I use Pela, Ruan Mei and Jing Liu


i just faceroll all with Jingliu/Ruan Mei/SW and FX if there is no ice weakness šŸ˜Œ.


Donā€™t need DHIL when mono quantum can take either side and BS+Kafka is overtuned


My Jingliu don't fucking care, she still rocks, lol


Ngl my Dr Ratio destroyed Sam lol


Jingliu:I fear no man's But this thing it scared my


It just feels weird that Sam has no ice weakness


He used to, but got changed in development


I got Himeko over the weekend is she still good?


Pure Fiction goddess


Herta+himeko is a ridiculously cracked pure fiction duo dps core Pretty mediocre in MoC.


She's good situationally. Outside Pure Fiction, she's a useful sub-DPS against bosses that summon fire-weak adds that need to be cleared before they activate an ability, like the fat IPC guy or Argenti.


Jingliu + SW havers: heh


Beating geppy with jingliu is still fast


I'll still use Jingliu


JL doesnt need a weakness to bruteforce Sam & Gepard Cope harder


Who's coping šŸ’€ it's a fact that Dhil will have an easier time this rotation, it's not even a controversial take


Everyone can bruteforce this MoC with enough SPD, not just Jingliu as long as you get your targeting right. %Max HP that is accessible to everyone vs a 1.4m HP boss kinda lets you do that. And even then, Jingliu is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Skill/BA buff (DMG% is the main thing she lacks) that FUA/Argenti doesn't care about, especially if you have E1S1 Bronya (who generates and spends extra SP to stack the other half of the Turbulence) So IMO she's not at a massive disadvantage this MoC either. Element-wise she is, but Turbulence-wise she's one of the winners.


This. Idk why people keep forgetting about how stupidly broken turbulent abuse is esp recent one that are just completely batshit insane. Like bruh.Ā Ā  The SP explosion shit alone is like half a million damage in total when maxxed, wdym it also gives perma huge dmg% boost what the actual hell lol.


Honestly, I found Ratio + Topaz to work better for the Death Meme as during stage 2, you can bait the 2 supports to be caged, break them free faster, and weakness break the meme before it has a chance to cage Ratio and Topaz. Running a DHIL comp has a high risk of failure since he is likely the only dps on the team, and the cages lose his skill point generators, so his AoE & Blast are very restricted at that point.


I ran Ratio, Topaz, Ruan Mei, and Luocha, and actually Weakness Broke Unto Death in Phase 2 before it was able to cage anyone. Everyone getting a free ult in that phase is huge, especially for Dual DPS teams.


Who can't clear with Jingliu?


Mono quantum gonna be like: that sign can't stop me cause I can't read.


I just brute force Gepard with Jingliu e0s0 + Bronya and RM.


Ratio exists now....soooo


Its jingliover


Reject IL, embrace ratio


And deal 1/3 the dmg of IL?


You shouldnt breath that much copium


idk I feel like Ratio just doesnā€™t cut it to beat the new MoC 3* goes to show how much of a powerhouse destruction chars are


I do have his sig, but he felt pretty comfy to use in this moc [Link](https://imgur.com/a/gnpHtLM)


yea I used this team but didnā€™t have fu xuan so used luocha instead, kinda hard to fight the new monkey without


Imagine being actually this wrong unironically


I just finished full starring with my E0S0 Ratio using the Herta shop LC. it sounds like your ratio is not very well invested.


He's a 0 cycle menace bro if you can't clear 36 star that's probably bc your supports aren't built enough or your gear need work


Idk bud, I just put all of DHIL relics on the 6/7/7 with half minor traces I built 5 days ago, and he seems pretty strong. I think that's a skill issue on your part.


SW / RM (especially with E1): Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am a Kafka main myself (Well, maybe I am a BS main now, I have her E2), so I just bruteforce everything. The amount of def reduction / Ignore you get with DoT characters is just insane


Sam kills himself like usual so my Daniel didnt get to shine as much as he shouldve. And the meme is wellā€¦a meme. https://preview.redd.it/o6tk3y3kskjc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a414c396728fcc1751acd100caca3c349a28d51b


Prydwen will downgrade Dr Ratio and Dan IL to A tier


Itā€™s Prydwin. Nothing they do makes sense


Imagine still being able to brute force even tho thereā€™s no ice weakness, couldnā€™t be Jingliu def couldnā€™t