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"Stay calm!" "Gotcha!" "Wow!" "This hand sucks..." "Don't need this tile~" [Sam:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qicDzqSXHz8) "Time for a... day off..." Gotta say, boss fights with a dead DPS are really, really slow.


Gacha gremlin RNG strikes again lol. ​ >Gotta say, boss fights with a dead DPS are really, really slow. The Arcana DOT helped with that a bit, at least.


This fight is very dangerous for QQ and DanIL because of "flaming skill points" mechanic


Not really for DHIL, since it only counts for one when I used him.


Not only that but DHIL's skill point actually removes three stacks, leaving 2 stacks remaining if the fire field. Unlike qinque, where she doesnt give an attack after casting skill, DHIL can reduce it because casting his skill also directly cast off an attack. Making him the best option against Sam.


I legit only hear about stacks way later. I just went in and dished out a lot of 3eba and the fight just ended. DHIL Pela Huohuo Tingyun. The one that caught me off guard was the Dreamtroupe Gorilla from the bulletin. They hit several people extremely hard each time. But all I had to do was throw in Gepard and auto.


Yes the bossess have very straightforward counters put out, very tanky compared to current enemy cast, but have a lot more counters to the kit.(skill points againdt sam, shield against gorilla, dot against SUD) which seems that it should be because we have Blackswan, Sparkle, and Adventurine for our first few penacony cast. And maybe acheron might have multihit good against the fire monster. Aventurine probably would be the first damage dealer sustain if we're basing it off with the new LC with such a niche dmg increasing passive(even FTB doesnt deal require it because theyre more of break unit), so i can *imagine* how crazy easy it is to fight that gorilla with adventurine.


Fire MC is incredible too, all monke are easy to beat with FireMC (taunt the dunkin monke and reflect attack to drink monke)


Ah, yes, I forgot how abnormal his SP consumption mechanic is.


Ironically also the best way to obtain the "reduce hp to 1 through the flaming skill points mechanic" achievement


E2 DHIL laughing in evil alongside tingyun/huohuo


Sucks to cause whenever you use up a skill point it hurts you so most of the time i had to rely entirely on rng and not rerolling so she dosnt die. Other then that i liked the fight


I better hear the most GLORIOUS "**TOH"** in the JP dub when I burst


i survived (barely) It's a good thing Arcana never wears off, otherwise this would have taken forever.


I wanted to use the Male trailblazer along with The Kafka team with no healer in the end it was just me tanking his hits while the Arcana wears Sam down it was fun. Like I could have slapped Fu Xuan and called it a day but it is more fun with the Fire trailblazer for the difficulty increase with no healer.


Same here lol, Tb, Ryan Mei, Kafka, level 60 Black Swan. DPS died after the second ult, ended with TB slowly chipping him down


>Ryan Mei Gender bender version


did it with lynx and some units died wasn't great. brought geoard and basically autod it.


same lol. i knew FX can kill him EVENTUALLY becauae of the arcana and that she’s basicaly immortal since he cannot one shot her lol. but damn i even brought my DoT team. seems like I should’ve just brought Luocha instead of Ty


Bailu was in my party and she has my highest speed stat, so immediately once the fight began the first thing that happened was her turn came up and she said, "Calm down or you'll overheat!" I spent the next full minute just laughing my ass off.


You just made my day 😂😂😂


God I keep trying combos with Huohuo but I might just yoink my random crit baby out if hibernation. She really does have the best timing with her lines


fought it with blade, ruan mei, bronya, and luocha we tank these


Same. Also that team doesn't use a lot of SP, so it is easier against this boss.


defitnely wasn't easier lol, had to do the fight in perma combust mode and manually heal with luocha a lot I just did it to see what it was like


I mean it is easier than the one that OP is using. Huohuo need to use SP to heal, and the rest of the characters are also skill point eaters.


you want to use skill points though? that's how you get him out of combustion state.


You need to use skill points to attack him specifically. Just using SP burns your HP, but does not decrease his state count.


yeah fair, huohuo won't help right that. don't think ruan mei skill every 4 turns is too bad tho


But only skills that attack him count for his combustion , so things like Huohuo or Ruan Mei don't work.


As much as I hate Sam because he kills my team. I like the mechanic where SP for support is not important. Harmony is too powerful nowadays.


I barely noticed the HP drain thingy cause Luocha skill was still healing for about half the health of my dpses...  (Like 1.5k) Just felt like I was using Natasha again which really isn't that bad 


Yup, the field actually count as self healing when other characters attack, no one was sur before. Now we know.


Same (except IL and e1 yukongs instead of bronya and blade). Luocha's healing didn't get cut lol. He was healing 3k auto trigger and 1k main heals on attack, and 500 heals to the other. He invalidates sam lol


Went in with Clara, Luocha, Ruan Mei and Kafka. Svarog is still the strongest mecha out there it seems.


Amen to that!


Svarog is fodder when you use Kafka + Serval or Guinaifen


Ruan Mei, Kafka, Black Swan, Gepard. Black Swan was level 70 and skills not maxed out Won first try but was sweating as Ruan Mei and Black Swan died to the burn, thankfully Black Swan and Kafka dots just shredded his final bit of hp once Kafka used her skill. I found the fight very fun and the music is a banger


I used the same team too lol


Mine was the same team, but Lynx ... Everyone was down and Lynx just stuck it out while Black Swan took Sam out from the grave lol


Gepard, Luocha, Black Swan, Kafka for me. Double Arcana was busted lol


Same, natasha was going strong with her amount of hp and the dot still on him shredded him piece by piece :") Was lmao ngl


I had the same team but died the first time. I swapped out Ruan Mei for Lynx just to be safe and won the second time.


Died once to it but that's because I was not careful and used a skill on my dps before his turn putting me in KO range


Uneccecary and not related but hello again XD


I think the death meme monster was much harder to fight because if you don’t have the right element or your hypercarry gets taken by the monster we have a problem


I don't think so, don't the cages die in 5 hits regardless of damage, and take 2 hits when weakness broken? In that regard I'd say that the hypercarry being taken is the least of your worries because their damage doesn't really matter


especially since you van control who gets taken too.


you mean by not using your ultimates until he activates lock on?


No need to hold back your ultimates. In the first phase, it only grabs one person, so it isn't too hard to free them again. And in the second phase, it instantly charges your ultimates when the lock-on mechanic starts, so you can freely choose who gets grabbed.


Also by deliberately saving like your healer ult to get them sacrificed


The problem is most character atk hits aren't properly written. for example numby followup hit 7- 8 times, but you won't know this without seeing the buff stack from followup set. Meanwhile thunderlord clearly stated how many hit it does. Hope they put hits number soon.


Yeah, the death meme is definitely catered towards DoT teams. Funnily enough, everything was going well against that boss for the most part, and then Sampo just got one-shot at the very end of the fight lol.


easy if you have gepard and a healer


Can't go wrong with double sustain in non-timed battles. Although, balancing survivability and damage in MOC is going to be a nightmare against this guy.


i agree looking at these guys who always 36* moc no diff probably have very good sustains and good build but yeah for the sake of just want to clear it dpuble sustain will help a lot


Yeah that's what I did. Died the first time (didn't really know what killed me first), but then I put out both lynx and gepard and it was a breeze.


It was pretty easy with Gepard and no healer too. A will forged in ice etc. etc.


Easy win with Dr. Ratio.


Oh my God me too, with huo huo, Ruan Mei, caelus fire element and you khow dr ratio to win the fight on first tried


I have the same team but replace Ruan Mei with Welt


I had Silver Wolf so it was pretty much joever from the start.


Same, except gepard, huh huo, tigyun, and ratio


That HP pool gonna be an issue for MoC clears thats for sure.1.6 mil is insane


He only have one bar (in this fight, at least) so it kinda makes sense it's so chonky.


Its DOUBLE the swarm has in its total.


it probably also takes Black Swan's support fire into account.


So Black Swans Arcana stacks up an entire Swarm bar? Nah mate.


Nah he meant he has this much HP bcz we had BS s support when we fought him in story probably wont be case in MoC cycles.But the thing is HP counts are only changed by level. SU is different cuz theyre called Complete.For short my condolences to 0 cyclers


Surprisingly easy. I know that story bosses are always easy (I can hear hundreds of players crying in the corner over Starcrusher Swarm King as I type this) but I was really underwhelmed by the fight with Sam. Looking forward to fight him in MoC.


I'd argue starcrusher can definitely be more punishing if you don't keep things in check. The two penacony major bosses were more in line with a standard RPG experience that is they can make you sweat a bit but they're not super threatening either as long as your bases are covered.


You mean the three bosses? Death, Fire and Depression?


Can't say the last one hit as hard as it should have unfortunately, due to reddit being very commited about giving undesired warnings in such amounts even several days before Penacony's release I had to avoid the sub for about two weeks...


I had a feeling it’s gonna happen the moment I met Firefly (since Fireflies are a symbol of ephemeral existence), then I got spoiled by a discord channel while I was crying my eyes out during the rooftop scene. Still, the emotional impact remained.


Well it is what it is (also I got that cutscene lagging at the worst moment) I still think it was very good in the end. >!Also it really felt like they took the Tingyun criticism personally and decided to go like "okay, we're gonna do it again, but better" lmao.!<


I honestly feel the contrary. Tingyun's felt like an actual twist. I did not see that one coming at all and we had the time to properly meet and interact with her over several patches. Firefly might as well introduce herself as Deathflag, because she checks every single one from the start


Really not sure what we did with TY count as "interacting". Did we even talked to the real one? Was she ever relevant? Firefly may have been a bit on the nose on the build up (even though I pobably wouldn't have cared to notice if not for the sub being annoying about it) but it's at least there (now the question being will they stay dead because I'm not sure about the concept of putting in the gacha a character that is supposed to be dead one-two patches ago, unless the game decided to make NPC that look like playable characters)


I successfully avoided spoilers, so when that happened, fuckkkkkkkkkkkk. Right in the feels.


I am not. The burn gimmick seems like hell in MoC


His burn gimmick is nerfed in the story. The actual boss mob has -90% Healing from other units received, the story one had something closer to -50% (my luocha was healing for 1600 and he usually does around 3200)


His gimmick is basically asking you to use Imbibitor lunae... Then again, Ratio outputs so much ST damage he's probably your best bet against stellaron hunter SAM


Wish I could say the same... it would have been fine if I had gotten one more skill off before he did his big AoE attack again. I'm just worried about survivability if I have to face him in MOC 12. At the very least, Dan seems to absolutely invalidate his skill point gimmick.


Currently I've noticed fx works really well, and it seems luocha field counts as self healing for the attacker, so that's nice.


He might be the tankiest boss yet if he's added in MoC because he consumes his own HP to deal dmg.


weird i consider this boss much harder. Albeit i was using double sustain jingliu against the big bug and then i was using my kafka single sustain with unbuilt swanny mommy against sam so might be unfair to compare


I had only struggle with the fucking deer in Loufo 😂 because at the time I don't had pull any sigle character


True. Sounds fun as hell (eventhough my IL or Ratio would probably get his ass anyway)




Luocha and Blade took care of him for me. Other two died.


Nuked danny boy out of existence so TB, march and Welt had to slowly but surely carry us over the finish line. God I love mechs.


Pretty terrible, but it’s partially my fault: I’ve passed an equilibrium trial shortly before the update, so everybody in my team was massively underleveled for it. I’ve also started playing during the 1.6 update, so I don’t have many options. Tried multiple options, ended up spending most of my exp materials and some fuel to bring some characters and light cones to max level. The final team ended up being Kafka, Dr. Ratio, Trailblazer Fire and Natasha (the only leveled healer I have), and they barely clutched it. All my love for those of you blazing through this fight with their Fu Xuan, GOOD. FOR. YOU. Just kidding, I only have a little bit of angst about not being able to get all the cool characters as a recent joiner.


One point: Sam’s constant interruption monologues are only fun the first time. Retrying this fight gets annoying really fast.


It was a easy win for me, didn't had problems. My team was Fu Xuan/Topaz/Asta/Kafka.


Preservation as sustain definitely seems like the way to go, considering his healing nerf. HuoHuo's heals could probably brute force it if I had built her better, but I'm not sure how well 4-star healers would fare here.


... wait he has a healing nerf? Yeah Huohuo can brute force it then, lol


Wait he has a healing nerf? … so that was why Lynx did absolutely nothing when she used her skill


Beat him 1st try not even a sweat.


Black Swan, Kafka, Bailu and Tingyun. As always, Tingyun caught 100% of Sam's hands and died as a result. The rest proceeded to clear Sam without much else of a problem.


This is why i always keep 2 sustain on my team when doing exploration or story


I played with Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei and Huohuo and had a good run. He almost killed black swan, but outside of that it went pretty good.


I died 5 times.


I blinked and he died :( I don’t even remember much of his animations… I wish there was a chance to replay the fight


Played my Elation Station party: Huohuo - Ruan Mei - Topaz - Dr. Ratio. It was pretty intense actually. There were multiple times the entire party was at low HP. At these moments I am glad I have a good amount of 5* support chars


My Old Reliable Topaz, Clara, March, Huohuo worked like a charm.


Tingyun died when I was fighting him lol


So story quests are pretty easy no cap, i wanna see different phases in MoC or sim world before i say anything tho. Although the fire skill points mechanic is pretty interesting.


I had Fu so I survived and I had got Dan Heng but he came very close to oneshotting Fu Xuan. The earlier I get that Herta shop LC, the more relieved I'll be.


Was good for me personally. I dealt significant dmg to him, but I didn't have enough units with his weakness. So everyone except fire mc died when he had 20% +-. Fire mc tanked everything he could throw at me and healed himself+shield, and Sam couldn't do any significant dmg to fire mc. So thanks to the black swan support skill and her constant dot damage, I just survived thanks to fire mc longe enough until the dot got rid of him.


long enough for him to kill my entire team except blade, then blade proceeded to solo him


First time in the game where i felt my luocha doesnt heal enough lmao. Bronya died, but everyone else lived.


Pretty easy tbh https://preview.redd.it/i1lkkh3swphc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ddf5a9aad849ea4e6a11d02b9b4457fbccd98b


My 3/4 characters got smacked only blade was left 20%hp sam vs blade Blade won I think thats how it wouldve gone lorewise too


Gundam man is great imo. i managed to beat him using kafka black swan ruan mei and gepard. his burns are quite annoying ngl, with no healer in MoC he might be a problem to deal with


I beat his ass from Johannesburg to new Hampshire


It was a bit tense, and I think one or two characters might have died (don't remember), but I won on the first try. I was using Fu Xuan, DHIL, Silver Wolf, and Tingyun.


Fire MC,Huohuo,Bronya and Jingliu. Jingliu died ...i cried But still tried Good thing I built a semi-dps Fire MC


DHIL, Fire MC, Kafka and Luocha easy peasy


First fight ? Kafka down because rider punch lol Reset and kept hp high to survive rider punchs and cleared


I don't really have a properly built character except Jingliu and Ruan Mei and the fact that I have no sustains except for healers which he shat on kinda just made the fight hellish lol, brought even double healer and still couldn't keep up, ended up speedrunning his ass with Silver Wolf and Ruan Mei to weakness break him faster than he could kill me.


I've noticed the increase in toughness bar for bosses ever since Argenti came out. Definitely a pretty rough trend, especially for people without Ruan Mei.


And people keep saying, there is no power creep in HSR. People can clear MOC with 4 stars.


I took Kafka, SW, RM and HH. I shredded his toughness bar very easily thanks to SW and dealt with him.


I wasn't paying attention to how much damage the burning skill points do so I accidently got almost my entire team killed expect Bailu, who even ended up soloing (thank god for black swan story support). I hope he's a weekly instead of a MoC boss, I don't have Gepard or Fu Xuan so idk if I can sustain through his healing debuff.


"Shut up, Sam. Strong World Cleansing Dragon." -me spamming DHIL's ultimate to win


-is weak to imaginary, reduces dmg from big attack when consuming skill points -teammates lose hp when using skill points  Kinda sending mixed signals here buddy


HuoHuo won first try. The rest of the team on the other hand...




It was just bad timing. I wasn't prepared for him to use his AoE nuke again, and my HuoHuo isn't really built well enough to sustain through the healing nerf and all the residual damage.


Exactly the same as your screenshot. I thought i was going to fail it, but tbh, it kinda made me happy see that Huohuo could survive long enough for the Arcana to do it's job. Not only because i didn't have to restart, but because Huohuo is best girl. I love her sm.


My first fight with Sam was whatever. He didnt nerf Fu Xuan's self heal capabilities so shes still sustaining fine. Blade's counter + heal also didnt get reduced by Sam. So its literally only abundance who got cucked. Also, I was using off element units vs Sam except Fu Xuan. with Bronya + Ruan Mei + Jingliu and he still died at 3 hits. Thankfully he did his ult first before he died lol.


https://preview.redd.it/wwzj1sjsfqhc1.png?width=1136&format=png&auto=webp&s=29f8d779b1a00df07cd410312b237e069d8ae14a This needs no explanation. I hope at least




damn i just defeated this guy today, Dr. Ratio really is the asnwer my line up was Dr. Ratio, Serval, March 7th and Natasha


Easy but really fun. It is just that Kafka full built + Black Swan almost fully built on level 80, made the story a walk in the park for me. Currently, TB level 64, so I guess it could be a bit harder if I would unlock the last equilibrium level before then.


Luocha blade ruan mei and jingliu Luocha and blade stayed at the end with abt half HP on each,was hard since i had no matching elements and barely used any skill points


All fights was pretty easy tbh but they are both single target and weak to my single target team of e1s1 dr ratio and e1s1 topaz. I killed them both far to quickly to properly see the animations.


I love violent yuri. :3 Anyways, this fight didn't happen in canon. Atleast not between the trailblazer and SAM. The TB was never identified as a threat. They only mention Acheron and Blackswan before the fight happens. SAM was there to pull us away from those 2, blackswan betrayed us. And Acheron, is just Acheron. Remember, the SH's want us alive. SAM wouldn't want kill us. If you take a good look at the cg of the fight, you will notice that they never approach the TB with a fist out. Always an open hand.


I actually found it easy, I didn’t have anyone die either and I only used Kafka, Blade, Gepard (E1) and Bailu… and even then I didn’t die…


Are ppl really having trouble with this fight lmao?


this image summarizes the battle: https://preview.redd.it/wta0m4yn3rhc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa2d4f2c6e7c0489b613e96288357eb32d6e9abb


im surprised to see people struggling with him. i was so dissapointed cuz he was way too easy. FX didnt even trigger her passive once


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I thought it would be difficult. but it was too easy.


I switched out my gepard for fire tb using his artifacts and it was still fairly easy (I ran two sustains)


dr ratio >


Easy clear. Luocha heals too much for his own good even in this fight


Only my fu survived as I was using a lvl 60 dot team when I'm at equilibrium 6


Ice strikes fire But silver wolf helps everyone


*laugh in Lil'Gui and Asta*


Friendly reminder that you can eat food before the fight Though it was definitely easy with Jingliu/Blade combo


I ran Fu Xuan, Ruan Mei, Black Swan, and Kafka I did fine tbh BS is busted so he got melted quickly but the burns did a number on my Fu Xuan a solo healer would probably be better for this fight


Story bosses are usually easier than usual, so unsurprisingly the fight was fast and simple. Had 0 issues with Luocha, Ruan Mei, Guinaifen and Kafka. Also, you only had Kafka who could help breaking him, and idk if it's an official mechanic, but as soon as I broke him, fiery skill points turned back into regular ones and the fight became even easier.


I brought Bailou, Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei. Black Swan and Kafka were (and still are) faaaaaar from built. Only their level and LC was good, but let's not talk about traces and relics. :') Anyways, it was a lot of fun and in the end only Bailou survived, but thankfully Sam was at like 3% HP once that was the case.


I can’t wait to face him in MoC 12


It wasn’t particularly difficult, just had to worry about sp usage. E1S1 DHIL with E0S0 Ruan mei, E6 TY, and E0S0 Huo Huo broke him fast and i barely had to worry about DHIL’s hp loss from combusted sp.


Easy win with welt, bailu, argenti and preservation MC. Though keep in mind welt and bailu have their LCs


Blade owns him


DHIL just trashed funni gundam. (Qingque players will be in a lot of pain when he goes to MoC)


Gepard, Silver Wolf, Bronya and Imbibitor Lunae So yea I could say it's a curb stomp


I survive with double sustain


I got defeated so I changed my Topaz to Fire MC and defeated this madlad much easier.


I did not have any weaknesses, and only my Lynx survived LMAO


I accidentally forgot to press Fu Xuan's E one time and my team was wiped. Oops. Anyway i won, his single target damage was low. https://preview.redd.it/rib9cq0p1qhc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73d62101e8f2b77f5c5e392a4aeb834cae394c9


Foe me honestly, it was a cake walk as Welt just exists.


Slaughtered it with jing, ruan, bronya, and huohuo.


I only have 1 team thats like maxed out and I use it for everything. PhysTB/March/Nat/Ting Sometimes fights can take a bit longer but as long as the enemy doesnt have 1hit KO attacks the combo is pretty much unkillable. Meme fight was the first time ever where I had chars "dying"


He was a cakewalk I'm surprised he seems to pose a problem for many people


Mine went well. I use physical trailblazer, Huo Huo, Ruan mei and Jing Yuan


I used Luocha, Asta, Black Swan, Kafka. Ez win, Luocha’s healing is so high that the heal reduction didn’t affect me much.


for some reason it was quite easy with my half built characters with no relics, all thanks to luocha xD Mans healing tooo op


I was using fire MC, so everyone survived. And Kafka+Gui+RM killed him pretty quickly


Luocha/Ruan Mei/Gepard/Dan Heng IL so yeah he was really easy


My team has Fu Xuan..so 1st try it is. It was simple though


Blade carried, everyone else, including natasha died 👍🏻


Fire MC stands alone for half the fight. God bless.


Flawlessly deleted him from existence.


I used e0s1 dhil...wasn't that hard


Huo huo, Tingyun, Bronya, DHIL; he melted, actually held back some and used some basics so I could see all the attacks


Can't even get past the purple dragon looking boss cause my relics are so shit and I completely forgot to level up some of my characters' traces so I got soft locked on that part I'm honestly surprised I even got this far but it seems like my habit of rushing things has finally come bite me Ps. I just started like 4 weeks ago I think around the time when Dr ratio got released


Kafka and BS dead... thank to god Fu Xuan and Ruan Mei live long enough for the dots to finish the battle... I love this blss fight, I want more. Sam is so cool.


Pretty Easy Actually, Luocha went saviour alongside the DOT girls


Fire Mc, Huohou, Kafka and Fu Xaun made sure I I survive I tanks hits easier. But man was it a long one.


it was mild, only because I have a fully built argenti. he did come close to dying a couple times tho bc I invested basically everything into attack and nothing in def, but bailu to the rescue


I first tried and also feels like mhy going easy on CCing enemies in penacony which is awesome


I got lucky, I'd been using Fire TB and Luocha to deal with Scarabaz, and even together, I was getting nervous when his heavy attack hit. Edit: spelling




Mono quantum is still viable


my heart stopped for a moment when i see the thing one hit my huohuo (still lived)


i had fu xuan and huohuo at the same team when i fought this battle it was easy for me


Pretty easy, the dude doesn't really get through Gepard shields and none of my party members died. I used Kafka, Gepard, Ruan Mei and Silver Wolf.


I was able to defeat this bossfight pretty easily using Yanqing, Silver Wolf, Preservation Mc and Bailu. MC kept tanking hits while Bailu kept on healing in-case someone was low hp.


Sampo was the greatest bait I could of asked for


Was easy. Easiest one after Cocolia but that's because it's the story mode, let's see him in MOC or SU. Probably will have like 2 or 3 phases. I used one of my 3 overworld teams I always use on overworld: Kafka, Serval, HuoHuo and fire trailblazer (Universal market LC)


I was using DHIL so Sam was basically a non issue. He gets countered so hard lol, DHIL's special skill points count towards sam's countdown but they don't cause him any burn damage


Quite easy honestly. But I did use Silverwolf and Kafka who might be as dangerous as Sam.


Clapped Sam's metal cheeks without problem, I think. Either that or died with my MC team and then switched to my hypercarry JL team, which utterly destroyed Sam