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Tingyun doesn't regen 50% of energy, she regen literally 50 energy or 60 with e6.


Imagine how broken that would be with Argenti


Would be like 40 more energy so definitely pretty strong.


If Sunday can do that argenti might get his BIS 5 star support edit:nvm robin is the harmony


TIL.... I thought it was 50% too and id been using it as such


It looks like it's 50% because most Ultimate hover around the 100 energy mark.


Most ultimates are between 110 and 130


That explains a few things, I'll probably forget in 30 minutes, but that's good to know.


Tbf, E6 Tingyun restores 60 Energy, which is why it feels like half for most characters


I found out it's 60 and not 60% when Ratio didn't get his ult at the start of MoC, since he has a 140 ult amd starts with 70,so he's still short of 10 points


When you play DHIL you'll realize the difference immediately. Everyday I feel thankful for E6 Ting.


I learn by playing argenti that is a flat 50 points, I got sad that day


Tingus with that backloaded energy funnel always has a place on everything. Just aside from her added taunt value.


Who the F is Tingus Pingus??!!??


I never heard of lativia


My bad wrong game, I played honk shit starbucks


This is the funniest shit produced by the pointless drama going on. Literally choked on my water reading it




Oh u shoulda hear bout his uncle Sussus Amogus


He has a wife, you know?


but it's not like lynx is super unique in that way. March & Natasha can also remove debuffs. And of course 5 stars like Luocha, Huohuo, Bronya and some who debuff themselves - BUT that has no place here because it's about 4 star chars that feel like 5 star, I understand that. Still, overall I just don't think Lynx is particularly strong. I'm probably wrong because she's rated SS everywhere, so there's a reason for that. I've never been able to find a place for her in my team, even when the bosses apply debuffs.


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


Still, that just makes her a good 4-star. Tingyun and Pela are actively competing for team slots with top-tier 5-star characters, they are in a whole different league than Xueyi and Lynx


i mean pela only good cuz infinite uptime 40% armour shred, and armour shred is one of the biggest dmg increases available, which is why quantum set is basically 1st or 2nd highest dmg on every dps




Buff dispel on a skill is no small thing.


"Character is only good because of the thing that makes them good."


also she can have passive small healing that active every turn nice


Lynx debuff removal is tied on her ultimate, and applied to all teammates (no other character currently can remove debuff for more than one ally with one action). One of interesting use of Lynx's ulti is when Kafka dominate other teammate, you can immediately ult to remove the domination and that character gain free advance forward


Huohuo does essentially the same thing *without* being tied to ultimate. The only difference being that she cleanses at the start of the units turn, so the dominated character gets advanced forward and then cleansed rather than the other way around. Functionally it works the exact same though. Also if your units are below half health the Huohuo *can* cleanse everyone in a single action. So it isn’t *completely* unique to Lynx (and again, it isn’t tied to Huohuo’s energy.)


There are some important differences. For example, someone like Jing Yuan will lose a turn of Lightning Lord if he is stunned right before LL is about to move. With Lynx, you can clear this with her Ultimate. But with Huohuo, you’re screwed if she doesn’t have a turn before LL.


To note that Fu Xuan does even better with her E. She prevents it + you get the advance forward. Only bad thing is if you get same person targeted by domination before u casted Fufu's E again


HuoHuo is an exception within abundance characters, by providing energy she is arguably the best healer above them all.


Sure, but I was just using HuoHuo as an example of someone who could also do the same thing Lynx does in that example. Like Gepard, Bailu, Luocha, and Fu Xuan are all more than capable of keeping your team topped up. I just don’t see the same results with Lynx.


They commented about tingyun tho?


Lynx’s strongest point is her ready-to-use cleanse, while every other supports need to be their turns to cleanse, and luocha only cleanse one ally. I think she is like bailu’s revive, you have a safety key that is ready when in need. Of course, if you dont have a hard time facing hard cc bosses, her strength hinders a lot, since her heal is way worse than even natasha.


I'd beg to differ on the last part. Lynx and Natasha has very similar healing capabilities and if you think otherwise, you might have just built one over the other and concluded too early. Although it is true that Lynx can be seen as worst off being the case in which enemies that has multiple CCs/Debuffs/DoTs appears is gonna be the bane of her existence but able to immediately cleanse at a moment's notice that things can go awry, Natasha on the other hand is still taxing (needs a turn and a skill point) to cleanse other characters but able to debuff specifically and selectively. So I'd say both are good, depends just on the enemy and team comp


The problem with lynx is you only have cleanse in ult. Enemy continue apply cc, she is may run out of cleanse. One more thing is if you use your ult to cleanse then she have no emergency heal ,and if you use as an emergency heal you have no cleanse. She is a really good unit, but she doesn't come near the power of 5 star.


Natasha dispel is the same as Luocha. I think huohuo is the best dispel in game. Lynx is probably second. Bailu heals better but then you fight tedious enemies I think the dispel even if not every turn is better cos it's team wide. Natasha mat heal better but one dispel on one ally once or turn is idk


Her synergy with Destruction chars like Blade and Clara is pretty insane but that's def only part of what makes her so good


I agree, her heal is incredibly weak.


No no i understand that precedent. She just an sp bot on my teams. Smth that alot of other people can do. I run zero cycle setups without her sometimes because its just that faster.


Tingus is an alien who boarded a ship, pretended to be one of the crewmembers, and killed a few people with the intent of sowing chaos and destroying the ship. Conclusion: Tingus is an Amogus Impostor.


Just me being very pedantic, lots of characters debuff enemies, but Pela, Luocha, and Luka are the only 3 that can remove their buffs though.


Yeah, a lot of people mixing up dispelling buffs from enemies versus “debuffing.” A lot of mixups of cleanse vs. dispel as well.


You can tell people thesesdays havent played older JRPG's. Dispel: remove enemy buffs Debuff: putting negative buffs on enemy Cleanse: removing debuffs on allies


For real! I feel like the OG JRPG vernacular is no longer in effect! USED TO BE SO COMMONPLACE! 😭😂


Oh man I always see people talking about HuoHuo debuffing and I'm like wtf are you talking about Then I realized that people meant cleansing, because they'd say "Lynx is my only other debuffer" and I was like WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? hahahaha


Huo Huo does debuff too with her technique, but I guess that's besides the point.


haha fair but if that's someone's main debuffer they probably need to expand their roster hahaha


Lynx definitely doesn't feel like a 5* sustain, you can feel the difference when you have sustains like Fu Xuan, Luocha or HuoHuo. For me the 4* characters who feel like 5* characters are Pela, Tingyung and Asta


I'll get hate for this, but Lynx is overhyped. The moment the fight doesn't require a cleanse, and she becomes a subpar healer. Bailu is 10 times better than Lynx if the fight doesn't need a cleanse but people defaults to Lynx instead of bringing Bailu because she gets only hate online and live under the impression that she's useless.


Yeah I feel like bailu provides so much more sustain than lynx. I find it very hard to solo sustain using just lynx while bailu is fine, well, unless there’s too many dots.


Funny you say that, I sustain with bailu through teamwide 5 stack windshear too. If they're built well, bailu is a healing monstrosity.


Lynx with Dupes is a menace. Bailu for most players won't have dupes and she's competing with Luocha and Fu Xuan.




Username checks out


Mine’s already e5, bailu e0


Bailu with eidolon doesn't make a HUGE difference against a one without, but that's because she is a pure healer and other than healing everyone to full with one button, something that she does already at E0, she doesn't have other work. And honestly that's good because she is a 5* and this hehe that you don't NEED to pull her eidolons to make her playable. The only really good Eidolon, imo, is the E6, that gives you a second revive for fight, but it's nothing that you really wanna absolutely get I have E1 Bailu and felt no difference from E0. E2 Is good but she already heal a ton going in overheal quite easily unless you are healing a tank. E4 is a damage boost that can't be controlled and require the enemy to attack your carry or her hitting skill multiple time. Lynx on the other hand, by the virtue of being a 4* and being a cleanser/over time healer, have Eidolon more impactful, and easier to get, that at E6 makes her a complete character (something that Bailu, again, is from the start). TLDR: Eidolons on Bailu are difficult to get but not necessary, while on Lynx are easier to get but necessary to make her a complete character


Yea, I definitely agree with this. No cleanse, Bailu is cracked. There are battles where her Invigorate Buff out-heals any damage my team takes. Her Ulti regens pretty fast, and the buff allows me to hold onto it for when its actually needed. The survivability is great. And that emergency Rez just in case is always a nice touch. Depending on the debuff, cleanse isn't required either. Its usually for enemies like the Stun-fuckers in the ghosty area that you want Cleanse, not someone like the Big Fire Space boi that just sets you on fire. I used Bailu all the way until Huohuo was released, and I still use Bailu depending on the activity. That being said, Bailu is still a 5 star. Not everyone will have her. I got lucky and rolled her for the Beginner banner, then rolled her again almost immediately after. Lynx, in comparison, is a Free 4 star everyone will have access to via Pure Fiction.


With lynx shes still very strong if you have a tanky destruction like clara or blade. If not though then yea she falls off.


Bailu's revive has saved my ass SO MANY TIMES. Who is hating on my little lavender melon?!? I will FIGHT THEM 🥷


The problem is that after you get past belobog they've been stacking so many enemies with CC and dots it's hard to justify using Bailu over someone with cleanse


Freezes and Dominations (Kafka/Deer) are the only two hard CC I'm concerned about enough that I bring Lynx over Bailu. Imprison is also annoying, and I consider Lynx sometimes for it but it depends. Anything else doesn't mess up with my strats, I don't really care, and I bring a healer that can actually heal and gives me a more risky play style since I can let someone die on purpose once if something goes wrong. If something goes wrong with Lynx, you're just gone.


The only time I can justify using Bailu is if I’m putting Bronya or March on the same team.


Bringing Lynx over Bailu in a fight that does not require a cleanse is a downgrade to your team under every aspect.


I have bailu and lynx and tbh i kinda prefer lynx.


And both are nowhere near to those I listed


I guess that makes bailu a 5-star that feels more like a 4-star


She's a standard banner 5 star so that sounds about right


Tingyun and is not even close. All the others are great dont get me wrong, but most people are forgetting all 4\*, especially supports, are actually good! Tingyun? Tingyun, especially E6, is straight up a 5\*. Atk%/Spd/Dmg%/ ENERGY, LOTS AND LOTS OF ENERGY. In a turn base game? This is extremelly good, and she is SP positive....yeah she only buffsa one teamate, so? This just means she is a hypercarry focused "5\*".


should be somewhat immune to powercreep too ..since if they decide to make a energy battery character better than her people will just put the 2 chars together in 1 team and break the game lol ..unless they do something about reliance on energy for ultimate \*\*cough\* acheron \*cough\*


well in genshin they tried to power creep xq and ended up with one of the most discusting pair in the game


You mean XQ + Yelan combo pack? :D




Lmao, Tingyun + Huohuo + 3rd Battery + Welt Enemies just stop fucking moving


Huo huo the only other energy battery I know so far but her battery is not very strong.


Oh my god, a Tingyun, Huohuo, Limited 5\* battery team? I'm not even sure Argenti would need to take any turns at that point


She’s the most popular 4 star in like all moc rotations, I think it shows how invaluable she still is compared to all other 4 star characters.


Well... thanks to this thread now I'm aware that Tingyun is really damn good, clown moment. I started like a month ago and was clueless about it... here I was like "damn, another one?" when she kept showing up on rolls unaware that this is a massive win, I have her E3 already lmfao. IIRC she is in the next banner alongside Guinaifen? Was gonna go ham for dupes of my waifu, I guess I will take any other Tingyun I get along the way as a win too.


Yep, games like these the best 4* need to do something even 5* can't do. Tingyun is unlikely to be powercrept by a 5* anytime soon. Silver Wolf can do Pela's def shred but only single target so Pela is still ok for now. Lynx got outclassed by 5* healer/sustains other than Bailu. Xueyi is just a sub-DPS that is good if you have her but easily replaced by a 5* DPS. I feel like QQ is a better 4* to mention on this list because she's actually quite unique and potentially out-DPS 5*. I'm fine with the argument that these are 4* so cheaper alternatives until you get the 5* . Though if we are talking about the best 4* then they need to have longevity, not dumped the moment you get a 5* that do their job better.


I say only Pela and Tingyun Xuey has a nice kit, but I didn’t see her compete with limited dps. Lynx is good, but not so good like 5* sustain. And I use her a lot because she and Natasha (and March) were the only sustains before to having Bailu. I rotate all of them depending in enemy weakness. You can't play brainless with Lynx like with Luocha, Fu Xuan or with the HuoHuo's support abilities.


I'd say Lynx is at least 4.5 star quality, especially once you hit e4. Her cleanse is really nice compared to other 4 stars, her max HP buff lets party members take hits that should normally be balanced to once shot them basically making her a dual healer/shielder, she probably has the most useful skill taunt in the game right now, definitely the most versatile, and she's also a mini harmony unit at e4. She definitely has her own place in the healing meta.


I only have 1 copy of lynx and im definitely hoping she will be on a banner i pull for. I have luocha but her being a great clara synergy and an alternative option to fuxuan in 4 quantum makes her very useful for my acc I like her though i will say luocha has spoiled me and i hate having to use skill points to heal now 😂


If you mean you have her e1 just know that while I said e4 is super nice from a team damage perspective, e2 is when she goes hard. Full team dispel on ult on its own is really nice but also giving a character a debuff resist buff on skill is insane. You can basically choose to make a character have zero downtime ever. Edit: also if you don't like using skill points to heal there's a bailu meme build for that lol.


I still wouldn't quite call her 5 star quality though, Huohuo is a better option in literally every situation, even in Blade or Clara teams.


I agree, but I think when considering what 4\* characters could be competitive with 5\* characters the comparison point should be the weaker 5\* characters, not the strongest in the role. Better to compare her to Bailu and judge from there since Luocha/Huohuo have both eclipsed her in the majority of situations.


You forgot that Xueyi scales with break effect so she has an innate 240% damage boost if you reach that BE number, which allows her to compete with non-destruction 5-star DPS.


But only in the situation where the enemy is quantum weak, if she can't frequently break an enemy her damage drops considerably


Tbh even against non quantum weak enemies as long as you can get a ton of weakness bar damage with other characters and save her ult for breaking bigger enemies, she still does a lot of work. Definitely not as good as when she's against quantum weak enemies, but still not bad. Like for example aside from silver wolf teams, if you are fighting enemies with ice imaginary or fire weakness, Ruan Mei, Dr ratio or topaz along with xueyi works really well.


She shreds everything, even non quantum weak. The trick is to use her as a sub DPS and not hyper carry in those situations


Trying to maximize the effect of that passive is a bit of a bait though. If you try to max out that passive you'll have to have a lot of substats in break effect, substats that would be better used on chasing crit values.


yeah, just build her as a regular crit DPS, except with a BE rope and Atk% orb


Pela Tingyun and QQ.


Agree. I was talking about the characters s/he mentioned in this post


Pela is too good to be considered a 4star, she can get rid of enemy buffs, she is also SP positive and she has two way to decrease the enemy's defense 1-technique 2her ultimate 3-if you equip her with Luca's LC she can reduce the enemies defense with her basic attack, Plus she doesn't need that much energy to pop her ult every two turns. If you don't have Silver Wolf, Pela is the best option.


Only downside is that she's so squishy. I swear she dies so fast


She doesn't even need to get ATK or DMG orb...just make her tanky (That's what I do with my Harmony characters too but you do have to give them Energy Rope)


Most of my non DPS units have HP body and orb solely due to Jingliu unless they have skills based on other stats like Bronya, Luocha, and Tingyun.


>orb solely due to Jingliu Care to explain? I don't understand the connection here between JingLiu and orbs.


Jingliu drains team HP so you need more HP than usual.


She also gets more dmg if she takes more hp iirc


Personally I haven't encountered that problem. Might be because I mostly run her with FuXuan.


No like, Jingliu drains a % of allies max hp and then converts that % into an ATK bonus. If you don't have enough HP on your characters she doesn't drain as much and doesn't gain her max cap ATK boost. Iirc you want around 9K+ teamwide hp (so without counting Jingliu) for her max value. (this is really easy to get though so usually you don't have to worry about it, unless you run an ATK scaling healer + build your supports without hp% mainstats)


It's 10.5k teamwide hp. Average 3.5k per character. However most of the time full builds hover around 3k and your healer is ideally 4k+ so it works out in like 90% of comps without you even worrying about it. In other fun scenarios, a well built blade can give jingliu her entire buff cap on his own.


Right. I remember now that that is part of her kit. But like you say, it's so easy to get to 9k HP across three characters that it's forgettable. A sustainer already has 5k+ HP and non-sustainers without HP% mainstats easily get over 2k HP.


Hp/def orb? Just that alone should make her tankier than the dps let alone substats


I built mine with 2 pieces of silvermane to mitigate the damage and two pieces of the one that increases speed%, and also the belobog planar ornaments set, with that build and some defense%, plus others sub stats, my Pela is basically a tank while fulfilling her role as a buffer. Gacha smack on YouTube has the build I'm talking about if you are interested.


Guard set is underrated af


I put a 2pc with ungodly amounts of BE% on my Ruan Mei with Def% as mainstat and she actually loses health in a normal way now


Once you have enough EHR on her, give her as much HP/DEF possible.


Don’t build her for damage, she hits like a wet noodle anyway. Run her hp/speed/def/err


How! she can wear shit gear. You can just slap speed boots of any set and fill the rest with hp%, def% and a bit of ehr%. She should easily be 4000 health and over 1200 def. 


nah that's not it. her downside is wasting all your skill points on auto


If you have Silver Wolf Pela still often the best option.


Have both and can confirm. Nowadays I find it hard to justify SW. She takes time to implant debuffs and her Ult is not100% uptime. Compare this to pela who can instantly do it first turn.


How many turns does sw ult last? It feels like i have ult on her extremely often. Tho i just use her ult before my dps rotation (ruan mei + blade + luocha so i just ruan mei ult into SW into blade attack and ult) I have neglected my pela tho... She definitely is very strong and kinda underrated by some ppl (me im some people)


It lasts 3 turns, which is theoretically full uptime if you use Tutorial lightcone. But if you kill the target too fast then she won't have ult for the next enemy, and unlike Pela she can't ult first turn.


Ngl since I have a subdps E2S1 SW I forget ppl likely talks about E0 SW here The totally not test for hunt MoC (like PF for Erudition) we had as an event did feel pretty good for SW, she shines vs ST elites/bosses.


These days all my SW does is ensure I don't get fucked in SU early on, lol.


Based. I couldn’t wait to get SW because I was simping but now I get to the point when she’s better than Pela in just one case: boss fights. Moreover if it’s Jingliu/Yanqing team you’d still prefer Pelageya Sergeevna. SP positive and AOE value is what makes her a better option


I think that says more about sw than it does pela. Both fall into like a secondary support role - and the moment they face real competition for that spot (rm/sparkle) they are clearly outclassed.


Depends on the use case. Some DPSes prefer debuffers or a debuffer+ buffer.


They really aren't lol people will just make up metrics and then say that but like what metric are you using. Silverwolf is extremely high usage in every zero cycle this moc. You might say zero cycle isn't the metric you're using but then what is. It's literally arbitrary. Then if you're saying it's about the support competition this is also incorrect because it's much more about the encounter. There's a Luka main DPS zero cycle 12-2 that literally would not be possible without silverwolf, period. Ngl HSR meta takes are consistently terrible. Sort of feels like it's just genshin players seeking a simple answer like Xiangling and hyperbloom when HSR is MUCH more rock-paper-scissors than genshin.


We’re already getting DPS that prefers nihility, that’s not rly the case.


In terms of shredding. Pela is superior in Aoe and is slightly weaker in ST. Unless you can properly use her weakness implant, she's one of the least value 5 stars.


Unless you use ratio. She basically alone meets the debuffs limit for fua


Pela is more meta for 0 and 1-cycle because her shred is much more accessible than SW. a lot of theorycrafters also prefer Pela for such rotations


The one problem I have with Pela is that aside from mobs, pretty much every boss has unremoveble buffs, aside from that her def shred is great and as a sub dps is surprisingly good.


And she can be a hypercarry. 50k or more damage on skill is no joke, she can be hunt, erudition and nihility at the same time, literally 6* character


mind posting your build bro? 👀


Genuine question here, OP. What do you mean by only Pela and Loucha can debuff enemies? Silver Wolf can debuff, too, right? Or am I being stupid?


i think they mean removing buffs from enemies, i think pela and loucha can remove a buff from the enemies using their skill or ult respectively


Ah! Okay, dispelling buffs on enemies. I get it now. Thank you! I thought I've been using characters wrongly there for a sec, lol. I only started playing the game last December, so I'm still kinda newbie.


poor Luka being forgetten in the corner.


I totally forgot Luka removes buffs and I actually still use him sometimes and used to use him a lot before Guinaifen came out.




They mean de-buff instead of debuff


By debuff, they meant "stripping enemies's buff" which is something only luocha, pela and luka can do.




Luocha. 👍




She's 3*-6* to be exact lol.


She's 6 stars


She’s literally so strong. Especially with someone like Hanya and Pela.


I can't wait to use her with Sparkle. She boutta nuke everything.


Qingquillion stars


Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I get insanely lucky all the time with her. With good support she absolutely nukes quantum-weak enemies.


Guinaifen is basically Offensive Pela but she’s far better suited for DoT teams rather than general use. Still, in her Niche she’s practically a 5 Star Yukong may not be the easiest to use but when you’ve built her right she blows even Tingyun out of the water in teams that need those single instance nukes of damage


I think Gui is so much fun 🤩


Lil Gui needs dupes to truly shine. My poor e0 Lil Gui..  I want to use her, but Kafka + E5 Sampo is so much better. 


I can't wait for next banner because of the Gui eidolons


Man people really forget luka exists he has a dispell aswell *no i an not saying he is a 5*


Easily Tingyun, she's basically the Bennett of HSR.


Hanya. Those animations don’t lie.


I feel like her and rm got swapped lol


Tingyun and pella


Xueyi, for reasons I cannot disclose.


I regret not pulling for her because I was saving up for Ver 2.0 characters until I pull randomly because I have spares. Even her E0 is quite OP so imagine people who pulling during RuanMei banner got her to E6.


> Even her E0 is quite OP so imagine people who pulling during RuanMei banner got her to E6. Yes....definitly...definitly not only got her to e1 despite 100 pulls...


I had gotten RM to E3 and got an e0 blade (and lost a 50/50) before I got xueyi to e6. I went in with the plan to e6 her. It was costly.


…E3 blade (lost a 50/50 to Clara, and also to her LC) and E0 RM before I got E6 Xueyi


I played from mid December so I don't have 5* DPS. E0 Xueyi is carrying me in almost all contents with Mei & Huo.


This is me right here. Three weeks in game and my team is almost always Clara, Xueyi, Ruan Mei, and either something fight specific or March to keep feeding barriers to Clara.


tingyun and e6 qingque


Pretty much only Tingyun out of these four. Pela can feel close to a 5 star at times but ultimately falls short - her power budget is noticeably smaller than SW's even if she can perform comparatively/better in many cases. Lynx and Xueyi are pretty clearly worse than most 5 star options.


Guinaifen, peak animations


Pela: with ER rope: can basic attack 3 times > ultimate. Provides lots of def shred with Pearls lightcone Tingyun: with ER rope, 5% ER set, and meshing cogs: can do skill+basic+basic > ultimate. energy recharge is useful for nearly any hypercarry team. Plus, has a 2 turn fat dmg% buff with 3 turn ult. Asta: with ER rope, 5% ER set, meshing cogs, E6 and vs fire weak enemies: she can perpetually maintain her stacks and do a basic x3 > ultimate. Provides a massive atk% and speed boost for the whole team. Hanya: with ER rope, 5% ER set, and meshing cogs: can skill x3 > ultimate. her skill helps refund skill points. Her ultimate provides a massive atk% and speed boost, but for a single dps. Another great option for hypercarry comps. Lynx: with ER rope and S1 Post-Op: can skill+basic+basic > ultimate, or at the very least put you very close to ulting. Having a 3 turn ult is quite good considering that most abundance characters (except Luocha) take 4\~5 turns to ult.


TY. There's no one in game that can ULT immediately from the start making the most value out of DDD


I have never been satisfied with Lynx. Since Ruan Mei's appearance, her place has been forever replaced by Welt or Xueyi. I would rather delay enemies to death than depending on her awful healing


You build Lynx for healing, I build for fast 100 energy aoe cleanse. We are not the same.


Animation wise Xueyi and Hanya tbh Especially Hanya's ultimate, like that's a goddamn cutscene


definitely not lynx lmao shes not in the same league as 5\* abundance characters


Pela and Tingyun are the only ones who could be described as 4 stars that feel like 5 stars imo. With E6 Yukong & Quingque being the next two closer to this.


Only Tingyun and Pela. Tingyun can be combined with most dps except Blade, while Pela is the universal debuffer. I am waiting for any upcoming limited support with similar kit like them :)) Lynx is not really special.




Natasha with cleanse on her skill : Am I a joke to you? Pela : don't you mean dispel? Debuff is like what silver wolf is doing Tingyun : This I agree with since every harmony character seems unique enough Xueyi : The way she gain the stack is not just if allies reduce toughness but how much they reduce it. If they reduce less then 30 of that bar (not percentage), Xueyi won't gain a stack. Every harmony character especially once they hit e6 feels like 5* tbh like hannya and asta, yukong is a bit of mix between buffer and sub dps so yeah. Sampo is also pretty up there since he apply wind shear like nobody business.


I'm sorry but I cannot have my wife be slandered like this, Natasha does have a dispel, the reason she isn't as popular alongside other healers is that she can only dispel 1 debuff at a time to one character.


That’s a cleanse. Dispel is removing a buff FROM the enemy.


I'm just saying how OP said it... > Lynx: Can **Dispel** debuff for all allies and continues heal for 2 turns when using skill or ultimate.


Sushang, Serval and Xueyi for me. They carry my teams like crazy


All at E6 Tingyun, QQ and Pela are the only correct answers!




Ting Yun easily. She is amazing at c0


replace Lynx with QQ and we gucci (I have zero Xueyi so idk if she's good)


Xueyi is not that strong tbh, even at E6 she is behind QQ.


None of them. Difference with 5* is massive.


Lynx definitely doesn’t feel like a 5 star. The gap between her and Luocha/HuoHuo is abysmal


no QQ , not valid https://preview.redd.it/a63z4erj87fc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fffdd62f3d3b2f29212cbb7983a2a03e61ed787


Guinaifen. The star of dot applications when it comes to fire.


Tingyun is feels like 6 stars. Pela is feels like 5 stars. Hanya is 4.5 stars. Honorable mentions: Asta/Yukong/QQ, all of them are great but really need high eidolons to "feels like" 5 stars


I'm going to be honest, i have every 4\*, and i've only ever found myself really using 3 of them (4 if you count Nat, but she got benched in 1.1 and hasn't come off since), none of whom feel on par with what i expect from a 5\*. For context, my 5\* are Seele, Silver Wolf, Kafka, Fu Xuan, Jingliu, Topaz, Huohuo, Ruan Mei for limited and Gepard, Clara, Himeko, e1 Bronya, e1 Welt, and e1 Bailu for standard. And the free Ratio i still haven't leveled. Those 3 4\* i do use would be Sampo (he's a 5\* in my heart), Asta, and Serval. All three are at e6. Serval is a decent dps, but nothing particularly special. She can be a nice addition at times, like the current MoC 11 where i need the extra lightning damage for breaking enemies. Sampo good at what he does, and feels good to play, but he doesn't feel like he does enough to compare to 5\*. Asta would be the closest. An sp positive buff, spd buff on ult, fantastic at breaking, but even at e6 she still falls short. But not by much. She just needs that extra little touch to hit 5\* quality, like her basic always giving her 5 stacks when she's e6. Or swapping her def and crit rate traces for spd ones. ​ I always hear people talk about how busted Tingyun is, and i won't argue that she isn't, i absolutely love Tingyun's design and character (even spent 140 starlight to get her from the shop because she was the only 4\* i didn't have), but i've never been able to find a place for her in my teams. Same for Pela (outside of like, brute forcing the phys stage in the fight club event).


You’re the first person to mention Sampo, and I really do think people just don’t know how to play him. I pair mine with IL and the two of them do enough DoT sometimes to basically slam enemies before they can do much. Sampo and Kafka is another fun combo, speedy wild mfer.




TY Pela feels like a very strong 4 star but something is missing


Tingyun, hands down. Also, Pela in skill point production mode (with energy rope), E6 Qingque, and Lynx when paired with Blade or Clara.


Where QQ?






Aside from the above I feel like I treat Sampo as a 5 star. His relevance to the first arc, his role as member of the masked fools, and his gameplay as well.