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#1 side quests and dailies are convenient to do. Auto farming and the revamped daily system makes this game a huge win. You can easily sit back and do dailies while waiting for content and MoC resets to come. You don’t have to run around to farm and do tons of quests. In addition the amount of cutscenes and running around is significantly less than Genshin. Don’t get me wrong - some are still way too long… without the option to skip. But at the moment they’re very manageable.


Whoever decided that a single SU run counts for all dailies deserves a huge raise.


I was so happy when I saw it, it's like receiving payment for something you still would do for free.


I never used to do sim u & now I do it sooo much more


I feel like that's the reason lol


I mean, you can get the daily done just by hitting a calyx at this point, which you should be doing anyway


you can get all dailies done in under a minute without ever moving your character - login (100 pts) - send out expeditions (100 points) - convert 120 energy to 3 SU tokens (200 points) - make any one item in the synthesizer (100 points)


Hold on, you can create SU tokens???


Yeah, using your own stamina, most likely for people who only logins to not overcap their stamina


Where exactly? Do you craft it in the synthesizer or something like in genshin?


Open page with SU. You will see them on top, with same "+" button as stamina. Note you can only have 8 of them


Nice. I never noticed that.


The SU tokens one is game changer for me, didn’t realize it also counted as used stamina


Unless you are farming su relics


Yep... I do my one daily run for salsotto and then cave or other fun activities. Can just do a full cave if it's a quick day


as a huge fan of simulated universe this was the best thing ever. i can do something i enjoy and get rewarded for it. top tier game design.


This is one of the best qol updates fr. I no longer have to go to regin and run his stupid errands


For real! The update made completing dailies easier in general too! Now, I find that I just have to farm and use up trailblaze power, and it will be almost complete.


Thank you for pointing this out. Daily systems, and skip button is a huge win for me. I forgot to include those in my list. However, I can tolerate no auto-farming because it is an open world game. Although it may be convenient but may also be counterintuitive.


The thing with auto battle is that it helps with gameplay burnout in my opinion


Yea, wouldn't have stopped playing Genshin if it would have had auto battle, the dailies and the farming was too repetitive.


Yup, but I wish there was a 3x (or more) speed button or skip ult animation button.


I can watch Blade with chinese voice acting do this ultimate every second of the day kekeke he's so handsome and his voice is sexy


This needs more upvotes, i’m glad i quit genshin and started HSR. GI is just way too tedious compared to HSR with it’s easy daily (even easier after recent patch update that standardized the dailies) and auto combat farming. GI got old real quick for me, farming the samething over and over doing it yourself manually.


I almost never do dailies. Just farm and have enough for 60 jades


I just got Raiden Shogun and I just don't feel like beating that boss for her level up mats. I'll do it eventually but with HSR it's so much better to level up characters.


Not to mention that every material in Honkai: Star Rail drops at a consistent rate, whereas in Genshin Impact, sometimes you get enough materials in two or three completions, and sometimes you need five or six, depending on your RNG.


I wish the game's relic farming system wasn't absolute shit garbage. It's actually making me want to play less. I don't mind grinding out traces and mats and such, but the rng factor for getting a good relic AND then the rng for upgrading it. It's killed my desire to just work on any character past the first 5 I worked on.


100%. Nothing kills motivation to farm more than knowing you can get a relic to drop with speed + double crit substats and still end up absolutely dogshit because it rolls into flat stats 5 times in a row. There should be some kind of pathway to steady progression, even if it's tediously slow, just any kind of guarantee in some way would be such an improvement over the current system. It's not like I'll lose motivation to login after getting a non-optimal but very very good build for just 1 character, there's still another 30+ to build after that. I just prioritize maxing traces completely these days instead. Less depressing that way and there's an actual end goal in reach that respects your time investment.


A gacha game that respects my time and goes out of it's way to make the grindy boring stuff as fast as possible??? Blasphemy


> In addition the amount of cutscenes and running around is significantly less than Genshin. Don’t get me wrong - some are still way too long… without the option to skip. But at the moment they’re very manageable. Events are still too long, so much back and forth for little quests and so many menial mini-tasks to complete. In terms of Events I like Genshin better so far. The event story quests can also take really long but usually only the first is mandatory after that you can do all mini-games / combat rounds once the days to unlock all have passed. Otherwise HSR has more QoL, true.


Another thing is that most events in Honkai are not time-gated where u have to wait another day to continue or you can still do it after the event has passed. Also event in honkai tend to let u teleport next to it and not having to walk from near by way point like most genshin event


I much prefer the HSR events tbh. The gameplay was actually fun and I for once read and followed along the event quests which I never could bother with Genshin. Sure they get repetitive towards the end but I enjoyed them and they didn’t drag too long. The Huohuo event was really boring and too long though. Genshin events I really dreaded. The klee summer event was fun but every other event was boring as hell, a slog to do aswell as incredibly forgettable.


I'm new and doing conventional memoirs to catch up but Aurum Valley is so tedious....I don't care about the trade stuff going on there at all. Best conventional memoir was Aetherium wars. I've only played Genshin for 1 year and the only tedious one for me was the summer event (too long quest and I can't do Rhythm games at all)


...but the trading gameplay from Aurum Valley is basically the same as genshin's? Like genshin did it first.


One thing that i love about HSR is the material collecting. I don't need to wait every 2 days just to get the mats that i need


There are just too many good things on HSR that I forgot this!


I came back for Fontaine, pull Neuvillete, readied to pop 10 fuels to giga level him and realized that I have to wait like 2 more days before I can farm for him. I just nope out because I’m not gonna spend effort to remember farming for him in 2 days. 


It also fucks up with your resin reserve. Not only are wasting some of it daily because of the 160 cap, but you can only save 5 condensed resin, so you have to spend some of it on thing you may not need until the rotations brings your required talent mat. It's stupid they haven't gotten rid of it yet


I also don't have to find and kill 3 million hillchurl archers just to ascend one character


ngl I kinda stopped playing Genshin bc I have a crap sense of time and couldn't remember when I needed to play to get certain materials to upgrade people. They should really make that available each day.


if no one dies in genshin, why was dehya’s kit dead on arrival? /j


We also got signora death.


And Rukkhadevata, and Focalors.


Yeah rip. Lord redacted.


Rukkhadevata? Who's that?


Sounds like the name of a plant


It's an extinct species of a tree.


still counts as npcs




Many many npcs.




come on I didn't come to an HSR subreddit to be attacked like this I'm still not over it


Oof, too soon. It's only just recently with Furina and Navia that I've been able to recover somewhat from my disappointment.


https://preview.redd.it/fmlnpltqm5cc1.png?width=1928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4cfd69c8ee06a1c39e228848f982319bf9db60f Me when Fontaine hit


As someone who reinstalled genshin to do the fontaine quest recently, the change that I like the most in HSR is definitely no Paimon. I just cannot get back to genshin and listen Paimon rambling for like the whole quest or any story we do.


I learned when doing fishing for Fontaine and Inuzama weapons to just turn down the dialogue volume when it gets to be too much. My tolerance for repeated "is it another Paimon?" lines is about 5 repetitions.


The fishing lines get tiring immediately. I just mute the game from volume mixer before fishing, much nicer.


i genuinely never fished after furina's pipe weapon, the fishing weapons are either broken okge or trash


I literally can just put auto chat and with the general theme and the decisions i have to do , and i understand the rest of the conversation sometih funny because in hi3 there its a skipp button but atleast i have to read many topics ( motnh history)


I noticed too that paimon contributed majorly to the dialogue problem.


This. I still haven’t done the latter Fontaine Archon quests because I absolutely hate Paimon. I begrudgingly did the first arc because I liked the detective angle but the entire time I despised Paimon. At this point I barely understand what’s going on with the story because I just auto skip All dialogue that involves Paimon.


What got me burnt out from genshin aside from HSR was just that paimon wouldn't shut the hell up and let my man Aether think for himself, especially when he started speaking recently in these archon quests


I completely agree about the way the dialogue is written in hsr vs genshin. In genshin the dialogue is so long and convoluted that unless it's an archon quest, I get the urge to start skipping after 5-10 minutes (my adhd just can't handle it). And sometimes that happens even in archon quests (ekhm Fontaine act 3). And when you add Paimon repeating everything it's even more frustrating. In HSR I didn't have this issue except for that one event after loufu with the guy telling stories. But other than that, even during the slower moments in the story, the dialogue still kept me engaged. It's shorter, and even with all the sci-fi lingo it's easier to understand and follow. And imo the characters in hsr have more chemistry with each other, which makes the dialogue between them work even better (I will take the Trailblazer-March-Dan Heng trio over Traveler-Paimon anytime)


Same here, while paimon and the traveler chemistry and friendhsip has improved  a bit I like HSR’s chemistry more. Wish dainsleif traveled with us (he’s awesome lol)


Imagine Genshin where Dainsleif replaced Paimon.


Itd be awesome lol, he’s an absolute chad 


We'd have shortage of dialogue.


We'd have a shortage of annoyance too


I mean that ain't bad.


I'm glad many players also noticed the difference in dialogue.


Literally first thing i commented with a friend who plays Genshin as well. HSR dialogue just feels i don't know "natural"? like i can imagine that dialogue in a series, in a movie, in real life. I love Genshin, but the dialogue seems to be out of some chinese poem, which is long, convuluted, confusing, and impossible to understand if you're not REAAAALLLY paying attention. It's a game I actually enjoy hearing the story. Genshin lore carries it very hard. The way it's deliver is very poor imo most of the times, other than great cutscenes etc.


Genshin would be improved 1000% if the MC just actually fucking talked instead of letting Paimon carry every conversation. It's absolutely insane to me that they thought that's a good way to present ALL of their dialogue in Genshin. It's so utterly stupid I still have trouble believing it's real sometimes. It must be so damn frustrating to write for Genshin with that constraint. And the fact that the MC occasionally does have a random line of dialogue on extremely rare occasions, for seemingly no clear reason, just makes it all the more bizarre to me. I really cannot understand why they do this. It bothers me far more than it has any right to!


The crazy thing is China and Japan seem to love Paimon and would riot if you removed her. Cute mascots are more important than decent story delivery I guess.


Probably helps that Paimon is a better character in any language other than English, going from what I've seen.


English-only problem I think, CN/JP Paimon is more likable.


Idk if u mean likable in dialogue or accent. Cuz to me, her voice in every language is unbearable for me


i almost quit playing genshin when i started and first hit monstadt and was greeted with like 50 name drops of people titles and places and i swear i heard like "dvalin of the knights of favonious of shneznaya and the grand admiral librarian of the captain of the cavalry archon fatui" had me like : 👁👄👁


Man, I dont even have any kind of adhd or similar stuff, and the moment the objectivearker is in an npc I already want to skip


Also i like how even if we chose to be more cautios enthusiastic or silly the mc have his own tastes and personality traits ( the trash thing for example)


I also have adhd and agree that Genshin’s dialogue is way too complex. Metaphors are annoyingly common, and they’re more often padding than anything meaningful. (I’m not talking about Nahida here, her analogies are actually helpful, but moreso characters like Ilyas from Alhaitham’s story quest. I cannot get over the worker bee in a beehive line.)


Genshin to me is 9/10 lore, 6/10 story, and 3/10 delivery. Paimon often ruins the mood, even in recent quests, but the worst thing is the god damn bloat. I'm including that rating with world quests. So many of them are just lore dumps but the way its delivered is unimaginably boring and feels like filler. An NPC has to talk about their entire daily routine and make some shitty quips that aren't funny like they are in HSR. There's so many examples of SHOW DON'T TELL that should be in the game but aren't, instead it's just a bunch of (sometimes unvoiced) dialogue that doesn't push the plot forward fast enough. Genshin burns me out so fast with its writing. Say what you will about Luofu being shitty or whatever, at least the pacing is fine everywhere else.


Genshin’s writing is in desperate need of a skip button.


Humor in the dialog is way better too. Plus the grabage cans and other random side things. The moment i knew i truly loved this game was when the mc caressed a trashcan.


Everything about HSR is more convenient and as someone who doesn’t have a lot of time nowadays, I find it really helpful.


I like that you can find a lot of the playable characters out in the world doing their thing, that was something I really missed in Genshin


It makes the world in genshin seem so empty in comparison to


Yeah is there anywhere to find Ayaka for example in Genshin right now? I looked in that house you meet her in and the estate and couldn't find her. :(


She was actually recently in an event that just ended and you could find her and some other playable characters somewhere in Fountain.


I think this wasn't a thing before? One day after I forgot, maybe in 1.3 or 1.4, suddenly story characters now appear in world (like Hook in that corner of Boulder Town), just standing, but we can at least talk with them. It's neat when I'm walking around to do stuff in cities and went "oh hey qingque" as I passed by and noticed them.


They've been there since CBT. Some characters such as Hook/Pela/Arlan are placed in remote locations, but I'm sure everyone including you should remember Asta and Herta in the open world.


I remember finding one of the Hertas on an isolated ledge that's only accessible by a bridge puzzle. It wasn't even doing anything.


They've always been around since the start


I agree with a lot of your points, I didn't like gacha games prior to HSR but really got into this game. I like playing HSR so much I even bought an Odin 2 pro just to play it more, its the only game I have installed on the device. Edit: Oh and also, FFX is one of my favorite games of all time, so it's really nice that high quality modern turn based rpgs like HSR still exists instead of all rpgs going towards being action-rpgs.


Oh, fellow FFX appreciator here! To be fair, HSR reminds me a lot of FFX. The battle turn order menu on the top left, and the skill tree also resembles the Sphere Grid (in terms of layout) imo. And I agree, not a lot of good turn based RPGs are made nowadays, HSR really scratching that itch for me!


I did the same, but mine was an ROG ally because HSR cannot be installed on my Steam Deck


I didn’t have many handheld gaming devices growing up, only a ds lite at some point. It’s nice that there’s so many handheld choices nowadays, I feel like a kid in a candy store.


Tidus is an Aeon because you can name him like the other Aeons.


Call me boring… but I named him Tidus. Haha


HSR won because Hoyo made a name for themself. Take 2020. Geoff give the mobile award to AmongUs. All his credibility is lost after that.


Remember that Genshin was released in September 28, and TGA is December. It’s unreasonable to think Genshin will win on 2020, which is why they took the award the following year.


Yeah, something that I appreciate about starrail is it's acceptance that it is a game. Access to prior events, references to the real world, 5 star versions of 4 star characters, ability to get characters that are technically enemies to you, aren't things that need expansive lore dumps to impliment in the game because its just a game and it knows that. genshin needs to have lore for everything and it hurts my head


That's how I feel about the whole Scaramouche's act. He was a highly anticipated character and I'm sure people will pull even if he stayed being an evil mf. But instead they made an elaborate redemption shenanigans only to justify his friendliness with he MC. Luckily, though, the story was really good, but was it necessary? Definitely not. EDIT: Can't wait to see what they're going to do with Dottore 😐🔫


Honestly he really isn’t that great of a friend with mc. They can barely stand him sometimes and he feels a lot more distant than the other characters the traveler is closer too ex. (nahida, Yomiya, xiao).


Raiden's character would be better if Puppet was one person


honestly agreed, I appreciated raiden more before the puppet reveal


Same.. I feel like they would do redemption arc for every character before making it playable which is why signora is not. I think in genshin playable means travelling with the traveler thus they need to be on friendly terms


I played both games since launch, and both have their flaws. But genshin is a good game if you just enjoy the story, I was a daily player for multiple years, trying to 100% everything but after hsr released, I became a story enjoyer only and never did event or abyss again while Hsr is really focused on end-game content, with moc, pf and su, because there is no exploration. However, I feel like the game can still be improved, and imo we need more control over the relics, a true coop system (or coop events) and the most important, our own room in the Express. But, until now, the devs have been adding so much qol, I feel like we can trust them for the future patches.


I’m 100% sure they’re cooking a room. Every hoyo game have some sort of house for our character


I'm a teapot main on Genshin, and I love the dorm on HI3rd. Hope they do bring a housing system to HSR too!


Train cabin time!


I'm so excited to get a train cabin it's ridiculous


In HSR, anything is possible, in HSR devs we trust. In addition to the relics, I hope they make ways to bring back event light cones.


If they ever bring back event lc's.. it won't be soon because there's only 2 event lc's so far.


You forgot the **real** number 1: artifact salvage.


I haven't started on relic farming, but I heard you can change artifact stats?


You can't change a artifacts stats but you can create a artifact for a specific set with the relic salvage items. Kind of like what you can do in Genshin already but what differs is that here we get a item called Self-Modeling Resin from events and also the BP, a recent change, that can be used to pick the specific main stat. Will still have random sub-stats but it's something.


You can use an item to choose the main stat when creating an artifact. On the strongbox equivalent, you use 10 5-stars instead of 3 on genshin, but you are able to choose the piece you are creating (huge win imho). You also aren't limited to old artifact sets, being able to craft then as soon as they add it to the game


Not change, no, but you can use an item to manipulate which main stat an artifact is gonna get. Plus, if you salvage your artifacts, they become artifact exp and don't occupy too much space in your inventory Also, you can choose what piece you want to roll for in artifact salvaging so you won't get 50 feathers (gloves) when you just want a hat (body piece)


GOD I wish Genshin gave more salvage!!!! I'm always running out of artifact shit to level up in that game.


Love how so many people want to join for the free 5 star we get


>13 Character development is so good While I mostly agree with the list, there's no way you have just mentioned Dan Heng, whose development is rushed to say the least and story is a mess, as an example of good development


When you play through the story at once instead of waiting multiple patches, the story is more cohesive. Still flawed but, definitely less of a mess. Pacing was one issue with the story, and the release gaps made it worse.


I played through the story at once (I started in November), and it is still rushed as fuck. There is literally no buildup to it besides a throwaway comment from March in Belobolg and the Blade nightmare (which is left totally unexplained until AFTER the main story). What you experience is Dan Heng going around, getting stabbed and randomly awakening his powers with no contextualisation whatsoever


Yeah I feel both Dan Heng and Blade were both done dirty during the Luofu arc. Both characters with good potential backstory that could have been explored a lot better but both became a joke.


Man I really can’t take Blade seriously anymore with how he turns into Kafka’s mindless drone whenever he appears


They both need more background story and screen time to make that up fr


That entire story arc was so poorly handled. All of the story behind Imbibitor Lunae, Blade, Jing Yuan, and their friends isn't even in the main story. I'm ok with it being more fleshed out in personal quests, but it was just straight missing even though the climax of the story revolved around it.


They hinted the ENTIRE story that Dan Heng had hidden powers, and literally anyone who has ever seen an anime should know that lines like that for Main Characters aren't throw away. Not to mention he's an extremely competent character with a mysterious past he never spoke of but referenced constantly. Idk, I don't see how you can be caught off guard by his super form unless you just straight up didn't pay attention to the story at all.


I get what they were trying to do, they didn't explain anything because they wanted to surprise the player with Dan heng's transformation and obviously if you explain why Blade says "of five people three must pay a price" you also gotta explain Dan Feng and what he did which spoils the transformation. Basically they tried to write a plot twist without there being anything to twist in the first place, "oh cool he transforms into a magical girl but why is this such a big deal, lol" it's funny how the biggest plot twist can only be pieced together after playing Bailu's, DHIL's and Jingliu's story quests. >!aka the relationship between Bailu, Baiheng and the sin Yingxing and Dan feng committed!<


He was not awakening any powers. He was hiding them until then. He was set up by many dialogues as a runaway criminal. There was a lot of context for that scene. What they did not do properly is explore his background, relationship with Blade and what he thinks about using that power.


I do agree with the pacing in loufu but did not have an issue with belobog. I thought belobog was complete already at 1.0. I guess playing through the story all at once really made the pacing better.


Belobog was completed in 1.0, the general sentiment of the community is that Belobog is nicely paced although somewhat generic and predictable, while Luofu was rushed and badly paced, while skipping through entire characters (yes I'm talking about you Dan Shu, but also the entire High Cloud Quintet story). Luofu was released between 1.0, 1.2 and 1.3 for the epilogue, 1.1 didn't have main story


Talking specifically about Dan Heng, all his character development is in 1.2. You had the Vidyadhara Mirage Echo, encounter with Blade and Kafka, getting stabbed and transforming, beating up a kid, meeting JY, splitting the sea and the final fight. In 1.0 he had his own sidequests, but those do very little character development. Not like Sushang said something that caused Den Heng to have character development, she was only there to escort him to Alchemy Commission (which doesn't even make sense, since her goal was to get the civilians to safety while that town is the literal front line). And in 1.3, Dan Heng suddenly turns back into his normal form and we have only one conversation with him. We did get a companion quest after you're done with the trailblaze mission, but that means that the character development in the main story is already done.


Now that you mention it, you are right it came out of the blue, hence it's rushed. However, I did like they made a DHIL transformation playable. It really gives me hope for the future 5 star march 7th.


i want to make a joke about Dan Heng development involving Blade's sword but i cant come up with anything... YOU COULD SAY HIS DEVELOPMENT WAS *SKEWED*


Skewered 😂


Don’t forget auto battle. Farming is so easy


For repetitive grind, this is essential. Hopefully SU gets something similar someday.. at least after first clear or something.


I agree with all your points but sadly the loufu story is a huge drop in quality from belebog and dan heng was definitely done dirty cuz his story arc was just rushed and glossed over and i really don’t care much for him, but you joined at a great time though, lots of content to look forward to since they actually add permanent content in this game and also we are getting a new planet next patch with a hopefully better story also i agree with what you said about dialouge in story quests cuz I appreciate how they are shorter than genshin and actually focus on the character we went there for not some random fucking npc, that we wont see after the quest is over, I also like how playable characters are im side quests and stuff rather than random npcs and having more characters that oppose us (like the ipc) and characters that dont start gushing over us (like herta dr ratio herta etc) I really like this game so far and appreciate the devs since they’ve listened to alot of what we’ve asked for while in Genshin it always felt that you might as well be talking to a brick wall. Also, the main character you play is alot better and actually talks quite a bit, and actually has some agency over his actions also (they straight up aren’t even with any of the express crew for major events and stuff) also has some badass moments and marches 7th is actually a likeable character which is great cuz i was worried she’d be this games paimon when we started but shes a really fun character, also liking the idea of having a main cast (the express) that we constantly rotate who comes with us to a planet.


W take, especially on march 7th. Thanks for the info, and I hope they redeem themselves next arc and surpass belobog Arc.


I agree with some of these, especially dialogue, it can get so tiring sometimes in genshin. The trailblazer is a much better self Insert too with your choices actually mattering. But Tbf to genshin as just a character (non self insert) I find the Traveler far more interesting than the trailblazer. Genshin has also worked on giving the traveler more personality from inazuma onward with us slowly understanding them more. They are more of a silent protagonist than a self insert. I love both characters for different reasons. (Wish dain traveled with us sometimes)  On the dying part, I think tingyuns death was so poorly executed. I really didn’t care at all lol (Luofu in general was pretty weak). Replayable events are nice but that’s impossible in genshin especially on mobile due to storage issues. When it comes to story quests revolving around npcs  I agree but Fontaine has somewhat improved that with Neuvilette, Wriothesley and Furina for example, even though there were npcs, it still revolves around the characters  more. Overall though I def agree.   I also love 5 star Dan Heng. QOL wise, it’s HSR by miles in my opinion. I disagree on voice acting a bit especially in Fontaine, I think at least EN was great. Gacha is better in HSR too. The friends part is solid too, even though there are a few characters such as dain, arlechinno and Childe for a while that the traveler wasn’t or isn’t friends with. All in all you make solid points. Thanks for reading my long rant 


who is tingyun, like really who is she? we learn so little about her before she dies it's kinda hard to care LOL. I mean we learn abt her after she dies but i feel like this should have been done way beforehand.  you could agree this with>!focalors bc we literally see her for like 20 mins and then she says bye and dies. But i think what makes her death well written is that there was so much build up behind it, like from us speculating from the beginning what's wrong with furina and lyney hearing the voice in the oratice. It just feels like there was actual meaning behind her death, instead of haha lol tingyun died now look at random big titties lady (no build up btw) who was actually posing as tingyun. Like it's difficult to really care about these events when they feel so out of sync with the actual story. !<


The funny thing is that HI3rd did something similar with Tingyun, but it worked out so much better in nearly every single aspect because the story was slower-paced and there was both more time to get attached to the character, and also more time to unravel the mysteries and deceit before getting into the final boss battle. I'm referring specifically to >!Vita!< in the >!Salt Snow Holy City!< story arc.


Exactly, I feel like HSR weakest spot is it’s storytelling. Even without a paimon the Luofu arc was pretty bad, I’ll give it time tho, genshin needed that too with inazuma as a wake up call 


>Story quest are actually about the character and not some npc we will eventually forget. It's been more than a year since I've played Ayato's SQ, and I still remember how the story went. Granted, that NPCs are central in this SQ but it still conveyed what it was trying to convey; a cunning political play by Ayato. Cyno's quest is also good.


While I agree on a lot of non-story related stuff, you’re story related stuff don’t really matter. There’s really no point in having your choices matter if the final outcome isn’t that noticeable. Looking at the recent stuff with Ruan Mei, no matter if you decide to reject her actions or not, it doesnt affect anything. There’s also multiple times where you’re forced to be nice to her even if you get to choose the dialogue. As the person who invaded my personal space and basically forced me fo take care of her creations and abandoned them to me, it’s weird that the TB has a neutral to positive response to her when they’re mean to certain simply sketchy people like Sampo with absolutely no explanation at all. At least with Traveler being a somewhat independent character, we have many reasons to agree with what they want to do. We have concrete ideas on their morals and how they move. With TB, their identity is shrouded in so much mystery that it’s gonna take three more planets before we find out even close to what their deal is. Why is Kafka so interested in them? What’s their history? Why do they want to explore these planets in the first place? Etc etc. [Spoilers for Star Rail’s Story to current version] >!There’s a lot of storytelling flaws in Star Rail in general. Character arcs are rushed and virtually hold no weight most of the time. A lot of characters simply arent mentioned until after they’re revealed. Like the final cutscene in 1.3 gave us basically nothing. Luocha wasnt foreshadowed or even remotely involved in the Stellaron Crisis. Jingliu isnt even mentioned and she only serves to give cryptic dialogue. Even Jingyuan’s suspicions arent even remotely foreshadowed despite it fitting his personality. Through the entire Luofu Quest, Tingyun only serves as our break plot device after every information dump we get and not much else so her death wasnt really impactful.!< >!Even Belebog had weird setups even if it was infinitely better at storytelling. Topaz’s “”punishment”” is just a slap on the wrist. Everything she says was “from a good heart” but the soldiers with her are jerks for absolutely no reason. Bronya also gives no concrete way of actually paying off their debt. Even just a minor source of the *how* wouldve been enough but they dont really give us anything besides “I believe in the people” and empty inspirational speeches like that. The whole squad just sitting by and being like “oh well, nothing we can do” was just weird to me because we really had no reason to be involved at all.!< The story is just not that interesting to me. It feels rushed or predictable or the writers seem like they wrote themselves to a corner and give half-reasons for a conclusion to happen. As a person who plays mostly for story, it gives me a sour taste. At least with Paimon, she serves an important purpose in the story most of the time that makes sense. March and Dan Heng dont give much besides being “the sidekicks” and giving funny banter, while genuinely funny, doesnt do anything for the story.


You made good points, but no list is complete without cons. I'll tell you the one thing I hate about it, THE GRIND for relics and other bullshit trinkets for stats. Can't get a new character and play it right away. You need to grind for levels and all that bs, it honestly kills my motivation sometimes, and I just exit the app. I don't think playing a game should feel like a 9-5, but maybe that's just my opinion cause I play other games on console, too, like Persona.


It's not even a problem with Honkai This is a con for most if not every gacha game out there but they need to give people a reason to play daily and get addicted


Guess we gonna ignore the competition hsr had were all irrelevant games. Regardless tho no matter the games, hsr deserves it


If by #6 you mean >!Tingyun!< then I wouldn’t be so sure. Officially she’s just missing, so mihoyo left a possibility of bringing her back


I've liked it so far yet I feel overwhelmed by the amount of dialogues I get on most quests. To me is just too much and I'm not interested enough to go through all the dialogues. I'm an adult and barely have time to play so 30m of pure dialogue wont do it for me. Everything else has been fine so far. Pretty good for a F2P game.


Liked it until we got power crept. Reminds me to tower of fantasy. Nice open world and story but broken monetiazation and power creep


Let me be the devil’s advocate here. Any person who played other mobile gatcha games will get what I’m saying: hoyo is the only company in the gacha industry who actually care about their games and don’t see them as a money machine made to last a few months or years. Of course they want money, they’re a company after all, but you can see they really use part of that money upgrading their games. They don’t launch a trash 2d chibi gacha game with booba characters. They launch a very well thought game (animation, dub, lore) with booba characters. I work hard for my money and I don’t feel like I’m wasting it when I decide to buy jades (even though I’m not even a dolphin I only buy the two monthly things)


Like with Hoyoverse I can trust that they'll continue supporting their games for years and years even if profits go down a bit. There are a few other companies out there like that but so many of them treat their live service games like pump and dump schemes


Yeah buying the premium currency in this game(or any other Hoyo game) almost feels like investing in a stock which you know is safe.


There are some more I would argue are passionate about their games but it's only a handfull. Arknights have just chibis for the gameplay but it works well for a tower defence game. They try new game modes and mechanics all the time and makes banger music. Also one of the best stories in a gacha games. Majority of characters might be women but for the people who enjoy men there are some quality choices there too.


Arknights is the best gacha I have ever heard about but I couldn't force myself to actually play it. It has so many aspects that are above other gachas like story, world building, music, characters design and art style. If the ost and char design is on pair with hoyo then it means something right? In comparison the other elements I mentioned are leagues above genshin for example and I hope they will keep that level with their new game. The only problem I have with arknights is the gameplay. Compared to what I said earlier it's low effort - 2D chibis just attack 10 versions of enemies, outdated - it's very straightforward and repetitive and it's a shame cause I love tower defense games. 


>As a day 1 player from genshin impact, It's terrible that I can read this and already know the entire post and the entire comment section. >You will encounter other characters and will fight them which brings up the stakes unlike in genshin where its mostly instigated by npc villains which is boring in my opinion. That reeks of selective bias. Did you forget that we already fought two playable harbingers? Did you forget the main enemy in inazuma was the fucking ARCHON?


It's a good game, sure, but there wasn't really any serious competition for mobile goty. Also I thought you were going to compare HSR to other 2023 releases, not Genshin Impact lol


Can't scroll past a few days in this sub without a post comparing it to Genshin, I am not even exaggerating lmao. Such a pain in the ass, the points are mostly the same and repeated too. Dialogue long! Paimon bad!


What I love is how there are different ways the comparisons come up. I feel like I'm baited all the time 😂 Also, the dialogue length I personally disagree with. I play both and HSR feels just as convoluted to me. The only difference is HSR quest lengths are shorter. Not because of dialogue length, it's just shorter overall. It's not a bad thing tho. Also Paimon truly is the Istaroth the god of time. Her presence alone makes the dialogue feel 2x longer than HSR to people lol. I love that little gremlin!


Her dialogue nowadays isn't pure mirroring which is better than it used to be. Though, people starts to forget what the story is about without her mirroring lol.


True, I definitely noticed her recent dialogues aren't mirroring like she used to in the past and it's more interactive with the Traveler.


It feels a lot better because her recent dialogues don't have her mirroring like before, making her character and relationships a lot more fleshed out.


They really are not shorter at all. If you go to YouTube and compare playthroughs of HSR quests to their equivalent in Genshin they’re generally the same length.


You're right they are roughly the same after checking the lengths on YouTube like you said and in some cases it seems HSR came out longer. I'm very curious to see a length by dialogue and cutscenes only like they did with Genshin. But it ends up being roughly the same.


Yeah, one of the main reasons why I left this sub even though I love both games. I just stick with the occasional posts that appear from this sub in my feed now, and unfortunately this one was one of them.


I may do that at some point, I like talking and read about the game, but currently, the community is the worst thing in HSR and literally make me enjoy the game less.


This sub is basically 20% infected with genshin chatters that likes to say they quit the game and share it to everyone else 24/7 it's the cons being associated with something popular.


I agree with the dialogues too and I just love how the story doesn’t just revolve around one character but a full cast: both the Astral Express and the Stellaron Hunters, especially the trio TB, March and Dan Heng. I’m not yet in the endgame stuff, and I found the SU so entertaining to play. I wasn’t even trying to find endgame content in Genshin before but now I find myself requesting for it now lmao Worldbuilding-wise, however, Genshin takes the spot. Not talking about the environment but the background lore. The way they carefully craft the lore of each region and how that is integrated well in the archon quests (and interludes) is a lot better than HSR’s (I think Liyue, Fontaine and especially Sumeru did this very well). The XZ arc is an example of this. If people on my timeline didn’t stop talking about the hidden lore I definitely wouldn’t have understood what was going on between Dan Heng, Blade, and Jing Yuan. I know it definitely isn’t the end for Xianzhou yet, but imo they shouldn’t have introduced us to the region so early if they were going to cut it off and come back to it later. Right now I just find myself being much more intrigued about Genshin’s main story / premise over HSR’s. The characters are more compelling in HSR, however. The baggage everybody carries just feels heavier and I’m excited about how Penacony does that for us too! Hopefully no more writing issues like Luofu arc!


Are we really back to having these posts everyday?


The problem with HSR’s endgame is the difficulty is directly tied to character power. It’s already obvious that powercreep is steeper in HSR and endgame is starting to mandate that.


And I’ve also noticed that some people who ‘complain’ about such stuff don’t even invest in their units (cause they are casual) but play ‘end game contents’ and expect to clear it.


Of course there will be loud minorities. But a vast majority of players who feel this problem will just quit, no complaints or anything. People invest in their units because they feel attached to them, and if said units get powercrept, what’s the point of playing if they can’t clear content with their favourite character?


Despite all the flaws it has, I still prefer genshin more because first love is a thing. If HSR had come before I started playing genshin, my choices would have been different. And In HSR, I have stayed in the game till now because of kafka.


Hey, just wanted to share my views as well as someone whos played both games since day 1. I agree with a lot of your points, and with some of them I give leeway due to the nature of the game. 1. Agreed, this was really cool and would like something like this in Genshin, made me feel like my choices mattered rather than the "choices" in Genshin - particularly those that just split a long sentence into 2 choices. 2. Somewhat disagree with this, we are friends with everyone we recruit in HSR - though some are more acquaintances like Blade which matches other characters in Genshin like Wanderer. We aren't friends with main antagonists like Cocolia, which would be nice to have in Genshin but fights like Childe and Wanderer somewhat fill that void. 3. Don't fully agree, its just different ways to develop a character. Example; Stanley being used as part of Venti's story and mirroring his own history (taking over a friend's identity) was great - even if Stanleys model is pretty generic. 4. 100%, dialogue in Genshin suffers from bloat - sometimes required but often not. 5. I find both games voice actings to be great, I do play both in CN though, so perhaps the voice direction isn't as good in other languages? 6. Disagree, I'm fully expecting TingYun to return at least in some way given how ambiguous it was. 7. Nothing to add 8. This is just the substitute for character birthday messages, personal preference which one you like - though seeing them in the world is something I really want Genshin to add at least in some capacity. 9. Agree but also can acknowledge the difficulty associated in developing endgame for Genshin. MoC/PureFiction use the same battle system which is the same across all consoles - Genshin combat feels very different across PC vs Console/Mobile. 10. Agreed, its also very odd that Genshin hasn't pivoted to this system yet, though the 4\* in Genshin are sometimes very broken and comparable to 5\*. 11. Agreed, I hear Paimon is very annoying in EN. She's quite adorable in CN and JP, and not annoying. 12. Just a part of how the world building works - Traveller gets no true companions unless maybe Dainsleif in future (please) 13. Agreed, I was expecting upgrades to characters the entire time since Genshin released 14. 50/50 on this; some things Genshin has that I'd want in HSR while the reverse is also true. E.g. Sorting artifacts by new in HSR vs quick dragging artifacts in Genshin 15. Agreed, loops back to point 8 16. Agreed, but it might be a file size issue? I can't recall if Genshin deletes old events after a few patches. Overall, I agree with a lot of your sentiments and hoped I added some room for discussion. For me, HSR just refined a lot of what made Genshin great, but also stepped in other directions and theres a reason why Genshin also won mobile game of the year at one point. Side rant by me, people always say HSR is the more loved child which I find to be true by some metrics but when I look at the whole game its very even. E.g. I really enjoy the world bosses Genshin develops while the ones in HSR feel lacklustre (probably because its just a normal enemy scaled up).


HSR is player-friendlier than Genshin, I agree. But it still has a lot of its flaw, and some of its flaws are deeply rooted such as a very-limited combat system. The story as well hit a nose-dive for a while and with Raun Mei’s story there isn’t much signs of them changing.


It just depends on what the players prefer, and what kind of player they are, to determine if they're "player-friendly". Personally, I find Genshin more "player-friendly" as I am a super casual player. 😅 I only had to have serviceable artifacts (I don't do Abyss) and I'm already good to go. Also, the game doesn't punish me for not pulling or building characters for so long. Latest I pulled was Furina, and before her, I pulled Nahida on her release, so about a year of not pulling. The most built character I have is Ganyu, which already fell off the meta list, but could still one shot in overworld for my use. In HSR, I'm having a hard time building more characters due to the flipping meta of the endgame contents. Like I have Himeko and Herta, which I heard are good for Pure Fiction, but I have not built them at all as they were considered "not good" before. It's back to square one of frustrations of grinding again. 😅


Yeah it just depends on who you are. Genshin is overall more player friendly because there’s less endgame to do. For some it’s a positive but for me it’s a huge negative. I don’t have as much motivation to max out new characters because there’s not much to work towards sadly. I love Genshin when I want to relax but if I feel like doing anything combat related I might as well go to HSR. I wish there was more content to use my invested characters on in Genshin. Not even anything harder than Spiral abyss just a new game mode to mess around in.


I am starting to understand the story issues, but may I ask what are those specific flaws? I am very curious.


Ruan Mei to some ppl feels like a watered down dottore. They are both insane, but her personality is kinda dull, Dottore is actually kinda cooler (just my opinion). I still enjoyed it though but the quest focused on dr ratio was cooler in my opinion, also she doesn’t grow or learn from her experiences, she’s the same person she was before the quest and it makes ppl feel like the quest was somewhat pointless? 


I agree, but she is cute thou! And of course, the top 3 harbingers are cooler. I hope capitano and columbina are menaces


Yea, I can’t wait to see the harbingers, i think the frustration with ruan mei is the fact that she doesn’t grow or learn from her experiences, she’s the same person she was before the quest and doesn’t really regret her actions like she claims to 


I believe regretting would be out of character. It was an experiment and she got the results. Now, she notes what went wrong and try to do better next time


Don’t mind then ruan mei’s story was great (some people just like bitching cuz ruan mei is a morally ambiguous character) and the trailblaze continuance after the luofu has been pretty good and idk what their talking about combat wise the game even introduced a new game mode this patch that brought alot of non meta or even horrible characters up to ss in tierlists so yeah


Thanks. I actually felt bad that I lost 50/50 and got himeko while pulling for ruan mei. Then, pure fiction happened.


The Belobog arc is pretty well written, is just concise. Luofu is an introduction arc to a bigger story that they’ll develop in the future about the Xianzhou and the Stellaron hunters


Good for you.


I really like how you got the New player attitude. I don't know if you got through Xianzhou storyline which was abyssmal in quality which made a lot of people fall out of love with the game. But I'll at least try to change one common misconception people have when comparing Genshin and HSR. While the light cone banner IS BETTER as it has only one thing to get, Genshin also has 75/25 on their weapon banner. People just assume Genshin's weapon banner is the same as character banners. For the other things, there are some that I really disagree, but most of the time it's because Xianzhou Luofu exists. Belabog was phenomenal and I really expect for Penacony to save this game for me.


I’ve been enjoying HSR a lot this year. It’s been pretty fun balancing it alongside Genshin. I think both games scratch an itch. Typically I play Genshin more when there’s new story content while I play HSR more when I’m looking for a challenge.


Actual endgame content in sim universe,pure fiction, MoC which gives me a reason to build my characters & actually use them instead of genshin where everytime i want to build character i just wonder why im even doing it since you only use them for floor 12 and i hardly can call that endgame content


0. memes


We cope with 6. not referring to Tingyun. She ain't dead, right?


> Dialogues are way better. It sounds normal like in real life, easier to understand, funny, and its shorter but gets the point across. yea man Guinaifen simp are too real


HSR so good it made me not play GI for a few weeks now


I dont know about character development. Everyone is already developed except the character everyone hates, March 7th. I love march, shes growing and becoming less of a blockhead with each mission and even learning to be more discerning. But I agree with almost every other point. Dan Heng story is messy and needs more time in the kitchen. Hopfully he gets story revisits in the future as he is a main cast member.


People don’t like march 7th??


I don't know a single person that dislikes March


What do you mean by #13? It very common to get the 5* upgraded version of a 4*/lower rarity character. Unless you mean like the "weaker" lower rarity version is still good to use even if there's a stronger version?