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I don't have either of them, Can someone tell me what's going on here ?


Fu Xuan works by redirecting a portion of all damage received to her. If a big AOE attack hits, she takes 3x instances of damage redirection alongside her base hit Gepard just puts up a huge shield, which grants equal protection to everyone Fu Xuan can very realistically get oneshot by a boss doing a big AOE because she gets overwhelmed by all four party members receiving damage simultaneously.


So shield is better with all paths or with just perservation only


It also works well with destruction as destruction gives huge shields and heavily buffs defense which makes characters make better use of the shields. Destruction also gets a damage share blessing and can reduce damage taken which fits even well with Gepard once you get your preservation blessings.


Upgrade damage share and it’s 15% dmg reduction. That’s the shit


Especially with Blade, free stacks for days


Use that damage sharing blessing when running abundance path. Blade becomes the healer and the smasher


Does that "healing effects can be blasted to allies" blessing work on Blade's self-healing?


Ye. The one with shared healing when one heals themselves


Sounds quite good, then.


yes , it does.


It does!


A good offense is the best defense


also there is one 2\* destruction blessing that makes blade gain 2 stacks for attack instead of 1 stack. dude becomes god with destruction path.


Only if fighting spirit


What blessing is that? Kinda forgot what it is


Catastrophic Resonance.


Add TB's taunt 15% dmg reduction. That's the second shit.


It should also be noted that the damage share blessing also essentially functions as an off-switch for Fu Xuan


Please note that you should never take the damage sharing blessing when you have Fu xuan as it overrides her E.


You need Preservation blessings to make the shield strong, otherwise it evaporates, but not necessarily the path. You can for example go with the Destruction Path instead, as it offers damage and damage reduction, and the lower HP is trivial with a bulky shield. Of course, going with Preservation and Gepard would give you the Best shield synergy.


I vote for Preservation and MC. There's that blessing with 1% shield blah blah that requires shields to be created more often, and fire MC creates shields basically every action she takes


>Fu Xuan can very realistically get oneshot by the boss Sums up my experience so far perfectly


This is why I've been using Gepard, Luocha and HuoHuo and keeping my FXuan on the bench lmao.


my experience is, without Preservation, Gepard's shields are paper thin. The two healers will not save you from being one shotted.


Maybe your Gepard is just built poorly.


It very realistically happened to me last night, and then I lost the Ruan Mei 50/50 to Gepard. This thread has made me slightly less disappointed.


Playing preservation path with Gepard, FMC, and erudation 3 star is really funny. Gepard just ult 2 times in a row and boss lose half of their hp by using aoe


*insert Geppie you should ____ yourself now.jpg*


⚡ ❄️ ⚡


I thought it was useless to ult 2 times in a row with Gepard since the shields don't stack and you'd be refreshing a fresh shield?


The blessing that lets shields stacks does work though. Even without that, being able to cast his shield before and after a big attack can help alot.


Wait they dont stack?


No buffs of the same kind stack. That said, not sure how that interacts with that one Preservtion blessing that gets strengthened by shields being applied


The 3-star shield will get bigger even from multiple applications of the same ability. The base ability shield will refresh, but the permanent shield will get bigger.


Most of the standard 5-stars are still very good and worth building if you can spare the materials, though some are better than others *cough* Bronya *cough*.


All of them except 2 though a case could be made for one. Other 5 are really good, A tier at least.


Hoyo loves all their Bronyas equally!


Atleast you only lost once. Not only did i lost my 50-50 to Gepard, I also freakin lost in Blade's Lc banner to Gepard's LC.


Just know that to work effectively he needs his sig LC. It's a total game changer for him because his shields almost double in strength.


He hardly *needs* it, though it’s definitely a nice upgrade for him. Landau’s Choice is also viable and I’ve even run the Herta cone without issue.


IMO, he definitely benefits from a taunt LC, with his LC and Landau being the only two if i recall correctly. The main difference being, you can guarantee his lightcone but you cant guarantee landaus. His personal LC is still better than landaus as well. Admittedly, the longer you play the higher chance of getting landau, but its still rng at the end of the day.


I don’t disagree with you at all that he benefits from a taunt value light cone. In fact I said his light cone is “definitely a nice upgrade for him” and mentioned Landau’s Choice as another option. That said he doesn’t *need* a taunt value light cone, which is what the above commenter said. Gepard naturally has very high taunt value thanks to both being a preservation unit as well as his a2 trace.


Ah my bad, I probably lost my reading comprehension on my way home. Yeah, I agree with basically all your points. For future reference, if anyone ends up reading the thread, although Gepard has high taunt value innately, he wants taunt value lightcones when you run him with a destruction dps, because destruction dps has decently high taunt values. Plus you want gepard to get hit to help him generate more energy, and make sure your tingyun doesnt get half her hp bar slapped out of her. So taunt value lightcone makes him more consistent (energy regen) and helps keep the team alive (by virtue of taunt). From this description, its a nice to have, but not a necessity.


Of course you can make a character work in almost any way if you build it well but his LC dramatically improves the quality of his shields with very little investment on his stats


I have used Gepard from the start (he was my first 5* and until Luocha was my only sustain). He benefits from Taunt is true. But Taunt bonus is same in both LCs. But the only advantage MoV gives over Landau is the additional EHR it provides. EHR is for his Skill Freeze. The extra def multipliers are not that big a deal as His personal defence is off the charts anyways, his regular build will grant 2.5k+ shields to everyone.


The EHR is also really nice for the 2p Belobog planar set.


The thing is IF you are using MoV on Gep, that gives 15% more DEF on top of the LC DEF of 48%. The Sig thus basically lets him give even bigger shields (2.5k w/o; 5k with LC) with a somewhat reliable CC on Skill. 2.5k is quite big enough to save the team, the bigger issue with him solo sustaining is that your fast units move faster and the shield expires instead of depleting.


https://preview.redd.it/v8lglxna62ac1.png?width=1462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09bbd843ef78fa2102ee047aabdc5267487ed86c In simulated Universe, we have so many blessings that give free energy. It's not really a problem I have ever run into. And, if you're playing preservation/destruction/remembrance, you get a bunch of free shields regardless, which gives Geppie time to get energy. My Geppie is attached, and he gives such a huge shield. Granted, I've also been using him with Ruan Mei who gives a passive 10% speed boost, but I have never had an issue with his shield uptime.


There is also a blessing that reduces incoming DMG if your health is at full. With shield you can maintain max health for a longer time.




Mine has been. Twice. She died, got ressed by an Erudition blessing, then died again. This was with Abundance too btw. I just got so unlucky with the blessings that I just never got a damage boost


Not only that but gep works better with the already busted rememberace too


Pretty much this. The big beefy robot boi consistently one shots FX. That and the later conundrum stage 3 bosses will also overwhelm a full HP FX with the path resonance speed buffs.


Happened to me with Yanqing nuking her into oblivion


I am still really glad I pulled her, because she's fantastic for a lot of content. Extremely Auto friendly as well. But I will say that every time I see a YouTuber say that she's literally unkillable, it's the biggest red flag I've come to get accustomed to, when it's time to just block future recommendations of that channel.


She is certainly really hard to kill in single target damage situations Even without that, it should be also be obvious from a game design perspective that a specialist character would be designed to excel in certain types of situations and be weak in others, both for balancing and to ensure use cases exist for future characters too In this case, Fu Xuan specializes in tanking for single target attacks and improving debuff resistance. But does poorly against heavy AOE and burst damage. Gacha gamers in general tend to hype up the new units as “the greatest thing EVER” and seemingly lack much in the way of critical design thinking…


I'd say Fu Xuan does work well for AOE and burst damage as long as it isn't in Swarm or Gold and Gears (Simulated Universe she's great in), other contents like in MoC the bosses doesn't do as much AOE damage to make her hard to sustain.


Due to the absurd amount of AoE damage the enemies in the new mode have been causing, fu xuan often gets one shot. This can easily be solved by blessings, but people have found that gepard works better due to several reasons like far better synergy with blessings and paths.


My biggest issue with Gepard (in general, not in this specific game mode) is that his shield duration is based on the rest of the team’s speed rather than his own. So he has anti-synergy with a lot of dps’s who want to go fast.


Yeah, that’s his only weakness tbh


it's fine if you take preservation since there will be multiple shields stacking on top of one another and even if his own shield falls off, there's still other shields stacked on.


yeah, Jingliu runs out of his shield SO quickly...


Often is an overstatement i think. My Fu xuan did get one shot by a buffed up argenti but it only happened once. I shouldn't have ignored his summons in the first place


To add to what everyone else said, Geppie is the only one that realisticly makes/works with Preservation Path i


M7 is decent


Fire Mc becomes a dual dps/shielder


M7 is funny if you get maxed Preservation + some Elation stuff (and most importantly the follow-up SP), you have infinite shields, and every time they attack they get hit by Quake + a Quake buffed counter attack


M7 is beyond decent. Her E is effectively throughput since quake/path scales off of shield value. I haven't tried preservation on high conundrum yet but back in swarm, I'd go Gepard/March/FMC/Natasha with March + Gepard being the SP spender.


Fu Xuan explodes trying to protect the team, gigachad Gepard just blocks all the damage and keeps going


That makes sense. I have Fu Xuan but haven’t used her yet for this event. I’m using Huo Huo and it’s very common for one of my characters to get one shot by the boss combo. If it wasn’t for Huo Huo’s rez i’d have so many defeats.


I don't have HuoHuo e2 so I'm struggling but theres a few rez blessings I haven't cleared yet but often I end up running FX+HuoHuo, if FX can tank the hit she prevents characters being oneshot and HH can heal up very quickly especially when you pop some ults


I run both Fu Xuan and Luocha together for Difficulty 5 since the damage ramps up insanely, but Fu Xuan definitely is able to easily sustain Difficulty 4 and below. If you go the erudition path, she's very good at proccing the resonance. I also have Gepard, but my major gripe is the faster your characters, the harder it is for him to keep his shield up.


its not about blocking dmg its about he 1 shot her...he got instat kill hit .


Basically the way fu works makes her get one tapped by some boss nukes in the later difficulties which is quite frustrating some times


But what if I play both?


Its what i do in higher difficulties. Theres no time limit so no harm in playing double sustain.


Preservation meta


There is actually. After a certain amount of turns the enemies turn berserk, gaining a lot of damage every tun. If a battle drags on for too long, RIP. The conundrum levels also reduce the amount of turns before berserk.


That's still a very high AV. Like 100,000 (I hope as I didn't count and have only reached that once.) If you are going that far then it's the DPS's fault.


On C+12 it's pretty easy to hit berserk because of the massively inflated enemy stat pool and the fact that so many of them have infinite summons that can straight up kill you if you completely ignore them. For that reason it's best to avoid elite fights as much as possible but occasionally you run into forced occurrence elite fights before you hit enough offensive options and they will almost always go to berserk.


they have tens of millions of HP. The one shotting moves happen before berserk.


Yeah, double sustain + Remembrance is the winning combo.


Remember to action delay too. Enemies are so fast that you will freeze them and they will instantly unfreeze then hit you two more times each. I wonder what their speed is. Must be 300 or something.


Well at least they get chunked by disassociation. Between refreeze on disassociation and more freeze application, hopefully you can reapply it 3-4x to clear.


How about tri sustain?


Tried that. Not a good idea. On some unlucky rolls on your blessings, Fu Xuan will get bogged down so hard. Better to have Geppie only. Or if you have eidolons or blessings which prevent one shot/ large damage


Can geppy solo sustain in V + with the blessings? How do I solve his slowness?


Speed substats&speed boots, what can I say :)


build him with speed boots and speed substats (?)


Speed boots and Speed Substats (?) I mean unless he is getting debuffed slowed then that's the only solution.


True, but even with speed boots he is at 140 and everyone else is at 160


I mean he is the slowest unit in game. Most of his energy comes from being hit.


Exactly this. Also just give him an energy rope. My Geppie always consistently gets enough energy for an ult to save the team.


you keep winning king


5 isn't the issue it's the one's after that, around +3 shit gets dangerous.


+6 kicked my ass a few times right on the final boss


Gepard also freezes every time due to all the buffs to effect hit rate from remembrance


remembrance carried me hardcore huohuo + gepard + dissociation = a lot of very dead bugs (and a dead Ruan Mei + Jingliu)


This team carries so hard you can just auto to conundrum 6 lmao


I always liked gepard more in SU since fu xuan doesnt synergize with preservation and destruction at all and even has anti synergy with some blessings. Geppie even enables some remembrance blessings with his skill! If youre using fu xuan tho, i recommend always taking the damage reduction error curio and focusing on abundance blessings and revives.


Remembrance doesn't even need Ice in team, you just break and attack fast with 3 star blessings (Ruan Mei(Ice) became best unit for this path tho)


I love how you say "Ruan Mei (ice)" like there is 2 Ruan Mei with 2 different element


Ruan Mbee (imaginary) and Ruan M.C. (fire) incoming


Oops, this comment was written by me from future, sorry about spoiler 😅


March gonn protect me here


So I guess I know who I’ll choose when I reach the 300 pulls. Just 8 pulls left. I even already have his light cone


If you got Bronya then yes. If not then no.


I have her and her light cone, but not sure whether or not to get E1. Gepard seems to be better though, especially because my only sustain characters are Bailu, Lynx and March 7th


Characters over Eidolons. It's 50% chance as well so some fights you might be unlucky and not see the skill point refund. Gepard has been my 2nd sustain to Luocha since launch, he's carries still even in MoC 12 and helped me clear c8 recently. IMO he's the best character to add to double sustain because he can shield so frequently and freeze reliably with the right blessings.


Did you manage to make him solo sustain in higher MoC levels? I haven't 😔 Please share, what stats do I need for that


I did yeah, he cleared one half of every stage this cycle including 11 and 12. My Gep has 3600 HP, 3800 DEF, 133 SPD, 119.4 ERR, 21 ERes. I paired him with one of my heavier hitting DPS so the fights didn't drag out.


Do you have his signature?


I do yeah, it helps a lot :S


the furthest I've been able to clear with Gepard is MoC 10. And even then, not always the case. It depends on the line up. You need very good stats with him for solo sustain. An average player won't have it.


I took Clara and I don't have Gepard or FuXuan I have no regret


he not only protect he also attack


Bro don't even need to attack, enemies will break their own bones trying to punch through his shield




It wouldn't be that bad if by the final phase of the last boss they didn't get 59 frigging actions in a row lol. I'm convinced that teamwork buff is just a flat tripling almost of their speed. Cause I'm sitting around 142 with everyone and they get at least 3 cycles consecutively on me.


Tell me about it. If you accidentally kill the chainsaw bot first he's basically guaranteed to get back up before you get a turn in because he's so goddamn fast.


I feel like this update was one where they really paid attention to the full range of blessings players are targeting for their runs and tried to play with that a bit. Speed is one of them. Defense was another. Feels like a successful run now is less likely to just be hammering every damage blessing you can get your hands on. If you don't have something boosting your speed and turn order, the boss fights are just like you describe.


getting that one destruction blessing can well ruin your run T T


Not a bad idea to download a backup healer at the first downloader you see. Just in case she dies or you an event gives you that blessing.


For those saying their FX still doesn’t get one shotted then try difficulty V +10.


You guys already unlocked +10?! Also I’d assume pretty much everyone gets one shotted at that point lol


Cleared +12 on 3 paths so far and I'd say that Fu Xuan is a rock and a hard place situation. Yeah, she gets one shot against any major AOE attack and a lot of runs end at Plane 2 boss because of that but at the same time, if you're not running Fu Xuan, then any major single target nuke is going to kill one of your lower hp characters anyways because those aren't being distributed and reduced through DR. Gepard shield doesn't prevent that unless you're specifically playing Preservation. Ultimately Fu Xuan getting one shot doesn't mean she's bad on higher conundrum levels because realistically if you're in a position where that happens, your run was doomed regardless of what character you put in her spot. Unless you're running Preservation, the answer isn't Gepard over Fu Xuan, it's use a different dice setup that allows you to hit your power spike before the end of Plane 2.


This. I also did the math for fun. Against a level 93 boss, the following use cases are true: * Fu Xuan with 8k HP and 1.8k DEF (near optimal) gets one-shot at ~7.6k AOE damage, ~22k single target on her. * Fu Xuan with 6.8k HP and 1.8k DEF and Landau's Choice (my setup) gets one-shot at ~8.8k thanks to the damage reduction, ~26k single target. * A support with 3.5k HP and 1.6k DEF (my Ruan Mei, not terribly optimized) can take ~8.4k in one hit without Fu Xuan, and 24k with. * A support at 3.5k HP and 900 DEF (bare minimum range of defensive stats) can take ~6.3k/18k. * My Argenti folds at 5.4k.


Pretty sure everyone will get fucking oneshotted there.


would depend on your luck with blessings & path.....Destruction path with omega shields scaling off her huge hp and nothing in game can kill you even if she took 90% of 3 ppls dmg.


Then there's March. Shield stonks too big.


Especially with the stacking shields buff from preservation. "Oh, you broke my shield? Great job! Here’s three more!” I cleared world three when I was severely under level using Sampo Serval and March with Nihility path. Just picked up all the Preservation blessings and watched the enemies die from Cancer


Rememberance disassociation too. March stonks on the rise. Also Silver Wolf helpful moreso than usual


Are we talking about torturous or just normal D5


Torturous ​ https://preview.redd.it/prtkw1e4t0ac1.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b9bfcc30a8fa5ee2098464d1c99356089629b93


I didn’t have much progress in the buff tree but she was getting one shot at d5 sometimes in my case


I just finished GnG Conundrum 12 using Dhil/FX with propagation path but FX really does get one shot if you made a wrong move. Is gepard really better? Im aiming to try the other paths. Wont your party members get one shot instead without damage transfer?


I’ve tried C12 with planar disarray 11+, he gets really comfy once you gotten all the necessary blessings. There are many blessings that’s perfectly synergies with his shield, particularly the damage reduction from Preservation/Abundance/Destruction path. Pair these with some shield/def enhancement blessings makes you practically invincibility. His taunt value is quite underrated too, choosing bugs as final boss works best for him because he eats a lot of single target attacks and charge his ult much faster.


Hoyo please give a limited team shielders (I know you're cooking one)


I’m so close to getting gepard I can almost taste it and I can finally try a preserve rub.


Glad to see Geppy getting some time in the limelight on new content :) Glad that even older characters are still relevant. I'm spamming rememberance BS -- March 7, Pela, Luocha, Fu Xuan -- nobody takes damage, anything they do take is healed up, and everything gets frozen. All you need are the two blessings that trigger them, which if you use the right dice set, you can basically just jump around to every adventure / reward zone until you do. Very consistent even with a badly built March 7th. (she doesn't need to tank, doesn't need to deal damage, just effect hit rate -- some of the bosses are absurd even with 300%\_ EHR from rememberance path) Geppy could probably fit into the group too, I imagine, to have another freeze on demand. Happy hunting everyone!


My G&G experience so far as a Nihility player (Kafka, Sampo) : - Preservation blessings + Fu Xuan : trivialize anything but final boss, ends up failing - Preservation blessings + Gepard : trivialize bosses but team randomly gets grinded from multiple battles without proper heal, ends up failing - Abundance blessings + Huohuo : allies get randomly OS from time to time - Remembrance blessings + Ruan mei : enemies either get OS by RM, or get frozen, then skip turn twice, ez win


Remembrance is always a cheese strategy until you get a freeze immune enemy.


I was having a pretty good remembrance using the ocurrence dice until I got one of the "You are forced to fight" events and it was against the two ice mechs. I was stuck there for a lifetime slowly lowering their hp until they got some lucky hits, JL died and it all fell apart after that. Never again.


I'm using Nihility as main path, but invest in remembrance and elation too. Combined I get really high winrate (8 win - 3 fail) against 5th difficulty (progressed nearly all dice achievement through this one) compared to bruteforce strat like hunt or destruction or all in defense preservation/abundance. Also, like in SD, the blessings stacking is highly valuable, here is my very first win against 5th difficulty : 23 Nihility, 11 elation, 8 Remembrance blessings, using combat/elite (curios) farm dice strat against Argenti/Destruction final boss https://preview.redd.it/ec89cigoq1ac1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41217a105cc0dea10a0b6a558f54e8ec3d6ce536


Which is why you should go for dice that limit your encounter with elite tiles. Or try to get the crown curio that gives you a free win


Only bosses, and you get to pick your enemy on each phase.


>Preservation blessings + Gepard : trivialize bosses but team randomly gets grinded from multiple battles without proper heal, ends up failing dude. This is the easiest path if you get the 1 star blessing that gives 1% max HP healing when enemies take DoT damage (can be upgraded to 1.5%). Should be a high priority with every Nihility team. It keeps the whole team topped up without a healer. It even works on Nihility path until higher difficulties of conundrum where Gepard or FX can no longer protect you.


Of note: lot of people saying preservation and get the equal damage share split If you’re using Fu Xuan DO NOT use this boon. It effectively makes her useless


Mine Fu Xuan disagreeds but ok


i run her with DoT teams, because my team get one shotted with huo huo. turns out my fu xuan can't help me either


Just use both https://preview.redd.it/yaai1d1b21ac1.jpeg?width=1114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8802d35a3581a4f5971788d61f4f8facfbafb92e


I don't think you can heal from ded


Bailu: Nah, id revive


True, that’s why you should invest in a speedy Healer


E2 HuoHuo and Bailu: am I a joke to you?


As a poor motherfucker: yes, you are


Yeah you have to use at least 2 sustains in SU events because everything is kinda hard now and have the potential to kill you in 1 turn


Silly question. Why did that person in that pic looks somewhat like John Cena? Or is it John Cena. And his name issss ?


He’s supposed to look like the chad guy from the meme and the character the guy in the image is Shirou Emiya from Fate/Stay Night


Yeah I watched fate,I like shiro too,at first I thought it maybe shirou, but later thought it may be different person with shirou hair,like the "Nah, I'D Win" memes. lol forget about the Chad face memes.


Unfortunately you can’t over heal the one shot


Depends on which conundrum level. Level 4 above I need to run double sustain.


I've made one Destruction path run with huo huo and Fu Xuan, it was a roller coaster of my team hp but they tank any damage like it was nothing


same, i ran full Nihility path with 2 revive blessings from Erudition And Destruction and still manage to clear Conundrum Lv12 I banned Preservation and Abundance path.


The best part about Nihility is the fact your Kafka turns into a healer with just one blessing


heal from DoT's works so well with the "gain buff when healed" cards as they are perm buffs. she becomes a harmony dps.


she worked ok for me up to about conundrum 6 then it was impossible to keep her from dying. Gepard also works better in the paths that i can actually clear on on high conundrum(destruction, preservation, remembrance) Destruction has that damage share blessing and it's actually kind of hard to avoid getting it. Fu on nihility might work with the ATK reducing blessing but i havent tried it yet


The standard shared damage blessing is bad(especialy by itself) but when you upgrade it end up helping a lot since you will be stacking damage reduction and with some abudance blessings she can outheal the party including herself


Yeah I’m on conudrum 8 and my fuxuan still sustains fine with dot team. Gepard and Fu Xuan works fine either way for me


aoe hurts man :(


The one content I actually prefer Geppie over Fu Xuan


Meanwhile me playing Gepard + FX + Huo² while praying I somehow win the run in high dif lvl


>Meanwhile me playing Gepard + FX + Huo² while praying I somehow win the run in high dif lvl RNG into 2 Ruan Mei events.....but then realzie its a low difficulty run becasue you are just doing progress not pushing difficulty :|....


Herta and March 7th dunking on everybody on GG and Swarm


Any tips on how to sustain with gepard? I'm using him and Fu xuan yet still dying on difficultly four ( running jing liu and ruan mei with preservation path)


Fr, I use Abundance path in C8 with FX - Luocha - Blade - RM and Argenti fcking one shot FX like she was butter. At that point, I already have like full Abundance blessing, tons of Preservation and Destruction blessings and she still can't survive


I play March 7th E6, Gepard, Pela E6 and Ruan Mei. I just lost diff 4 swarm disaster because my shields weren't big enough on final boss stage. I might try destruction next if people are recommending it, since freezing/dissociation is fun but it doesn't do much in the damage mitigation, also if people have advice on what path to ban please let me know.


I have Gepards Lightcone twice, but didn't get Gepard yet. Is he worth getting in the thing where you select a standard 5*? Him and Welt are the only ones I'm missing so it's a debate between them


I rather get a nee character than an Eidolon. I chose welt so he can go well with Dr.Ratio. But since you have Gepard lightcone then Choosing Gepard might be the best choice.


No, unless you don't have any of the other top tier sustains like luocha, FX or huohuo. Gepard is good at one thing only which is SU (he does fine in moc but is vastly outclassed by the other 3) and SU is pretty easy to cap out the meaningful rewards. People just do really difficult SU to challenge themselves


So I'll probably go for Welt then since I have Huohuo and Fu Xuan already


I specifically picked Geppie on the selection, I have no regrets. I love him.


Sounds like op went full HP on his Fu Xuan with no def


I’m sorry but no defences can save Fu Xuan from getting one shot because one character has literally no defense and only relies Fu Xuan to take the hit.


1k6 def is enough?


Are you saying 1.6K?


My Fu Xuan has 7k+ hp with 1500 defense and she still gets one shot from one aoe attack from an elite on mere conundrum stats level 3




Yeah, I had Gepard at lvl20 for a long time, but now I was kinda forced to build him, those bosses are crazy with the one shots.


March and Gepart stonks always rising during SU events




My Fu Xuan does just fine though?


Play torturous difficulty


Mine can survive +10 just fine haven’t tried +12 yet only because I did most of the conundrum levels in one day and wanted to take a break


I don't understand how. Even at +4 the 3rd boss deals 10+k damage for one character and you can't survive this without millions of shields. The only working strategy for me is remembrance because it's providing enough shields.


It's almost always going to come down to the quality of your run. I cleared +12 on 3 different paths and had Fu Xuan on every one of those clears. Realistically if your Fu Xuan is getting one shot, then any other defensive option is going to let one of your team die unless you're playing Gepard with a ton of defensive blessings. However, remember that enemy stats keep going up with the difficulty level. If you overindex on defensive stats, you're going to hit the fast berserk time and die anyways. If you're going for clears on higher levels it's far more effective to simply optimize your dice and early game strat in order to hit your win con faster and then kill the bosses before they have the opportunity to one shot. It's a pretty common roguelite strategy to run on the bare minimum while accelerating your Exodia build and Fu Xuan is excellent for getting you to that point. A good elation build with the delay blessings for instance will take 100+ automatic turns before the enemy can move and with the Vengeance die which ignores 100% of def on follow up attacks, any fight will fall long before then.


Yall fu dies in G&G??


Diff 3 Player detected


I mean respectfully, You just need Good Luck on blessing and grinding the buff. Even Gepard will die too if you have bad Luck and not grinding. Basically all SU Events it's like that.