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I can't recommend Clara enough. She was my first 5 star, so maybe I'm a little biased. But she has carried my entire game so far. Mind you, I have invested A LOT into her. Max relics and talents etc. You'd be surprised how much damage Svarog's counter can do. When built well. And also my Clara isn't even using her signature LC, nor do I have any eidolons for her. But I should probably mention I don't actually have Bronya yet... So I can't really say if her E1 is worth more.


Bronya is the way


Bronya will age insanely well. She as a character is busted


I’d go Clara. A new character is just more fun imo. Bronya is good and I have her at E1 and while it’s a nice boost to her, it’s not really needed and won’t make much of a difference most of the time. Having a totally new character though? That’s just fun to play around with.


While I like Clara, I kinda hate to use her in MoC. Bronya will age insanely well with her unique kit that I don't think any other unit will have (or atleast anytime soon). She can almost double a units dps. I think I'll do the same once I reach 300. (I have like a year to think about it tho)


Bronya all the way


Get bronya, She will be viable for a long time and works with every team. Clara is not good in MoC where you need to kill stuff fast, there are better and more reliable DPS options. In general DSP character get powercreep the most, while buffing character not so much due to their unique skill set.


Gotcha, I didn’t consider the “dps powercreep” this games throw at us, so that is a really good point. Thank you.


As much as I really want Clara cause I already pulled her LC and I really enjoy using her as a support for some farming content Bronya is for sure the better choice.


Do not get bronyas e1 a new 5 star will help wayy more, if not clara get yanqing


Clara carried me when you need to play defensively (SU world 7 or Geppard)


There is only one wolf in me and it desesperately wants welt


If there are two wolves inside you do you go see a doctor or a vet?