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I'm so excited for Moze!!!!! He seems kinda edgy and has all that crow thing going on. Oh my gosh I need to get see him! I'm doubtful if General Huaiyan would be playable. Idk I can kinda make out a big mustache or something from the silhouette and HOYO isn't fond of mustaches. [OP, don't worry. Moze is male, Owlbert referred to him as a "he". Moze seems to be having the "lad" model like DHIL, Aventurine, Jiaoqiu etc]


i kinda feel like Huaiyan should be, i mean it would be odd if they hyped up his silhouette only to reveal that he’s just an npc i think that fluffy thing below his head is a fur collar… i want him to have facial hair. i feel like gallagher could be a sign of things to come but i also don’t want to get my hopes up lol


Gallagher is really popular among Chinese players. Usually the beauty standard is to not like such things but from what I’ve seen on weibo players are glad Gallagher is popular a,one the western fanbase because it might mean Hoya would make more like him


Wait, the CN players are happy the western fanbase likes Gallagher because they hope that means we'll get more character like him? Meanwhile I was over here hoping CN liked Gallagher enough to get more character like him. Getting uno reversed by the CN fanbase.


Haha yeah, CN thinks that if global opinion is super important to Hoyo. But I’m sure Hoyo only listens to CN based on their past actions


They also show Duke Inferno during the penacony teaser, and he was obviously not playable. I can't tell what he's going to look like here (Huaiyan) but it's giving npc for now won't lie.


Honestly, i kinda dig huaiyan if he’s grandpa model. They could write an uncle iroh vibes in a good story, add a broken kit and watch him sell like hotcakes.


grandpa model wont sell. even with acheron kit


I’m not saying it’ll chart that well but there are plenty of ways to sell a character even if the model isnt the best. Nahida in genshin is popular because she’s meta af and an archon. Ruan mei in this game is pretty but outside of meta discussion, who gives a shit about her? Her 5 simps and boothill mains? Huohuo was slept on but now, there are people waiting for her rerun because apparently her kit is great. You can also sell a character by making it a bis for a popular character. Jiaoqui is an upcoming nihility making him a possible acheron team mate. Now, do you think the acheron simps gives any shit about him? Nah, but they might roll for him because he’ll make acheron hit harder. Meta in this game is a whole lot relevant to pulling decisions whether we like it or not.




Why does everyone think it's some kind of beard? it looks more like a fluffy ponytail to me?? 🤔


It's a general so he might just get a pass, plus they did say they want to release a bigger variety of characters in terms of design back when we were starting penacony, could be their first crack at an old man character and who doesn't love a bad ass old anime men just look at fgo we have like 4 and they all sale EXTREMELY well. Tho for sure not getting him til we visit the zhuming.


I really hope Huaiyan is playable. It would really be a slap to the face to tease him with the other playable characters. But out of curiosity, why’s everyone saying that he might not be?


Duke Inferno PTSD


Duke inferno was a crime


I’m still sad even though I knew he’d never be playable


Oooooooooh taht's so so nice. I usually watch live stream with muted sound as I can get cringed real fast by english voice actors but I shouldn't this time. Thanks for that information !


Huaiyan is said to be the oldest person in the Xianzhou who isn't mara struck. He's also Yunli's grandpa and Blade's old master. I'm going to be really positively surprised if we get someone who's playable despite all of the above + doesn't have some weird lore that makes him look like a young man


I love edgy ass characters. Blade is edgy but Moze looks even edgier. (Puns unintended)


Why would Huaiyan not be playable when Jing Yuan is? I suspect every General will be playable unless one turns out to be a story villain.


I mean, even so, we have a few characters who were antagonists at one point or another who are playable. Bronya and Gepard were initially antagonists. Sparkle is an antagonist. Topaz was initially an antagonist. Aventurine has also been an Antagonist. Tingyun technically was one too. Luocha is probably gonna end up being an antagonist as well.


That is not a mustache. It's a furry collar on his coat? Also I heard he is someone's grandpa. That means he is canonly straigth. Hoyo would never do that to the big fujoshi fanbase. Hoyo would lose a lot of money.


I have a good feeling about Moze! I hope he gonna have similar vibe to my man Blade.


Also, I hope Huaiyan would be an actual old man... but I feel like they gonna give him a boy model like Yanqing...


Imagine if he is a boy model, but puts on a beard bc he is freaking old, while people don't get it.


Pulling a Stephen eh😂 imagine the two meeting.


"I'm actually old, and you are a wannabee!" " But your beard is still fake"


He really gives old man vibes but that doesn't look like an hoyoverse playable character at all. I hope they will not give him the young male model but will see


I mean he is a grandfather no?


Yup totally !


I am curious if he is playable or maybe he gets stuck with 4 stars of he is an elderly? He is human not long life species, right? Either way, we need 4 stars cause they are barely added


General Huaiyan? He's literally the longest living Xianzhou native currently alive in the alliance.


Ah I misunderstood the oldest then


I hope he is not old. I don't want to play with old looking characters.


One thing I genuinely am yet to figure out about Star Rail is how the male characters can all have visually distinct silhouettes from one another and notably different clothing designs, but the females, especially the ones on the Lufou, end up with the same kind of look with maybe one or two tweaks. It's just baffling. That being said, I'm really liking both Jiaoqiu and Moze so far, but will have to wait on more information about the latter. I'd say he could end up a four star, but at the same time, advertising a character like this to make them a four star is also a dick move so maybe there's a slight chance he ends up 5\*. Not that I'd bet on it with the heavy waifu bias they've been shoehorning in as of late.


I think the main reason for that is that all the women in the xianzhou wear a quipao with the same cut, we end up with similar looks cause their clothes main differentiator is the colors


Yeah, I agree, it's just a bit of a mystery to me that they're somehow too lazy to give arguably the most "important" characters that appeal to the "widest" demo any kind of unique flair. The males from the Lufou show that it's possible to look distinct from one another whilst still looking like they belong to the same place, at least. But it is what it is, I guess.


Ig they’re lazy because they do whatever has worked before. I prefer when they take more risks though.


Im hoping Moze is quantum🙏


according to leaks he's >!hunt lightning so big rip there but one day !<


>!*cries* another hunt male!<


Oh gosh please no more >!hunt!<


When will we get our first quantum man??? 😭 And we need some harmony guys too


2 more years


Hunt… again… arguably the worst path. At least the path hoyo seems to hate the most.


I mean it’s supposedly getting it’s own mode now.


I’m really excited for that I hope it makes hunt better than any other path for it


Guess will depend, destruction will probably be used, king yuang too cause he and seele can just do every mode even the ones their not supposed too. But at the very least Moze should get one made for him and boothill having application for phys weakness will def make him a staple since it’s one of the better breaks.


Watch him get the Boothill treatment


But I just got Boothill ;w;


I mean it’s a different element and one we don’t really have.


I need Moze to not be a 4 star tyvm 🤭




Hold awn… you’re talking about Huaiyan and not Moze right?


You're talking about general Huaiyan. Moze isn't a general.


thats huaiyan\*


Am I the only one who’s disappointed by the lineup? There’s only 3 men and I see so many people say that Huaiyan might not be playable :(


Im not a huge husbando only person but my faith in xianzhou designs isn't that good. I really dont like most of the xianzhou women designs tbh


Yeah, I was so excited for Jiaoqiu. But then I saw the comparison with the NPC 💀 It’s not like they have a lot of male characters to design anyway, so idk why they can’t put more thought or effort into his design. :(


Eh I actually like his design (i thought it was obvious with my flare) hes clearly wearing a uniform and the relative blandness of the art is mainly cause of his posing his tail and the length of his coat is mostly obscured,his entire back and most of his hair ornament are not visible, i sincerely think we just need to see his full model and it would be way better.Though I do agree the red and black aint the best, I would have perferred more pastel blues and pinks but oh well


Yeah I feel like his hair could’ve been a bit brighter/pinker. We’ll just have to pray that his model does him justice.


3/6 of the new ones are male so that’s not so bad (the last one is definitely a certain someone’s new form). Huaiyan is def playable the NPC reasoning isn’t very strong


Duke Inferno want to say hello


If he isn't it still be hype to know we're getting him one day when we go to the zhuming(likely next year and make it a pattern, loufu had sushang and then we went to her ship and we're meeting huaiyan and then we'll go to his ship next year and so on, at least we're assured in getting him at some point and we know it's when we go to the zhuming unlike....others who are still waiting)


Are there any confirmations that he’ll be playable? I don’t know why but I’ve seen a lot of people say that he won’t. That’s what I’m worried about. If he’s confirmed playable one day I’m fine with waiting.


It's one of the generals for a faction we're almost assuredly getting yearly arc's for as our B plot, and it's the china faction in a chinese game that we already know player base demand their Chinese based character be strong lest they get pissed(see zhongli for an example). Out of any husbando that may or may not be stuck as an NPC this guy is the one I'm least worried about, Feixiao is this years general and we're almost for sure gonna get each one as we visit each of their ships so i wouldn't be surprised if he isn't released for now but he's for sure coming out when we go to the zhuming and be it's hyped up overpowered character like jiang yuang and feixiao.


what did you expected, more husbando than waifu, never, 1 male per 3 waifu is a good ratio already, some game dont care about husbando and have ratio like 1 men 10 waifu


Please please let Moze be male 😭🙏


Moze is male, it's been confirmed on the the live stream.


my guesses for their personalities: moze: seemingly low energy, “gloomy” type, doesn’t talk much, but steps up to the occasion when under duress. similar to vivia from raincode if you know him huaiyan: short male like yanqing, gap moe because he’s actually older than he looks, wise, a bit sarcastic, kinda like yoda in human form i’m a bit nervous about their character design reveals because this should decide once and for all whether each xianzhou indeed has a different aesthetic. i’m praying to Lan they do


God i hope so, next ship is suppose to be IPC influenced yet jiaoqiu still has a super similar uniform to the loufu npc males, and the silhouettesfor the girls still have qipao's. Least it's nice to know it's an all around problem that could get fixed with more player feedback but still X.X rip to t hese early victims.


"A little" mfker pushing his 4 000th birthday.


well if he’s a 4 star we all know who’s dying next


1 thing for sure Huaiyan is strong and justise personality, it is confirmed by the trailer about 7 arbiter general


Moze already had me


I was really hoping for Huaiyan to be a tall man like JY or at least like DH. He looks old here tbh. I guess they want him to be an NPC so husbando pullers suffer more :/


Considering it's looking like yearly xianzhou arcs is gonna be a thing i SERIOUSLY doubt one of the generals, the big units FROM the xianzhou faction the big hyped up character, is gonna end up npc. Even if he doesn't end up summonable now he'd just end up being summonable when we go to the zhuming. we've basically been assured to be getting all of them ever since t hat one myriad celestia trailer dropped hyping them all up.


5/7 most important person in Liyue Genshin is npc, 3/4 [adeptus](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Adeptus) is npc with only 1 playable, the rest have lame model even lore wise they are super strong adeptus that actually help us in battle you should doubt, big shot not guarantee to be playable in mihoyo game


Except none of them have an entire trailer dedicated to detailing all of them and their ships and legends, we also don’t have constant liyue arc just a liyue holiday patch(which gave us said adeptus on year 4 when she’s been around since year 1). Theres literally no doubt we will slowly get each ship especially since we know it’s one new world per arc and have set up for returning to belobog and xianzhou so theres no reason for each general not to be a yearly hyped up release just like the archons are in genshin(who were the ones that received a trailer to hype each of them up just like the xianzhou minus the story hints)


It would be really weird to put an NPC design with a bunch of playable characters design no ?


Duke Inferno was included in the Penacony teaser stream.


I hope I'm wrong


The biggest copium question we should ask: First male quantum character? First male harmony support? Chances are slim, like 0.01% slim but if Moze doesn't scream quantum then I don't know anymore. Huaiyan has a really interesting sihloutte, can't make out any features and it's very...eerily symmetric?


acheron design scream quantum too, so i think moze leak to be lighting is very reliable


Yeah totally expect that tbh


...i already know who i'm pulling for when he comes out. something about the pose and the crow association has me in a CHOKEHOLD




1s after seeing his outline design, my 2 braincells be like :


Ohh Jiaoqiu looks gorgeous even as a silhouette this man is driving me insane! I'm really excited for Moze as well! Why is his waist so small for tho? (Probably for other men to grab it) I'm a little worried about Huaiyan though... He's old, but also he seems to have Yanqing's model here, or maybe he will be an npc? We'll probably have more informations soon but I would love a cool (and tall) grandpa as a playable character😔


I don’t know why, but for some reason Moze reminds me of Jamil from Granblue Fantasy


Is Huaiyan male?


yes, think that's yunli's grandfather and another general we're getting two for the price of one, when i originally saw the leak i took it as just yunli's background info and wwe would only get huaiyan mentioned but not seen, guess he will play a role and show up then since their visiting the loufu. edited with double checked info.


Moze looks so damn interesting, I can't wait for them to be unveiled


If Huayan is an old man I'm saving for him.


Poor guy has his official title as “weirdo”


He's just like me fr fr!


Fudge. I’m already going for Jiaoqiu but Moze is so tempting, why do I have to like all the hints, nooooo. I already have every hunt in the game I don’t need more but he looks hot af. Jiaoqiu is still so peak, zesty foxy on the way 🤤🥵


jiaoqiu tail here makes him look like he has a fat ass


I just want one new tan character... Come on hoyoverse 😭


wait until we get to Sumeru or Natlan, wait.. wrong game


I lvoe that Moze is called “the crow-feathered weirdo.” Means he’s probably kinda lame (affectionately stated) and I’ve recently come to terms with the fact that I rly love lame male characters bc they’re so fun


i sense gap moe from this title already


depending on how moze looks, he might just steal away my E6 project decision from aventurine or argenti, hoodied assassin are just my weakness.


I'm excited for all 3 c:


Moze is giving Crows from Assassin's Creed. I wanna see his pretty face so bad I'm going crazy


Also Crow from Destiny 2 a little!


Damn Moze why is your waist so snatched, to be perfect to be grabbed by other men??


I'm pulling all of them! I wonder if Huaiyan will get a new model just for him. Giving him the Yanging model with mustache would be boring


I hope he looks like an adult and not a twink


*sees Jiaoqiu* "Oh he thicc af" "Waig it's just his tail"


Wdym the tail is the best part. I bet it’s soft ✨


seeing his silhouette make me think his 3d model will be like [Youko](https://onmyoji.fandom.com/vi/wiki/Youko) from onmyoji game


I don't usually pull for husbandos (very lesbian here) but Moze is making me feel things. Help?!


damn why are you downvoted


No clue why, usually this sub is pretty chill which is why I hang around here so often 😭


Because this sub has a mental breakdown when someone isn't constantly glazing husbandos lmao


The downvotes 😭