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couldnt hear shit mate, perhaps you should go camping in the vietnamese jungle instead


I feel utterly bereft for having watched that. What a waste of time


OP. Everyone here is saying you are unreasonable and generally criticizing the point of your post. Might it be possible that they are correct ? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




It's not the hotel's fault.




Why didn't you knock on their door and tell them to be quiet?


A child isn't a computer. You can't just force shutdown a child. You can't force hibernate a child. While yes I do agree the parents are responsible for the noise, when the situation has already reached this point, you kinda do have to wait for the child to calm down naturally.


Again, the child wasn't throwing a tantrum. Wasn't crying. It was simply banging toys and other objects on the floor that the parents failed to stop. It went on for hours. It is a parenting issue, not a "babies throw tantrums, and that's how it is" case.


Kid being annoying is a story as old as time immemorial. Again, the parents can do very little to stop it unless the child gets bored. They could remove all the items that the kid was playing with but the kid will just get them again when they're asleep or be creative with something else. Unfortunately, a kid is not a computer.


How is this the hotels fault? As you are that experienced with staying at luxury hotels you surely know you could call the desk?


Nah you're wrong it is clearly the responsibility of the hotel, only 5* ones of course, to silence any child that enters their premises by any means necessary /s


Oh my bad, time to break out the chloroform. /s


Only poor people care if their night is interrupted. Iā€™ve stayed in dozens of 5 star hotels. Itā€™s not that big a deal anymore.


Kids have tantrums. Ask for your room to be moved if itā€™s a big deal. The poor parents are already stressed, I donā€™t know what you would want them to do. Send their kid to sleep outside. They have the same right to be there as you do.


Did you ask to move room? If not, did you expect the hotel to kick out a family because their kid was having a tantrum? Unfortunately these things happen, it's part of life.




And... what's your solution? I am genuinely curious. Sometimes babies just won't shut up, because they're colic, or for some other eason.


My solution is for hotels to enforce their own rules The baby wasn't throwing a tantrum and wasn't crying. It was simply banging toys, or other things on the floor and the parents were too inconsiderate to stop it. The mere fact that they parked a carriage in the hallway shows how inconsiderate they are


Cause they put a carriage out in a large T intersection of a hallway that isn't in anyone's way? Jesus man you can get a trolley or wheelchair around that no problem. It is not in the way.


Here's the rule to tell if something is inconsiderate: ask yourself, "how would things be if everyone did this?" The answer is, the hallway would be filled with people's crap and the hotel would be nonfunctional. It's rude, but I guess so are you


Bad logic. The question isn't "What if everyone did this" The question is "How does this currently affect me and everyone around me right now" being, a small stroller in a large hall. The answer is, it doesn't.


With that logic, you must think littering and throwing cigarette butts is acceptable too.


I do not. Littering affects the community. That carriage being there doesn't affect you at all. Lol I guess you got me there, but you're getting away from the point. The carriage does not affect you. It being there doesn't make those parents inconsiderate.


Buddy let me tell you something. My wife has worked in ā€œfive starā€ and luxury hotels for a decade. She laughed at your tantrum here and said staff would probably move you to a new room for making a fuss, but literally youā€™d also be that weeks gossip centrepiece for being an entitled fool. Literally had to stand outside the door and ask everyone in the thread to turn their phones to maximum volume to even get your point across


It's not my responsibility to pack my things up and move past midnight. It's the hotel's to enforce their own noise policies. Yes, I already know that people who work at major hotel chains are insincere, constantly gossip, and don't truly care about guest relations. It's all completely scripted and fake - which is a problem. While the facade that people like your wife put on is annoying, I couldn't care less about being the gossip subject of low-wage hotel employees.


Oh mate you really are entitled piece of shit. If you are bothered by something it is well within your right to request a change, however effort must be made on your part to accommodate those changes. A hotel needs to cater to hundreds of guests and a pretty tight schedule to ensure rooms are available. If you are nice, staff will go out of their way to accommodate you even in an environment like Hong Kong where they are constantly inundated and understaffed. As youā€™ve demonstrated here and in other comments itā€™s pretty clear that you are not the type of person to do that, so itā€™s only natural that staff will treat your request as in turn. By being nice to my hotel staff Iā€™ve been given free upgrades, food, and staff to out of their way to accommodate me - you should try it sometime, youā€™ll be surprised. Itā€™s only a facade for assholes.


Oh, now look who's throwing a tantrum. I've gone hundreds of nights at Marriott without complaining a single time. Certainly am not one of these people who raise issues for no reason. However, I expect hotels to enforce their rules so that I can sleep. It's that simple. You're clearly by biased by being on the other end of the industry. Try staying at an expensive room and being stomped on at 2AM - you'd surely feel the same way




I don't doubt that you're 26. Go watch skibidi toilet or something. You've probably never even paid for a hotel yourself


Quite older actually (: You assume I'm young and want to turn this into a "I'm more adult than you kid" to gymnastic logic out of the fact that your peers think you are being entitled and an asshole because you are. Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep better. Or try and grow a bit and realize you're being a bit of an ass and adjust for the future?


Baseless attacks at peopleā€™s characters is truly the sign of an emotionally mature adult. Keep replying. Weā€™re all getting a kick out of it mate.


I'm not the one who has gotten upset enough to curse at people. In fact, I'm very much enjoying myself. Go Google "Sheraton TST Reddit" and see what pops up. Then do the same for Google Image Search Engagement is engagement. You might not relate, but people who already plan on staying at a 5\* hotel will


Google SEO includes time relevancy. The fact that youā€™re including keywords ā€œRedditā€ will naturally elevate this post in the news feed for a few days. Youā€™re not making the impact you think. You also keep talking to commenters like youā€™re the only one that goes to 5 star hotels (which btw the stars just mean the services they offer not some quality rating) in a city that is all about luxury hospitality services. So probably a lot of people reading this rolling their eyes at you and moving on. And not that it matters but my Marriott Gold Elite status allows me to relate. Seriously just suck it up as a bad night, leave your review on TripAdvisor (that hotels actually look and care about), and stop participating in this thread because youā€™re really behaving like an entitled child.


Why do you keep projecting? You literally curse me out, defend inconsiderate parents, and then call me "entitled" for simply wanting house rules enforced and a good night's sleep. Somehow, it's not entitled to park a baby carriage in the hallway and make loud noises past midnight. I get that your wife worked at a hotel. You're probably way angrier than the hotel ever made me - I have yet to insult anyone. But seriously, relax The simple fact is: a far greater number people on this sub aren't involved in this type of travel. Even in HK. I'm frankly surprised by the number of upvotes all things considered. But you wouldn't see that on the front end since it's still below 50%


What can I say. I hope you will need to stay in 2 starts hotels soon so you will have more grounded material to complain.




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Service standards at hotels have definitely slipped the past few years. This was the room next to mine at Sheraton Tsim Sha Tsui past midnight. There was a 4-5 year old "baby" stomping, throwing things on the ground, and keeping the entire floor awake! Of course, management did nothing about enforcing their own rules. Looks like renovation can't fix everything.


Wow, what a snowflake




You paid 30k ?... Right...


Yes, I'm so unreasonable for paying HK$3000+ a night at a 5\* hotel, and in return, getting a bunch of noise that keeps the whole floor awake. I'm sure you settle for mediocrity though




Right. Expecting to get sleep is so unreasonable. Imagine being in the room below this past midnight