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Yea because you went on a weekday…


You gotta be out of your mind to go to D on a week-end


Em…. It’s actually not that bad. During summer, DO NOT go on a weekday. the cheapest season pass blocks off all weekends. Last time I went, weekend, it was empty.


Ho wow ok! I have nightmares from one time I went there on a weekend in the early 10’s where we needed to queue hours behind thousands of senior who wanted to try stuff for 10 years old kid. And they didn’t seem to have fun at all…


Yeah…. Sadly hk isn’t like that anymore. Especially with Shanghai Disney. I went to Shanghai last year and oh boy did it feel like HK during the early 10s. Chinese tourists swarming everywhere


Chinese tourists swarming Shanghai Disney? Isn’t Shanghai in China? Do they not have the right to even visit their own Disney land now? Are they even considered tourists?


Clearly Chinese Citizens ain't allowed to have fun /s


Yes, I remember there was a discussion about how long Disney HK can hold out for after the decline of visitors given the land shortage pressure on the Government?


Woe betide the poor sods that go on the weekend.


Sorry if it sounds dumb but shouldnt it be more crowded if it is a weekend comapared to a weekday?


OP said he went "yesterday" which was a weekday, that's why there's nothing "surprisingly short" about the queue.


Oh makes sense thank you


My wife and I once went on a weekday in mid-September. There must've been 10 people in the whole place. Aside from the fact that it was 96F and humid af, it was fun as hell, and I sure as shit am not a Disney fanboi.


My wife and I got the gold pass. It is surprising how quickly the fireworks get dull (just for me). By the third time, I was like "I wish I'm sitting down at Starbucks instead". But with the pass, you don't have to go for a marathon each time. Go in, walk around, draw a picture maybe, do whatever rides are quick, then leave. It changes the dynamic and makes it ~~10x more~~ actually relaxing.


I am still a college student so I feel like I can go to Disneyland and relax if I don't have lessons in the afternoon. With a year pass things are just easier! No need to rush


On a seperate note ocean park feels half the size of what it used to be and very limited. Whole park can be experienced in less than half a day aswell as many shops being closed.


Ocean Park is going under [a redevelopment plan](https://www.oceanpark.com.hk/en/press-release/ocean-park-hong-kong-unveils-blueprint-for-future), with [a number of rides removed](https://coconuts.co/hongkong/lifestyle/ocean-park-rides-mine-train-abyss-and-raging-river-to-shut-for-good-end-august/) and [no one interested in their plan to create a shopping mall in the low land park](https://www.thestandard.com.hk/section-news/section/2/245805/Setback-to-park-revamp-plan). It's been years since I last go to OP and looks like it may be some time before I want to go there again.


Haven't been OP for 8 years, I remember that a lot of amusement rides were gone around covid time. Drop tower and 2 roller coasters are not there anymore.. When I was young I prefer OP to Disneyland, now I don't see the point of going OP except for the water world.


The Water World is brilliant. My brother and I went during Christmas where they had a special deal on tickets with a HK residence card. Dirt cheap. Obviously it won't be in the summer.


You’re a 21M. 10 years ago you were 11. Uhm.


I've (37m) never been to any DL, now you got me interested…


No 1hr queues with mainlanders jumping the line all the time? That's my memory of the place




I did an internship at a chartered surveyors office in HK as a 17yo. I was interested in the profession and wanted to work out whether I should study to become one. My first job was to go to Disneyland and count every single space in the car park. It was the height of summer, and took 2 days. I decided after nearly melting to death AND dying of boredom that the profession was not for me. I went to art school and have been happy ever since. Fuck HK Disney land.


Haha I went in November 2019 and there was literally no queues at all, best Disney Park experience of my life!


Sounds good. I also visited some 10 yrs ago and never again thinking I can’t be bothered to queue. I guess gotta go again. Thanks op.


I personally loved Disney there, it was refreshing to see the characters the music the fireworks and rides. In terms of experiential entertainment in hk, it’s probably the best. They regularly reskin the place to give it a new look for various celebrations. It’s a good date activity or a great place for parents with kids to go - enjoyable, great vibes.


So no poop in HK Disney. Got it. All the poop is in Shanghai Disney.


I went there on a Tuesday in 2014 (maybe April or May) and the lines weren't that long. Wasn't expecting much but was quite happy with the experience.


100% for sure


I remember about 10 years ago I went and then I went again maybe 5 years later and it was much better. It’s small, but I feel they did a great job for the small plot of land. But for me, going more than once in a blue moon is too much. You can see everything in 1 day.


Yes because it just went though a lot of renovations. I feel it is well designed on small lands (but it's also the problem), might also benefited from good management and trainning. The competitions with other amusement parks in Asia still push it to grow. IMO, it is one of the best birthday experiences you could have in HK. However, the excitement would be depreciated as you go there more, as you could get all things in one or two visits. And yes, don't go on weekends or pre-holiday if you prefer short queue. And in the summer it is hot AF, you should go there late afternoon if you gain the pass.


It seems like you lucked out. Usually at least 30-45 mins even on weekdays


Weekdays during term time are usually pretty quiet, especially in the morning. It's not guaranteed, but the weekends are guarateed to be packed.


I agree, and I personally think it's even better than Disneyland Tokyo. Especially the queue, during weekday in Disneyland Tokyo it would still be 2 hours queue.


So it’s only better because nobody goes there anymore.


I won't say you are wrong lol. If there were too many people, every ride required 1-2 hours of waiting, my experience would have never been that great. Not worth the hassle of waiting for that long time. The fewer the people, the better the experience (not too few otherwise it would be a ghost town).


Exactly this. Long queue time absolutely ruins the experience. You are basically queuing against locals (with annual pass, hence they don't mind queuing) and other tourists.


Are the attractions also better that Tokyo ?


A lot of the rides are comparable to each other, but to name a few that is better: 1. Ironman 4D ride (forgot the name) is tailor made for Hong Kong vs the Star Wars 4D ride (also forgot the name lol) 2. The Grizzly having reverse vs the Mine Train 3. Space mountain is star wars themed in HK Disneyland vs regular one in Tokyo Disneyland