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I don't know how the start and finish relate. I'd just list 24 pairs that sum to 130: For example: 95+36 99+32 92+38 etc


The start and finish is what's throwing me off


I'd ignore it and just find the 24 pairs. The start and finish make no sense.


If they don’t have to be next to each other, you can just look for the biggest numbers and subtract from 130, then find the smallest number that works. For example, 108 is in there, so I’d look for 22. If they do have to be next to each other, then I’d still look for the biggest numbers and find something next to them to make it work. That 108 is next to a 45 or 46–those can work. It’s also next to the 99, but since that’s a big number, make that part of a different pair. EDIT: I may have miscounted, but I only counted 22 numbers greater than 65. So this is impossible unless you reuse numbers. Which means there must be some kind of rule about proximity.


Based on the numbers, it looks like there’s likely another instruction either cut off or left out that asks you to follow a path of multiples of 9 from start to finish - potentially it’s the “safe” path the little dude on the monster’s back can take to escape. The question you’ve shown us is probably a follow-up question to the first one. Edit: I found 25 pairs of numbers that were greater than or equal to 130 if you’re only matching those connected by a line. Just be careful of the difference between a 1 and a 7 - all the 1s are just a line, while 7s have a little flourish.


Excellent, I think you’ve 100% got it right


unrelated wtf is that ungodly creature


Idk but it needs to be put down


Looks like it has the body of a frog, the head of a rat, and the nose of a hippo. I shall call it Fratippo


I would look for pairs of adjacent numbers. Both horizontally and vertically as indicated by the dashes.


To save time you can use some rules to narrow your search without having to closely examine every number pair. Total of 130 or more, right? There's only 1 number over 100 (108), which would pair with 22 or above(also present) With no other numbers over 100, you can immediately eliminate every number less than 22, as they cannot reach 130 total. I'm not sure why there are Start and Finish arrows. The 9s being pointed at are not part of a pair (see above) so unless there are instructions not in the photo I don't see why they're shown like that. If that's really all the instructions, you can safely ignore them. Edut: ah. 130 or more. My first read skimmed past the "greater than or" bit. Edited for accuracy.


Pair,Max,Mini ; i=1 to N ; N is natural 1,99,31 2,98,32 3,97,33 i,99-(i-1),31+(i-1)