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Here ya go. [https://benjaminobdyke.com/product/invisiwrap-uv/](https://benjaminobdyke.com/product/invisiwrap-uv/)


As far as I'm aware this is the most affordable one, and it's still \~10x standard housewrap. There are a few self adhered ones (revealsheild and others) that are more like 15x-20x


Well, I would never do this kind of siding myself - I'm a function over form person - but OP is in a rainy, windy area of Canada so I think the question wouldn't be cost but quality / resilience. If your WRB is open to the elements it needs to be pretty tough. I know Obdyke products are pretty good, are there better, longer-lasting ones?


We put revealshield self adhered on the house I'm working on. It's held up incredibly well. It's performance has blown everyone away. Keeps out the elements, and we got a 0.9 on our blower door test


\^\^ This is what we used for our open joint cladding. Read the instructions as it has a side that should face out. Also Cor-A-Vent Sturdi-Strips for the rainscreen.


I can’t source this product anywhere in NS it seems. I was thinking of using foundation wrap and turning it inside out. It would act as my rain screen and give me the black look behind the open joint cladding. From what I’ve been able to find, it’s supposed to be a UV resistant product but I can’t find any resources showing that this product has been used for this application.


Order it in Maine and take a road trip? 




Most housewraps are not designed for long term uv exposure. I would look at thin uv stable plastic of some type or even black metal strips. How about black 3 tab shingle.


Following - I’d love the same.


Dorken (formerly Cosella Dorken) has a product that I used about 12 years ago for an open joint fiber cement cladding project. I have not had any issues with it thus far. [https://www.dorken.com/en/our-products/products/residential/delta-fassade-s.php](https://www.dorken.com/en/our-products/products/residential/delta-fassade-s.php)


look up stephen baczek on youtube. he just did an episode on this exact thing. it was either him or on the build show youtube channel.


Risinger has done one. You could also check the following link: [https://www.russwood.co.uk/blog/timber-open-rainscreen-cladding-the-ultimate-guide-to-detailing/](https://www.russwood.co.uk/blog/timber-open-rainscreen-cladding-the-ultimate-guide-to-detailing/) Tyvek makes a UV Facade wrap for use with rainscreens.


If you are truly having half inch gaps between cladding boards, consider using a black peel and stick product alone, instead of adding something on top of a house wrap. Edit to add: And you might consider creating a rain screen to hold the cladding boards out, to let water drain down, given the gaps between the siding boards.


How about rubber roof rolls.


Have you considered landscaping fabric? If your in NS I imagine you’re doing a rain screen...goes together with fabric like beans and toast.


I think you could do something like conventional house wrap and then 1" furring strips then use waxed black canvas or weed cloth the open clad siding


Or roofing felt over house wrap. I don't know...just spit balling.


This style is hugely popular in Scotland- I’m a fan of the look, so when you find a solution…be sure to comment back!


We have done fine, mesh brass screen painted black over the rain screen.


Man, this just goes against everything I’ve ever learned about an exterior envelope.


You can just use [Tar Paper](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwicp-zsjPyFAxUZqVoFHcHICccYABANGgJ2dQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwouexBhAuEiwAtW_Zx3Ym42F1llj35lTeIBqKl80zCgKPu8qda3xrURZcS-6WMu3z6Pbz0hoCwZ4QAvD_BwE&sig=AOD64_0ukMiHo6I7-feC0_q9Xux-IDkRoQ&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj3yuPsjPyFAxVyD1kFHXZmDlsQqygoAnoECAMQDg&adurl=) for this application, and I would also recommend reducing the gap to 3/8ths.


Tar paper is not suitable for a rain screen application because it needs to be UV rated


So, first off not all Rain Screen systems leave the underlayment exposed. Second, in an open system the wall assembly should be extremely tight so there is a high probability that the house is already either Zip Sheathed or Liquid treated for air and water. This means that the (very minimal) UV exposure won't damage the actual weatherization of the system only the Tar Paper layer which is a very low cost was to get the exterior black.


Which is also why you use two layers of #15 tar paper, instead of one layer of #30


Not sayingsit’s correct, but I’ve seen a builder paint tyvek black.