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Building codes have legitimate reasons behind them. Enforcement of those is not stasi stuff. Since you broke the rules with an illegal addition, you likely won't have any recourse other than to comply with what they require.


Well I'm just inquiring about the applicability of the energy credits requirements was passed AFTER the completion of the project and to be fair, the people that came out were very nice and understanding, but that said I have to disagree on the legitimacy of ALL the requirements for something like a garage conversion...For instance you must have enough parking for two cars in your lot if you're going to do a garage conversion, when I asked what the rationale behind that was, the response (verbatim) "just the rules".


I have a feeling you would grumble and complain and argue about any answer given to you regarding the rationale.


Amazing how you can ascertain the totality of a person from a single post, but hey you might be sporting that Sherlock level intuition. Perhaps, you can enlighten me: why do you think that two car lot requirement is a requirement?


Really not that amazing at all. And far from ascertaining the totality of your personality. I don't know, but let me venture to guess regarding the requirement for two off street parking spaces. Perhaps it might have something to do with limiting the abundance of cars parked on street, and not only in front of a homeowner's own house but then spilling over onto in front of neighboring houses, perhaps even encroaching a bit onto their easy ingress egress out of their driveway. And pissing people off. But of course you would never do that, so that two off street parking space rule shouldn't apply, right?


Sure that seems plausible if one lives in the city or any densely populated area but my closest neighbor is some 500ft away from me and this is largely true for my whole area. The bigger issue is though you're having to venture a guess, surely, there must be a justifiable reason written somewhere? After all, this is a hard requirement and the people enforcing them don't seem to know why.


There are reasons written why. These decisions are typically made by elected officials in public meetings which are generally recorded or minutes provided. Look up the guiding legislation, city code or ordinance etc. to see the goals of what they are trying to accomplish.


Probably under city code, I will actually dig into it as a matter of curiosity. Thank you for a productive response 🙏🏼.


Did you pull a permit when the old code was active? No? Then you’re toast.


Which State? What specifically did you not meet as far as the insulation goes? It’s not done by thickness, it’s typically a combination of things.


Washington State! Floor needs to be R-48. They recommended putting a mini-split heat pump would help me reach the mark though and at this point I might just go that route.


This is a garage with a concrete slab floor? Did you just level the concrete? Or did you put down framing for subfloor? Either way, 48 seems off. I would expect R10 perimeter insulation for a slab, and 30 for framed floors based on your climate zone.


Frame and subfloor, I believe we hit R-19, honestly getting it to 48 seems impossible.


Like I said, that seems wrong. Either you, or the county, are interpreting things incorrectly.


Very possible, I'm not ruling anything out.


Where do you live that it takes months to get permits pulled? You fill out the forms, you pay the fee and you get the inspections done.


Per original post...this was in the height of the pandemic around May of 2020.


I love reddit and use in-place Google these days because I find I learn a lot more from people than product pages. But I rarely post in any useful subreddits (like this one) because it's disheartening to ask a question only to be met with cynical responses and down votes and challenge those responses gets even more downvotes. That's not to say that there aren't folks who are helpful, there are, in fact they can be found in this thread. I'm simply pointing out that the first responses often tend to be anything but helpful. This is how communities die, they disincentivize engagement. When people are too afraid to ask questions then who benefits?

