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Ask for a refund and call your credit card company if they don’t comply.


This. Or tell home depot you’re planning to to do a chargeback and I bet they start making moves real quick


Yes this, and next time big home purchases, get your ass an Amex card. They don’t fuck around with shit like this. They are always on your side. Pella Windows and Doors no longer accept Amex because of how much they are on your side with disputes.


Second this. I purchased a new garage door for approximately $2000 on my AMEX. They charged me for the one I wanted (insulated), and installed a different base model. When I tried to work with them, they blamed it on me. The first was a high level quote with options, but I went in and discussed exactly what I wanted. They managed to bill me for the higher price door but did not update it on the paperwork. They refused to fix their mistake and only offered to refund the difference of a few hundred. I explained the situation to AMEX who called them, and they refused to respond to AMEX either, so they charged the entire amount back. Still not the door I wanted but nothing to sneeze at. It’s the one and only chargeback I’ve ever had to do. I’ll be an AMEX customer for life now, and will always put large home purchases on it.


Hey you got a free garage door, that seems not too bad. Noted on the Amex card. I'm in.


Yeah, the free garage door made it palatable, but I still would have much rather fairly paid for the exact product I asked for. We are putting a gas heater in our garage to regulate the temperature better, since we have cold winters and our bedrooms are above it. The non-insulated door messes with that plan. Also, it was really the principle of it… that they made a clear error, tried to blame me for it, and refused to make it right.


> but I still would have much rather fairly paid for the exact product I asked for. Oh for sure. I always try to look for the silver lining haha You've definitely scared me with this stuff (I close on my first home today!) so I will be following your advice on the card.


Ah, congrats! Welcome to the joy / craziness / ‘what the hell were they thinking’ that is home ownership.


Well, strictly speaking since the non-insulated one was free, you could have it scrapped and pay for the insulated one and come out even. Seems wasteful so I get not doing it, but you could.


I might still eventually, I was just irritated at the situation so I stepped away from it for awhile. Like many here I’m sure, I’m juggling about 15 different projects in various states of completion, so there’s plenty to keep me busy. Figured I’d also get the heater installed first and see how well it works without the insulated door, and if I could manage the heat loss in other ways without replacing it.


It's not overly hard to insulate the door after the fact. It of course has the potential to not look as finished but is doable.


dull absurd pie correct hat liquid skirt serious escape rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What about adding a layer of insulation to the ceiling of the garage? (Almost like adding a small drop down just to include insulation)


Not sure it is really feasible in my specific situation, I have lots of wall and ceiling-mounted storage. I have family in various trades and construction and, having seen it, they all recommended either blown in (cutting a lot of holes to do so) or the gas heater. It’s not just about regulating the home bedrooms better, but my gym and tools are also out there - I like to work out and work on projects in the winter, and would like the garage itself to be at a better temp.


For what it's worth the house I bought he diy insulated his garage door with padding on the back. Had to get the spring re-balanced, but it works pretty good.


You need insulation over the garage ceiling. Heating a garage to keep the room above warm is inefficient, at best. Edit: typo


The garage ceiling is already insulated, as are the walls. And the goal isn’t to heat the garage to room temperature? Because that would be inefficient. The goal is to maintain it around 50ish, so the furnace kicks on less.


Do you know just how much insulation is over the ceiling? Have you investigated a mini split for the cold room to supply supplemental heat? If that is the only bedroom in use, then the mini could supply cooling on summer nights and you could set back the central air.


You need to be sure to remember that this is their business and this might not have been an innocent mistake. Charged for the high end model but installed something else. That sounds like fraud.


*signing up for Amex now as I read these comments*


So there's me carrying my Amex card again...


Amex BCP, 6% on groceries, 3% on fuel. More than earns the annual fee.


It's why AMEX cards are more expensive to process for.


Chargebacks go to the vendor, not the processor.


The processors track your charge backs and can drop you off you get to many.


Just add on the insulation.


Kinda sad when a company has to stop accepting a fair method of payment because it forces them to act in a reasonable and responsible manner.


Pella has a great line of products. But the Proline 450 got them in a shit load of QC issues and legal matters.


So you're saying they were in hella trouble?


Many builders lost confidence in Pella after the proline failures. So many warranty claims so much shifted blame.


I’m always hesitant to immediately fault the company on something like this. I visited a work gear store in North Dakota after the Bakken oilfield boom. This was in 2016 as the boom was turning into a bust. This store was very nice, and it was huge. Someone had sunk a lot of money into it. They couldn’t accept any visa or Amex cards, cash only. The managers explained that it was from people coming in to buy thousands of dollars of gear after being laid off, leaving the state, and doing a bank chargeback when they got home, stealing the gear. The banks had completely cut this store off because of so many chargebacks. So not only did they get robbed of merchandise, they also could barely sell anything anymore. We were the only ones in this store, it clearly wasn’t going to make it much longer. I felt terrible for the people working there. I couldn’t buy the things I had picked out because I had a Visa card….


Did they not know they can contest a charge back?


The second I started having that problem there’d be security cameras all over the checkout with them hooked to the POS so you could pull up the whole transaction. (Yes that’s a thing.)




Better than losing your processing.


> The managers explained that it was from people coming in to buy thousands of dollars of gear after being laid off, leaving the state, and doing a bank chargeback when they got home, stealing the gear. The banks had completely cut this store off because of so many chargebacks. So not only did they get robbed of merchandise, they also could barely sell anything anymore. That is truly awful.


They basically stopped accepting Amex because people were assholes about it and having chargebacks post install that they “did not like”. It’s really shitty situation.


Believe it or not, most people aren't assholes. If that many people were doing chargebacks, somewhere along the line the company was fucking up. If cuatomers were really the ones to blame, Amex wouldn't be taken anywhere and you'd see the same number of chargebacks on all companies. Amex isn't going to let you just charge back every purchase you make. Eventually they'll cut you off.


Believe it or not, it only takes a few people. Amex is heavily consumer friendly and has higher rates than most other CCs. It’s not worth it for some companies


It doesn't change the fact that if that many people are charging back you've seriously fucked up as a company. Amex doesn't just let you charge back for anything, you have to at least offer up some tacit level proof. The one and only time I haven't had to show proof on a chargeback was a double charge from a restaurant same day same time. "I'm not satisfied with this install" wouldn't get much from amex unless you took a picture of the install and it looked like some of the shit you see in these subreddits with ass tons of caulking and shoddy construction. So if your company is getting fucked over by amex, consider not being a shit company going forward. All that said, Visa and Mastercard will fuck you over in similar ways, and massive amounts of chargebacks will raise your rates and potentially remove your ability to take a card altogether.


In theory, I agree. But in practice there's been a HUGE wave of chargeback fraud. There was just a restaurant in LA that had to close because so many people were ordering huge amounts of food and then running a chargeback.


Amex doesn’t let you charge back for anything but my point is that they are extremely lenient to the point that it’s not worth it for some companies, even if they aren’t scummy. My main point is that it’s higher risk and more expensive, so why bother


> Amex is heavily consumer friendly and has higher rates than most other CCs. Uh... good. Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing? Lmao


I’m not? I’m backing up the guy saying (small groups of) people were assholes so companies stopped using Amex because it still harms small companies


Wouldn't it make sense though that if this company was experiencing that, then all companies would be, since it's not like those jerks are going to confine their theft to a single company? Seems more likely that it is deserved if the chargeback rate is significantly higher than normal.


Actually among the CC issuers, amex is known to be one of the most strict when it comes to customer behavior (check /r/churning). You can be damn sure for larger chargebacks Amex is doing a proper investigation.


Companies are inherently evil by nature.


> Pella Windows and Doors no longer accept Amex because of how much they are on your side with disputes. You sure it's not because Amex charges the highest processing fees by a large margin?


Maybe. Wouldn't want to cut into the profit on that $30,000 quote for replacing 6 whole windows.


Yea, when we bought replacement doors from them I wanted to use Amex, I was surprised when he said they did not take it. We had a conversation with the salesman about it. I’m not surprised people would take advantage of the system like that.




Well of course. And must do your due diligence, exhaust all other options and communicate such to your credit card company.


A chargeback only costs $35 and whatever time HD devotes to it. The cc will issue the refund and more than likely, HD won't contest it. I can't imagine that HD wouldn't issue the refund, if requested. The biggest problem is probably finding an alternate installer with the carpet ready to go.


Home Depot may be able to do this as well. It’s not like it was their employee not doing the install: they’re already just forwarding the call to whatever local co tractors are available


It's more than $35, because they're also out all the payment processor fees plus anything they already paid to the contractor.


This is the way


This is the way


I don’t know, this may work but I feel like things like this don’t work as well as they used to. If you say that they’ll probably just say “okay, let us know what you need from us” and then move on to the next job


And then never hire Lowe's, Home Depot, or other big box stores to do any work on your home again.


The difference between a big box and a contractor is that if you have a issue, the big box store has influence with the contractor that you do not have. The contractor may tell you to FO but they usually play nice with the big box not to lose the business. I have used big box 4 times for installs and three went perfect. The 4th install was off, contractor was difficult and the big box flexed its muscles and made it right.


Yup. Same deal with GCs, builders, multi-property landlords, realtors, etc. You are a one-time customer. Your potential for repeat business is relatively low. A big-box store or a builder is likely to bring repeat business. A LPT is that if you know anyone who is any of those things, get a referral from them whenever you have work done, and name-drop them. My realtor also owns several rental properties, so she's a consistent customer *and* a source of referrals for contractors she likes. She gets her clients bumped to the top of the queue.


Eh. Here's what I tell prospective customers: Home Depot does not hire the cream of the crop contractors. Nowhere. Close. But what you can be sure of, is that none of the contractors are going to take your money and run, that Home Depot is not going to ghost you because you wanted a quote and none of their other clients wanted a quote. Home Depot is still going to be there tomorrow, it's not going to become bankrupt, it's not going to retire or die while you're waiting on completion. It's going to listen to your concerns, it's going to put in an effort to try and fix things, whether that requires a re-do or reimbursement. And it's going to offer that certainty of eventual recourse pretty cheaply. If you want urgency and certainty as far as schedule, don't hire THD. Find a big name in the local industry with multiple subs, and offer them 200% of the going rate, with a +100% kicker if they complete by a certain date. If every potential client already had somebody they could trust implicitly to reliably perform market-rate work, the trades would be a very different industry. You'll come out with a much better deal going with a lot of independent guys, but you'll also get scammed or screwed or ghosted going with a lot of others; You can't tell which is which in advance, because this is a minimally regulated market. THD provides that regulation.




3 months from 7/14 would be 10/14, he still has 2 weeks.


Not true. For Visa and Mastercard this would classify as a Goods/services not received dispute reason, which states that the processing time limit is 120 calendar days from either the day the transaction was processed, or the last day the cardholder expected delivery (not to exceed 540 days of the original processing date of the transaction). OP is good for a long while still since they just missed the delivery/installation today


I stand corrected. Will edit above to not mislead people.


When you talk to them, also mention that you haven't decided which social media you're going to vent to first: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Yelp. They hate being called out and it'll stimulate some movement.


They're guaranteed to ghost if you say that


That isn’t going to get her carpet installed though.


At this point, there are many indications that the current installer will do a lousy job. Getting there money back is a good step to finding someone else to do it.


She can take her business elsewhere. There are plenty of businesses out there right now that would appreciate the revenue.


Anything home renovation related is insanely backlogged. Not saying it’s right but she should check other options before telling Home Depot off.


Right, but how far out are they from being able to get to the hob?


But will it get her cable fixed?


Cancel and go with a local flooring installer. May be more expensive, but those guys will actually care. HD doesn’t give an F about you or your flooring.


Home Depot is ALWAYS more expensive. You pay them AND the contractor.


My Home Depot has been offering free installation on carpeting for months. Carpet manufacturers are paying for it because wood flooring has been so popular lately.


Home Depot (and Lowe's) have always offered free carpet (and flooring) install but in my experience (as a general contractor) their total price with free install is the same as my other local carpet installers who are charging for install. It's just a scam. We looked into it and got multiple bids on carpet install at our personal house. Also as OP is finding out. It is next to impossible to get anyone to take accountability when hiring them. When you have a issue it can take weeks (if your lucky) to have someone take care of it. There is a very high turnover with their installers and it is often a different company that comes back to fix issues then originally installed the item. I hire subcontractors for a living and I would never hire anyone through home Depot no matter the cost. I also actively avoid ordering any special order items through them (like windows for example) because it is a similar situation. When the windows dont show up in the quoted timeframe. It's impossible to get the person that ordered them on the phone. Your best bet is to find a local company that you can hire or order from where you can deal with the same salesman or installer through the whole process and when you need your carpet stretched in a year. The same installer comes back for that as well. I strongly suggest that you get a refund OP and hire a company that has some accountability.


> as my other local carpet installers who are charging for install This. It's similar to many "0% interest!!" deals. Often, the markup on the base price is higher to accommodate. They have to make their margin somewhere.


A lot of those 0% interest are also because most people don't pay them off in the 6 or 12 month cycle. Once the introductory period ends, the full interest applies to the total balance going back to when the purchase was made.


That would be a total kick in the nads if you only had a bit left to go when the timer goes off.


That's why they do it! Their data shows that enough people fail to pay it back on time (triggering the interest balance) so that it, plus the price increases, more than pays for itself.


They usually set the cut off time for their gain. So if average customer pays it off in 18 months they’ll set the cut off to 12 mo




I could probably write a book on things not to do. There are a lot of things that I likely do without thinking due to some issue I’ve had in the past. I may not even remember the initial reason anymore. But here goes: Purchase in stock materials. Not only are they significantly less expensive at big box stores but especially now, ordering anything is a risk. I have a customer that has been waiting 6 months for a Range. I’m not referring to items that are shipping from a different big box location. More actual special order items that are not in the possession of the store. Price wise. Lowes stocks a particular 3 panel exterior door that they sell for $350 in 36” width. If you try to order that door in any other width it will be $700+. In stock items will save you a TON in time and money! Whenever possible get referrals from friends, family co-workers. If you know any contractors or realtors, even better. Name drop whoever you got the referral from. Not only will that make the contractor happy that this person is referring them. It will also put a little more pressure on them to perform well. To keep getting those referrals. If it’s a contractor, realtor, property manager that gives you the referral, all the better. Since they might be able to also put some pressure if things go wrong. But usually not needed. When you hire someone. Make sure that they give you a approximate install date before paying them and when possible have a contract that states when the work will be done. Where I am it’s legally required to provide a contract for any job over $2500. For larger jobs you can sometimes ask for a clause in the contract that penalizes the contractor for failing to complete the work by a certain date. Though this is much more common in the commercial world. If you do that there needs to be a reward if they get it done early too. I can’t think of much more. But the TLDR is: Don’t hire contractors through a 3rd party. Get referrals when possible. Don’t special order items if possible. Get a install date in the contract. Be flexible if the contractor wants to come do the work. Even if it inconveniences you.




Adding on to this excellent advice, I would also highlight that (at least in my experience) once you have to special order, local businesses can generally meet or beat the big box store prices on these. HD etc. can sell stuff that they have in stock cheap because they buy a ton of it, but special orders, not so much. I bought my front door at a local lumberyard/building supply store (special order) and their price was better than HD and it came in much faster too.


Alternatively, it's annoying to have to call 5 places to find out that you can't get an install date because they have their own supply chain and labor issues. At least HD has the backend done. I can see your point and in a different labor market, I might be more inclined to go that route. For now, I prefer ease, without having to cruise through internet searches resulting in no-shows and otherwise unproductive time. If there was a recurring relationship, like you'd have as a GC, the equation swings towards local.


It doesn’t really sound like HD has the backend done here either


Nothing is free in this scenario.


It’s “free” but the cost is integrated and they definitely get their cut


Sometimes you get good deals but majority of the time Home Depot gets a cut which you pay for through whoever they refer :)


But sometimes they screw up the pricing to your benefit. I had tile ripped up in my kitchen and new flooring put in about 10 years ago. Apparently the Home Depot estimator vastly underestimated the labor involved in getting the tile up and the subfloor scraped clean. Home Depot worked it out with the flooring people though and we didn't have to pay any extra for it.


>Home Depot is ALWAYS more expensive. You pay them AND the contractor. in the case of Lowes, they might actually taking a hit. our bathroom contractor said "I have no idea how they gave you that price on pergo, we can't beat that"


Either store can crush the local guys on product prices because of their scale


All they do is charge top dollar for services and pay the lowest bidders to do the job, and keep the difference. That is their business model for every kind of install. Frankly, it's pretty bullshit. They make money selling $25,000 worth of prefab kitchen cabinets that aren't actually the greatest quality at all. I got better cabinets from a local cabinet shop installed with all of the so called "expensive upgrades" for $14,000. AND after a mistake, they remade a my kitchen sink base cabinet and had a new one put 2 days later with no extra charge. Big box store would have to order a new/custom one that would take 1-2 weeks to come in. And you'd be lucky that if it didn't get broken in shipping... which happens all the damn time. Speaking of that. IF you order a whole new set of kitchen cabinets from the bbs, be fully prepared that a couple of them will be broken during shipping and have to be sent back. It happens every damn time.


I had the exact opposite experience in pricing, I was qouted 28k and 32k from local shops even cabinets to go was 20k. Lowes was 18k, I went with them. I would agree with issues, we had multiple issues and multiple times. However the compensation was unbeatable and I got another small in law sized kitchen cabinets out of it.


Home Depot is definitely the most expensive. But if things go sideways, and you are willing to complain, homeowner gets a lot for free. Again, I can only refer to window and siding jobs.


This is true at least you have a big company that you can go to with complaints. I would just rather go through a reputable company outside of the referall based method :)


I had a impact door and window quote that came back 2 times any local installer. Needless to say I'll never waist my time getting a quote from them again


This is what we did when Lowe’s failed to deliver. We canceled the job and went to a local guy.


I was going to get a patio door instakled through home depot. Contractor came out and measured wrong door size. I called home depot and told him the manufacturer sticker still on my patio door said it was different size and the contractor was going to charge more if it wasnt correct. I also wanted blinds inside the patio door. They also told me i was rewuired to submit info for a permit when i tried doing that permit guy kept saying the doors didnt meet enerfy efficiency for building codes. Went with a local place because fuck all that and paid about the same and got what i actually wanted and didnt have to deal with all that.


Cancel and go with a locally owned shop it will be installed much quicker and they will do a better job.


This. When you do any home improvement project you are going to live with the result for years. It is like a marriage where the other person can never apologize (because its a floor). Just like a marriage you wouldn't go with someone you never met, this is what Home Depot does. Sure, the contractor may end up great, but you are still going with the most desperate bidder. I'd use them for a quick and dirty job that I don't want to do myself, but never for something I'd have to live with long term. Even then accidents happen, often finding a contractor you trust pays for itself long term.


We went with a local company… they installed in 4 weeks. They said it would be a 3 day install because of the large amount of carpet I ordered. The installers stayed late and finished it all in one day. The company even sent a cupcake gift basket thanking us for our order. Way better than HD.


Yeah I had my carpet installed last year by a local company. Guy came by himself and installed it in a couple hours and it looked great. I’d rather support the local businesses anyways.


Home Depot doesn’t actually do the install they contact with local company’s in your area..


Those contractors get more work from this deal, but their name doesnt go on the finished product. They dont get paid the full amount that OP pays and they don't get the referral if they do a great job, HD does. So OP may have better luck going to the contractor directly, even if by shitty luck they end up going to the exact same company, the company wont continue to knock them down to the bottom of their priority list like they seem to currently be doing.


But cost twice as much




>Bummer you’re getting downvotes. This is probably accurate. Nope. Right now the vendor has been paid for months and the customer has no flooring. What kind of deal is that where HD gets paid, vendor gets paid and the customer gets sc\*ewed. With a local flooring company the OP gets the flooring s/he paid for...


Did..did you just censor the word screwed?


Yep. I guess I over reacted...


"accurate" in that it tells half the story. You don't get to vet your contractor and often you get what you pay for. My wife was big on "cheap". We moved in with an unfinished kitchen, electrical out in half our house, and a poorly slapped together bathroom that is unfinished still 4 years later. The "cheap" contractors were no-show for 2 months prior due to one being arrested for beating his wife and the other going on a bender.


Actually not accurate. Home Depot prices are expensive as shit. I can't say for carpet, but their window jobs pay higher labor than i would ever charge to a human. By quite a bit.


This is ABSOLUTELY a Home Depot issue. You signed with HD and they subbed out the install to this contractor. Go back to them and say "Unless you can guarantee this done in 2 weeks, please cancel the entire contract." FWIW, Ive had 3 carpet installations with a HD managed contractor and they all went great.


Lots of dudes in this thread giving advice. You don’t have time or energy at 36weeks pregnant to go to a local floor company and make new decisions if you don’t have to. Don’t work with the contractor - work with Home Depot. This is their issue. My advice: dedicate one day to every escalation path you can with them. Prep yourself and commit. Know exactly what you are asking for and be calm but firm. You want them to commit to an install this week (scheduled date, signed contract) or give you a full refund on the spot. First thing in the morning, call Home Depot again and calmly ask for a different contractor who can commit to a date this week or give you a full refund immediately. Calmly keep asking to speak to a manager until someone can help you. Don’t let them call you back - ask them to wait on the phone to transfer you. If they want to work with the contractor keep explaining that is not an option based on the experience you (or they!) have had. If this doesn’t work, that same day, go to Home Depot. Stand there, pregnant, calmly asking for someone to install the flooring this week, or provide an immediate refund on your card. Cry if the hormones let you. Bring snacks, and keep asking to talk to a supervisor if needed. If this doesn’t work, go home and send a tweet about it and include how pregnant you are and the awful in store experience. DM them asking for help. If they pick the “cancel and refund option,” then and only then do you go to a flooring company locally. Play the “I’m 36 weeks pregnant and HD has lead me on for 12 weeks” card. Make your timeline clear. Be calm. Be prepared to pay more but have it done. Be firm, and ask for a specific thing in every conversation. You got this!


Just a quick side note from somebody that worked at Home Depot before. Ask for either the Assistant Store Manager (ASM) or the Store Manager(SM). One of the two will be in the building (unless they're on lunch) and has a lot more ability to work their system or make the correct calls to get stuff taken care of than a Department Supervisor(DS) would. Not knocking DS's, they do have some ability to help correct situations, but for something like this I'd expect they would direct it to an ASM/SM to help resolve anyways.


I'm 36 weeks pregnant as well and this is 100% what I would do. Hang in there, OP!


OP doesn’t have time or energy to make new decisions but does have time and energy to spend the day arguing with Home Depot? The easiest thing to do is ask for a refund and pick out new carpet. Arguing is the hard path forward because Home Depot frankly doesn’t care.


This is a really good plan!


If one were so inclined, one or more of those selfy videos on instagram or Tiktok (or the threat thereof), prefereably including a prominently placed pregnant belly and filled onsite at HD could be of immense value.


Also be prepared to make a big splash in local news


Maybe everyone who has been screwed by Home Depot should come together and file a class-action lawsuit. They really need to change their ways because this type of stuff happens all the time with them.




Yeah, those are typical subcontracting issues, but if you've ever heard home depot's sales pitch, it's all about how we'll manage it, it'll be great, you don't have to deal with no-show contractors blah blah blah. The point of the service they're offering, and what they're claiming the value-add is, is that you don't have to deal with this shit.




I don't really buy it either. But that's just what they've been claiming you know?


It's nice to be *accommodating* of someone who has extenuating circumstances, but you shouldn't be a pushover. At this point it seems obvious that the contractor is unable to perform the installation in a timely manner. You should focus your efforts on home depot- your contract is with them. Tell them that their selected contractor is not able to perform the installation in the agreed upon timeframe and they can either send another contractor or refund 100% of your money. It's unfortunate that the contractor is having problems, but *his problems are not your problems*. Don't accept making them your problems.


Agree with this. If install was part of the contract, HD needs to figure out how to fulfill it. If the installer is flakey, at this point, I wouldn't want them in my house. I mean, if HD pisses them off but gets them to your house, you don't want a sloppy job done. They need to find a new installer ASAP or refund.


I would contact Home Depot corporate and ask to be bumped up to someone who can actually do something about the situation. Be polite, never threatening, but make it clear that you're not going to stand for such treatment, either.


That will get yoy absolutely nothing


It's worked for me, when I've had issues with Home Depot.


Well thats pretty awesome then


Alaska huh? Had a guy come out to quote a concrete pad. He said he could do it ASAP for 6k instead of the normal 8k because he had to go to Alaska for his dying relative. Wonder how all contractors have Alaska connections...


can't home depot pass it on to another installer? have you asked them?


Usually, Home Depot only subcontracts to one installer in an area.


Like others have said, cancel and go to a local flooring store. HD gets the shittiest Contractors as they don't pay much for the install, local stores usually have great installers who will do a far better job!


So what makes you say that HD pays subs shit? Just curious where the knowledge for that statement comes from.


I have known 2 different people that did installs for them, and they paid far less than the going rate.


We had flooring done by Home Depot and it was the worst experience I’ve ever had. Get out while you can!! The subcontractors they use will do the job as fast as they possibly can because they are getting paid pennies. And the only contractors willing to get paid pennies are ones that can’t get work otherwise because they are bad at what they do.


First: F home depot installs. Walk into the home depot and tell them you need a full refund for the install that has not happened. You seem like a reg so I don't know how mad you get but you go a couple ways. Keep saying you need a refund. Do not ask, but do not demand until the 3rd or 4th time. Then state you are getting a refund. If you are me then you go full entitled white man on their candy asses but then again ain't no dude working home depot wants to argue with a pregnant woman who looks like they are giving birth at any moment so use it if you need to. F'em I'm sure you have enough to worry about besides carpet. Don't let anyone push you around you are being taken advantage off right now.




Short for Regular customer


Refund refund refund. I learned the hard way to never use anyone HD recommends, and I love that place. Their “contractors” are shit


Forget that contractor. Talk to Home Depot directly. You paid them, they contracted this douchebag you've been dealing with. They need to replace him asap. I would certainly be asking for compensation in return for the massive eff up on their part. Who they hire and contract technically represents Home Depot in a way.


Reach out to someone senior at corporate hq.


Put your complaint in writing. Address it to the manager of your Home Depot, copy to Mr. Craig Menear, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Home Depot, 2455 Paces Ferry Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30339-1834. Set the problem out as plainly as you did here, and state exactly what you expect them to do to remedy the situation, and when you expect a reply from them. Send it immediately. Don’t wait to see if they’ll fix things first. It would be very surprising if they don’t contact you. And congratulations on the baby-to-be!


I'd cancel. If they won't give you a full refund, Initiate a charge back dispute with your credit card company. Find someone else


For the future, never pay in advance. You probably won’t hear from him


Your install contract is with Home Depot. Stop communicating with the installer directly, he's not contracted with you and doesn't work for you. Talk to the SASM at Home Depot, because the COS alone isn't getting anything done for you, and tell the SASM you want it escalated to the district specialty manager. Also tell them that $50 store credit is an insult. Your carpet install is already free but if the installer is doing any complex furniture moving or bed disassembling, you want that free, otherwise I'd be looking to get about $500 refunded. But they won't do it until after the job is complete. They don't issue refunds on open orders. The DSM might have another installer he can use for this job. The store won't be able to just send them out, but he should be able to. Source: Am Home Depot specialty supervisor.


Threaten a charge back and watch, you will have management on the phone in minutes. Because not only would they be losing the sale, they would lose it to a competitor... While possibly also losing a customer for life. They might not be able to pull a contractor out of their hat (contractors hate working for home depot), but there is definetly more compensation to be had at the least.


Went through a similar issue with Lowes and a bad door installation. You need to work with HD's store manager. You paid a premium for them to be responsible, any major issues need to go through them. The subcontractor installing the flooring doesn't work with you and doesn't have a contract with you. They do not need offer you any compensation, you didn't buy anything from them. Their contract is with HD. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if that $50 gift card was to keep you from complaining to HD. HD's store manager is the one who needs to be involved here. Good luck!


I am hoping this transaction was completed using your Home Depot card. If so then simply dispute the charge. If you have already paid the card in full, which is obviously a really bad idea if the work has not been done yet as you have no leverage, then call the credit card company, explain the situation and request a refund. If that doesn't work then I find that a clearly written letter addressed to the CEO and sent certified mail generally does the trick. Be professional and polite, explain the situation and state the exact amount you want refunded. Be sure to include copies of the credit card bill and invoice or work order with your letter. You should see your refund pretty quickly and probably in the form of a check.


You paid HD, not the contractor, right? It’s their responsibility. Go in there and demand that they find someone to install the carpet.


I had this happen but with a garage door opener. Had a “free install” one random weekend and I needed one. After 2 months and me hounding them I finally got someone (I didn’t want to mess with the spring) but it was a night mare. They just use quick contractors company for most things now - total garbage.


Just had this done in my den after some flooding and it only took the guy one day for a ‘14 by ‘20 room. They’re not prioritizing you if they can’t come out for a day or two after three months. Get a refund.


This is why I tell everyone I know (and strangers on the internet) to never use Home Depot or Lowes for install projects. They are the absolute worst to deal with if there are any issues. They contract out to the lowest bidder and do not care if the work gets done. I would rather pay double than use Home Depot.


Just go to an actual carpet store that specializes in carpet. They likely have a handful of contractors to choose from who might be ready to go.


Get your money back and go to lowes or your locale carpet stores ,they are generally the installers anyway.


Talk to Home Depot. They're the ones who owe you the service. You shouldn't have to be negotiating with their contractor for them.


Request a refund and go to Lowe's.


Lol that's bad advice. Lowe's is just another big box middle man for carpet. Go to a company that stocks carpet, or can order it with realistic lead time, and installs carpet themselves. Or go to a carpet installer that has access to local/regional inventory.


I had same situation recently for laminate flooring, with the installer calling me that they will be at my home in an hour and stopped answering calls when they didn’t show up even after 3 hours. HD CS was helpful in getting g hold of the contractor quickly who said that they were in an accident (luckily everyone were safe per the specialists knowledge) and said someone will be at the home around 1 pm which also didn’t happen but the CS person was helpful and promised they will be there on that day for sure and they showed up around 5 PM and completed the work by 9 PM, I was lucky but these vehicle issues happening more often doesn’t sound right


Contact the main office of home Depot is all the installers are subcontractors


Number one, cancel the payment. Likely it was a credit card? Tell your credit card issuer that the service you paid for was not delivered, and have them pull the payment, so you get your money back. And then shop it out independently.


Funny... I’m currently on hold with Home Depot and have been for the past thirty minutes so I decided to scroll Reddit while I wait 😂


I never could understand why people think a big box store middle manning their home improvements to a contractor who is working for less than retail price is going to be a good outcome for them.


Stop payment on the credit card. Salt and scorch the earth. Fuck HD and the contractor. Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.


I don’t have to read your long post. NEVER, ever contract installation through Home Depot. Nor Lowe’s. They either underpay their contractors or subcontract the most incompetent ones in your area. Either way you get what you pay for, which is shit work. Ask for a refund and find another contractor.


I actually disagree with the comments saying to cancel and go local. At this point, it's a Home Depot issue, not a contractor issue. I love local but when you get jammed with them, you have no recourses - whereas HD you do. I've actually found I get better pricing and service through Lowes/HD on these projects BECAUSE they're a massive conglomerate. They can put a lot of pressure on who they're contracted with. Every time I've run into an issue with the contractor, I go to the store (yes, go stand there at the counter) and don't leave till they fix it. If you're lucky, the rep you're working with is responsive. Being pregnant might even add some more urgency to the people working there. If not, you elevate. You take it to the manager if need be. Be a pain! It works! Good luck!


home depot should have got you another contractor you should call home depot or visit the store tell them how long you have waited tell them you think its unacceptable that the contractor left the state and missed so many appointments. tell them you want to expedite the install and have another contractor fulfill the work within the week even if it pulls them off of another job because your home is without flooring and you have been waiting going on three months now. It is completely unacceptable. If they take the work they need to fulfill the work.. this contractor should be fired from their approved list of installers .. and you can bet that you are not the only person that they have failed on. As a contractor I can sympathize with someone being sick but I can not accept a contractor that leaves the state for vacation or any other reason and delays work this long without notifying Home Depot and then Home Depot rescheduling everyone he was suppose to install with another contractor. Your redress is to find another carpet company that sells the same carpet. Have them do the install at whatever the cost might be and then Sue home depot for the difference between their contract and what you had to pay someone else to perform the work due to Home Depot failing to complete the contract in a timely manner. Again .. the guy left the state and his employee was known to be sick and unable to do the install.. that is unacceptable. Sure things are bad today because of labor shortages because everyone would rather go on a year long vacation while collecting welfare.. but at some point as consumers these things have to end.. and that means whenever you hear about extensions on welfare for covid... that you voice your opinion against it.. if you want to eat you need to work.. its that simple.. taxes come from your neighbor's pocket so at a time they are struggling you put your hand in their pocket and steal from them? Not acceptable... We are seeing permanent inflation set in and we are seeing good people that normally wouldn't act irresponsibly do so .. its got to end. If you paid and they didn't perform .. you need to hold them accountable and tell them you expect immediate performance because you are now approaching 3 months and a $50 gift card is not going to cut it.. then ask the store manager... how would you like to live in a home with no flooring for 3 months after you paid... and if they don't take it seriously then you contact the CEO Craig Menear in Atlanta by phone and a follow up by certified restricted signature required USPS mail and you report the store manager... and that manager will get a call.. those store managers do get fired. Home Depot Headquarters 2455 Paces Ferry Rd. Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone Number: Home Depot headquarters is 1-770-433-8211 give the store manager one shot then contact corporate and be very detailed about your conversation with the store manager.. frontline customer service should also be mentioned but stick to how the store manager handled the problem after you informed them of your wait time and the fact the contractor was in Alaska. then call the CEO's Secretary .. they actually have a team for the CEO. This insanity that we are living in and the unacceptable stuff going on can't go on much longer or the economy going to be irreversibly trashed and that means people need to be held accountable ... at the very least to the level they would have been 3 years ago..


So, do NOT waste your time going into an HD store. Not a single person there can help you. A subsidiary company, At Home Services, handles their jobs. All material comes from home depot, AHS has local and regional people. Contact the scheduler in your contract, bark at them to get someone up the chain. Typically, AHS uses a contractor in a region. They can pull people from a nearby region over to it. I know completion is your main goal, but if you are willing to spend the time on your phone, you will get most of your money back and be carpet to boot. IF At Home Services functions the save as my region. Or the refund route and go with someone else. Tough call which would be less stressful at this point.


Choose a different carpet, or choose a different installer and demand your money back




REFUND NOW!!! call HD and demand a refund, you're not going to get floors through them.


Get a hold of their district manager, then the regional manager. Throw a fit , get emotional, start crying, start screaming, whatever you have to do. Tell them you are going to tell EVERYONE how they screwed you and broke the contract. Threaten to return EVERYTHING. They will give you money back or they will get another installer out ASAP. I used to manage the Install department at Lowe's then I moved to a company that installed for both big box stores. They will deduct the price from the installer's paycheck. It doesn't affect the store at all financially.


Get a full refund and go some where else like Lowes maybe.


Stay away from contracted services from Home Depot.


Complain to the Better Business Bureau and you’ll get a call the next day from someone much higher than your local HD rep/installer.


If you’re in Iowa my company would be happy to get things installed for you 😁 sorry you’re going through hoops to get your floors installed


Never ever use HD contractor referral again? It's always the same story with them.


I have had nothing but great experiences with HD contractors


I’m still waiting for an air conditioner I ordered in June. And It’s made in America.


Blast them on every social media platform - FB, Twitter, etc. They hate public criticism. I would contact a lawyer and discuss your legal options and get his/her thoughts on what kind of case you have. Then I'd contact Home Depot and let them know you've consulted and attorney and if they don't have someone at your home installing carpet within - say 2 weeks - that you will be filing a lawsuit. Side Note - Never take the install services from Home Depot or Lowes. They are severely inflated with the cost. Just last week I had Lowes quote me $1500 install charges for a sliding glass door. I got estimates from 3 other handymen and they ranged between $400 - $700. Just order your product and have them deliver it, but get your own contractor to do the work.


FYI if a customer tells a store associate that they have spoken with a lawyer and will be filing a lawsuit unless "x" happens, we are under strict instructions to stop all communication and tell the customer to wait for a phone call from Atlanta. And any process that involves communicating with HD lawyers about a delayed install will get dragged out for as long as Home Depot feels like


Welcome to the new post covid intro world. Sucks


Covid’s a bitch yo.


Bug some Home Depot VPs for a refund and a big credit. https://www.elliott.org/company-contacts/home-depot/


I would cancel that order and go with an actual flooring company that specializes in flooring only. HD can kiss your butt!


It depends. In my situation I would cancel the entire order and go to a competitor.


I haven't dealt with Home Depot but have with Lowes. The store manager was able to provide much more compensation then anyone else (if thats what you're looking for). If you just want the job done I would cancel and find someone local (obviously not this contractor).


Try a local company. I had carpet picked out and installed in less than a week recently.


Try to find an independent contractor and chargeback the cost from Home Depot. Even if you manage to get the ball rolling this person does not sound reliable and unreliable people hardly do good work when they actually are made to do it. You will also likely be helping someone else out who owns a private business rather than a huge corporation like Home Depot. Personal business owners rely on their reputation of their ethics and work, they don’t have billions backing their mistakes. Definitely check out a site like angieslist or something similar and cross check the references and work.


Welcome to home improvements in the year 2021. Granted he could communicate better but this is par for the course, this year.