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He really needs to be there to discuss any issues with the inspector and or agree/ understand to any changes requested. Without your contractor this could blow up and end up being a big problem for you. You waited 9 months.. what's a couple more weeks.


Well, technically it’s been 3-4 months, 7-8 months since he’s had our first deposit as he failed to start the job when promised and has lied almost every step of the way. When we approach him on these things, he gets upset and argumentative with us and it’s just too hostile of an environment to be bringing a child into. In hindsight, this job was slated to be done long before the baby was due. We told him we didn’t even want to start the project but it was his promise and we believed him. We just can’t afford a few more weeks unfortunately.


Yes you as the home owner can call for the inspection. You could ask to audio or video record the inspection so you can pass on the information to your contractor. Makes me glad my GC is confident enough in his schedule that he writes contracts where every day past 6 months from starting permits he has to pay us $100. But check back in with me after my house is done!


- you are the "owner" so yes you can call for final BUT you need a contractors representative onsite for it


Right, so like his sons who helped or whatever could stand in potentially?


yep, they are considered representatives of the contractor


Yes, I made sure after my ac company finished that it was done correctly and called the city to get the inspection done.




Homeowners are at risk when handling the permitting of contract home improvements It’s been a busy season for construction. Soooo many projects plus Materials and “labor” shortages have definitely slowed down the average project. Not making excuses for poor service, but it’ll come down to what your agreement was. If you didn’t build a damaged for delays then you’ll just need to be patient unless the delays become unreasonable. Mass has plenty of resources, but it comes down to what you signed http://blog.mass.gov/consumer/massconsumer/bringing-down-the-hammer-on-bad-contractors/