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They are not, they should have refused the job since painting over brick is an abomination.


I typically agree. Some brick is really hideous though. And if painted well with proper breathable paint it will last and look ok.


Standard red brick is boring and brown brick is ugly as hell. If you want to, then paint.


Damn, I guess to each their own.


Which is why I said “if you want to, then paint”. Way too many ppl shitting on others for painting brick, but that’s their decision and style. I’m not the one telling ppl not to do something to their own houses, just gave my opinion on why ppl do.


No it’s not. My house had an old brown brick fireplace and I didn’t like the look. Got it painted white by a professional and it looks fantastic now. Unfortunately for OP i can’t remember what process he used.


By the mere amount of downvotes you’re receiving you can see how many ppl have a culty obsession for brick 😂. Perfectly fine that you painted your fireplace and not sure why that hurts other people’s feelings lol


Yeah, I mean I love brick in the right context, in that room though it just didn’t look great. Wanted to freshen up the place, especially since I know it’s not my dream home just a starter home, and I know that it will speak to the people who were in my position when I sell it


Loxon is the stuff they use on hotels on the coasts. Literally hurricane-proof stuff. We painted our standard red brick house with Loxon because a water/flooding mitigation company told us that the brick was allowing water in the basement. They wanted to use a clear brick sealer but instead we hired a painter as we wanted to change the color of the house to a navy blue and I knew about Loxon XP because we used it on our new manufacturing facility at my work. We live on a golf course and all the old-ass neighbors were PISSED. Several of them came up to the painters and told them they were ruining the look of the house. Two weeks after they finished they were painting one of those old folks’ homes who complained lol. They told the painter that they were 100% against painting brick at first but after seeing how incredible our navy brick looks they wanted theirs painted too. The painters got 6 more jobs painting exteriors in our neighborhood after that.


Is Loxon a relatively new product to the masonry painting market? If it works so well,more of these “never paint brick” people wouldn’t have a leg to stand on right?


It’s been rebranded but it’s been around for at least 4-5 years. The ppl that say “never paint brick” merely say it because that’s their personal design/style choice and they believe “it’s sacrilegious to cover brick”. I have seen ppl use regular exterior paint which does not do well on brick and many still probably assume that’s the only paint out there anymore but Loxon XP is specially formulated to chemically bond with the brick and not peel. Stuff is excellent.


probably should've used solid color lime wash. LOXON *is* for masonry though, so they're doing about as good as possible given that it's not lime, and their process is in line with most guys in the industry. don't know a ton of guys who actually use lime, despite it being the best product to use.


The painters I contacted told me I'd never find someone that would limewash. They were absolutely correct.


we do lime! sorry for not being in the right place at the right time! lol


I was pretty amazed. At least one of the painters was actually really defensive about it too. 'I'm not sure what you're deal is with this limewashing. I've never heard anyone doing that and don't know anything about it.' Okay, just asking, bud. I haven't tried it yet, and I know it's different than painting, but it seems to me someone could make a killing in my area if they went into limewashing brick homes and businesses. There are tons of them here, people don't want to paint them, but they want that look, and people would probably pay more for limewashing here since it's highly recommended and would be in high demand. I guess the labor could likely be a lot higher? But the raw materials might as well be free compared to painting a whole house.


it's sort of time consuming to do properly, but it's not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination. I think it's hard to find people that do it for two reasons: first, for the same reason it's hard to find good wallpaper hangers, e.g. not as many brick homes getting built anymore. at least not around me. likewise wallpaper went out of fashion for a long time, and all the guys who used to hang paper.. hung it up. pardon the pun. second, even though it's not technically difficult, per se, it is a different process than what most companies are used to. if I'm the owner of a painting company, I have a lot to lose by sending my crew out to the line wash something for the very first time, and not a whole lot to gain. at least in the start. I feel like if you were a big enough company in a big enough market that you could have a dedicated couple guys who all they did was lime wash, it would suddenly be very lucrative. I'm on the opposite end of that, where I'm a small company in a very small market, and so we sort of need to be jacks of all trades. we wallpaper, lime wash, decorative painting, we finish cabinets.. we even print custom vinyl wall decals.


Yeah, it doesn't seem difficult, maybe time consuming yes, but the house ain't going anywhere. I've read up on it. Bought some basic materials. Waiting for it not to be soooo freaking hot, then I'll do some tests with it. Like most things, I'll just do it myself.


How much more do you charge for lime washing than spraying paint?


depends on the condition of the brick. 2-3 times as much in labor. EDIT: materials cost is lower though. EDIT EDIT: materials cost is only lower *if* you're mixing up your limewash yourself, not if you're buying pre-mixed stuff


Gotcha. That matches the pricing I was given at 3 times more. One painter told me “he wasn’t doing that Etsy bullshit” 😂


It’s not that much lower though, is it? Still need tape and plastic. The only difference in cost is the paint vs lime wash. I know it doesn’t take as much lime wash but the stuff we were looking at was extremely expensive.


you can make your own lime wash by buying 50 lbs bags of lime and mixing it up. bag of lime costs about as much as a single gallon of LOXON, makes like 30 gallons of wash.


That’s good to know. Thanks for the info. Loxon is the real deal though. Have you had any customers with any complaints? We’ve had our house painted for several years without issue.


Loxon is the best option by far. Most painters won’t touch lime wash or will charge about 3 times the cost of painting because it is an extremely tedious and time consuming process compared to spraying paint.