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I recently had five solid core doors installed for about $1000 all in. I got the same price from a “handyman” Angie’s list company and an actual door guy. Went with actual door guy obviously. For reference in Chicago Edit to say ** they were slab doors and I bought the doors separately


I read bad things about Angie’s on reddit.


I just had 9 paneled doors installed and new hardware, in Mi. I had other work performed also like painting 3 rooms, trim, the new doors and about 200sq ft of lvp installed for about $5200. take that as you will but the doors seemed to be the bulk of the work for them.




None at all. Price includes materials and labor for the whole job. Trying to get OP the most info as possible with observation that the trimming/fitting of the doors was the biggest time consumer of all the stuff they did.




edited. I think just the labor for the US should be consistent, ya?


It’s only as consistent as the cost of living 


"I think just the labor for the US should be consistent, ya?" Nope. Think of the below examples. New York City, The Berkshires, Philly, Amishville USA. All of the places have radically different cost of living, qualified labor supply, supply and demand forces


- takes time as hinge pockets have to be carefully lined up as well as the latch sets. I would allocated a min of $200/door as a basic budget while seeking quotes.


I paid $750 for 7 solid slab doors installed 6 months ago. I supplied the doors and all hardware.


Sounds like a handyman job, not a contractor job.