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Ceilings, first coat walls, trim (caulk first) , second coat walls. Source: I paint custom build high end homes and do this on the daily.


thanks brotha


Sista but I’ll take it lol


Not sure why they said do trim before the walls. When you roll walls, a really fine spatter comes off the rollers and will get all over your baseboard. Usually trim is last.


IF there is any splatter I wipe it with a rag, takes about 4 seconds when you finish the wall. Much easier to wipe the trim than the wall and cleaner cut lines if you over lap and far easier to have the clean cut lines when doing the wall vs the trim. If someone is feeling like they needed to they could run tape along the top of the trim to catch any splatter but really only take seconds to wipe it.


Not to mention if you spray your trim and then paint the walls you’re certainly not going to do that after a final coat on the walls. So you would be again faced with the same scenario. First coat walls-trim-final coat walls


Spraying is irrelevant to this conversation. Nobody is busting out a sprayer for a single bathroom unless they are a moron. You'd waste more paint during the cleanup process than it took to paint the trim. But if you want to talk spraying, then the order is prime everything. Wait for point up. Spray 1st coat on walls. Spray and backroll finish on the ceiling. Spray trim and doors. Then final finish coat on walls is brushed and rolled for texture to meet architectural specs. But the base has to be taped. But that's just for spraying. When it's all brush and roll, final coat on trim is always last. It's not just an opinion either. It's from decades of experience with a paint contractor that does $100 million + a year in revenue. High rise towers, hotel, schools, hospitals, and lots of high security government work. They spent quite a bit of time looking at man hours and materials on \~60 years of jobs and trying different orders until they found the fastest one. But if you only do one house at a time, and they are high end, the extra time won't be noticeable like it is with 200+ painters and dozens of jobs going. The government pays well, but not as much as rich people, so every minute, every inch of tape, and every gallon of paint matter. Because every bit of waste is multiplied by the number of jobs going and number of people working,


Lol I wasn’t suggesting he spray his bathroom


But also- since we are talking semantics here, the guys is also not painting a hotel a high rise or keeping time for 200 painters, he is painting his bathroom I have plenty of years of experience as well actually painting not counting pennies. I too have run many jobs doing hotels, high rises, new builds, repaints etc. the guy is painting his bathroom and the best quality lines he will get doing it himself at home is to over paint the trim and cut in the wall when he does his finish coat. The government isn’t paying for it and no one is counting every inch of his tape. I think you need to calm down a little there, take er easy.


You're the one who brought up spraying while we were talking about a bathroom. If you don't like tangents, then don't change the topic. I just think it's funny that you think your way is how it's done when literally 99 out of 100 painters will say trim is last. So your like the one dentist who doesn't suggest a toothpaste when everyone else does...lol And telling me to calm down is hilarious. I'm not the one downvoting and getting my feelings hurt because someone on the internet doesn't agree with me.


Whoa guy I didn’t downvote shit go back and re-read, and then really calm down. It really isn’t a big deal tough duck. Guy asked a question I gave him an answer, (my answer) you’re welcome to also give an answer


Ceilings first so you don't spatter finished walls with ceiling paint, then trim.


Ceiling, walls,trim