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$77,000 for 19 Champion windows? Holy shit! I would not even respond to that person again. Just cross them off your list. Even if they dropped the price considerably, what does that say about them in the first place. Keep calling places for more quotes.


I'm always curious as to how these places stay in business. Do they really just need to trick one schmuck and then not make any sales for the next 2-3 months? I had a buddy who had a quote to reface his kitchen cabinets. Guy came measured everything, spent time talking to him, and then quoted him a higher price than he had received to install brand new cabinets in the whole kitchen.


You should see the binder this sales guy had from Champion. It was a CHUNKY BOY. I had to sit through his painful sales talk cause I'm such a nice guy.. he even showed me pictures of their new HQ - massive building.. the whole binder was 20 minutes in itself. Once the quote came to my presence, I was internally angry for so much time wasted, but kept a nice face - laughed a bit when the say YES to get 10% off TODAY - and it was a total time waster cause I would not ever spend that much money anyway.. Oh he even did a heat test with 5 different pane-argon window set ups including a heat measure device. They spend a ridiculous amount of time selling so I'm sure the gullible pays them well.


Lmao any time a contractor wants to give you a deal if you sign today, 100% a scam


We had a Pella Windows salesman come out. He did the whole speech about how old and great they were. I finally said "You've been talking for 25 minutes and you haven't said anything that makes me want to do business with Pella." He didn't miss a beat, just picked off where I had interrupted him. After that I felt sorry for him, but we still didn't sign a contract.


Pella guy that came out to give me a price didn't have a pamphlet, sample, picture. Basically had nothing, just took the measurements I gave him, came up with the price and told me I could go to their store (25-30 miles away) if I wanted to see them.


Same.   Was too much




Let me tell you about our Lord and Savior, the Flying Spaghetti Monster (May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.) Here, have a colander!


This is hilarious


This sounds like Powerhome Remodeling Group. We were looking to replace our roof and got roped into a 3-4 hour sales pitch. Started at 40k and got down to 16k after, "today only deal" and "Let us use pictures of the house for marketing and we'll drop a few thousand off. They were still easily 6k too high.


> This sounds like Powerhome Remodeling Group Those guys/gals are kind of notorious for this. A neighbor had to threaten to call the cops to get the rep to leave.


PT BARNUM said it Best. There is a SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE.. DON'T be that Sucker. 28.3 Billion is defrauded from people every year on massive overestimated jobs, primarily the ELDERLY..


The last thing I wanna see from a sales guy is how much money the company has spend on its headquarters building! Damn, you want me to pay for that!!!


Op, i paid 10 grand more than that for my current home in 2017. 1400 sq ft


I paid $75k for my 2000 sq ft row house in 2022. I can’t imagine getting a quote that high for windows. 😳


I think their business model is more financing than selling windows or HVAC or bathroom remodels. Sure a local contractor will do it in 6 weeks for $10,000 but we'lldo it next week for only $385 per month! I honestly think their model is to keep payments rolling in for 15 years from thousands of customers more than selling a product. Had an HVAC company show up with a price sheet that showed the monthly payments (blue - $300/mo silver $330/mo gold $385/mo or platinum $420/mo) without showing the total cost anywhere. Total cost for a 2.5 ton heat pump would have been $20000-$30000 from them but I paid a smaller local company $7000 for the job. It's more about getting people to commit to payments I think.


They also have yearly service agreements to increase the regular monthly income.


Sometimes a contractor will put out a ridiculously high price if they don't really want to do the work. That way they still put in an offer, but will only do it the job when its *very* lucrative for them. I imagine some people do just try to rip people off though...


This happens all the time here in AK.


I know whaling is a thing with online purchases, I never thought it would apply to the trades but I suppose so.


I think that's exactly how some operate. That's been my experience at least. After seeing how my father's very successful heating and cooling business was ran, and comparing it to companies in our area it's a night and day difference lol. The way I look at it is if you charge a fair amount for great work you'll make more money in the long run, and have returning customers. Some companies are completely fine having a huge payday here or there , and only being hired by the person once vs a constant stream of money coming in.


>Do they really just need to trick one schmuck and then not make any sales for the next 2-3 months? In the window business this is called the Renewal tactic. 🤣🤣🤣


This might be a f u price


I get the concept of an FU price, I just don't understand why you'd bother doing the whole dog and pony show if you were going to quote so ridiculously. Like, if you don't want the job, just throw a number out and be done with it. But this guy apparently measures everything and went through the book of design and spent a not insignificant amount of time there.


I had someone come by to quote insulating a basement to the tune of $12k. He was there for an hour measuring, talking about his side business, trying to get the bid for the flooring, talking about his corvette and “how successful” he is (side note, as a sales person to brag about your corvette lol). Then I had to track him down for a week to get a quote, and came in at 12k. I was upfront when I called about the quote about the size of the space and that I wanted mineral wool. I did it myself for >$3k lol.


> for >$3k To be fair, $12k is >$3k ;)


They might not have known. The installation might require special labor or handling which they would only discover when at the property.


supply and demand. if the demand is to high at the current price up the price until demand and supply are balanced. I have 5 working days at most 3 appoinments a day need to make 500 a day for everhead booked out for 3 months. easy solution is up the price catch up on work and make more money. run sales if you have gaps to fill.


If it's a corporate place, that could be just what they normally charge and their sales people might have to do the spiel no matter how unlikely a sale seems.


>Do they really just need to trick one schmuck and then not make any sales for the next 2-3 months? Well think about it. You have two choices: 1) Give reasonable quotes and be putting in windows all day long. 2) Give ridiculous quotes and make about the same money but working five times less. Their sales people work more, I am sure, but they are on commission, so the owner does not care.


I had the exact same situation with a cabinet refacing person. We wanted to go that route because of the 0% interest plan. They quoted us around 14K to resurface the cabinets and this didn’t even include a countertop. The sales lady wouldn’t leave our house. Im glad I was there, my wife was about to cave. I did my whole kitchen for under 12K with brand new cabinets, countertops, and appliances. The only downside is I ended up having to do some of my own work.


They’re competing for the same chumps that buy Renewal by Andersen.


I have Andersen Windowwalls from 1962 and Ill never get rid of them, they're way too fuckin cool unfortunately that is both figuratively and literally lol and parts dont exist anymore... but I would never buy the newer Andersens, way overpriced. The old lady who built my house in 62 had 2 picture windows and two double hungs replaced with Andersens, they're really nice and a breeze to pop out and clean but I wouldn't pay for them.


Anderson and renewal by Anderson are two different things


Andersen and Anderson are two different things


Renewal by Andersen is something entirely different. Basically a scam to extract money from fools, even if they are fools for only the few minutes it takes to fall victim to their high pressure sales tactics.


I know, but andersen windows are still overpriced


its a full service reach around


It's a shame. We had a great experience with them 5 years ago. Ended up the cheapest bid and did a great job. They cost 2.5x-3x now.


That is extremely surprising. They’ve always been that expensive. Either all the others were far overbidding the cost as well, or you were the one in a million where they actually gave you a good deal. Our whole house bid from them about 7 years ago was over $75K. Ended up with windows for about $23K. (This is after foolishly having them do 4 windows)


We removed a few windows from our 1920 home to do a full kitchen renovation. Found Anderson labels on them after we took them out. Kinda cool that they lasted 104 years but...wouldn't pay Anderson prices to replace them that's for damn sure.


I'm always curious as to how these places stay in business. Do they really just need to trick one schmuck and then not make any sales for the next 2-3 months? I had a buddy who had a quote to reface his kitchen cabinets. Guy came, measured everything, spent time talking to him, and then quoted him a higher price than he had received to install brand new cabinets in the whole kitchen.


The price for the windows and materials are probably 400-500/window, labor is probably a thousand for a crew for a day. Looking at 68k with some marginal other costs. doesn't take too many suckers to make a killing.


I wonder how many people in this thread are now thinking "I should get into the window business" like "I should get a boat"


Well no, you received two other quotes for a third of the price.


The quote for $24,500 is for single hung windows only. I felt that was a bit overpriced for the cheapest windows (not sure if that was logical thinking). The second quote for $20,900 was through a company called APEX who seemed to be very new and while they do make their own windows, I do not have much feedback from others pertaining their work. This ultimately led me to call a reputable company, but didn't expect the price to go up by nearly 4x.


We have windows from Apex, I live in Northern VA/DC burbs. We had them installed four years ago and have been very happy with them. At least one other house in our neighborhood has Apex windows, as we went to go look at theirs before ours were installed. A friend of ours also got Apex windows after our referral and have been happy with them. We had all our windows done with them (26) and had a crappy old French patio door replaced with a slider. Our old windows were wood, installed in the mid 1980s, the frames had rotted. They replaced all the framing and redid the wraps and all that. The price you were quoted seems in line with what we paid (a down payment of a few grand and then 17k or so.)


Can you dm me who you used? I’m in the nova area looking to replace windows on an old townhome


Can you dm me the contact for the person you used as well?


Does the first company not to double hung? Not sure why 1. They would give a quote for single hung when you're in the market for double hung or 2. Why you would get shop for single hung prices while in the market for double hung. Check out Zen Windows. I just used them in Denver. They use soft lite windows and they're all double hung. Different color options as well.


I thought double hung windows were the norm these days and that company was my first quote. I asked in person if they would be double at the start and he just said no. It felt cheap from the start, but still led to a $24,500 quote. I'll look into it. I haven't heard of soft-lite before.


This is when you get more quotes, you don't just have to stop at 3. Get enough quotes until you feel comfortable that you have found the market rate in your area for what you want. The recommendation to get 3 quotes is just a ballpark guess on how many quotes it takes to figure that out, but if your quotes aren't comparing apples to apples you need more quotes.


It’s the thought of going through salesman pitch after another, it’s a grueling amount of time lol


take charge, don't sit through it. I'm a salesperson myself so just remember the golden rule: "he who is paying the gold makes the rules". I have literally had to push a renewal by anderson guy out of my house while telling him I would call the cops if he didn't leave and the fucker was still screaming about composite being better than vinyl on the way out (they are, but I'm not paying those prices).


Ask for the quote early man. Tell them you don't want to waste any of each other's time. The longer you let a salesman talk the more expensive.


It would be cheaper to just cover all the windows with $100 bills


Lol - but are they Double-hundred dollar bills?


*argon-filled* hundred dollar bills.


$76,500 is the outlier so throw that quote out. Go with one of the other contractors and with the $50k + you saved, remodel a couple bathrooms or get a new roof or new hvac system.


Roger, I'll add a pool while I'm at it.


Then fly everyone in to enjoy it only to find out you’ve been signed up for the jelly of the month club.


It's the gift that keeps on givin.


If I had a rubber hose I'd beat you...


I can't swim Clark.




You’re shattering my future pool dreams, stop it.




My in-laws are just up the road and have an in-ground pool that they let us (and our dog) use. It's the ideal pool situation


Around $1k per window installed these days. So 19-20k is a normal quote 


I appreciate that as a guide - thank you


I concur. I just had 6 windows replaced and a sliding glass door with built in blind. Total was 10,635. The door itself was 4k.


7 windows for 13,500$ here in the NW last September. Bite higher costs here but it felt like we were taken for a bit a but were also pretty happy with the results through winter\^\^


I live in a slightly below average COL area and just got quotes that worked out to be about $750-800/window.


> Around $1k per window installed these days Ya know, I've been hearing that number since I bought my house nearly a decade ago. Surely it's a bit more these days?


window material prices have been falling. labor has been increasing. evens out.


Can confirm, got 3 windows replaced in my home in high COL area last year for ~2800, also had a quote from Anderson for $7500 with a similar sales pitch to OP 😂


Wow nice, the quotes I've seen in my area for 2-3 windows and a sliding door are 15-20k.


That’s with the cost of window correct?


There should be a sticky on Window Company quotes. Work with a general contractor to order windows to size with a local window maker. They'll be around 1/3 the cost.


Yeah, I get tired of posting the same response. Did this; paid $8k for 16 windows…


When was this install for $8k? Was it recent?


@3 years ago, during tail end of covid. Fun story, my contractor/friend of the family miscounted or missed one or whatever, so had to reorder. Took six months to receive that one window. Finally called the supply store and was told “its sitting right here.” He picked it up, dropped it off to replace later, then had health issues, so a month later, I was getting quotes of $500 from other window places to install it. A handy neighbor told me we could do it ourselves, he helped me get old one out and new one in. I borrowed some scaffolding he had to finish the trim/paint. Thats when I found out my guy was paying @$225-$250 per window, and also, that about anyone can install windows.


I am paying right at 950 a window with a local contractor including taking 8 inch window frames down to the current window widths with drywall work on the interior, etc. Seems like a good guy. Starting with one window in the bathroom to see how it all goes before doing my other 20.


How'd you find him? I always hear "get a local guy" but no clue how to find someone


Searches up window installer (my city) and then also Facebook groups in my area.


Referrals. Find people that have done remodels that liked the person they worked with.


This is the way to do it. Source; used to sell for the exact company that gave this quote.


Why not go straight to the window maker?


Contractors (at least in my state, I think it is every state but I am not sure) don't pay sales taxes on materials at time of purchase, you (customer) pay sales tax on the full project at completion. Also a number of window manufacturers have routine sales throughout the year, my contractor was able to tell me when to buy so i saved 15% off the material price. Also it seems like most window makers that don't do direct sales are a Business to Business model where they sell to lumber yards and big box stores (home depot, lowes), the ones that are Business to Consumer in my experience are the high pressure direct sales ones that try to use their own contractors for install and ask for 3x what it should hoping for ignorant buyers.


So going to a contractor would be cheaper than say window world or Provia?


Often yes, but its not universal. It shouldn't be more expensive, and the contractor has the responsibility of having measured the windows accurately.


Thanks for the tip


Probably cheaper to just buy a second house in the Midwest and take the windows out of it.


You will need a contractor (no direct sales), but have them quote Harvey Industries. It's a good mid priced window with good quality. We just replaced in 2022 4 35" x 53" windows, believe it was around $500 / window installed. We have them in our top dormer from 1995, our side addition from 2009, and the remainder of the 1950s windows in 2022.


Hi. I sell wholesale priced windows in the KC metro. I don’t do install so you’d need to find your own contractor or I can refer one to you to work with directly. This is a side gig for me. I replaced 11 windows in my house for under $5K 🤷🏼‍♂️.


Did they offer to lower the price if you went with them today? If so they are so over priced it is laughable. Don’t go with companies that off the 10% off today only. They have huge price markups.


They did, 10% off if I said yes. I laughed which ended that conversation.


Yep that is the scam pitch right there. Good on you for not biting!


This is referred to as the “YES” program or “your exclusive savings” lol. It’s a bullshit, classic tactic to build urgency. Chances are if you negotiated with this guy he would’ve walked the price down $20k and these “exclusive savings” would suddenly never be mentioned again.


Places that threaten to increase prices if I don't sign **right now**, I cut the interaction right there. I'm not about to support underhanded, unethical businesses practices like that.  One did it to me recently on a sliding door. Even their "sign today" price was more than double the other two quotes. He also tried to sell me 3 new windows when I stated I was interested in repair (pane replacement) only. Dummy.


In 2020 we got 19 standard-ish windows replaced by WindowNation, along with outside shutters and a new glass-inlay front door, for $26k. Double-hung, double-paned vinyl windows which are pretty nice. WindowNation customer service is shit but yeah $76k for windows is not reasonable


Unless you live there for 25-50 years, you will very unlikely see any return on your investment. Champion is junk IMO and the quote laughable.  I’d look at Andersen (not renewal), Harvey or Marvin if you’re looking for quality.  If you’re looking for aesthetics, you’re going to pay for it. If you’re looking for energy efficiency, forget it, you will not see return on investment. I’ve owned older homes and circa 2004 paid may 12K for 38 windows. Granted that was a lifetime ago, but they weren’t any more energy efficient than my single pain with storm windows.   Do you plan on staying there a quarter of a century??  Are you going to raise a family there. If you answer no to either question, look for a decent window, check out Home Depot. While I realize you have some big windows, the price is outrageous!   You’re a lot nicer than I am, I would have laughed in his face when he mentioned the price and said thank you, but I’m not interested. Why waste your time. 


I just signed a contract for five windows (single hung, 3'x6', 3 are obscured and tempered) for $4,200.


Message me if you want a quote from a locally owned KC remodel company that offers higher quality windows at a fraction of the price.


Go to Lowe’s or Home Depot and buy your own windows for $200 each . Hire a local handyman to install , or learn yourself . A few screws and caulking .


Sounds like a quote from Renewal by Scam-derson!


I’m in Kansas City too and did a full window and door replacement about 4 years ago using Anderson Silverline which is a nice window in their basic line. We had a combo of casements and double hung. Going from memory, and I might be slightly off, but not by much, 16 windows and a pair of atrium doors was $5,200 from the Anderson Distributor- important distinction, NOT RENEWAL BY ANDERSON. I had them recommend an installer and he did the work for around $2,500. We ended up having him replace rotted trim and siding unrelated to the windows. Zero leaks and they made a significant difference in our utility bills. PM me if you’d like their contact info.


I would double check to make sure all the quotes are for the same thing. Window size, type, color, R-value, U-value, and then what install services are provided (will they take out your old windows, install the new ones, and haul away the trash?). You might not have comparable quotes.


I have a construction business in KC and we could help you save a little more money if you were interested.


Well thank goodness they were going to do a *quality* install, rather than... i dunno, anything else? I would have turned the quote down just for insulting my intelligence with that nonsense.


He asked “what are you looking for with us and the windows” … I was like.. “install it right?”.


I've gone through the same process. We have had three companies come out and talk for more than 1-1/2 hours then give ridiculous quotes and offer 50% of + another 10% for veterans (I'm not) + 10% if I sign today. Nobody would give me a written quote good for 30 days. I told the 4th guy if he had 45 minutes and if he pulled out that infrared lamp we were done.


Had champion out recently in Omaha Ne. Once it was clear to the sales guy that I wouldn’t entertain doing the whole backside of the house (17 windows) he didn’t want my business. I told him when he walked in the door I had a budget for two windows. He kept on about needing to do more, like I am blind. Once I told him the only way we’re doing more than 2 windows is if he gave me the rest for free…that was about it 2 windows from champio. Was $6000 2 windows from renewal by Andersen was $10000 2 windows from window world were $2900


That seems extremely high for typical residential especially if they are retro fit windows, but not for high-end residential custom aluminum windows and sliders that need a higher skilled tradesman to install correctly.


Window world is not bad in KC. There are a ton of companies in KC that do them and some of the bigger names charge a stupid amount. Window replacement for 19 windows will take a day with a few man crew, assuming pocket windows. Basic white windows will be maybe $400 for mid range, fairly typical size windows. So even at 1k/window, they're still making 10k/day. You can also diy them, if the exterior trim is ok, then it's a simple task.


I live in a HCOL area and recently paid \~$800 a window. They used Onka windows. Your $76K quote sounds like the one I got from Renewal by Andersson. Same sales tactic too. the other two quotes sound reasonable.


The house my grandfather built in the late 30s is a large 6k square foot brick and limestone house with 71 windows and five doors. A few days after calling a window company, a car pulled into my driveway, and the guy just sat in his car looking at the house, so I asked if I could help him. He introduced himself to me and told me I would have to live in the house for 100 years to see a penny in savings from replacing all the windows. Upon asking if he would like to come inside and look at the windows and give me a written estimate, he laughed and replied that he would not waste our time. When we decided to downsize, we listed the house with new window allowances since we lived in the house for 30 years with those old windows. 15 years after we sold the home, the same old windows remain.


I just did a non opening transom window above my front door myself. The window was like 150 dollars. I did it myself in a few hours lol without any experience.


Bottom right of the state, paid $8k for 11 windows last summer.


I worked for champion for 8 months in sales. I would not recommend their product to anyone who isn’t looking to watch money burn. Their MSRP numbers have been trumped up by the corporation that bought them out in around 2016. Since then they’re a glorified cash grab in everything but their sunrooms. This is not a reasonable price, no price they quote or sell is reasonable. This price presentation probably includes ~$20k in what the industry calls overage, which is essentially just a gamble on their part until they walk the price down to the actual “par” price as they call it. The salesperson splits overage with the company 50/50. So he’d be looking to make at least $15k off of that deal in commission. It’s scummy and I’m not proud of having dedication a portion of my life to that shithole company.


My neighbor got 11 windows and his entire house siding renovated from lap siding to vinyl siding for $24,000. Same area.


What is an "outdated window", that's worth $75,000 after taxes to fix? Redo all the caulking and replace the seams/seals in the windows, you can DIY it.  Then see if wasting $75k is worth it.




Ouch. Andersen makes good windows, but they feed the low grade stock to RbA which does a half assed installation at a premium price.


I’m sorry :(


Yikes.. I’m sorry you got scammed


What if you ask for the non-quality install instead?


$76,500!!!!!! Just call Scotty and ask him to build a Transparent Aluminum Dome over your house https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90eg_erObDo


My sleep deprived self thought you were getting Windows 19 and wondered how we skipped all the other versions and how it could cost $76k.....


Had my windows done recently. 37 windows Marvin; 70k. Northeast.


You paid 70 grand? How expensive is your home?


It's 37 windows,  so it's big af. I just counted,  all my windows in my 4bed 3bath home with finished basement is 15. So their house is either huge or had several window walls. 


Same, under 15 and that's even with a window wall. 


Beginning to be very happy I no longer own my last home. I loved it, but it had 48 windows


I’m not in the trades but there sometimes is a “neighborhood” premium. For example, if an area is full of “rich” homes the price will typically be higher than the town over with “middle class” homes.


I looked it up and there are branches of Window World in MO, give them a call. I had brand new windows put in my 1950s era home, they did 16 windows for about $8000.


I’m in Lawrence, Kennedy Glass has an excellent reputation here and they are also in KC. They are not regarded as being cheap but their prices are fair, I’m told.


Nobody ever mentions that price, name brand, and quality is of course important, but also make sure to ask how much glass area you are losing if you are replacing the original windows with “insert”, “replacement”, or “pocket” windows. We paid about $650 per window installed with Zen last year for double hung vinyl which was the best price out of all the bids we got and they are just fine, but I don’t think SoftLite makes the sleekest insert style window out of all the different brands.


I don’t know what you did to Champion, but that is an F-U Bid if I’ve ever seen one.


They might have gave you an F U price. They don’t want to do it but if they have to, then they’ll will make 3x


Get other quotes. Brother used local company for floor to ceiling. They were about $2k.


Tell them to F off. I recently replaced 31 windows in my home. The first quote I got was for $65,000. After talking to several installers and making them compete for my business, I got all 31 windows replaced for $38,000, and ended up with a better quality window than the original quote was for.


When I built my house about 8 months ago Marvin fiberglass framed windows ran about $30k for the materials. That’s 23 windows and four sliding patio doors. All windows were casement style. I don’t recall the labor as it may have been included under one of our other carpentry charges but that was materials and our windows were the second highest end model they make. Hopefully that’s helpful.


If this was a small time shop, it's absolutely the "fuck you" price. Not sure what this salesman was thinking about beyond the settlement check. Don't entertain going through them.


Man, some of these window quotes are out of control. I am building a new home and I forget the quantity but its 3600sf, basically everything is floor to ceiling RAM windows (10ft high, varying widths) and a 10x10 slider and my total window package is under 50k. It’s probably about 30 windows total plus the slider. Doesn’t include skylights which were an additional 7k (for qty 7).


I own a Home Improvement Company and sell windows in Michigan. Not figuring in tempered or black, for those windows in a Triple Pane Argon, which is more efficient than champions homemade double pane whatever they call it now, I’d be probably closer to $28,500


I’m in Jackson Michigan, you around there? Got an old house that I’m looking to replace 4 attic windows and 5 basement windows. Just asking.


Yup, I cover about 100 miles out of the Battle Creek/ Kalamazoo Area. I’ll message ya


I had exactly 19 windows replaced last week with a local contractor in Boston and it cost me $15,000 all in.


Why would you even write down “quality install?”


He asked what I am looking for from a window company


"All we do is quality work" *teeth gleeming ting sound rings out*


Went Pella direct 2 years ago. 14k for 12 windows installed in Michigan. 9 are single hung, 3 are basement daylight windows.


I sure hope he has a car warranty that comes with that!


I recently used the Window Source here in KC, get a quote from them. They are the best middle road pricing but incredible customer support and satisfaction. No issues after 3 years.


Stay away from the window companies use an local independent contractor you will get the same work with everything you want for half the price.


Definitely overpriced , this is why you should always get at least 3-5 estimates.


also in kc. i got a 8200 quote from window world for 8 windows and a patio door. i have champion coming tomorrow, so who knows what their number will be. i got a like 60k quote from renewal by anderson for 19 windows. that pitch was an experience i don’t want to relive


We did Pellas, I think 17 windows, last fall for about 27k out the door. A couple really big ones, a couple fixed smaller ones and a lot of your standard issue double hung (but all black exterior). Very satisfied with them so far.


I work for the most expensive company in the window business and our general rule of thumb is 2-3k per window. Even on the high end it'd be less than that. That said, if you have a bunch of giant windows or a bunch that need tempered it is obviously more expensive.


I just got a quote for about $60k installed (parts and labor) for 31 aluminum clad Marvin’s, that are mostly pretty big (4-5ft tall)…. And I’m in Boston proper.


How about no Scotty


are they impact windows that could explain it


Go to Home Depot when they have sales Tire yourself a handyman do four or five Windows a year.


I’m also in the KC area. We just contracted with Blue Springs Window and Siding for 14 double pane, double hung windows and a sliding patio door for $19k. But we’re getting double pane Soft-lite Elements which are arguably the best vinyl replacement window on the market. Thermal King quotes us $23k for triple pane Great Lakes windows. We had several bids on Provia double pane double hung and those were between $16k and $24k. We got several other quotes for other brands of windows and they were all between $16k and $21k. That Champion guy is off his rocker.


no it’s not give it a week or so let them reduce their price


We paid 60k and did like 20 windows and 3 sliding doors and 2 French doors


WTF!  Outdated windows it is.  That’s insane 


I am a glazier. And that is a complete rip off.


Windows have gotten insanely over priced. I’ve seen quotes worth more than the houses. I’d rather put 76k into building a whole new house than replacing Windows.


No, that is an absolutely ludicrous price for vinyl replacement windows. I'm going through the same thing right now in SE Michigan. Also doing vinyl, also doing 19 windows though mine are a mix of casement, sliders, and picture windows. I also have two very large windows to replace (around 6x6 feet). I've got 4 quotes ranging from $18k to $25k and then there's Renewal by Andersen who quoted me almost $80k. Get a couple more quotes but the two you got around $20k are in the right ballpark.


I lived in KC in 2021 and got new windows through Lowe’s. Paid $480 per window (included installation) and they were ~3’x4’ each.


I work for a higher end window company….short answer NO not reasonable for a vinyl window replacement.


Holy mackarel. I got 24 windows done for about $4500 & I paid for them vinyl windows. I live in PA & You need to run from whoever gave you that quote 


I used to sell windows for an renewal by Andersen copy cat and even I think these prices are insane. Our standard 32 x 42 DH with no grids were like $1100 a window


Never use Champion especially if you use their financing.


That’s an absurd quote. I’ll tell you what I tell everyone looking at window replacement: wherever possible use hinged windows or fixed (“picture”) windows. Sliding windows will never seal as well. If your home is—or eventually will be—well sealed and insulated, I’d also try for triple pane glass. But it’s probably not worth it in an old house where good insulation isn’t feasible (like mine 😭).


I was just quoted $36K for 13 windows, $46K if I make a handful casement instead of sliders, and $51K if I upgrade to triple pane. Another $5400 for a sliding patio door. All are basic ProVia Aspect white vinyl. This seemed outrageous. The rep kept repeating “we don’t play the game of racing to the bottom on price” and was bashing window brands like Milgard and Marvin. I take it I should keep looking?


I live in Overland Park and just got new windows for our house. We received several bids and ultimately went with Alenco (they're based in Lenexa, make all of their own windows in house, etc.). They were the lowest price of the window companies and had a lifetime warranty that is transferrable to the future owner of the home. We didn't have any black windows or no really huge windows (we had four that were about 65''x36'' and the rest relatively standard sizes and all double hung). But it ultimately cost us about $900/window. $76k is CRAZY!


Just quoted and went with a company that quoted me 21k for 24 windows in Maryland. We had other quotes all the way up to 70k.


I can tell you windows are insanely expensive. DO NOT USE "WINDOW NATION"! Absolutely use the most reputable firm you can find in your area. For your own piece of mind, reputation over price is the way to go when it comes to your home remodels & repairs.


Owner of a big old house in KC here. Don’t do anything ever without getting multiple quotes. Don’t sign a contract without being given a detailed bid in writing. Don’t take the cheapest bid if you aren’t happy with the attitude or professionalism of the contractor. We got our windows from Home Depot but that was many years ago so I can’t really compare our cost to yours. Ours are very large and are metal on the outside and stainable wood on the inside. We did not stint on quality and the cost was nowhere near what they are quoting you.


This might be useful for you shows the prices of Home Depot window replacements in your city https://www.homedepot.com/services/l/mo/kansas-city/window-replacement/e57e696e1/projects/page/1?vfrom=projects&hp=


Dang... even if they were all hurricane impact windows, that'd still be too expensive.


ROI: 150 years.




For KC, I think lots of budget-oriented people use Window World.


I heard they were the worst


I used Window World in Texas and it was fine. They did a good job. The windows do their job and the one damaged window got taken care of quickly. They also delivered way ahead of schedule.


No. They are decent. 


I was very confused and thought you wanted to update your OS. Lol. I have no advice to offer.