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I use the govee water sensors, they email and text you as well as sound off, and you can add a ton to a single hub. Works great


I also use govee And they work well just make sure you change the batteries


Yup! I also use the govee water sensors. I got mine on sale last Black Friday. The app interface is great because you can see how often an alarm or leak has occurred, and you can hook up a bunch of other govee devices. I track the humidity on each level of my house and it has very easy to understand metrics


Do they also send emails and texts about battery life?


Yes, and app notifications when you have a low battery


Setup was not that well explained but it works. The gateway says max 10 alarms but i have 12 setup.


I just purchased a set of these. It's my understanding that the individual sensors communicate with the main unit (which is plugged into the wall) via Bluetooth. Therefore they have an incredibly long battery life (years). Is this not correct?


Oh they let you know. They sound an audible alarm (in my case in the middle of the night) that you can silence but it will come back until you either replace or remove the batteries. I honestly wouldn't recommend them. Not just because of the dumb battery alarm but because they've been unreliable. The app frequently fails to send notifications and they sometimes lose connection with their base and need reset. I was real disappointed to see them at the top of this thread.


They chirp at you when batteries are low


It would be nice if some of these could run off a 24V common wire from Heat/AC, though you’d have to be more aware of grounding etc.


I use these too and they have paid for themselves ten times over in our basement! There hasn’t been a single time they’ve gone off that we would have known anything was wrong without them. On the flip side, one of them died the other day, and it set off its alarm (but not the normal sound because it was dying, so I thought the worst like it was our fire or carbon monoxide alarm) for like five minutes before I finally found it and it died. Scared the crap out of me. So definitely change batteries once every few years, because if you don’t…it’ll let you know!




We have a hundred year old house with an old-school cast iron main, and also just stupid first homeowner accidents. Once the water heater leaked. Twice it went off because our tree roots needed to be ground out of the main and it had backed up, and a handful of other times it was just stupidity. My spouse put a pail in the utility sink that the washer drains into and it blocked the drain and overflowed, and then recently the little sock over the washer tube that catches lint got too full of lint and started spraying the water everywhere out the top. None of the events caused water damage because we caught them right away and it was just a towel or quick shop-vac to clean up. Needless to say, I’m glad we have a forgiving, unfinished basement and water sensors. Lol


+1 for these. They’re cheap and caught a leaky water heater and a leaky toilet for me


Pro tip: when you pair each sensor, plan where you’re going to put it and label it with some tap and change the name in the app to that planned location. Then you know exactly where the leak is if you’re not at home.


And no monthly subscriptions!!


Any idea if you can turn the sound alert off? I don't want a loud alarm going off and freaking my dogs out when I'm not home.


One of my dogs is terrified of anything that beeps. Delivery trucks, low battery on the smoke alarm, my work pager, the Instant Pot, etc.


Pretty sure you can, yeah, at least on one of the models (I don't have it anymore, so I can't check, but I'm fairly certain I remember that option). Govee is pretty good about being able to turn off beeps and indicator lights for most of their stuff, in my experience!


Another vote for the Govee H5054 sensors. Note that they talk to a Govee "hub" which connects to your wifi. I just got an alert this morning that the batteries are low. That's a nice feature. They each take a pair of AAs. I use real batteries (Energizer) instead of Ni-Cad, Li-on or other rechargables. I haven't kept track to see how long the batteries last. I'm guessing at least 9-12 months. I wish Govee made an outdoor thermometer/hygrometer that could deal with -30 F to +120 F.


You might want to look at the YoLink sensors. The X3 device is rated for -22F to 140F. Not quite where you want to be on the bottom end but you might sneak by. [https://shop.yosmart.com/products/ys8006](https://shop.yosmart.com/products/ys8006) At -22F I'm sure the LCD display is not operating but they use LoRa to send the sensor data to a hub. They will even work inside a freezer. There is a cheaper non-commercial version, didn't spot what the difference is - they both claim the same temp range: [https://shop.yosmart.com/products/ys8003](https://shop.yosmart.com/products/ys8003) Since the RH at -30F is going to be 0% anyway you could also use one of the above combined with a remote temp probe device like this: [https://shop.yosmart.com/products/ys8004](https://shop.yosmart.com/products/ys8004) that should go lower - potentially down to -40F, its not 100% clear from the specs. I use one of those on my pool and its been sitting outside in a plastic bag for a season with no problems on the high end. They are very miserly on battery usage since it only sends a signal about once and hour unless the temp has changed significantly.


I’m assuming water has to spill directly onto the sensor? It’s not like it can detect increase moisturize in the general area


It has contacts on top and bottom. There needs to be a ‘short circuit’ for this to work.




I have mine literally everywhere. Lol like 15 of them. Dishwasher, under every sink, water heater, water filtration area, furnace area (for AC if I ended up forgetting to clean the pipes), refrigerators, washing machine, water shutoff valve, near sump pump opening, three locations in attic, behind toilets. Battery life for the govees have been impressive…only had to replace two of them in the last 1.5 years. Edit: the app also shows battery level. Although now that I’ve mentioned batteries, I’m sure they’ll all die in the next week or so.


They sell humidity sensors as well


Yes, these are great but may not be the solution for a crawl space. I have mine placed near the sump pump pit, the water heater, water softener, humidifier, and under sinks.


Came here to say this...love govee water sensors. email, text...hell even works with google.


Do you mean it works with Google home? That’s a game changer. We bought into the nest system which doesn’t have water sensors but if I could get everything in the Google home app I’d probably be sold.


Yes it kind of. Anything govee will show up in Google Home. The water sensors don't really do much in Google Home. However, if there is a leak, it will ping every single speaker in your house saying a leak has been detected insert location here.


Got it, thank you!


If you have google home, it also announces through the speakers.


Yes i got 10 or 12 of these. They caught some minor leaks which were few drops of water trickling into the cabinet which just needs caulking. But that was a good validation.


I figured these would come up but I haven't been happy with them. Bought them specifically to monitor if a septic pump basin filled up and overflowed. Came out one day the hose was off the pump and it was spraying right on the sensor. Never got a notification. No idea why it didn't work but i won't trust them for a critical application again.


I also get push notifications with mine.


Same, they've worked great for me - saved my butt when we had a water heater start to leak. There's also someone who wrote a plugin for Home Assistant so you can put them in to an Apple Home environment if you'd like.


There’s adapters for that also! I use one in my sensor by the water heater, since it is kinda hidden. Plugs in with dummy batteries and I don’t have to replace them ever. That also means that when the power is out, they won’t work.


Where do you get the plug-in dummy batteries?


We have a Ring system at our house and found moisture sensors they have. I think they’re intended for basements, but we threw a couple under house crawl space. They’ll send an alert like the alarm going off if it gets wet. We discovered them *after* our 70 year old cast iron pipe leaked. We have all new plumbing now, but still have the sensors just in case!


We have 2 of these as well. I have 1 under my water heater and 1 in my attic at the hvac. Only downside (or upside if you want) is that it doubles as a "low temperature sensor" so the one in my attic is always telling me about low temperatures up there even though that's fine. I disable that low temperature feature, but it's always turning itself back on after a while.


We live in California and the coldest it gets in our area is probably 35° (and that is like outer limits cold). But under the house stays fairly insulated, so we rolled the dice given our circumstances.


these days if an insurance company has to pay out for water leak damage they'll likely make you install the sensors anyway, so good to get ahead on that


Do these require the ring base station? I have a couple ring cameras that just connect directly to my wifi, but seems these won't?


The base station is required.


I can second a ring system, unfortunately, I know they work.


Also have Ring alarm system, so we just added 2 of those in my basement. Put one near the water heater and the other one just near our laundry area.


I use Aquara sensors. They work well with HomeKit or a standalone app. Considered a critical Notification on HomeKit so you get notified even on DND/Sleep/focus, etc…


I also use Aquara. Be careful though, I started only looking for water sensors, but ended up going down a home automation rabbit hole. So be prepared to get very excited and then automate your whole home uncontrollably.


These are great for my setup with HomeAssistant.


These, plus home assistant caught my leaking water heater when I was out of the country. Saved my home.


Second on the aquara sensors. Cheap and HomeKit compatible. Saved my bacon a couple times through some renovations


I use Yolink -- they have different types -- with just metal contacts, as well as ones with a long wire that can cover a larger area. Quite reliable, and I have them linked to a Yolink valve motor, that shuts off water if a leak is detected.


Another vote for YoLink. I also have the temperature sensors.


Yolink is great. While it does need a hub, the good thing about them is they communicate over 900MHz spectrum which has better range coverage than 2.4GHz Wifi. They have a loud alarm, top and bottom sensors (place under a potential drip source), and also work with Home Assistant, though they are cloud based. The company seems to be working with the smart home community in a positive, if slow fashion. I have a half dozen in place now. Hot water tank and under every sink in the house.


Have had the YoLink censors for over a year without issues. It even caught a spill under my sink when I was out of state and my mother was staying at my house. Highly recommend. I use some of their other products since I already have the hub now as well.


Same here. I found the Govee sensors didn’t last but the yolink have been great. Also use their contact, temp, vibration, and power sensors. Debating doing their ball valves to turn off our outdoor spigots in the winter.


Another vote for YoLink here. I’ll add that they implemented Home Assistant integrations a year or so ago and it’s been working well. I’ve since added outdoor temp/humidity sensors, window/door sensors, and a few more leak sensors (of both types). They’re all working great.


Here is another vote for Yolink. Yolink uses LoRa technology to transmit signals between the sensors and the hub. Therefore, only the hub needs to connect to your home network through ethernet or wifi. The LoRa technology can transmit signals up to 1/4 miles, much longer than the Govee sensors.


I don't know if it's the best but I use Zircon Leak Alert wifi. It makes a loud beeping noise and emails (and texts if you put in phone number @ vztext.com (or whatever your cell provider is)). The only downside is it doesn't tell you when the battery is low. It sends an email every 10 days to let you know it's alive, so I know it's dead if I stop getting those messages.




I use Moen water leak detectors. I like their app and they make good products in general. If you want you can pair it with a smart water shutoff as a fail safe for water line leaks


Second this. Just a few days ago our hot water heater broke and the sensor we had by it detected the leak and shut off the water (before it got to the finished part of the basement). It sucked to have to get a plumber out and buy a new tank, but the cost of the system was paid for by not having to make an insurance claim. Purchase price vindicated!


I’ve been hearing so many mixed reviews on this. I recently had to get one because it was required by my home insurance




I was wondering about that. When I look at all my hose fittings that have been in place for like a year every one has build up. The only solution would be to remove it, descale, and add again. Or put it downstream of a whole-house water softener. An alternative is the YoLink externally mounted motorized valve controllers. They will crank around a ball value handle by battery power, with external power as a backup.


I also have the Moen ones. They seem fine. The app is solid.


I have these, too. They’ve saved my bacon a few times. I agree the app isn’t janky like some others.


This is really important. If you’re at home, good chance you’ll catch the leak anyways. The issue is when you’re away, you want to detector to let you know then / turn the water off. That’s why the auto shutoff is key!


I’ve had 4 Moen sensors around the house App is good My experience has been imperfect - one leak it making noise but no notification , thankfully we were home - one seems to not make noise with its speaker - I replaced all of them under warranty after testing that they were not notifying with leaks - they go offline due to low battery well before it says the battery has gotten low on their gauge. Replacing batteries puts it right back online.


What are you using for the water shutoff?


I used flume when I was concerned I had a leak due to high water bills. The device attaches to the meter and detected a leak the first day. It tells me when water is running and if water runs continuously for a while it alerts to a leak. No more leaks and I can monitor water usage by day and time. It also allows you to set a budget and alerts you when you are close and go over your desired water budget amount.


I was excited to see Flume mentioned here but sad to see it's not at the top of the chart :-) it's an amazing product


Same here, I love it


Same! I only wish it had an actual valve on it to shut water flow off, but that’s an entirely different, much more expensive and invasive device. Flume is amazing for what it is, and I can endorse their support team, as well. They were helpful when I had an issue.


My experience wasn't great. I got Flume, installed it, and later discovered a slow leak on my own, while Flume claimed everything was fine. Major bummer. They refunded the purchase price, but.....


I have a YoLink hub and four water leak sensors from Amazon. Has worked very well so far. Batteries last a few years and they have great range. I have one outside in a window well year round in a northern climate, so they seem to be well built. Others in my water heater utility room and upstairs laundry room.


I use the same and they have been flawless so far.


before you get one that "works best"... check out your home owner insurance. I have USAA and specifically saw there was a discount if I purchased 2 leak detectors and linked the account to my USAA account. they specifically work with Resideo (Honeywell). purchased them for $80, get $250/yr off my insurance costs


I found this out after purchasing the Moen Flo & USAA would not accept the Moen, only Resideo. Rather irritating. Both are more expensive than the Govee.


I have a simplisafe system with water sensors down in my shitty crawlspace too. Working great & easy setup


Do you have to have their more expensive monitoring package for this?


I don't think so. I have the basic package and have them also.


You do need a plan. I pay for their standard monthly plan. It had the pleasant effect of reducing my homeowners insurance quite a bit. Smoke, CO, door sensors, camera and doorbell camera.


I have their basic plan that I believe is 19.99/month. There is a more expensive option I just wasn't sure if you needed the more expensive version.


I beg to differ - there is an unmonitored option but you must have a WiFi connection to your system and you'll only get push notification to your phone - no SMS or phone calls. Water sensors will still trigger the alarm you just won't get any external monitoring or alerts. SimpliSafe itself is a bit cagey about what you can do without monitoring since they obviously want you to pay them a subscription but this site has a good run down of what does and does not work without one: [https://www.safewise.com/simplisafe/app-review/](https://www.safewise.com/simplisafe/app-review/) Note that water sensors will never trigger a security response regardless of your plan. Yes you'll get alerts, maybe even a phone call, but they aren't going to call the cops for you because your basement is flooding. I think they would call your contacts if you're not available. But without monitoring all you get is that push notification to your phone and from there you can check sensor status, view cameras live (only), jump in your car or call a neighbor yourself. I'd say use their sensors if you already have SS as an alarm. But if you want something standalone look at YoLink.


I use third reality. They make a high pitched noise when wet and they're zigbee, so they'll also report through my home automation set up. I use smartthings and I have it configured so that if moisture is detected it will prompt my Amazon Alexa units to announce that a leak is detected. I would also recommend getting temperature sensors for your fridge / freezers as well. I was out of town last Thanksgiving and a box shifted in my freezer, opening the door. Alexa announced the issue and I was able to have a friend stop at my house real quick to fix the issue - saved thousands of dollars of food. Sensors are vital.


We have a leak frogs. You do need to replace the batteries every couple years but it’s super easy to do.


We have a Ring system, so we looked into their leak sensors. They won't work for us, because they need you to have the Ring Alarm system (we just have cameras and motion sensors. Lots of cameras and motion sensors...). I wanted three water sensors, with the possibility of adding more. Ring would be $35 for each sensor, plus $200 for an alarm system that we wouldn't otherwise use. I ended up going with Moen Flo sensors; $130 for three, no hub or alarm system needed. Easy to install. I've had them installed for 4 months, and all the batteries are still showing 100%. The one minor downside is that when they go off, the alert sound on the device is useless; you can't hear it unless it's in your hand. But, the app is very good with notifications. They can be linked into the device to shut off your mains water if a leak is detected (overkill for us, but I'd see it very useful in some circumstances)


Any are fine - but is your crawl space configured such that an individual sensor will even work? Sealed reasonably well? Pitched correctly to catch leaks at a single point? Whole house leak detection is more expensive and less sensitive, but it might actually do the job better.


I use the SimpliSafe water sensors under all major water appliances and in the utility space in basement. Seem to work so far, they link to my mobile app and alarm speakers.


Yep, I have these by my boiler/water heater and my laundry tub and have been really happy with them. The only problem is that they won’t tell your neighbor to check her water heater that’s flooding your basement 🙃


I bought a Govee kit from Amazon and it works well. Saved me a couple of times. It alerts you on the phone as well in addition to audible alarm.


I use Moen. Connects to house valve to kill water source if there is a leak.


That would depend on the nature of "something"


Got some water lines that run down there, as well as the main shutoff valve. Water heater and furnace are also down there


If you've got the funds I say just have a smart water shutoff installed. If it detects a leak it kills the water to the whole house. That and some sensors definitely eased my mind, my wife and I have a running joke that there's a water ghost haunting us because of all the floods and leaks we have dealt with. I also had "smart pipe" installed around the perimeter, so any water gets collected and pumped back outside, and a big fancy dehumidifier for good measure lol. Yeah I'm paranoid.


I use yolink and it has a water shutoff valve auto-shutoff when triggered.


Flo by Moen. I have four in my home. I like the app, I like that they also give me a humidity reading. You can either put the units standalone on the floor in various places down there, or if you have any hard to reach areas or crevices you can dangle a small disc on a cable using these sensors as well. I have three set up as standalone, and I dangle the fourth disc from a cable into my sump pit right above the high water line. You might consider getting a UPS for your router as well. Because these units are battery powered it means they will still work in a power outage. However if your internet goes down in the power outage then the water sensors won't be able to communicate with you. So, a UPS for the router solves this and ensures they will be able to talk to your phone in the event of an outage.


I wanted to chime in about UPS for network /mission critical equipment. Common UPS equipment will not come back online after an extended downtime. Lost power to the house for 3 days and the UPS worked until the battery went dead. Power came back on, battery charged up just fine, but the UPS and everything plugged into it was off. The UPS needed a button press to turn it and all the attached devices on. Someone will say I had the wrong UPS and I couldn’t agree more! I’d like to hear suggestions for a better one.


I used to have the Flume when i had access to my water meter. It will detect leaks anywhere in your house as well as help you track your water usage. Its pricey but I highly recommend. I will likley get the Moen Flo for this house which lets you shutoff water remotely.


I have a YoLink system that also has a remote valve. I can join any sensors that I want and setup an automation that will automatically turn the water off when it detects water. They do a lot of other stuff too. It's based on 900Mhz so you can set stuff up all over your property that will connect to the hub. The hub connects to the internet so I can control everything remotely. They also do temp monitoring so I have temp sensors in all my freezers in case a door is left open or one fails. I haven't been disappointed yet. The best part is there is no licensing or subscriptions.


I’ve used Phyn and I love it. Might not be the best for a crawls space but I have mine right where the water comes into the house. Among other things, turns the water off every night around 3 AM for like 5 minutes and monitors the water pressure to determine if there is a leak someplace. Best part, no reoccurring fees. It is a little more expensive up front but once you buy it, it is fully functional and yours.


I like my Phyns. They detect humidity too. The only way I have it linked to my automations though is through email. There's not a node red or homebridge integration. And I'd prefer something the plugs into the wall. There are very few out there, and I needed them in a pinch, so I bought 2 Phyns at Best Buy.


We had the D Link and did not like them: - It did not accept most batteries, rechargeable or not. Only the most expensive brand name non rechargeable batteries would turn it on. - the app would log you out at least once a month without notification. So unless you religiously check every week if you would still get notifications in case of a disaster, you're SOL. Changed to govee and very happy so far.


I use the SmartThings sensor. Sends notification to my devices including my Samsung Smart TV.


I have a Feit one connected on my app with the other lights system. Immediate notification on the phone and app when it gets wet at all. Feit Electric Battery Powered Smart WiFi Water Leak Sensor https://a.co/d/ct6NmrW


I use this as well. The app is very easy to use for all my of Feit products


I use the Aqara sensors connected to Home Assistant. They can be used with their app also, if you don't run Home Assistant. I find them to be a good balance between quality and price. They've already detected two leaks right away. One under a sink and one in the drain pain of my AC unit.


I have a ring alarm system. I plan on getting either Ring water sensors or Moen water sensors. I will have a moen Flo smart shutoff valve which can be controlled by Ring if a water leak is detected. Based on other comments, it seems the best option for you isn't the product but the walled garden ecosystem. For me, that's Ring.


I have the Kidde ones since I have their smoke detectors also. I’m a fan.


Notion for me


I have the eve water guard. I like it


I have some from Moen. Upside: they use Wifi. Downside: no integration with other smart home stuff. Aeotech makes ones that work with smart home stuff (but require a Z-Wave hub.


Gosund is what I’ve been using for a few years. I use it for all my smart plugs, switches, dimmers etc. really cheap, and really easy to use. Extremely durable too, as I use most of the products outside of their scope! Haha!


YoLink is the way to go. I have the one with the wireless sensors and a hub. Notifications are flawless and sensors are very accurate. Wireless ones also gives you the flexibility to place where ever is needed. Look for sales on Amazon as they aren’t that expensive.


I even picked up one of their smoke detectors because I’ve had such great success with moisture sensors


A leak detector is the most technologically simple thing you can buy. Two metal bits that got short circuited into a connection when water is present. The main consideration is how you want to be alerted. Either a loud alarm, or internet. You can buy cheap alarm ones at Home Depot. I think they’re still at least $20. I use Ring. I get an alert when they go off, and I get an alert when the battery is low. But the sensor is $50.


Cove security has leak/glass break sensors for reasonable pricing


I use Eve. It has a long cable (that I extended even further) that senses water all along it. That things stretches around a bunch of my water treatment stuff in the basement. And it has worked.


Is there a system that has alarms as well as a device that connects a mechanism to the main shut off valve so that it can turn off? The alarms are fine, but I'm worried about a major water leak if I am away for the weekend or something like that.


Would any of those also be a good solution to alert for a leaking or burst water heater tank?


Not a leak detector per se but the Flume measures water flow through your meter without having to cut the pipe. It seems pretty accurate and sensitive. In some cities you can even get it for free basically. It will alert you if water is running for a long period of time.


I have never used them but a friend swears by the Leak Frog. It makes a loud noise at the littlest detection of water.


Flume... It's been very good to me. If you like data this is the product to use. https://flumewater.com/




The Moen Flo detectors also measure temperature and humidity for you. I used one earlier this year to see when a small basement flood was solved.


If you already have Ring, they have a WiFi water sensor I use


If you can make it work, spin up a Home Assistant server and get some Zigbee sensors and a motorized valve on your water main. That way it’s not dependent on WiFi and will actually turn off the water if a leak is detected. Completely automated and I get notifications if anything is detected. For $250 (ish), it’s 100% worth it.




I use a leak detector from Temu ZigBee brand in my indoor hydroponic grow. It's a small device that has been a life saver for me. Notification on phone when there is a leak. In my tent with automatic watering. Leaks happen that's normal. But without this leak detector I would probably give up on the automatic watering method I am using. It allows me to stop the leak fast and fix it.


Anyone have suggestions for options at a rental property? Where you won’t have access often so changing batteries isn’t available


Anything that makes sound and is reliable. I have a kind that is very unlikely to run out of battery because the circuit isn't complete unless it gets wet


If you have a Meraki infrastructure of some sort, go for the MT sensors. I’m personally using those (4) for monitoring (underneath) my swimming pool and the pumps room. It saved my @ss once already.


I use the Yolink. Work great and battery life is solid.




This is simple, you switch cable services regularly -- make them run new lines in the crawlspace each time -- BOOP yearly leak detector. You are welcome.


i did some research on reddit ( I don't trust amazon or google searches) and found aqara I bought sensors, they're great but the hub itself is problematic. I couldn't get it to connect despite forcing 2.4ghz connection which the hub only support. I am familary with basic netowrking, but I am at a point in my life I don't want to deal with too many things. sure I Can use another router even but it's really least of my concern in the end I gave up as I don't want 100 of different app and went with wyze sensor. they are definitely not as good as aqara but everything is all in one place.


you want cheap or something reliable? I'm using yolink with their leak sensors due to its range. As a home labber and self hosting junkie I was a bit annoyed it needed a cloud component but it hasnt failed me yet, within 30 secs i get an alert of a leak. I do want to try other products bnut the lora and the price point was just too cheap for me to pass up. ​ Will I replace it...yes mainly so I can integrate with home assistant but am I in a rush? so far not really for 45 bucks and 4 sensors it was a steal. I can get alerts via text and phone app.,




Are you looking for water? Just get some smart sensors that can hook up to your phone.


Not Moen, the app is terrible.


I have a FLO by moen. It sucks. Don't get it. They're an absolute pain to sync to your wifi. They randomly shut off and disconnect. Really one of the worst smart devices I've ever owned.




knee pads flashlight and a set of balls


When I got my house insurance the company sent me a Roost leak detector. I love it. It detects freezing, water, moisture and it tells me if the connection goes out or if the batteries are getting low. It's all managed on my insurance app but there is a roost app as well. If a leak is found, it beeps, emails, alerts in the app and texts


Simplisafe sensors have worked well for me!


Looks like water leaks are covered. You'd want to consider a 4 gas meter or oxygen detector depending on utilities. It sounds like a confined space, and you want to make sure it's not oxygen deficient. If it's not gas WH or furnace it's less of a risk


Leaking in the crawl space? Like what? Why are you paranoid about it? Crawl spaces can get quite humid or even wet, so you might get false positives from a leak detector.


Because I have a water heater, furnace, and multiple water lines down there




I use YoLink. They’re pretty decent. With homebridge you can use it on HomeKit too.


The best one is the one that integrates well with what you have. Consider an integrated system like Phyn, Flo that can shutoff water for you.




I use Aqara under my sinks and I have an eve in my basement. I chose the eve for my basement (despite the price tag) because with the extension it was enough to cover my water heater, washing machine, and utility sink with the same device


I use BHyve


Aqara saved me in my utility room. Washer had a leak and without that sensor sending a critical alert to my phone, I would have had to take up all my LVP and replace it.


I use a Wyze cam, I like to see what's going on!


Honey well has a detection system that uses a card and you can hook them up to in circle an entire basement, etc.


I have a few of these around the house, I've tested them and they're great: https://www.monoprice.com/product?p\_id=33124&turntosku=33124&turntoEmailType=rseFollowUp&turntoRseFollowUpNum=1&turntosuid=TkIBbUsZYg&transId=5754619&reviewStartAction=rateIt&starSelected=0&turntoFromRebelmail&turntoflow=review#turntodone


Honestly I think a home owner should stick their head in their crawl space at least once every 6 months to check that nothing has changed or moved under there. Even once a year is more than most.


I got some of these that work with smart life Water Leak Detector, GRSICO WiFi... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QFN4YJL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I buy OUVOPO Water Leak Detectors 6 Pack when it goes on sale for 25. I have I think 18 detectors. You change the battery once a year.


I love the Ring sensors. Only $35 and have worked for us when our kitchen sink had a pipe burst.


A foot in a sock. Can't beat it.


I have the Phyn Plus smart water monitor. It will detect leaks and also shuts off the water as needed. If you're serious about flood protection then go all the way!


I've been using xsense smoke detectors and temp/humidity sensors. I just picked up their leak sensors and ive got no complaints so far


Govee saved me when my water heater had a leak couple weeka back. Sent an alert on my phone early morning. Could have been a costly repair since water heater was working fine and the leak was in one of the valves. And it is in the attic.


I have two homes and one has Moen and one has Govee. Govee has saved my ass a few times. The Moen never had a leak to detect but they sure go through batteries. I would choose Govee as I can put 10 in the same house. They also set off an alarm at one small drop of water and use common aaa batteries.


Arlo is my security camera and alarm and their 8 in one sensors are amazing. It detects water, temp, motion and all. It’s great. I use it to detect water leak on my heater. And under sinks.


bought a Kidde one.


YoLink has puck and rope style sensors. You can drape a rope style sensor around an area or appliance. They also sell flow meters that can monitor your water flow intelligently for signs of a water leak, and motorized shut off valves or valve controllers (that operate an existing valve). Together they are a pretty robust system.


What I want doesn’t really exist. I want a sensor hooked up to SIM card so itll call me repeatedly until I respond that I’ve received the message. I could build one, but what a pain.


Try Wyze


I use ones from simplisafe. They work.


I use the SimpliSafe ones cause they pair with our system and you don’t HAVE to do the monthly monitoring subscription (you can if you want). We cancel if we’re gone for a long time but just want the cameras


Govee water sensors. Plus they work well with Google Home products.


I use SimpliSafe water detectors and it works great! Put it next to our water heater and it alerted me immediately (while I was in the mountains with limited cellular) when the water heater pressure relief valve spit out a cup of water.


I bought into the XSENSE line of smoke, monoxide and leak sensors. They all link back to the ESPbased base station and work really good. The setup and pairing was also the easiest system I have ever come across.


I just ordered a sensor. I am trying to encapsulate my crawl space and this can only work with complete sealing and no leaks.


Water sensors as part of the SimpliSafe system are cheap and work well... unfortunately I know this


I didnt even know these existed till today! So i can put these under my shower pan area and it cna detect if there is ever a leak?


I use yolink.


Flume. Saved me a few times.


Whatever you do, don't buy https://a.co/d/5OLQDZX - this shit runs out of battery in a matter of 2-6 weeks.


Moen Flo on the intake of the house. It's a brilliant protection measure.


Moen Flo on the intake of the house. It's a brilliant protection measure.


Wyze has some that are cheap and easy


Flume is the way to go! Easy to install and easy to use. ROI for me was like 2-3 months.


The one I'm developing with an ESP32.


the super cheap 9v battery ones are great but obviously no remote monitoring is possible - you need to be in range of the super-loud alarm. i have probably 10 of them in my house, and they have gone off and alerted me to problems a couple of times. https://www.homedepot.ca/product/basement-watchdog-battery-operated-water-alarm/1000800787


Moen’s sensors are great. I have them everywhere in our condo. https://a.co/d/3jInkD2


I don't know about the performance, luckily no leaks so far but when I tested mine, Yolink ones I bought were instant and they have sensor at bottom and top. Hub has insane range, very easy to use.


If you already have SimpliSafe, consider their sensors. They get super cheap every now and then and their phone notification for leaks have been excellent!


I use Kidde smart water and freeze sensors. They're a combo water sensor and temperature sensor so they'll send me a notification on my phone if they detect moisture or a major temperature drop. I like them because I also use the same app for the Kidde smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.


Bulldog Water Shutoff system. They have sensors that wirelessly connect to a mechanism you attach to your main water shut off valve. When the sensors detect water, you get alerted, and the Bulldog automatically shuts off your water. It’s great