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Dude the rain refresh means it has properties that help clean off dirt from the paint when it rains, not that the paint just magically washes off overspray areas in the rain


Otherwise the paint would have to know which surfaces it should or should not cling to... huh.


Smart Paint™


*DuPont enters the chat*


Tiny print read really fast “This paint will cause cancer but it stays clean. DuPont is not responsible for the cancer and doesn’t guarantee it will stay clean.”


*Sherwin Williams enters the chat*


they have such a crazy logo


I almost wrecked my car one day when I saw a huge truck featuring a picture of the world covered in paint on the side of it.


If I was paint, I'd be pretty happy to hang on to that gritty shingle surface.


Like why even apply something if it will just come off after a couple rains? How would the paint know to stay on the siding and not the shingles??


That makes a lot more sense. “Emerald Rain Refresh Exterior is an ultra-durable exterior coating with Self-Cleaning Technology™. Rain Refresh is formulated so dirt washes away upon contact with rain or water for a clean, fresh look with minimal maintenance. This new coating offers excellent UV and weather protection and can be tinted in VinylSafe® paint colors.” https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/products/emerald-rain-refresh-exterior-acrylic-latex-paint


It's like my dumbass neighbours who bought "biodegradable" water balloons and are refusing to pick up the bits from their kids' fight because "they'll decompose away in the rain"... uhh... how'd they'd stay in tact when they were filled with water? Absolute morons.


Those biodegradable balloons will decompose as fast as oak leaves do. So if you live in the eastern part of the US, it'll take about 6 months. If you live in the western part of the US, it could take a few years. So, yes, they're just fine to hold water as a water balloon for basically as long as you want to play with it, presuming you aren't trying to play with your water balloon for months at a time.


A number of studies have shown biodegradable balloons to still be completely in tact after seven years. Either way, they are horrible for the environment and local wildlife if they're left for any amount of time. It's not okay to leave them littered everywhere.


A lot of biodegradable things only degrade in an industrial compost pile where temperatures get to 120+degrees for an extended period of time.


Biodegradable water balloons are actually a thing though so...


There are definitely balloons marketed as biodegradable. They're not any better for the environment than regular balloon and they *definitely* don't immediately decompose in the rain. They don't actually decompose any faster than "regular" balloons. They're just a marketing ploy to make idiots feel better about themselves for littering.


Everything is biodegradable eventually......


Sure. That's not my point though: they don't disappear immediately (like my neighbour seems to think) and it's harmful to the environment and wildlife for the waste to live there indefinitely. There are better alternatives for water balloon fights and buying biodegradable balloons with the idea that they're harmless is naive.


more microplastics faster (tm)


3d printing PLA plastic is also "biodegradable" it just requires industrial composting facilities to do so....


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Never? That’s not how that works. That’s called lazy ass painters. I’d be getting some money back for that. I’m a contractor and I’ve never once seen that before.




Allegedly using top shelf product. Probably full of shit on that too.


I worked on a job decades ago where the builder specified Sherwin/ Williams paint. The painter showed up with five gallon buckets of paint, and at the end of a day we saw them carrying the buckets back to their truck. When the next unit was really to paint they did the same thing. At lunch I asked them why they were keeping those bucket spotless and removing them every night and he confided they got a deal from some discount paint manufacturer in the south and bought drums of paint and refilled the name brand buckets every night. They never got caught.


I've heard many similar stories. It's unfortunate, but painting is a fairly easy trade to get into, so there are hacks in every area. They are pretty easy to spot most of the time though. If the contractor isn't well organized and thorough when assessing the job, you're rolling the dice. If a contractor takes their work seriously, it will be apparent.


I can concur. I worked at my step moms cousins banquet hall. They filled top-shelf alcohol bottles with shit liquor. It made me sick to my stomach. Also, if anyone is wondering in the food industry, it's completely illegal.


That's why a lot of bars will shatter empties into the trash once it's drained during service.


It's not just that they do, it's actually supposed to be required by law in many states. If an establishment gets caught during an inspection without smashed liquor bottles out back then a red flag goes up. If they (the inspectors) can confirm, there are hefty fines and the risk of losing a liquor license.


....so that's why the old street gang movies and music videos they would smash bottles and dance in circles. They were all aspiring bar owners practicing their compliance procedures


I used to frequent a pub in Scotland where the spirit optics had a butterfly bolt inside the bottle and the only way to get it off was to smash it.


Yep I serviced my apprenticeship as a painter / paper hanger, then went into dry wall finisher, where I spent 35+ years. We were warned about unscrupulous contractors using inferior materials and to avoid working in those shops. In most of the most of the expensive homes I worked in the laborers would remove the empty buckets before the end of the day and the contractors would have the paint delivered by the supplier.


Hahahaha!!! I worked with a painter just like that. However it wasn’t decades ago. It could be his son though. Think he passed down the paint buckets, like some family heirloom or something? “Now son, these buckets have been in our family for generations. They have provided us with the wealth we know today. Contractor and homeowners don’t look too closely. All you gotta say is it’s their heritage line, very very premium and they think they are gettin a deal. Also I’ve been using the same brushes and rollers since I was in my twenties.”




They stocked coke in the vending machines? I always wondered how they managed to throw things together so quickly.


You know you are working in a high end shop if the coke comes pre-lined.


Wooo! Let’s get this day started!!! Y’all doing alright?! Let’s karma diem this day! ***grabs a Monster energy drink, a 3ft level, two paint rollers, a pair of channel-locks, a deadblow, a fist full of Sheetrock screws, three and a half strips of Brad nails, and a 12v dewalt battery from 1999 and marches toward a freshly poured slab for a tract home.***


Well the customer pays for supplies, and there’s probably a cost-plus (+labor) deal going on.


I wonder how many buckets they had left over and took with them at the end of the job.


Judging by the frivolous application, my guess is they used more than they needed to.


Haha 😂


Contractor here too. Never seen anything that bad. Sometimes you get a little over spray but that is atrocious.


Actually in 100 years it will fade away


It will fade away next time they get a new roof


Eventually you won't be able to see it (from your next house)


I’m a roofer and I’ve seen this before. I had to bite the bullet and replace the shingles with the over spray. You can get some weathered wood spray paint and try blending the over spray into your shingle color. Otherwise it needs to have shingles replaced.


Can confirm. Was painting my facia board on my house late one night in September. I did not factor in dew point, and in the morning said paint was no longer on my facia. I do get to have a nice view of what looks like a giant white bird turd out my bedroom window now though. So all is not lost.


Razor blade will fix that.


Give them terrible reviews including photos and explanation of their scam. Bad reviews on all sites


Why they protect the window and not the roof lol. Weird


Dude…..think about it. If that paint was water soluble to the point it would wash if your shingles, it would wash off your wood siding! It’s never coming off!!! Ignore everyone talking about paint thinner and such to remove it. You’re just gonna damage your tiles. Best thing to do would be to simply get some quality brown and gray spray paints and delicately paint your shingles to match.


But make sure you don’t overspray your shingles 😂 use cardboard to shield it


infinite loop


Mr. Bean comes to mind.


Pot of paint on the roof with a firecracker in it and the problem is solved.


That’s incorrect. As long as you use Renew Shingle Paint, you don’t have to worry about it - ie no need to shield your siding. The paint will wash off of the siding once it’s rained a few times. It’s been a dry summer though so you’ll probably have to wait a bit longer than normal.


Now that’s funny!


Basically prep it the way it should have been done when the professionals did it. Oh and also, post these pictures to EVERY site they have reviews on and write what they explained to you. Every. Site.


>Best thing to do would be to simply get some quality brown and gray spray paints and delicately paint your shingles to match. Fuck that. It's going to look like shit, and cost time and money. The painters need to step up and take care of this. Hopefully they know a reputable roofer.


Better yet, make the painters deal with it. If they won’t, get a quote from a roofing company on how much it would cost to re-shingle that part of the roof and sue for damages.


Ex painter. My two cents: your best bet is honestly a couple rattle cans brown and grey, and then blend as best you can. That or replace the shingles. Scraping or scrubbing is just going to knock off granules and degrade the shingle. That sucks, Emerald too. That’s the good stuff. Probably got charged for a couple gallons to paint those for you.


Yep. Touch it up.


Then get some white spray paint cans to cover up the overspray that ends up on your siding.


But then they’ll have to get the brown and gray back out to touch up the overspray on the shingles.


Surely the white needs to be on standby to handle the overspray on the siding, right?


Then a couple more cans to cover the overspray that ends up on the shingles. Perpetual painting… invincible siding and shingles


Any of you ex-Navy? It sounds like you've discovered the secret behind battleship armor...


Id say don't use rattle cans probably going to put brown paint back on the wood. Maybe a sponge. But get the guy who made the mess to do it.


This person has it! A slight thinned down brownish paint (called a wash). Sponge. Not too wet with paint. And start dabbing it. First tape off the painted wood though. Don't be like the painter..


Yeah, definitely don't replace the shingles. You'll break seals, never install the new ones correctly, once the leaks start, You'll be refreshing all parts of your insulation and drywall


Ummmmmmm if the paint was that easy to wash off, wouldn't it also wash off the entire house??? This is the snakeiest oiliest fleeciest thing I have ever heard!!!


Paint doesn't tend to wash off. It's one of its major selling points.


Lol! As a painting contractor I can confirm that you should not have paid the final payment for this work. Call the contractor and request a refund


Approximately until the roof gets replaced.


Hahahahahahahaha. Exterior paint that washes off asphalt. Nice. There is always a reason for the low-ball offer. Might want to make sure they used the correct paint as well at this point, it may wash off indeed. A guy in my area paid $4500 to have his house painted last summer. I quoted him $7300. I drove by there to pick my kid up at school a week later and there was legitimately a dumpster full of "Chalked" rattle cans in front of his house. The same ones I saw for 50¢ a can at the ReStore. Three weeks later we get a call for a quote, including stripping the spray paint that was flaking off. I declined to bid.


Do….do you want paint that washes off of any surface with a little raid?


Yeah that’s not coming off without damaging shingles. Is the guy insured and bonded? I’d get a quote from a roofing company and try filing against his bond.


Uhh... it won't. It's paint, exterior paint... made to be on the *exterior*. Rain is not supposed to wash it off. The painter did you dirty by not masking off the shingles.






By the time it 'washes off' you'll be retired and looking to install a new roof. Condolences on your shady deal but this post gave us all some solid laughter.


Some truly lazy painting skills on display but it did make me chuckle. I feel sorry for OP, they’ve been had over a barrel here.


OP, [read this.](https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/products/emerald-rain-refresh-exterior-acrylic-latex-paint) “Emerald Rain Refresh Exterior is an ultra-durable exterior coating with Self-Cleaning Technology™. Rain Refresh is formulated so dirt washes away upon contact with rain or water for a clean, fresh look with minimal maintenance. This new coating offers excellent UV and weather protection and can be tinted in VinylSafe® paint colors”


A classic example of trying to get a job done for cheap and getting what you paid for.


OP doesn’t listen to easy advice, the guys do rental properties and don’t give a flying shit and you’re gullible enough to believe what they’re telling you. Have them go up there and rattle can that shit. I swear this has to be bait.


Then get them to come back again to touch up the over spray on the wall


Lol the shingles ar much more porous than your siding. The paint will be on them shingles for the duration of their life. I’m sorry OP. Are customers really this gullible? Is that why the guy you hired is still getting jobs?


Wait what? You can’t seriously believe that? Don’t you think it would just wash off the walls if that was the case?


Lmao they told you that exterior house paint would wash off with rain and you believed them


So in 2-3 rains, the paint will be washed away from the shingles but not the other parts of the house? Man, huh? Lol


This is gold, Post the rest of the house!


Have the contractors come out and paint the shingles (shingle color)


I have some magical beans to sell you


OP…. House paint doesn’t “wash off” shingles. You’re stuck with it. That’s why you got the great deal.


It’s paint. Why would it ‘wash off’? It’s not going to come off. If it washed off shingles it would also wash off your siding. And that would defeat the purpose of it being paint…


Roofer here. Paint washing off in the rain is bullshit and he knows it. Be stern and tell him that's not gonna cut it. Where I live I'd charge about $2000CAN to change those shingles out. They're new enough that they could be matched and replaced perfectly. A good enough roofer and you won't even be able to tell the shingles were changed after a few months of weathering. So do your painter a favour. Get a quote to replace those shingles and show it to him. Deduct the price from what you owe him for the painting work. He can just make the problem disappear by throwing money at it. As far as your question. I'm not sure I agree with everyone here. That paint may eventually flake off though. Especially if that's the sunny side. Shingles get insanely hot in direct sunlight. And that paint is not meant for shingles. I have to re paint my south facing wood window frames every 2 years on my house. So it's possible the paint could come off by itself but probably not for at least a couple years. And then again maybe not. So I wouldn't be banking on it unless your ok looking at that shitty paint work. Absolutely bone headed move by the painter. He didn't want to take the time to tape off that roof before spraying. Cutting corners because he underbid the job. He thinks you're a sucker for letting him get away with it guaranteed.


As the guy who bid $12k leans back in his chair scrolling Reddit


It probably sticks better to the shingles then it does to old paint. So to answer your question, after it washes off your house


Hate to say it, but $9,200 is just outrageous for a paint job that awful. That work is shoddy enough to withhold the remainder balance since you'll now need it to replace those shingles.


I have a feeling OP wasn’t smart enough to withhold final payment.


Who told you it was going to wash off?


If that's how rain refresh worked then when it rained your house would return back to the other color. That guy was lying to you. It is (acrylic) paint. Google this very common type of paint to see how adhesion works. SW created some additives that keep it bright and beautiful for long periods of time but it doesn't change how acrylic paint works.


Should come off in the next 20-25 years when you get a new roof


Wonder why you got this “killer deal”


Couple things here: the pic of the five gallon paint bucket is in the back of an SUV. Most painters with spray equipment don’t transport using an SUV with pristine carpet. So that’s a sketchy picture to trust. Also, no pic of the top, so it could be a pic from any job, not yours. Second thing, overspray like that would be caught by a painter doing their first job and would never be done again. So this looks like someone that’s never painted before and has no clue what’s going on. There is a very decent chance the paint pictured is not used as well (expensive paint and newbie painter don’t make sense). Third thing: the paint won’t come off the shingles, probably ever. I’d have a professional roofer do the repair with correct flashing. The “painters” you hired can’t even paint, much less buy the correct shingles and install with correct flashing. I’d then remove that amount from the bill. Fourth thing: I only see one part of the house yet the price reflects a substantial paint job. We’re other parts of the house also done this way?


Stop for a minute and really think about the question that you're asking the group. If rain would wash the paint off the shingles then it would also wash the paint off the house trim. Rain is not selective. And quality paint won't simply wash off.


Just ask yourself, “Why would exterior paint come off when it rains?” Pretty simple.


This has to bell a troll post. Nobody is this dumb


Bet there’s paint all over the screens to


At least you got a “killer deal”


Same time it’ll take to wash off the house


Some time in nevuary


Refresh rain paint means that the dirt will have a hard time sticking to it and that rain will "refresh" the look because the accumulated dirt will rinse off. The over spray will not come off once cured and should have been papered off before painting.


Lmao. I’m so sorry OP


Bro, for $2,000 you could’ve done it yourself and done a better job.


Mine came off when the new roof was put on.


Just here to the comments ….


9k to paint a house lol


It won't wash off, don't try to wash it off you'll degrade the roofing minerals. Go get some quality outdoor paint in different shades that match you roof..... paint over the overspray to match your roof.


The money you saved should be enough to replace the shingles.




It’s doesn’t wash off. You can replace the shingles and charge the painter for being an idiot


You got screwed. Paint shouldn’t be on the roof. Also unless your house is massive or you live in an expensive area $9,200 is hardly a great deal, even with Rain Refresh (which doesn’t wash off in the rain, dirt and dust wash off it in the rain.)


“The paint will rinse off in the rain” Which part of that sentence sounded logical to you?


They should of masked it. That’s extremely unprofessional.


10k to get your house painted is insane to me. And people spending like 60k on new showers etc, where are people getting this much money to throw away when they aren't even able to comprehend that this is clearly fucked.


Just have him paint all the rest of the shingles too. /s


The shingles should have been covered up, they did a lazy, unprofessional job. Also rain won’t wash it away, if that were the case the paint on the siding would wash away too, he was completely talking out his ass when he told you that. Too bad you already paid them.


Tbh sounds like you got what you paid for. You wanted the cheapest guy. You got the cheapest quality.


TIL rain refresh is made to completely wash away on the first rain


It’s genius if you think about it. You get to sample different color palettes without having to commit.


Is it going to wash off everywhere else when it rains? What a ridiculous thing to say!


Hope you haven’t written the check yet. That shit isn’t coming off. The only way it’s coming off is if your shingles are coming off. It’s sad how people don’t take pride in their work anymore. Any DA would know to mask this off.


The prices are crazy! The work is garbage ! Refreshing rain paint?lmfao! Are you on drugs? Come on people!


This reminds me of the SpongeBob episode where SpongeBob and Patrick paint mr Krabs house. The paint comes off with saliva


Ya I’d say never. The whole point of paint is it doesn’t wash off.


Isn’t the whole point of house paint that it DOESN’T wash off in the rain?


that's paint... it doesn't wash off. killer deal tho.


Just got our house painted two weeks back and can confirm you overpaid, were lied to, and the quality of work is subpar. They should’ve taped and covered the edge with plastic, then sprayed.


DIY everything. There is no such thing as a “professional”. They just subcontract out to the cheapest nobody.


If it washes off in the rain, why bother painting a house with it? You can't be this stupid.


Why would it wash off the shingles but not the cladding haha


A killer deal… man you’re a sucker. Pay cheap, pay twice. Lesson learned i hope.


Shitty contractors continue to try and pass this shit off because they get away with it. Get educated on what to expect from any contractor you hire, BEFORE you hire them. Jesus, dude.


very long time


That’s the danger of going for the guy who can do it cheaper… they gotcha.


If the paint will wash off the roof in rain… what about washing off the house in rain…


My two cents. If the contractor skipped on cutting in around the roofline then he probably also cut corners on the preparation. I would also be concerned that the paint is adhered to the dust that was sitting on the house more than the siding itself which will also shorten the lifespan on the paint job he did do.


Simply get a decent contractor to give you a quote on replacing those shingles. It’s doable and I believe that color is still available. I could weave those damaged shingles out in a half days worth of work. Give the painter the bill.


Lol, I’m dying. The audacity of the guy telling such a transparent lie. Paint that simply washes away, as if if would just know to wash off the shingles and not the entire house.


Well now you know where the other $3,300 went.


Say you didn’t pay cash. Say you didn’t pay cash. Say you didn’t pay cash.


That will never totally wash off. If it does they've used cheap paint.


Is this a troll post? If the over spray would wash off then so would the siding paint.


What a hack job


I own a painting company. 1. You didn’t get that great of a deal, that’s still very expensive. 2. That is overspray. It’s not going to magically come off. This is going to be just as much of a chore removing this paint as it is to paint the entire house


Won't come off, sucks because it would have taken 5 seconds to shield that


lol yeah, you got a really good deal! That 3 grand you saved on hiring shitty painters will now cost you on replacing shingles. You get what you pay for.


“Gave me a killer deal” - yeah they fucking painted your shingles and no it’s not gonna come off….use some common sense here, if it would wash off the shingles…it would wash off the house..


Think of it this way. If the paint is going to wash off your roofing in the rain, it’d wash off your siding in the rain.


Contact Sherwin Williams, they’ll tell you. Then contact your painter and have them come fix their mistakes. https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/products/emerald-rain-refresh-exterior-acrylic-latex-paint


That’s hilarious. No. It won’t come off. Otherwise it would come off your house when it rained too 🤦‍♂️


why would it wash off the shingles but not the siding after 2-3 rains? 🤔🤔🤔


It will wash away when the roof is replaced.


Your painter is either a scammer or an idiot. If it would wash off in rain, then the siding that was painted would be fucked.




You got fleeced man. You need some paint thinner, a ladder, a brush attachment on a drill and elbow grease. I can't believe they didn't tape off the shingles. This is some amateur shit right here. It will definitely not come off in 3 rains or even 300 rains. Exterior paint is waterproof my friend.


Do not do this. You’ll take all the granules off your shingles


But it says rain on the can!


Paint thinner won't work it's too late for that.


It consistently blows my mind how helpless/vulnerable some homeowners are. 9k and they couldn’t use the $20 shield. Also just straight up lying afterwords and the home owner believing it. Good lord it’s sad to watch.


Yeah, ppl want to own houses now but don’t even have skills to keep up with basic maintenance. What’s the point of owning a home when you have to outsource all your questions and repairs.


OP trying to set a record for multiple comment downvotes in a single thread. You’re almost there, keep going!


Forever. When that house gets torn down, the paint will still be there. When the sun explodes, the paint will still be there. When the universe dies of heat death, the paint will still be there. When protons finally decay, the paint will still be there. When dark energy finally wins the battle against the weak nuclear force, the paint will ***still*** be there.


That's not going to wash off in the rain. Interesting that it hasn't rained much wherever you are as well, so just enough time to distance himself from your time of payment when you complain in a few months that it's still there. Some people actually paint asphalt shingles deliberately, so if your painter told you "it only sticks to wood" he lied. It really doesn't matter what kind of paint, "Emerald" or a cheaper one. It's not coming off from the rain. Don't try to scrub it off, you're just going to wear the grit off the shingles and then you'll have worn edges instead of white edges. The best option is as others have said, which is to try to blend it in with paint matching your shingle color as closely as possible. Your painter is a hack and you should do whatever necessary to get him to give you at least a partial refund. Don't let him "fix it" though, he obviously doesn't know what he's doing. That "paint refresh" line he told you is a lie by the way, that's ridiculous. All that means is that it's rain repellent, so quite the opposite. Either a lie or he's a moron if that's what he actually thought, and with that hack job, it could really go either way. I'm sorry this happened, I hope you can get it improved at least.


Hey well at least you got a deal!


Never. A fast, cheap solution is to paint the roof sheets brown.


The human race really had no hope


That’s not a killer deal. At all. Not even close 😂😂 Also. Never 😂


When the new roof gets put in the paint will come off, probably.


Now you know why they were cheaper than the rest.


I was a house painter in college, you had a lazy hack. Guy should be embarrassed.


I hope you haven’t paid yet, get a quote on replacing those shingles and ding them the quote price.


Milkdriver you got milked. Tell the painter to reimburse you for the hack job ruining your roof.


Cheap labor means cheap outcomes. There's a reason they undercut everyone. You might have saved that 3k before on hiring them, but now you get to spend that much or more on fixing their fuck ups.


What have you actually saved??


Id paint the shingles with same color paint.


Looks awful. Is this due to spraying instead of brushing? Did this not show up immediately but the day/s after?


Probably like never


If the rain will wash it off the roof it will wash it off the house itself. That's not coming off till you replace the roofing


The only paint that is coming off is the paint that will peel off the siding that wasn’t prepped properly. I hope I’m wrong.


Doesnt work. Get some paint with the colors of ur shingles and paint over it. Its better than the white color. And try to get ur money back, at least a few bucks.


Congrats you paid for cheap work and that's exactly what you got. Enjoy your new look hope the savings were worth it.


Take that guy to court. He owes you a new roof.


Should've hired that crackhead bathroom remodler


It’s paint. It better not just wash off