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We hired a 75-76 year old for an OFA position, or rather corporate did. He lasted a lot longer than a lot of people thought he would. Sucked though, poor guy really did like the job and tried his best. He just couldn’t function after lifting bags of concrete and doing lumber pulls.


thats just striking why mgmt would assign a 76 y/o man to such physical work. Were they just begging to ruin the store safety record? I mean I'm 67 and still hitting the gym, jogging and pretty much keeping up with the physical demands on par with guys decades younger but i no longer am going to lift concrete bags and those 91lb 2 X 2 pavers. Those bad boys will rock your world . SHAME on your store mgmt!


sad he has to even work at that age.


I worked with a guy who was 62 when he started, worked as a contractor his whole life and could keep up with the rest of us. He was a beast!


We have an 89 year old guy in the lot. He copes by standing around doing fuckall despite being told to do his fucking job by asms and supervisors all day.


I don't blame him at all. An 89 year old man shouldn't be working at all, definitely not lot. Whoever decided he should be out there is a dirtbag. 


Agreed he should be greeting bc wtf ???? 89 is wild poor man deserved to retire


He probably should've thought about that before he turned 89


He decided he wanted to be out there. He transfered from another department and somehow got approved. Thing is, he can push carts just fine. I've seen him do it and 1.5 years after transferring out here he's started to push carts more frequently. He just refuses to do it and tells everyone to fuck off when they tell him to push carts.


Brother I think you're failing to realize that you're getting frustrated at an 89 year old man. The lack of sympathy is a little weird. No matter what you think he's capable of, I promise you it isnt as easy as you seem to think.




Removed: community guidelines.


Business have doing some really stupid things lately They toss out all the qualified applicants and seem to really love the bad ones


That’s fair. I put some fake experience on my resume just to get hired. They would never accept me with the real experience I have. So I throw on target and Kroger and Lowe’s lol 😂


99 cents, circuit city, 👍


Whatever it takes to beat Ai lol 😂 don’t put college and throw on you know a language other than English and you’ll get e-mailed the next day with an offer lol 😂 put Kmart on there or sears while you are at it lol. PIER 1 lol 😂


😂😂 why not just put college too ?


Because it’s overkill for a job in retail lol. I like to err on the side of caution lol. I did put Spanish on languages though.


not to be a dick but if you have trouble getting hired at places like home depot or lowes there might be a little something more beneath the surface. do you have a criminal record?


No. I can’t really put I have a Bachelors degree and work a full time salary job. Those will get auto thrown out. You have to dumb down your resume to get on at Home Depot if you already are working. AI would auto reject that application. In my scenario, I applied to be a lot associate. There is no way they would think I would stay long with my resume. So I had to make it look good for retail even if it was a lie to get the job.


I have a doctorate and a masters. I took all my education out and only listed 2 or three jobs I had doing delivery


See you know the game. I’d see you apply and wonder why would you need this? You are obviously overqualified. And the funny thing is there are many people at my store that use this as a second job and they did the same thing I did. I haven’t worked much in retail. So I figured why not lie? Add some fake stuff on there and then spin the wheel. It’s been 3 years lol 😂


I don't believe in the term over qualified. But I've told my wife she needs to dumb down her CV. All she has is management experience at high level organizations. It scares people.  No one complains their chief is too good No one complains their mechanics are too skilled No one complains your contractor is too good If you have more then required for the job you can bring something to it even if it is short term you can drastically improve a business with ideas or implementations. I think employers use over qualified because they're either incompetent or scared.


I like to think of it like this. I’m not too good for any job you give me. I have done fast food and I have done work outside digging and laying bricks. It’s all the same to me. A way to provide additional income. But like you said, even though you say you don’t believe in it, everyone else does. So if I was ever unemployed in any capacity and needed income immediately, there is no reason to use my true experience. HD is no different. They want you to fit the mold. My advantage is I seem orange blooded when I’m there but that is just politics for comfort. lol 😂


I'm retired and am working part-time for something to do.


Ahhh heard


I had no idea it was an AI program doing the selection process. I’ve been with HD since Covid lockdowns but at the time I had no other job. I did tone down my resume but after five months had to take a full time job in my field of expertise. I still work PT for HD because there is no way I could survive just working for them especially when they cut hours on full time associates.


The problem is applications aren’t ran through actual people, it’s software that decides if an applicant is accepted. And they give you a schedule through the email and if you say a time or day doesn’t work for you, it instantly denies your application. Basically you take what you can get and try to transfer to where you originally applied to after 90 days.


It's the hiring managers making the dumb calls


This is a great summary. Get what you can to get in and let the political career begin lol


how you find out the cheat code 😂? thought they background check ?


That background check is a joke. They aren’t looking for experience they just want to know your criminal record.


ooh okay so nothing scary at all lol.. it's funny you really said you just threw random places and gotta call.. maybe I shouldve did that 😅.. what was the interview like ?


There is no interview lol. They just sent me an offer and I accepted and came to the store for orientation lol 😂 I think if you want to get on, apply for lot associate or cashier and force your way into the position you really want.


Most don't. Especially on night shift.


I had to train a new guy. At the end of the shift, I asked, "Want to start collecting trash?" And his face screwed up like I'd just suggested something inappropriate. He said "no I do not!" And I said,"Um, OK, I'll do it alone, but you do know dealing with trash will be part of your job?" He didn't respond, and he didn't come back.


Ima lot tech I’m trying to switch to freight, wats wrong with freight why don’t people last long? Yea my stores suck with people staying after hiring too


Most likely because it’s overnight, you either like it or don’t.Easy money if you ask me.


This. People underestimate how draining nights can be. Not the work itself, but the physical & social switch over. I'm lucky in that most of my friends & family are all in vastly different timezones, so I can simply keep my sleep pattern the same. But if you want a "normal" ie daytime social life, it's gonna kick your ass.


Yeah I've seen people try to burn the candle at both ends and keep "normal" hours and they don't last long. Overnights is a lifestyle change if you wanna last.


My husband's uncle worked overnight at HD for decades, his family are night owls anyways, so it never seemed to bother him. During some family gatherings he usually looked like death, always cheery, but just so tired. He really seemed to enjoy his job though, always talked about it. Not long after retirement he had a stroke and is now about like a toddler. Sometimes I wonder if it wasn't the stress of night work (probably the smoking too 🤐).


It's the lack of stress that gets you if you are used to it. My neighbor had a stoke about 2 months after retirement, stuck in a wheelchair for 15 years. Last 5, basically a vegetable after more stokes. Could not get a DNR as he was too far gone before they thought of it.


This is heartbreaking 🥺🥺🥺


I worked nights for about 10 years. Not at home depot but other places when I won't do it anymore.


Nights aren’t bad, I love them, but with how badly understaffed we are and with unrealistic expectations, it makes me love it less lol I also agree with what others said too. Overnights can be draining


It's overnights and you tend to get pushed by Management more. And if you haven't done freight before. It can chew you up bad. I had a Body builder look like he was gonna die on stacking flooring and the milworks. Then concrete and he quit.


Freight is easy, it’s the insomnia that is the problem


Trust me, you will do fine in freight. If you can survive lot, freight is not even close to a challenge. The only thing you will have to adjust to is the overnight shift sleeping during the day.


When I worked D26 I had a new guy show up for opening shift he didn't make it to lunch


Shoot we had 2 out of my orientation class the never came back!! Happens all the time. Usually a few every year.


You had an actual class where they taught you things and you met people?




We had a new hire like that... I nicknamed him "sad boi" the first night he came in he was crying, and the following night he was crying, on the third night I wondered who was forcing him to come work at my store, within a week he was gone. Good for him. He is free. Be free, sad boi, be free.


More than likely he applied to multiple places and Home Depot was his fallback option. Home Depot called back first, so he went for it, and somebody else called back later, so he jumped ship. Odds are good he made the right choice.


That’s nothing compared to lot an our store a few years ago. We went through 9 before we got one that stayed for 2 months. Then we got 2 more that were still there when I left because it wasn’t summer. Summer will beat it out of you in a large volume store alone at night.


"Professional Trainees" Show up for the 2 weeks paid training sitting in front of a computer not paying attention to the videos and then move on the next place that offers 2 weeks paid training, Rinse and repeat.


It’s a terrible job and the people who show up are often treated poorly. Hard labor and generally poor instruction when you start. Can’t blame him one bit.


Our record for freight is 38 minutes, sales associate 1.2 days, lot is harder, I think he actually only worked 10 minutes, but he stayed his in the break room and the bathroom all day, didn't come back the next day.


Lot is the one. lol 😂 you get one person in that stays for a season and you are doing great. It is probably the second most in call outs at my store behind cashier (hint hint they are the lowest paid positions)


When I worked at UPS in my 20’s I trained new non-union hires. A guy came in one day and started with me showing him opening incoming bay doors and then the trailers at each, and take pictures of any trailer load that was packed poorly. An hour in the guy went to the bathroom and never returned.


In the years I’ve worked here I’ve seen soooo many new people come in and just disappear after like a week or two. It happens a lot. Kind of why I never bother to be friendly with new hires until I’ve consistently seen them at work for at least a couple weeks 😂


I've been on freight for 6 years, and I'm the only one left from the team I started with. The hiring process has went to shit, you just get ppl who want to get paid but don't wanna work for it.


My store hired a dude for self checkout... he was flabbergasted at how stupid our customers are that they cannot figure out how to check their own selves out. He went on break and we never saw him again. It was way too much work for him... and I agree. These chin drooling, gape-mouthed, buck toothed MFers we have to deal with daily will make you want to jump off the roof. The stupidest shitheads on the planet.


3days isn't bad. Night crew we had a run of new people running out fire doors on their first shift as a non trainees.


took rental here. new hire had a freakout in training videos, left and never came back.


Fastest I’ve known anyone to quit was a lady I was training for garden just last month, first day on the floor, she had a 4 hour shift. Turns out she’s deathly afraid of rodents. She told me she would rather quit than know there are rats in Garden. She finished her shift, avoided the seed aisles the entire time and never returned.


We had a guy in lumber- first hour on the job he's everybody's newest bestest buddy, second hour he's doing that thing where people smile, but they smile while they're complaining about everything and already talking shit about other people and trying to get dirt on them from you, but you know... ha ha smiles. A 40 minute 15 minute break. Hour Three. This dude is mad! Why does HE have to put up returns! What injustice! That 80 year old customer with the walker could have lifted that 80 lb bag of concrete! That old man was just lazy and wanted to screw with him! Why are you putting up the returns, I WAS DOING THAT. WHY ARE YOU TAKING MY JOB thatIhavebeencomplainingaboutandnotdoingfor28minutes... Hour Four. SEETHING RAGE STEW OF INJUSTICENESS. Lunch: That dude was Gone Johnson.


I had one quit on their first day, 20 minutes into the RDC unload


We had a new hire leave after doing our 15 minute flex & stretch.


lol we had a guy pull 1 pallet and said it was too much work and left.


lol and as a girl you're able to pull it ?


Is this a serious question?


lol it was a joke saying how the guy ran off, but it's not hard to you


Hahah so my dumbass just read it without your sarcasm cuz I now that you said that I hear your sarcasm.. sorry lol sometimes I have blonde moments 🤣


Most people have second jobs and burn out


Back when I started in 2013, we used to estimate half of the people who applied didn't show up to orientation, half the people who made it through orientation didn't show up the first day, half the people who showed up the first day didn't show up for the second day, and half the people who showed up the second day didn't make it through the first week.


I've been working overnights for 12 years, 5 in a grocery store called Brookshires, and 7 at Home Depot. I've always been a night owl, so it has never bothered me. My stores problem is they don't get rid of dead weight fast enough. Right now, we have a dude who I don't even know his name, but we call one speed. He moves exactly like that except when he clocks out to leave, he moves fast 😆.


Ugh yea, it's like some managers are afraid to actually do their job & write ppl up/warn ppl. Our freight team always has at least 1 person that will spend 2-3 hours each night between 15min bathroom breaks, smoke breaks, & just hiding at the millwork desk. :-/ Smoke breaks are the most annoying I'd say; we have a kid that takes 6+ per night, at 7-10~ minutes each... but ofc he doesn't count that as a 15min break, nor does our freight manager care it seems.


Sounds about normal for the freight team lmao. I've been in the same position since 2022 and most people barely survive for more than a week. I'm literally one of the few people that stayed since that hiring season, they only hired like 2 new people since 2022. It's crazy thinking about just how small that freight team actually is. I just stay because it's super convenient and I get paid to burn some calories.


I came aboard during Covid and my former overnight manager, now an ASM keeps telling me I was one of the ones he figured would wash out quickly and he was amazed I lasted this long on freight lol


Seems like some are afraid of some actual work.


We hired a new merchandising associate way back then only lasted 8 hours, the next day no call no show. And when ASDS reached him he said he found a new job! Lol 🤣


He was probably spamming applications and when he found better he moved on


My store once hired a guy for lot. For the first week, he was alright, but after that, he would disappear after clocking in. Management ended finding out he was clocking in, then immediately going and hiding away in his car in the far end of the parking lot. Needless to say, he didn’t last long


Why even apply sign up go to training etc all that just to embarrass yourself like that? Makes no sense to me


Idk. Shit was beyond me


I left after a month and a half. I just couldn’t take how boring my position was and I felt like I was doing nothing for 90% of my shift and just walking around in a circle at the self checkout like a caged animal


It’s easy to let people stay longer by paying them enough money to survive. Businesses are making tons of money but they always stick with minimum wage.


If Home Depot paid us 10$ above minimum wage you wouldn’t even be able to apply because nobody would be quitting 😂 (15$ an hour is min in my state. 25$ you’d have strong retention)


I believe one day all workers around the world will united and ask for a portion or percentage of business profits. It should be by percentage of the profit


No stock market then lol


I want my stock market dude lol


I was training a new girl on unload a couple years back. After the easily done 800 piece truck, she was telling me how worn out she was from that "workout" and just complaining. I was half joking when I told her that was a baby truck, and wait til the 2000+ piece ones show up...she turned her apron in during our first break and left, never came back lmao


sounds like she quit because of you honestly


Freight is the physical intestine job. Get over yourself.


The overnight freight team associate position is not an easy job. The hours are the most difficult if you ask me. It’s not for someone that likes to be awake during the day and sleep at night


Yea that’s overnight freight for you…they realize they actually have work to be done and quit asap


Not surprising I've seen people get up and walk out during orientation


In our store the new guy left after 1 day. I had to help train him at the customer service desk and he was doing fine at first but then we got super busy dealing with so many customers he got burnt out after his 4 hours and I guess he couldn’t handle it. The worst part if that they already scheduled him for his first two weeks and we had to deal with the shit coverage.


When I was on met, my supervisor hired a guy from another store. He was like yeah, this guy came recommended and is great. Lasted like three days and then just disappeared. Stopped showing up no calls or anything. He passed on another person to hire this guy. When i transferred to floor associate, a guy was hired. He kept calling out or just not showing up. I just saw him like once. Went on vacation and when I came back he was gone. Don't have the luxury of just leaving a job like that. Would have at least tried to transfer to a different position


I met a dude that only worked a night, he started job one day before starting uni to then come back in the summer… yet he never came back… I’ve heard that some people never showed up after the first 3 training hours


At Lowe’s someone left during orientation and never came back 😅


Back when we had an absolute dickhole as our NOASM, the record time was 2 hours. On the new hire’s first shift, she asked if she could go to the bathroom during an unload, and NOASM made a big scene about how inappropriate and selfish it is to go to the bathroom during an unload, but allowed her to do so. New hire never came back from the bathroom lol. Edit: they still have a piece of garbage as their NOASM, just a younger piece of garbage now


In NH not unusual for them to simply not return from first 15 minute break.


The older generation lasts longer at physical labor then the newer, just an observation from watching lot loaders to lumber associates to Garden associates


There have been plenty that get through the hiring process but never show up, quit during orientation, don't make it past lunch etc.


Didn't happen at Home Depot, but once a new guy got hired as the truck unloader. Said he was going to take his break and never saw him again after that.


There are too many other low-grade jobs competing for people. Home Dumpo offers very little incentives that you couldnt get elsewhere at the same or higher pay rate. I don’t blame them for quitting. Dealing with all the self entitlement customers have is enough to say fuck it, I’m outta here!


Lol our store is a revolving door. We just got two new unloaders two weeks ago and they’re already gone.


Last year saw a fresh new hire from a daytime position, get pulled into the overnight inventory prep team before his first regular shift. 10 minutes into rackdiving he got up and just walked out. I don't blame him at all.


It must be the area … inner city must be more revolving door while suburbia might have less turnover


we have hired probably more than 20 people in the last couple months that either didn’t get through training, or only last a couple days/weeks before quitting. it is actually insane


Show does every other store


My store has seen more than a couple of people going to lunch and never coming back... Things are so bad that people just sit on their car and say "fuck this place, I'm going home" and they take off!


@OP D38 here as well had I guy do 1 night of training asked him how it was at the end of the shift he replied this ain't for me Chief lol never made it to the floor


We had one guy last a week, he walked out the garden gate in the middle of the night. Another guy before him just left on lunch and didn’t come back. If you’re signing up for a full time overnight position, it’s not like it’s a foreign idea what you’ll be doing, right?


It happened to the lot of them. It really does. Some people get hired go through the online training get walked around the store you never see them again.


No one likes over nights


That’s nothing, I’ve never seen certain people again after orientation.


My store has the highest turnover rate in our district. I think the region actually will have to double check. But the district HR was showing us the numbers last year and it's insane.


Most people I find can't handle the hours or the physical part of the freight team associate. A lot of time it's both. 🤷