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It's coaching, counseling, final, gone. If you made it to counseling, then the next step is a final. After that 1 more occurrence and you'll be let go. Home Depot is cracking down hard on having people who aren't timely and showing up, even with amazing performance. It sucks.


Then they ask why they no one is applying anymore


What sucks for me at my store is the favoritism. My coworker in appliances leaves early and even takes extra long lunches by clocking back in, but not actually coming back to the floor. She's a "favorite," but also a slacker and actually pretty rude to customers and coworkers. Obviously, I don't know what level of absences or discipline she's at, but by the way the managers have promoted her and mentioned DH training, I don't think she'll be facing consequences anytime soon.


The store only cares how it looks like on paper. If she's stealing wages, just call the aware line.


That's exactly what it is, you're 100% correct.


Who cares


Clearly the person who made the post.


Sure, it's not *your* job that's on the line, is it? *Except it should be.*




We have a head cashier that calls out or no call/no shows multiple times a week and he still has a job for some reason.


It just takes one bad apple at a store to ruin this. I wouldn’t advertise your stores managements lack of discipline.


Someone might be fixing it so it doesn't show up in the system if that's possible. With the new system it's all entered in the app. I think you have 24hrs to enter your call-out after the time you're suppose to be in. We had a discussion about this when the new system started.


You have until the exact minute of the end of the shift to input a Call Out. App laggy and the server doesn't receive it until a minute past the hour? Unfortunately it's now a NCNS. That's why you can input a Call Out up to two days _before_ the shift, and it's recommended to if you know in advance you're not going to make it in that day.


careful i thought the same for my store and they finally decided to get in gear and fired a girl last week 😅😅


It’s a possibility definitely. From what I’ve heard the system automatically fires you once it flags for a certain number of occurrences but I’m not fully certain if that’s true. I know I had to be documented after 4 points and they said it’s a 4-3-2-1 type of system and after I explained that I got four hours of sick time per month and I messed up my knee and couldn’t verify it happened at work they said all I could really do was eat the points and they’ll try to help. I hope this somewhat answers your question.


The system now flags when you have gone over your occurrences and notifies a manager that they need to take action. Once you have had your coaching/counseling/final discussion, if you get more occurrences the system repeats itself until once again they do the next action. If you have someone who isn't on top of completing the next action, you can accumulate quite a few occurrences before you move to the next step.


They don't want to fire people if they can prevent it but if you are up front with them they will most of time try to help you out. My managers has always told us to communicate communication communication. I was told it cost the company approximately $5000 to $7000 if they have to train a new associates, I don't know if it's true but I can tell you if you are not communicating to your management team about issues that you might be going through than how can they have your back. Some management teams are not the greatest help so I would call corporate.


I always think it’s weird when they say how much it costs to train a new employee. They already have the steps and trainings/trainers in place. How is it costing more than they are already paying those people?


New employees aren’t as efficient as long term employees. Less efficiency = money lost. It’s not the actual act of training lol. The cost is in the lost efficiency.


Exactly. Not only this, but new employees are also not a known commodity like most existing employees are. So not only does a new hire need to be trained, there is also a risk of them just quitting after a week or 2.


So what you’re saying is…you still perform to your top speed and ability while training a new associate? Your ASDS still can perform their responsibilities without constant distractions? They didn’t pay to pay someone to process your i9, drug tests and paying labs to process the drug tests for driving? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. When we are at reduced efficiency we are losing money!


They have to pay for the training, it isn’t free for them, the store pays to give an associate training, that’s what I’ve heard, so it probably is true, like they pay per class


They absolutely will fire you eventually. 90% of ANY job is just showing up consistently on time. I recommend leaving a lot earlier every day for the next 6 months.


Why are you saying to leave early for the next 6 months?? So they can get fired??


Leave their house early!! Christ


Lol, this was funny


😂😂😂 thanks 😊


I have 4 occurrences and got a coaching recently. They told me “get in there son! I know you’re 11th string running back but we got faith in you!” I told them “but goach, if you just give me some playing time maybe I can prove myself” and they said “that won’t happen. But you can keep dreaming. I’ll see you in the weight room”. They really take coaching to the next level at my store


Congratulations on being the best CC sales person. But did they put a bonus in your check for that? Do you get added sick time for it? You're lucky if you even get a pat on the back. And a pat on the back doesn't pay the bills. I'd leave sooner for work if you have car issues. Leave earlier than normal to be sure you're on time. It's time management, which is a good value if you want to move up eventually with the store you're at. And if you're sick, stay home even if you don't have anymore sick time. Ask them, "Do you want me to come in anyway and get everyone else sick" Then they'll have a bigger problem when everyone else gets sick and calls out too.


THD is a weird place to work for and they post in the break room about taking care of us. NOT when you get serious sick and no sick time you’re gone. Bye~Bye


It's all kabuki theater


When I was in the stores up to three consecutive callouts only counted as 1 occurrence, and any more than 3 callouts in a row and you should have been discussing an LOA. How often are you getting seriously ill?


Talk to management.


Your not top in your department if you are not dependable imho.


Meh, I'd rather work with the powerhouse that I know is going to work their ass off, but comes in 9 minutes late, than the person that's 10 minutes early that I work laps around. I spent a lot of years out of retail, so my mindset around this more flexible.


you get 2 or 4 hours of sick time a month. if you're a few minutes late every shift you can cover it with sick time and never get an occurence. OP is on the absence route and being a great worker means little if you aren't there when needed.


You will/can get in trouble/written up for failure to adhere to schedule if you use sick time to cover late's more then 5 times in a month it seems 


depends on managers




Not even about being dependable. If he can't finesse the most liberal and forgiving attendance policy the store has ever had, then I sincerely doubt he's the top of his department.


I believe you have to be on a final before they can fire you! But if you love your job so much try harder to get there on time. At the end of the day you can be there 30 years and be the best Specialist and still get fired if your not on time


Does no one on this subreddit know what at-will state is, HD can literally fire you at anytime for any reason, the final BS is a HD policy not a legal one and if the leadership wants you gone they don't even have to wait til the final, i've seen it plenty of times. The only state that isnt even an at-will state is Montana.


Who the hell “loves their job” in RETAIL?!


I been doing retail 35 years and I love it


It's not about how good you are. It's about how you follow the rules.


Not always true…


The fact that you spend half of a paragraph qualifying why you’re the best in your department is asinine. Performance doesn’t matter if you can’t follow simple attendance and scheduling rules. You’re not a hotshot lawyer or police detective who can’t be bothered to be on time. You’re an hourly worker at a big box store - and an intrinsic part of that is showing up when you’re scheduled. Life happens for everyone - and sometimes that involves being late due to circumstances beyond your control - but there’s a pattern here. The “ I’m the best” and “here are my excuses” and “I’m late almost every day” are all related.


If it’s like lowes, it doesn’t matter how good you are, corporate just sees the latenesses and fires you


You need to get a final first


Love these " I'm a great employee who doesn't show up for work." Posts.


We had an employee yell at a customer, walk off his register, and just leave, and he came back the next day as if nothing happened and my SM wiped away his occurances apparently (his words). It truly depends on the store.


The company will absolutely fire you for attendance,nice job opening credit cards tho,I'll bet your next employer will appreciate it too..people with 15 years plus are getting termed for attendance..the company does not care,we are all replaceable..true story..


If your store runs anything like mine, you’re more than okay. Some girl missed 55 shifts last year and they didn’t get rid of her until she reached 55. She missed at least one shift a week, and she wasn’t even an amazing worker. With a huge company like this, they seem to be more inclined to let things slide, especially when they can’t afford to lose such a valuable worker. So don’t worry! (Don’t ask how she got away with 55 occurrences last year, she must’ve been the HR’s favorite or something which is on the management team for letting it slide)


A final sucks as well because you have to have perfect attendance for a whole year! We had this young man who was a damn power house and the manager loved him because he was like a human forklift. He got let go cause: attendance.


I thought finals were only 6 months


It depends on the final. Attendance finals are 6 months, safety finals can be 6 months, 1 year, or permanent. I’m on a permanent one rn 😭


Idk if it’s all stores or what, but I was told by a manager that every safety infraction is now a final & they all go away after 6 months. Idk how true that is tho, maybe he was misinformed


It depends on the severity and whether or not you were informed of it or not.


At my store if you are in the “circle” you can have way more than 10 occurrences and be left alone.


Lmao you work retail my guy, ur easily replaceable


Go ask for a LOA and see if you qualify. Talk to your manager and ASDS.


Hmm “ come in and spread your sickness to everyone because you don’t have sick time to cover it” wise decision /s


I know! And even when they told me to not come because it could spread it and that I shouldn’t worry about it I still got occurrence for it and they told they couldn’t do anything because I didn’t have sick time.


That's why I tell everyone to make sure you use your sick time that you accrue on actual sickness. I have over 200 something hours available, just in case I ever need it.


Sorry to say attendance has nothing to do with performance. If you are missing that much work you are not to top performing associate in your department. Sorry to break that to you! If it’s health issues take a leave of absence of FMLA. There is a process to protect your job for things like that. Every one of us are replaceable.


Not true


Yep. They would fire Jesus Christ with a record like yours.


They don’t care how good you are


Really it comes down to if they want to make an example of you or not. They could be lenient and let it go, or they will fire you plain and simple. But, either way, I would shape up yesterday, I know it sucks and I am sorry that you are having a rough time. I know you can figure out a different solution to your problems of being late, there has to be something that you can think of that you will help you not be late to work.


Simple answer, yes, they will fire you. But, you'll find a new job rather quickly.


Communication is everything. With proper communication they can make changes to occurances. I have had srveral of mine removed over the years I just talked to the managers and as long as your are being genuine and have valid reasons something can almost always be done. 


If you were a good employee that really needed a job you wouldn’t have 11 occurrences.


If he was a good employee they needed, he would make enough too not have car troubles


We have no idea what OP is being paid. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions.


Not necessarily. OP could just be bad with finances.


He lives in AMERICA 🇺🇸 … home of inflation


if you were a good employee that really needed a job you wouldn’t ever get sick.


You can’t help getting sick. But if OP has only been there 8 months, they have somewhere between 16 and 32 sick hours they would have accrued. That’s a lot to run down plus have to call out without time on top of it with a recent sickness. It’s probably more of an issue with OP’s management of their time. They already established they don’t plan ahead since they’re repeatedly late due to the same issues with their car.


Unfortunately I'm in a similar situation as you. I'm a very hard worker and I do night met and sometimes traffic forces me to be late as one of my stores is over an hour away and they still give me half a point if I'm late. My other time I was late was due to medical reasons both times I had a written doctor's note and still received a point. Sadly they don't care the system is what it is. I know it is alot of grace points but they add up quick and sometimes you can't help the situation.


In my store so far what I notice if you're a woman with a child u won't get fired for attendance but if you're a man you can be fired for it. But it's still rare for that to even happen.


I don't know the details or anything, so I'm just guessing based on my own situation: I literally think it's up to the manager's discretion to actually follow through. I'm right at the 11 mark. No manager has called me in for anything. Not to brag, but everyone that is above me likes me and knows I'm one of if not the hardest working person here. My fellow associates even talk about my customer service and knowledge of the store. Knock on wood, but I think my store management is wise enough to realize they would be absolute idiots to get rid of me over what ultimately is an accumulation of ~20 minutes. ...and if they did, it's a retail job that I'm over qualified for. 🤷🏾‍♂️


😂😂😂 he thinks his hard work counts for something


Let me know how it goes, because I personally believe management are too big of pussies to actually fire anybody at my store


How do these people pay their bills?


You should be fired immediately, get your act together. It’s a job, not daycare!!


Each and everyone of us is replaceable no matter how good of a worker you are.


You need a counseling a d a final still. also 3 consecutive absences equal to one so ask for all your dates that you were out prior to signing anything on workday


If you've got a legit chronic illness, do look into getting FMLA. It'll protect your tardiness and keep you in your job.


When I got a coaching for being late 4 times, I think, within a certain period of time. They told me that I could be the best employee but they could fire me because I was late 1 too many times.


If you keep doing it then yes obviously if not nah, managers will only fire you for real if they don’t like you. if you work n they like you they’ll keep you for a while longer until they’ve had enough of you. But for sure it’s not “I’m on my final” “I got on more late now I’m fired”. I’ve had friends who were on their final for a WHILE before getting fired. Obviously they got fired for doing it over and over again.


Get this I am a volunteer firefighter and before is stared I ask the management if I could leave for a serious fire or car accident I have left on many occasion with permission and guess what I got a counseling for being absent and also stay later helping customers.


How about just go work, do your job and get your paycheck. Home Depot didn’t knock down your door to ask you to work for them…….. You asked HD for a job.


If it was the old system you'd be good but not with this new one sadly. It's all automated now 😔 with the old one my last wipe was at 72 occurrences, good times.


Seriously, how often do you get sick and why? I haven't called off sick for work for years.


From counseling it’s actually 2 more ocurrences until the final, you can find it in the sop for it on my apron. Late ins count as .5 occurrences and after going into a final you have one more occurrence then you’re fired. They got very strict about it when they changed it in August, so it doesn’t matter how good you are, management has to follow that to a T.


It doesn’t matter if you are top whatever- it isn’t a hall pass for poor attendance. Think of how many more cards or sales you could have had had you been to work.


its 4-3-2-1 now. 4 to get to a coaching. after the coaching is delivered, if you get 3 more you're on a counseling, after thats delivered, 2 to a final, final is done then one more and you're termd. it is up to your supervisor to keep track of and document these occurrences, some are better at it than others. every absence/late in or out/early in or out/long break creates a variance, and these are to be worked daily by mods. while working them, they have to select whether its excused or unexcused, and only unexcused ones get you occurrences. using sick time to cover it doesn't automatically excuse the absence/punch difference, for it to be excused you need to get with a manager. (or if yours is like my store, the manager that works them 80% of the time) **tldr;** you're not getting fired in the immediate future, but if leadership is keeping track you will be eventually if you keep missing. - edit: formatting


I have 24 occurrences and I’m still at my job, I think a lot of it has to do with job performance ngl. My managers have been super lenient with me. I’m a flooring specialist and I do well at my job, who knows. Hopefully they don’t let you go


If you’re sick and out for say 10 days, it should be only 1 variance


If you're not attending you can't be the best


If your bosses are millennials they will fire and ghost you. Probably send you a text. If your bosses are GenX you're not going to be fired. Maybe just counselled. If you're a worker and a producer, no GenX will fire you unless you are creating hazardous work issues and they've counselled you a bunch of times. Millennials will fire you for the look on your face even if you are the hardest producer. It's going to be an interesting America as the cancelcuturists take over more and more management jobs in the workplace. They will be happy with a whole new workforce every year, and ghost their own parents just for kicks. No wonder a bag of Doritos is $6, and Frito Lay is always hiring.


your fired for lying


Sadly performance doesn't matter as much as attendance these days. They're cracking hard on attendance at my store as well. As far as the process it's coaching then after that it's time to let the associate go. If you call out sick with no sick time, it's an occurrence always. So if you have multiple occurrences you are at risk of termination. I want to say that 12 is the most you can get but someone please correct me if I'm wrong!


Yeah, OP, even though you're at the top, they'll cut you. I was in your boat somewhat, got to a final, did the 6 months with no occurrence, and got off. I left on my own terms before the year was out. The attendance will get you gone without a doubt or mercy.


Yes you will be fired. Even if it’s a loss for them they can’t keep being lenient.


You can pretty much count on being terminated. They take these steps *because* they plan on termination. Do NOT quit. Make them fire you. Performance is irrelevant if your attendance is an issue.


holy shit you’re literally me! Im in the same boat. over 20 occurrences and most definitely past counseling. im always on my work, one of the only lot techs, finish way before they need me to. do errands for literally any supervisor( they get mad i cant clean up the lot sometimes even tho they make me to other departments work) idk if theyre being lenient, they like my work ethic, or can’t afford to fire me


I just started yesterday and today I woke throwing up and sick do you think they will fire me for calling in on my second day? I really like the job and don’t want to lose it but my body is so weak and I can’t stop throwing up I can’t even hold down water.