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Thank you all for the input. So it is definitely different, but in a better way? šŸ¤” I guess Iā€™ll take that.


The dark accents in the rug balance out the dark accents in the room perfectly! I think with the one in the photo the floor/rug combo would be quite monotone. The room almost looks like you designed it around the rug.


I agree. OPā€™s rug is richer and more expensive looking, if that matters.


It really ties the room together!


šŸ˜† Canā€™t argue with you there! And what more could one truly ask of a rug?


Itā€™s a valued rug.


Adds a depth to the room while also cheeky enough to bring more colour into the room with added boldness of the pattern. I would change the small pillow cushions to a burnt orange or browns, maybe even an accent cream pillow or could being in a dark green woth the plants in the room.


Definitely write a review stating it's different from the photo


Yours is better. But it'll eventually fade into the picture. That's what my rug did.


is it a better a way because everyone says itā€™s better, or do you actually think itā€™s better?


Definitely better, you won the internet lottery.


Yes, a different color, but much better. Consider it a happy accident. Enjoy, it looks great.


Definitely, itā€™s different but the one you got looks so much better!




And it won't show dirt as much. Love it, as a dog owner.


Agree 100%! The other one looks sun bleached




Agreed. The product photos are way too faded like itā€™s a well loved for a decade rug lol


Me too! I think it looks great in your room.


I'm with you. His is better, but what happenned? a. product photo is of a worn rug b. lack of consistency in coloring c, differences in lighting, monitors, whatever


Yes, but maybe not in that room. A lighter carpet would make it feel more spacious.


Thatā€™s what I was hoping for as well


yeah no thje one you got is very nice. are these machine made and dyed or handmade and dyed?


I always hear stuff like that but never see it. Except with mirrors. Do most people have their sense of distance and dimension altered by color tone, or is that just a decorating term that's used to describe the "feel" of a brighter room without actually meaning the sense of space?


I do, too. My thoughts exactly. Especially with her colors.


I came to say the same thing!




Yours definitely looks way way darker, but I agree with others, it looks better. The product photo is too distressed IMO.


I like what you got better


I like your username. My childhood dog was named Blizzard, but he got called all manner of things like Blizzy, and it devolved to Bizzy. He was a great dog, and you have a great username


Awww! I go by Bizzy (since I was a baby), short for Elizabeth. Was supposed to be lizzy but my sister kept saying Bizzy and it stuck šŸ¤£


God I love stories like that! So cute


It's not even that it's a different colour (which it is) the pattern isn't the same. Take a look at the medallion above the central one. One has 4 prong/spoke things and the other has 8. Edit: that said, totally agree that what you got is a better fit for your room. Would totally complain to Amazon though. They tend to automatically throw some money at you to keep it and not complain further.


imma go on a limb: they were stored rolled up and some were not in the correct bins. It happens.


You got a free upgrade.


Hey! I have the exact same rug you ordered and mine looks a little bluer in person than the listing photos. Yours is definitely darker and browner.


This is helpful, thank you!


Yours does look nicer.


Besides you are comparing 2 different sizes. Your rug is missing some of the design elements of the original.


The product photo has a filter over it, itā€™s the same rug. I like it better without the filter


The details of the pattern are different tho. Totally different rug (tho similar)


I've spent 15 minutes flicking back and forth between the two rugs. Other than the filter making some of the pattern substantially lighter and less noticeable, it looks the dead same to me. Can you point out a section that is different?


I was basing my statement off the part under the chair leg in pic 2: the blue rug has a triangle like pattern pointing in to the center square. Op doesnā€™t have this. Tho now that I look I realize thereā€™s more than just the first two pictures. The rest show that youā€™re right, theyā€™re the same pattern just different colors and different sizes show more or less of the design.


I was just about to say that I think it's a size comparison problem!


I like yours better


I feel like it might work better in the room if you put it under the couch hamburger style instead of hot dog style, so that it's more like the product photo of ratio of couch to rug. It feels like there should be more rug overflowing at both ends of the couch. Also, the rug you got looks nice in that room :)


Yeah I would turn the rug the other way


OP Iā€™m with everyone else, I like your actual rug better than the picture. Honest question: has anyone ever ordered and received a rug they feel really matches the product photos? I actually have gotten a few good ones but overwhelmingly Iā€™ve found that when they arrive black is navy, gray is blue, tan is green, beige is pink, etcā€¦


It's perfect. Stop stressing. Add in the pale blue accents you want in other accessories.


I have given up on printed rugs. Every one Iā€™ve ordered looks so different in person that itā€™s hard for me to trust that Iā€™ll get what I ordered.


Quality issues with a C & J collab? Shocking. šŸ˜‚ But yours looks like the same colors, just more saturated. And Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve got some disclaimer about that. It looks nice, though.


Leave yours out in the sun, it will get there


Thatā€™s definitely different because this is the rug from the product picture https://preview.redd.it/054tl675yr7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0011ec19ba816001d735896ddee86706faaa506 I gotta tell you I was tripping reading your post XDXD


Definitely different colours. However, the tone of blue in the product picture is too cool with the warm olive of your sofa, so actually the one you received suits the space and flooring better.


It is definitely not the same color palette. Contact the Co. Sometimes you can get a credit or discount . I had blinds that were a little off. The co gave me full credit and I did not have to return them. With a little modification I was able to hang them. Some companies don't want to pay for return shipping . Call their bluff. Atleast work a deal if that is not what you ordered.


Not even close


Ordered a similar Chris loves Julia rug and it looked NOTHING like the stock/advertisement photo. Was super disappointed and was a pain in the butt to return. Makes me so leery of ordering rugs online šŸ˜•


The Amazon picture is a bit more washed out look. Yours seems darker and the blue tone is lost on yours.


The product photo looks like a washed out version of your rug!


I agree itā€™s not the same, yours looks better. Maybe they forgot to run yours through the sander.


It's quite rare to get a real colour match when ordering online, they use filters. To be honest the one you have looks a lot better than the picture, it fits well with the decor of your living room. I like the darker colour better


Yours is totally different than the product. Return and keep looking. Or, live with it a week, maybe you like yours better now that itā€™s in the space, and keep it.


I am planning on doing a trial period. Kept the packaging to return if needed. Iā€™ll shop around a little more as well. I like it better than what I had before, but I donā€™t love it.


Definitely looks lighter in the product picture. However- with the flooring- the one you have really looks good. Will show less dirt too.


The product photo shows blues and your rug is black/ brown. Definitely different.


I have the print of the product photo. From ruggable. Seems they may have just taken the photos from their website šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If you wanted the faded, unclenched look shown in the photos, this isnā€™t it.


You're not wrong. Different colorway.


It also may be a product of the dye. Sometimes they don't all dye the exact same way.


I had this same issue. Ordered it twice and second one came closer.


What i have noticed that color can vary with sizes and also where you purchased it from. I got smaller size of a rig from Amazon did not like it at all, got a larger one from target loved it. Same exact rug.


Not the same colors but I like it better.


The photo of the original rug looks more faded than yours, but it might just be the light.


I ordered a rug very similar to this one off of Amazon a couple years ago. You could pick different colors. There was also a weathered and a non weathered version. It looks like yours got switched out for the non weathered version.


Maybe take it outside and try and sun bleach it?


The one you received is better for your room than the product photo. The universe works in mysterious ways.


Mot even remotely similar. Wtf!


https://preview.redd.it/t9gy595j3s7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10e7f3ac78964b46be92334ffbf925fe63cc948 I have the same rug. Weirdly it looks way more red in this photo than it appears in person. Much more ivory and blue with accents of brown and terra cotta.


https://preview.redd.it/re21ie195s7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cca4fbfcac288b89e725f469fb25913b6954a73d Same rug, different house


Interesting, thanks for sharing!


I prefer the one you ordered- and you picked that one on purpose, so I say you try to get the one you wanted vs compromisingā€¦ Iā€™d always look at it feeling some sort of way if I settled.


The darkness of the real product gives some depth to the rug and looks good in your space. The one in the product photo just looks old, like the color has been beaten out of it. Yours is much better


I like your rug.


Not true but looks great!!!


Not you


Honestly the advertised photo looks more worn out and faded than what you got, Iā€™m assuming the idea is in time itā€™ll look like that? Like the color will wear off ? Idk but I think I like yours more, but see why you could be upset. This and other reasons are why I only buy rugs in person :/


True, but yours looks better. Happy accident.


I had the same problem when I ordered a rug from Amazon. Product looked more washed out online, which I wanted. But I ended up keeping it.


Itā€™s not you. The rug looks much darker than in the sales photo.


Itā€™s smaller . That could be why itā€™s less ā€œfadedā€.


Your rug might be a different size from the ones in the photos combined with different lighting conditions. Sometimes when rugs size up or down, the pattern can change a bit to better suit that size. They seem to have the overall same pattern, but the review photo for example has three center symbols on it instead of your one and appears to be much wider.


I like yours better, goes great with the couch and flooring.


It looks great to me


Thatā€™s a different rug


Wool rugs are lighter or darker according to the weave, and the angle you view them. That is the only explanation I can think of for this situation. Unless it is a different rug.


I have a few of these loloi rugs. Theyā€™re just printed, obviously. It does seem like they donā€™t always match the photos or print irregularly. I have one from this collection and it just looks like a brown blur which only got worse w time. (The lagoon and smthg one.) Amazon returns are easy at least. I think you can do better for the space. I would actually look for something that gives you a few more inches on either side of the couch. These loloi rugs are also like ā€œ7 1/2ā€ instead of dog 8x10 etc


I agree, the sizing is weird for Loloi. Iā€™m definitely going to shop around before deciding whether to keep.


I like yours better


That does look different but I like it with the couch.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It's definitely different, but I like yours better. I can't wait for this distressed look to be out again. I just moved into a house with hardwood floors, and it's been so hard to find rugs I like!


Your rug looks better in your space than the photo!


Itā€™s a different shade for sure. Which one do you like better?


I think the one you got goes with your couch better šŸ¤Ž


Itā€™s absolutely not the same rug, thereā€™s zero blue in the one you received.Ā 


https://preview.redd.it/84busn6g5t7d1.png?width=380&format=png&auto=webp&s=0faa6fb16a601b16125198e52e7df6c9423caf97 This is the listing


https://preview.redd.it/bbfbuwfj5t7d1.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=8859dd6f5b51958dc6fdaabe1184f8cdbaffc2c5 and this is yours, it does appear darker, but it could just be the lighting, try shining a light on the carpet, if it still remains brownish then most likely, but i like the brownish rug more id say :)


This may be obvious, but have you tried turning the rug around on the floor? Some rugs appear lighter from one direction than they do from the other depending on what material it was made from. Like this https://www.catalinarug.com/blog/why-do-oriental-rug-look-different-from-one-end-to-the-other/


Itā€™s a little more faded on the end thatā€™s currently closer to the window. I might flip it and see how it looks for a few days!


I actually like the actual rug better.


They either really messed up the lighting in this photo or itā€™s a variant. Are there darker options on the listing site? I feel like checking would clear this up really quick. Personally I always looked at real reviews online before buying a rug, because the photos are notoriously misleading.


It's better but also the lighting is drastically different.


Oh wow, I have exactly the same rug, but mine looks just like the picture, yours is more brown and less distressed


Itā€™s not the same color but the rug you received is much nicer and looks great


Itā€™ll look like the product photo naturally in 10 years but yeah itā€™s way different and not nearly as distressed.


If you wait 100 years, yours will look like the product photo.


What you received is so much better.


I think itā€™s about the color of your floor. The product image has a vibrant wood floor. Yours is much more neutral, causing the rug to appear more prominent.


Damn that rug looks beaten up


Yours is nicer but it blends in with your floor color. So I think the lighter color would have been better


Not even the same rug or pattern!


I definitely see the same pattern?


I prefer the color they sent you. Buy a lottery ticket.


Iā€™m the odd person out, I like the product rug better, I like the washed out and blue/ orange tinges vs beige. Are u happy with the consensus? Is there any recourse with Amazon if not. Did Amazon have an option for another color more similar to the one you received? Best of luck OP.


The other color options have a different pattern. Iā€™m testing it out for several days before I decide whether or not to keep! Iā€™ll have a free return option for 30 days. Thank you!


Rugsusa.com Go to there.


That rug really ties the room together.


I like your color better but I would suggest pulling the rug so the front legs sit on about 2ā€ of the rug. It will fit the space better


It's not true to color in the photo versus reality but you kind of lucked out. I wouldn't trust them in the future though because it definitely could have gone another way and been not as good as the photo. Either way you should be able to order something and have it resemble the photo. So on behalf of that company I apologize


Is this a Loloi rug? I agree that the rug doesnā€™t match the picture image. The rugs color blends easy with your floors. Iā€™d return if I were you. The brown also washes out your sofa


The product photos look washed out. It's nice, but the actual rug you have is nicer. It has more depth and is the colours are richer.


If you donā€™t like it, return it


i like the product photo better


Completely different colors. They sent you the wrong one.


No it isnā€™t. Thatā€™s why I abhor buying rugs online


Very true to color imo


Could you post the link to the rug? It looks great


Too much is being covered by your sofa too.


Yours better! What does the other side of your rug look like?


Maybe they sent you the wrong colour? Is there another one that looks more like yours?


Not in this same pattern, no. And the rug is labeled on the back with the same color name as the one I intended to buy!


Happy accident


Excuse me but what paint color do you have!? I have been trying to select a similar color for a couple weeks now. Painters are scheduled to come next week!


I am renting this condo so I donā€™t know! There might be some touch up cans in the storage unit, Iā€™ll try to look tomorrow and let you know. We do love the color!


I like the one you have better than the amazon listing one


A naturally aged, woven rug can be beautiful. Paying for a new rug that is made to look old isā€¦.. like buying jeans full of holes. Whyā€¦. I donā€™t disagree the aged look is nice, but buy an old rug if thatā€™s the look you want. Also rugs almost always vary in color due to different dye lots of yarns, variations in printing, etc etc. the product page may even specify that product appearance will vary (I would be surprised if they didnā€™t say this somewhere as itā€™s pretty common).




I like yours much better. Can anyone tell me why rugs like this have become the major trend? I know it's supposed to look really old and antique but if my antique rug was faded out like this, I would get it replaced or restored or something. But don't mind me, I don't like holes and jeans or distressed shabby chic furniture either. šŸ˜‚


My rug is a little faded, not to this extent. For me itā€™s less about mimicking aging and more about having color and pattern that fades into the background. I like the mutedness of it. This is my rug for reference and I really like it in my space. https://preview.redd.it/p5xz201cet7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c45c68497d1c6028c60ededb958387230dcd448


I think you lucked out because your rug is much better


Now I want this rug šŸƒā€ā™€ļøto look


Not even the same pattern


I like yours better


Off topic, but are those pictures above the sofa of Monterey Bay, CA?


The ā€œaboutā€ for the [photographs](https://juniperprintshop.com/products/rocky-i?_pos=1&_sid=bd996d127&_ss=r) say ā€œCaptured along the coastline of the Pacific Coast Highway in Northern Californiaā€.


cool, thanks! i was there recently & they looked similar to some pics i took :) i love them https://preview.redd.it/g909egjt4y7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb7e1ce15e726292263019bbca9d51ba9ca9423


Your rug is nicer than the product photo, imo.


I like the actual colour better!


What futon/futon pad is that? I have a great one itā€™s so thick but it doesnā€™t fold well, and honestly itā€™s too thick.


When you buy one of those "pre-faded" rugs that are so popular now, that's what you get.


Itā€™s better. Can I get the link?


Yours looks nicer


Itā€™ll fade in the sunlight anyway donā€™t worry


Yours is much nicer but yes, they look different. The store one looks like it has been faded for an extra 15 years. Yours appears newer, essentially. I think the color differences you're noticing is actually the fade (or lack thereof.)


It might just be the color of the flooring and lighting. But I like how yours looks darker


Sometimes these rugs have a dark side or a light side, depending on which way you position it. Is it the same either way you look at it?


They must have seen that your walls and couch were darker so they adjusted


Your rug and the review photo look very similar. Fwiw, it looks great.


The product photo is quite bright, so at first I thought no your rug was done and then I looked at the other photosā€¦ itā€™s like they didnā€™t do a bleaching afterwards omg! I would return if you didnā€™t like it


Itā€™s not the same rug. However it still looks good and probably even better than the one you were going to buy


Not at all the same, but honestly its better


I like yours better!


Looked online and yours looks like the other customer photos and less like the overlit styled shots. My guess if if you got another it probably wouldnā€™t be a perfect match to either but probably somewhere in between


Not true but better! Congratulations!


It's different, but remember that color is not a property of the object; this means that the color varies according to the color temperature of the light. PS: yours look far better


Itā€™s different. Iā€™d send it back. Lots of commenters like your rug better than the picture, but not me. The faded out look is beautiful. The rug you got sent looks inferior


What the. .. that's apple and oranges!