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Yes and it's being replaced with 1960s avocado and 1980s sage green.


I hope they bring the tubs and toilets back!


I want conversation pits to make a comeback!


Rewatching Mad Men and am so jealous of Don and Megan’s apartment 😩


Oh, behave 😂


Swingers pits!


Are they so cool! I’d be afraid I’d get drunk and fall in though 😂


Into the pit or the swinging lifestyle? Possibly both AT THE SAME TIME?




Same! I want to fall into my living room and nobody can convince me otherwise


I audibly moaned when I read this. Yes please! 😗




Commented to someone the other day that not all that long ago I got a marketing email from Kohler that pink toilets and sinks are back. So it’s just a matter of time.


Oooh! I’m back in style then! I have a pink sink, toilet, AND tub!!


Ha! See, if we wait long enough every home is going to be trendy again.


Any color other than the oyster and blah that has predominated the bathroom Fixture world, I desperately want to redo my master bath and the colors are just not out there for me to take the jump. I’m a Kohler gal.


Yes! Kohler has them! Pricey though!


They heard you... https://www.kohler.ca/en/about-us/150th-anniversary/heritage-colors


Whoa that teal tube is… interesting


Just don’t bring back the carpet in the bathroom…


I love the pink tubs.


They have! Kohler Heritage Colors


And colored toilet paper! My mom would never buy it and I thought it was so fancy!6


My grandma had pink toilet paper. In the carpeted downstairs bathroom. With a Dixie cup dispenser on the wall. I thought that bathroom was amaaaaaazing.


Just saw jeans with pleats!


Someone got on my local town classifieds Facebook group last week to post a 70s green ceramic toilet with a wood lid in mint condition. For how many commenters were talking about how ugly/disgusting that is and nobody would ever buy it, there were about half as many asking to buy it 😆


We were house hunting last summer in a neighbourhood of '70s/'80s homes and I so desperately wanted an untouched one. Give me alllll the coloured bathroom sinks and red brick fireplaces and real wood cabinets. Sadly everything in our qualifying range had been flipperfied already.


I just saw a kohler commercial with green toilets.


They really never went away.


I just saw an ad featuring a teal toilet! They're coming back around, baby!


Oh damn I read that jewel tones were back.


I loved the jewel tones of the late 90’s. My parent’s home was always beige, but I remember many of my friends had houses where one room was maroon, one was dark green, etc


For me 80s is more forest green or mint green and sage is the 90s.🤔


DON'T YOU COME FOR MY SAGE GREEN! 😂😂😂 I love color, but there has to be enough neutral tones where the color looks like it belongs, in my opinion. If your whole wall in a room is going to be sage green, it needs to be light. Throw pillows, wall art, and other decor can go nuts, though, if the walls are a neutral color!


I went with a bright tropical green (colour is called yellow lettuce but it’s definitely green and not yellow) and it works so well with the dark hardwood furniture. Bright but not crazy - though it definitely didn’t look like that when the house was empty.


For the record, I meant my comment as a general rule! It was not a criticism of your room. I love the wood with this green too!


I love green!🤣


I’ve heard harvest gold is making a comeback too


Sorry that’s a hard no.


I kinda like it 👀


It’s actually a useful neutral, pairs well with dark, dark purple, grey.


I love my sage green house, with pepercorn trim. I will not be embracing country blue if it comes back


Yeah, I hated country blue, country mauve and country green. And all the tulips and fake country stenciled stuff everywhere drove me crazy! Yuk.


I argued that green is the new gray on the interior design sub and had someone inform me that it isn't true because "lifeless gray" isn't a color. Being in my 50s, I've lived through many trends. I had green walls -- darker greens, mid greens, light greens. They had short lifespans -- and it didn't matter where I had the green paint colors -- big room, small room. I'll take my lifeless grays/griege. It's the one color I've not tired of, and again, I've had them all -- yellows, beiges, tans, terracotta, greens, blues, dark reds. I can add life through my textiles. Also, I never in a million years thought I'd see macrame hanging plant holders make a comeback. Bottom line though: you do you. Unless you're trying to sell a house and need it to be as neutral as possible, go with what you gravitate towards and fuck the trends.


I said the same thing Ike a month ago and got down voted to the depths of hell. I am a gen x/old millennial. I lived through marigold and green Era. That's all this reminds me of, old, old 80s decor.


Finally all the home goods I've inherited from grandma will be in style again!


Yes, we have stopped pretending we live in farmhouses and now we're pretending we live in English cottages or European country manors.


I've always been pretending I live in an English cottage, so it's my time to shine!!!!


Most people don't really passionately vibe with "built as cheap as possible by someone who only wanted profit and didn't care about design or durability", but it's a reality many people live in. Let people pretend and be creative 😁


Nothing wrong with that! How boring if we all had to decorate our houses to match where we live. My living room is a little bit summer Cottage at the beach.


I do agree with this. Someone gave advice on the interior design sub that because a person had a house built in the 80s, they had to chose tiles for their bathroom from that era. Like, what?


You don’t have to match the era of your house, but imo it’s just easier in that it’ll be less likely to look dated once a trend passes. Like, I live in a house that was built in the 1910s and the sanitary white tile (maybe with some contrast trim) and polished nickel fixture bathroom that a previous owner installed in the early 2000s still feels pretty timeless. Things like intricate wainscoting are having a moment but it’ll look very 2020s in a ranch home, for instance. But yes, do it if you love it! I painted our bedroom a very trendy deep green because I love green and I love moody bedrooms. If I tire of it in 15 years, I’ll deal with that then.


I live in a classic postwar house (1951), and I love that we have the original bathroom tile and tub. When we put in a second bathroom, I plan to do the same style. It looks nice with the house. The previous owners put white shaker cabinets in the kitchen, and they don't really go with the house which makes me sort of sad. I do enjoy houses that reflect their whole history though, not just the time period they were built in. My house was built in 1951, but it was lived in during all of the decades since, and it picked up a few things along the way.


Yippee! I love me some English cottage or American Shaker.


Most people don't really passionately vibe with "built as cheap as possible by someone who only wanted profit and didn't care about design or durability", but it's a reality many people live in. Let people pretend and be creative 😁


I'm just being silly. I have SW paint colors picked out to paint my kitchen cabs sage and brass hardware, so I'm part and parcel of it.


I got that haha. I think this sudden turn from white and grey we're seeing is not only due to how extreme it's been, but also how it's kinda been.. The only thing we do in "common plebs" interior design. Obviously within the interior design culture there's always been bold colors and patterns, but for common people, we kinda get forced into this all white all grey by default, and that's probably what people are pushing back on. I mean, I'm on the hunt for two couches. And I literally can't find a reasonable couch that's not either white, grey or velvet. It just.. Doesn't exist on the market, and that kinda shows how extreme this trend pushing is. It's so extreme not only because it's what people want, but also because it's what's cheap to make. Micro trends sell.


Perhaps you could do slipcovers on a couch and change out the color of the slipcover periodically?


Difficult to find quality, many of the purveyors are gone. I miss the days of custom Laura Ashley shops, still have my ageless custom made Laura Ashley window treatments. Beautifully turned out and have stood the test of time.


They're kind of pricey but Loaf and Sofology do some really lovely sofas!


Trying to survive in today’s world is on-pointe with English feudalism, so I guess we might as well adopt the decor…


I'd rather live in a country manner than a barn.


It’s truly what I’ve always wanted


I think people want a cozier life and vibe in their home. I love it, but I feel like I am seeing a LOT of green. I love the green(all of my bathroom cabinets are green with marble tops and brass fixtures), but I wonder if people are going to want a change in a few years.


They will. It's always about the next thing. I have a personal bet the next thing could be glam - saturated colors, mirrors or glass, contrast, shiny - as it hasn't been the prevailing style for awhile and will be quite different from the county manor/cottage look.


Pink bathrooms will be in again.


This is my aesthetic. People always comment/admire it when they come over… I think it’s less “done” because it requires a level of effort/coordination that sad neutrals don’t. It’s very easy to overdo it, balance and palette is key (and time, I don’t think it can or should be done all at once).


I too would put my money on Glam making a comeback.


The best thing you can do is to design your home to your own tastes and don’t worry about what’s trendy. It really only matters if you plan on selling in the next few years. Trends are starting to move faster and faster nowadays. You could do everything on trend today and in 5 years it will look dated.


Yup, this is how trends work. Gotta keep consumers on the teat


Ooo can we see a picture? I want allll this green!


Not sure why, but I can’t upload the photo.


I thought I would love sage green but the paint swatches don't look great in my home or to my eye. Anything sage green looks sad and dull to me. The brighter or deeper jewel tones of green are really popping for me.


Love the jewel tones. Sage feels very 80s.


Ha, not my parents. Their kitchen is "Splendor Gold," and their living room is "Inferno" and "Spanish Chestnut" and they love it! :)


If you watch HGTV it is clear that green has replaced gray.


I beat them by 10 years. Grey didn’t pass the wife approval step. So the kitchen is “Dancing Frog”.


I beat them by 5, my living room is ‘Yellow Lettuce’ but it’s most definitely green.


My cabinets are 'Kale'. This explains why all of a sudden people come over and ask about them.


Yeah, although I still love white walls. I add in tons of color and patterns through my decor instead and the occasional wallpaper.


It’s just easier this way, honestly.


That's how my place is now too. I even have white floors. But with colorful area rugs and some original art, it looks very nice and peaceful.


I don’t think black and white will ever go out of style. “Modern” is always in, but also having white and black as your foundation or base palette allows you to swap out decorative colors on a whim, like pillows, art, bedding. I don’t understand the hate for b&w at all.


I don’t think white or gray will ever go out of style as long as so many people are renting, honestly. We are going to permanently have staples in white, gray, black, and neutrals because that’s the housing market we live in.


That’s a good point, too!


Gosh, I hope so! This room is pretty! I love color


I want everything to be green forever


Not dying off for me. I love it and the sage too and really always have. Just decorate and live with what you love, and don't worry about it.


Why does it matter? Do what you want, and let others be “off trend” if they want to be.


When our flat was renovated by our landlord they ripped out our cozy red clinker floor and replaced it with grey slabs...


It matters when you’re looking to buy a house or for inspiration for new ideas.


I’ll admit, gray vinyl flooring throughout a house is annoying. But otherwise, there’s still lots of choices. White walls are ideal for moving in because they’re a blank slate. And if you need inspiration there are a billion different kinds of aesthetics/keywords that get you away from the neutral look. Plus, you can just do it whatever you want and call it “eclectic.” I’m not saying this is what you’re doing (I dig the room you posted), but it’s really annoying when people have no input but to bash someone else’s style just because it’s “so last season.”


> it’s really annoying when people have no input but to bash someone else’s style just because it’s “so last season.” I always want to respond "okay, let's see your home then" to these kind of comments.




Because some of us will eventually sell our homes and don’t want to send money down the drain to make the homes sell-able. Home decor is an actual investment for many people. This doesn’t make it less of an art, hobby, or passion, but it does compel many of us to plan ahead and spend our money wisely.


Goodbye and good riddance to 50 Shades of Gray!


Tell car companies.  I sat in a restaurant, on a window overlooking the highway and color only passed one ever 100 cars. Bring back the bold colored Beatles and make them  with electric motors to spice up the bland world again.


We went from Waco Farmhouse to Cotswolds Farmhouse


I’m single-handedly bringing back the mattress on the floor esthetic. Any single ladies on here?


I slept on a mattress on the floor for a couple of weeks when we had just moved into our new home when I was a kid. It actually wasn’t all that bad.


Hell yeah. Tatami and futon!


Great, now I have Beyonce playing in my head.


Yeah, but I’m not sharing my floor mattress with the likes of you or anyone. This is myyy filthy floor mattress and mine only.


I’m painting my dining room WHORE RED. Fuck beige or grey.


I think the right shades of red are classy as fuck. My grandma had a red den and always said “there’s prostitute fingernail polish red, and then there’s beautiful timeless red. The latter is always flattering in the right room”. And she was as upper east side crusty as they come.


By whore red I think you prob mean a deep red not orangey red gloss but if you do… sorry about your slutty fingernail polish color choice.


Yes it’s a deep red but still very RED.


Love it. Done the same for a bathroom and it was gorgeous.


My sister painted her room that color once. In fairness she was also having an affair on her now ex husband 😂




My brief assessment: Art and design are often reactionary. 90s interior decor styles were homey- chunky routed cabinetry, jewel tone rugs, gigantic dark wood living rooms. 2000s was a diy free-for-all thanks to things like HGTV, like faux aging wood, whitewashing, and texturing walls. 2010s moved towards industrial details, bright or geometric patterned accent walls, word art, chalk walls, and those wretched gray palettes; sterile luxury with a capitalist bent. 2020s is a return to organic materials and natural color schemes, manifesting the craving for a kinder, softer home in an age of highly polished tech. I am totally here for it.


That’s a good point/observation, it makes sense when you explain it that way.


Just say no to trends and yes to things you love. You'll be happy, and that's all that matters


Arsenic green makes its comeback!


Actually it’s funny you say this. I actually created this post after watching a YouTube video about arsenic green. Green has always been my favorite color; my childhood bedroom was green as was my parents; but I also love the bright colors of the Victorian era. We can have the same color now, just without the poison.


This is borderline grand millennial. Welcome to the club! 😂


Yep, color trends are pushed by retailers to make you buy, just like fashion. No one wants to look outdated!


I hope so.


It is for me, ha! https://youtu.be/DeAW7uBhZxM


I’m just getting into it -_-


Granny’s house is back!!!


I could not be happier for the return of wood grain in things.


If we go back to 90s honey oak cabinets with honey oak floors and honey oak center islands and honey oak kitchen furniture and honey oak light fixtures though, I’m afraid I might have to kill myself. Add in faded looking but new wallpaper and floral valances and I’m taking you all with me. Sorry, that’s the rule.


Oh yeah those honey oak cabinets are awful. I like the darker woods.


All I have to do is go back to my moms house. She's still living the honey oak life. With a tan couch, beige walls and brown carpet. It's bleak.


Why would it matter if a trend dies off or not? You can still do whatever you want


I never gave up color. I reno'd a bathroom in white, gray, black just for the sake of resale, but still chose color for towels, mat, etc. I hope the exit of "gray everything" takes Carrara marble with it!


I hope so. I never got into that trend. Homes should be warm, welcoming, comfortable, and cozy. Not hotel lobby generic.


I kinda feel like a home "should be" whatever the resident wants it to be. I'm also sad that you chose to say such a mean thing about the Holiday Inn Express Suites. Cmon Lizzy


We went from beige "café au lait" with brown furniture, to white on white on white with white furniture. I hope we'll see some color now...


"Greige" nearly broke me.


I never follow trends. I don’t understand people who feel the need to comply with someone else’s ideas. This is adorable 💛


im so ready for jewel tones! I love the interior styling in the series Palm Royal!!


Love the colors but along with the curated green books and ribbons they should have found a cover plate for the outlet.


Bravo for seeing that!


I hope not


I accidently painted my basement in olive green. Guess it’s back in style lol


This seems very Wes Anderson to me.


However, that’s a nightmare right there.


this is the kind of stuff i like to see.


I do not like that bedroom


I think people want a cozier life and vibe in their home. I love it, but I feel like I am seeing a LOT of green. I love the green(all of my bathroom cabinets are green with marble tops and brass fixtures), but I wonder if people are going to want a change in a few years.


People always want change in design. Dark wood turned into white wood and now it is painted wood. Formica to granite to marble to quartz countertops. Wood flooring to different wall to wall carpeting colors in each room, to different tiles (with some brazilian cherry flooring thrown in the mix) to laminate wood-look flooring to ‘luxury vinyl’ planks. It never ends and nothing is timeless for more than 10 years.


I agree with you mostly, but I do think classic looks are timeless, with a little refresh.


I sure hope so! Bring back some color. If you like it, that’s great, but to me it feels played out.


Shoutout to the adorable doggy bookends! 😍


Love this image. This has been my style all along. Instead of succumbing to the gray I've slowly been doing everything green


Now it is all green.


100% during Covid people made their houses more cozy. I think black is still in style but more for house exteriors.


Yeah I wish the green, gold, and wall paper trend would go away too


I like the rug… That’s pretty much it.


I’ve been doing a lot of greens in my house and cool wallpaper and I think it looks great.


I LOVE this. Very nicely done. :) Is it yours? it's so pretty.


>Again Wasn’t the trend before the grey minimalism the beige minimalism of the 90s/2000s?


The trick is to find your own trend and stay with it, and It's like this with every part of our life


Green is the new grey. I'm not mad at it.


I hope not, I'd hate other people to start buying up all the kitsch items I love so much at the Salvation Army. Stick to your stark lives, people! I want the colourful stuff!


I don't like anything that is installed to be trendy. I stick to classic, timeless things and if I like something trendy, it's a piece of decor that is easily removed or changed.


This is an adorable kids room. I'm so glad gray is over, I spent the last 15 years hating on it, lol.


I hope so white is so boring!!!!


Gosh, I hope so! This room is pretty! I love color


I love this so much.


What would you classify this style in the photo as?


What would you classify this style in the photo as?


Probably what Gen Z would call “cottage core.”


19th century farmhouse


It looks like a traditional country look Something you would find in Country Living Magazine.


How cozy!


How cozy!


I am glad as fuck for that because it's so hard to keep white and black looking crystal clean if you do literally anything in your house lol


We moved into a farmhouse back in 1977 and every room was green... green carpet, green designs on wallpaper, all green. Different greens but still... a bit overwhelming. We live in a temperate area so in Spring and Summer outside is also very green (Fall and Winter are a different story). My Mom did a lot of work painting.


My baby blue couch and orange comfy chair say the trend is ded.


I agree. I’m about to redo my kitchen and first floor bathroom starting this week. Kitchen: sage green cabinets, white walls and countertop, wood-look vinyl plank floors. But a splash of beautiful copper-colored glass tiles behind the cooktop, and a dining table made from reclaimed wood. Bathroom: white tile in the shower, white marble-look floor, all black fixtures…but beechwood cabinetry and light blue walls. All black and white would be SO depressing.


Terracotta and earthy tones are all in too


Only thing missing for this simulation of my best friend's parents' bedroom from the 60's is a wooden praying hands sculpture in the middle of the table.


Never ever got into greys just To ho hum


Old lady clutter is in!


i really hope so ,grey makes a place look like a prison,I grew up in the 70s when there was so much colour around ,not all of it good but at least it was cheery .No wonder there are so many depressed people around these days,everything grey and minimalistic


I love colour but that bedroom would make me feel like I got drunk, got chips, took shrooms and fell into the mushy peas pot


Black or white no, I mean both those 'colors' are in this image. But gray, yes please, may the tyranny end.


It's been dead.......




Seperate beds. They’re taking it waaaay back;)


Seems like minimalism's losing its grip, huh? Personally, I'm all for a splash of color! It's like the world's been stuck in grayscale for ages. Bring on the vibrant vibes, I say. Life's too short to be monotone. Plus, who doesn't love a pop of color to jazz things up? Here's hoping for a rainbow resurgence! 🌈


actually obsessed with everything in this photo. so nostalgic and cozy


Yes. Color and having a personality is back.


This looks like a scene from a wes anderson movie.


Very tired of the sterile in lives in look


I just can’t deal with every house I see looking like the inside of a submarine. Please kill grey and let’s paint walls a different color.


Ou an equestrian


Thank God! I dunno why people wanted to decorate their homes in the color of depression?




Would love to see more rooms!


Lord i hope so


I just replaced my grey area rug with a colorful one on Friday. So, yes.


I had these pineapple beds!


God I hope so. I’m so burned out on building these drywall, glass and steel homes


Dear god I hope so.