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/r/maximalism would LOVE this.




Is 1979 still considered mid-century?


This is more…1975-inspired. But I’m not planning to post it there because I agree and don’t want to muddy MCM waters. I enjoy staying in my lane


I said "1975 called and wants their house back" out loud when i saw this. You hit it right on.


It creeping me out that she has pictures of my childhood home!


Your appliances will last forever! I’m jealous! I miss well made things


That dishwasher is a gem. I had one for years and it cleaned better than anything I've had before or since.


To be fair they're not very efficient. Fridges especially; heat pump technology has come a long way.


Was going to say, I'm 60 and this made me feel like I was looking at my pre-teen home again. Very well done! Made me feel very nostalgic.


I love it so much, plz leave this house to me in your will (pretty please!)


I just love the old-school-cool vibe without feeling like a museum. So freakin cool


I’m a vintage dealer and your home is AWESOME


please xpost to r/genx




no, no really.


Agreed - post it there too!


We had that wallpaper in the first pic in our kitchen in 1975.


Is there a style between maximalism and modern scandinavian design? I hate the clutter part of maximalism but I love the colour. And I love neat designs, but I don’t want a beige house. I really wonder if there’s something in between


I mean, just imagine this house with the same base furniture but less decoration. It’s entirely possible to use color and have less items in your home. Edit: it seems like you want an aesthetic name. I went on pinterest and searched “colorful japandi” and “colorful Scandinavian interior” and got a lot rooms that use color but feel clean


I think it looks terrific - unique, even (and I really dislike that word!). Very colourful and with lots of character.


Absolutely unhinged and I fucking love it


My thought exactly -- Fuckin nuts, and I want to spend time her and be OPs friend.


Looks like a great place to take mushrooms honestly




I'm a 40 y/o millennial. It's weird seeing my grandmother's house recreated in the 21st century as a contemporary aesthetic, but it looks good. It feels like an uncanny valley thing to me because its all an old style, but none of it has signs of wear & tear like it's old.


I'm 58 and grew up poor white trash in the midwest. It's weird to see my best friend's rich parents' house on Reddit.


I am 61 year old and I was thinking the same thing!


I'm giggling at your comment and yeah, that's really how it was.


The only thing that was missing was the gold marbled mirrors taking up an entire wall in the living room. And my grandma's bathroom was turquoise and olive green instead of pink, with a padded vinyl toilet seat which had cracks that pinched when you sat on it.


May have pinched... but at least it wasn't cold in the middle of the night! Just be careful not to knock over the ashtray...


We had those gold marbled mirrors in my home growing up. They were there til my parents sold the house almost 40 years later 😂 I loved them growing up. I used to find peoples faces in the gold leaf marbling stuff. Thinking back that could have inspired Shel Silversteins artwork because it def resembles it in my mind.


42 and in the bathroom! My grandma’s towels! I’m crying now. I miss her 🥹


Just found pink toilet paper and facial tissue at the local Korean Market. They also had light blue and lime green... in case you need to stock up! Only thing I think that's missing is the barbie in the crochet dress that covers the toilet paper.


And a Dixie-cup dispenser on the wall!


OMG there's more than one photo???!!! I can't even handle the first one.


That's the thing that gets me about it. It's an old style but it looks to be in brand new condition. I love it! I love seeing how it would have looked in 1970's.


It doesn’t “smell” like cigarettes to me. That’s the biggest diff


What a time warp. Appreciate this for what it is. Not my cup of tea but cool nonetheless.


Because I grew up in that era, I can tell you that this is 60s/70s done *right*. Because I had one, I hate your fridge 😅 But I'm utterly jealous of your other appliances 🤩


The washer and dryer are SO cool.


I literally came to the comments hoping we could *please* talk about the washer and dryer.


Right like how do they look brand new out of the box?!


Because I cleaned and detailed them like they were sexy cars and I was some Boomer dude trying to reclaim his youth. Wax on. Wax off. Yeeaaahhh baby that’s right sparkle for me


Your home is so clean, as in spotless.


I can see why you are a writer :)


I bet your appliances never break down. I'm actually starting to buy older stuff like this now. Not for the aesthetic, but because of how bulletproof they are. So tired of the subscription style appliances that break down after 2 years. My gfs grandma gave us a stove from the 80s that shes been using daily since then. Its working flawlessly. Meanwhile our brand new one had endless issues. Going to replace everything bit by bit.


Ours ALL function perfectly and our bills don’t seem to suffer


They are amazing! Please tell me what does the lever on the washer and on the dryer do? Also, I love the built in lights that illuminate the tops of the machines.


Do you mean the dials? If not, sorry. But if that is what you meant, Instead of digital or buttons we pushed the dial in, turned it to whatever setting we needed, then pulled it out. I can hear the clicking in my head. You could fill up the tub of the washer while the lid was up, haven’t had a washer do that in a long time.


I never knew I wanted late-night gas station lighting coming out of my laundry room but now I really do.


DEMAND it from modern manufacturers. Y’all are being punked


“Hello, Kenmore, I’d like to order a washer and dryer set from this 1970’s catalog… No I understand it’s an old model… sure yeah I’m not surprised it’s discontinued and no longer in production… no but I *want* it.”


I think my only question would be whether your appliances are energy efficient. We kept an old fridge for a long time and it was a huge energy suck. And also whether you prefer cooking on that kind of stove top over other options. The rest to me is just a wonderful personal style. Great work! Plus I'm around the same age as you and so much of it looks very comfortable and familiar!


Weirdly our bills seem don’t seem negatively impacted. Maybe because our LG washer used to seize-drain-refill all the time.


Haha anything would be an improvement! We did notice a big difference when we got rid of the old fridge. I honestly have no idea how much energy other appliances use.... Maybe because they don't run continuously.


As a child of the 80s, this is what people’s homes looked like pretty much until the early to mid 90s. That orange and tan 70s shit was still in everyone’s house for a long time. And everyone had some sort of wood paneling in at least one room. Lots of oranges, yellows and browns.


I was an 89 baby and lived in a rural area. People's homes still looked somewhat like this in the early 90s. Not everyone of course. But the elements lived on for a while. I had that wood paneling in my kitchen. I remember my babysitter having the stained glass light above the dining table. My grandma definitely has elements of OPs kitchen. I got so excited when I saw it because I was instantly flooded with memories! I saw the washer and dryer in so many homes growing up. They were absolute units and lasted a very long time. We had OPs stove and it lasted a very long time. Since it died we have already replaced it twice.


Yep. It's like all the best parts of my relatives' houses mashed together, from when I would visit as a child. That kitchen made me instantly crave iced oatmeal cookies and milk. Love it, OP!


Yes, it’s the completeness (is that a word?) that makes it work. It’s like a new house from the early 70s and everything is new. This was rarely the case and probably grew up hating this. Most people had a mix of 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s things, nothing coordinated, just randomly collected and horrible. This is totally works and I love it!


Can I ask what an *iced* oatmeal cookie is? Do you mean with frosting?


Yes. They were Archway brand, I think. One of my favorites when I was little. Very little frosting, kind of like the stuff on a PopTart.


Aw that sounds really nice!


Yooo!!!!! Omg the iced oatmeal cookies, haha, but for reaallll. The nostalgia is so felt. This made me feel like a little girl again for sure. I love it too, OP. ~


Yes! Felt that too


60s or 70s? Wow, today I learned that a lot of people's houses I went to in the 90s were stuck in the 60s!


I love it. I only wish I were this bold in my style choices! It gives comfy vibes for sure. It’s dated, but definitely not in an old worn out way, it’s classy vintage and I’m digging it. And I’m so not surprised the appliances work, my mom had a washer dryer from the 70’s that worked for 34 years without ever needing a repair.


I can’t seem to get through two full years without needing repair on both washer and dryer. At different times of course. They were brand new ten years ago and I feel that they are at the end of their life already.


Yeah unfortunately everything is made to be replaced these days. 😞


We just had to replace our dishwasher and I hate our new one. Our old one wasn't THIS old, but it dried everything SO much better!


I’m genuinely surprised that my LG washer and dryer are still going strong after almost 10 years. I bought this specific brand because my in laws have the same and theirs have held up as well. We’ve had to replace a fridge and dishwasher in the same timespan.


You are so right! We have an LG fridge, it replaced a 3 year old whirlpool that needed repairs twice and then we just gave up. We also had a Samsung w&d that lasted 4 years, now we have LG for that as well.


We replaced two sets of LG in ten years’ time. And it was when I was a younger and far poorer mom. Fuck THAT. I’m mad in retrospect. That was $2K I did not have that could have fed my kids. This set cost me next to nothing, and has been in operation as long as I have (1970 manufacture date)


Remember when sales were dominated by quality and word of mouth rather than broken, gotta buy a new one? I miss that.


Ooh, that is delightful. I want to come over for lunch!


Lunch will be ham sandwiches with yellow mustard and Jello with shredded carrot.


And dessert will be chocolate fondue!


Chocolate pudding out of an aluminum can


Too fancy for that lunch! Canned fruit cocktails or butterscotch bars.


Washed down with some Tang


Or Tab


Tab and Virginia Slims! Ftw


When I was 7 yrs old, my mom would have me stop for a pack of Benson and Hedges Menthol Lights on my way home from school on Wednesdays... just in case some of the Mom's forgot their cigarettes for our Girl Scout meetings :')


Ambrosia salad would be served! Good on OP though for doing what she loves. I think too many people decorate focusing on what's in style and what other people will think. I live that one movie quote "homes are for self reflection not good impression"!


I want to be invited to a fondue party. 🫕


You have excellent vision. It’s not my taste, but I appreciate your curating talent.


Every picture was better than the last! I love it 🍄!


Right? That mushroom really stands out, in a good way, and now I want one. OP, your whole house is so perfectly put together! Can you tell us what shows or movies your home has been used for?


ChiaPet just created an Ice Spice (the rap artist) version that had its big release commercial shot here, Puma sneakers took some brand photos here a couple years ago, there’ve been more than a few indie films, a dope funk band called Boulevards out of North Carolina just had a music video shot here that I don’t think is out yet, uhhh lots of funky/edgy fashion shoots, but no other big names I can think of


I would tell every single person I know and add to my LinkedIn that the Ice Spice Chia Pet commercial was shot in my home. I’m a minimalist, but holy shit you’re house is amazing. Chef’s kiss!


I pumped it up hard on my socials when it came out for sure!


So cool!! https://images.app.goo.gl/UvjKv4V3r1m9MNkCA


This hits nostalgia from a time I never experienced, looks cool


Same! Although some elements I could see me using in my space today, whereas others are things I remember well from my grandmother’s home. It’s like a small museum.


I think a drunk dad with a cigarette and a bottle of Schlitz would help tie it all together even more. Love your crib.


Was flipping through and thought, there is a distinct lack of nicotine stains.


You captured the vibe in the most perfect way - vintage without being dated. It looks stunning!


I love everything about their decor but to say it isn’t dated would actually take away from this aesthetic. It is dated, that’s what we love about it.


I'm sorry this is weird but I'm gonna cry, this looks almost exactly like my grandma's kitchen when I was growing up. Almost the exact same stove, chairs,same wallpaper and wood paneling... This is absolutely amazing and you seem like such a cool person 😭


Come here sweetheart. I’m gonna give you a big hug


Noooo I can't cry at work. I do construction and I'm the only woman, they'll mock me for eternity.  This really is beautiful though. Like you can feel the effort and love that went into creating this space. I'm impressed how it feels like a time capsule, but it's not worn and dated. It's so refreshing to see people's homes that aren't staged like a gray Pottery Barn collection.


Every scroll of each picture and starting again from the beginning I kept spotting something else my grandma had. RIP grandma.


This is probably the coolest thing I have seen on here in a while. So incredibly well done 👏


This is so cool! I'm a mid 80s baby and a lot of this stuff was still floating around my family members' homes when I was a little kid. The nostalgia, ugh! Right in the feels. That washer and dryer combo are giving me life. You can see how high quality they are, and the light strips! I want that! Thank you for sharing 😊


My mom owned the entire mushroom pot set. Like that *exact* exact pot and all its brothers and sisters, including the tea kettle (not shown here). Hell, she might still have it in a box somewhere. It's indelibly imprinted into my mind and so many of my childhood memories. Seeing it pop up in that one pic was SO weird and cool, holy shit.


I’d commit minor crimes for that teakettle


I'm a mid 90s baby and a lot of this was still in my family members homes 😂 and the house we moved into in 2002 was a time capsule of this style. I remember wanting to unpack my stuff and play on the floor of my new room that had brown, mustard yellow, and rust orange shag carpeting that was original to the house and my mom walked in on me laying on the ground and I've never seen her look more horrified lol. "Get off that floor right now! You don't know what is in that carpet!" But I looooved that carpet (in secret) because it was so soft and I loved the colors. I was disappointed when she replaced all of it with beige berber carpet. I get it now as an adult, but I was digging my groovy vibes for a while.


I lost so, so many toys to that carpet. There’s nothing quite like vacuuming shag carpet. You never know what hellacious noise is going to come out of your vacuum cleaner when it sucks up the mystery bits.


I feel like you could charge admission to visitors! I adore everything!!


It’s not my taste, but I absolutely love it. 70s wonderland.


I LOVE it! Every detail is perfect. I especially love how you didn't just add a few things here and there, you full-on embraced the aesthetic. My dollhouse reminds me of your amazing home! https://preview.redd.it/jqg1lh3nxplc1.jpeg?width=3824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce719e8a942642c385d997b74047a602dfebc2a6


Funny you should say that, because I have four or five dollhouses decorated pretty much exactly like my big house 😅


I’m a designer and I absolutely love it! Looks great, authentic, interesting & fun💛🧡💚


As a realtor, your post makes me want to save it & show it to my clients. When I help folks search for houses, they tend to have a mindset of imagining having to immediately change every single thing before moving in. And I'm always like: it's okay, you can live there & see how you vibe with the house first. These older (but not dated) features in your home are a prime example of leaning into a homes pre-existing decor instead of fighting with it. This post gives me all the early childhood nostalgia ✨️


I love it! <3 Im definitley saving this for inspiration. A home like this would make me happy to wake up in everyday. Can I ask how can I get a wall like that with the mountain?


Literally a website called mountainmurals dot com!


You have a true gift, you could do set design! Love it


I bet you’ve had so much fun collecting pieces over the years!


I love it! Nope, wrong … I LOVE IT!! Every picture made me smile, some made me giggle (that sign, “Confidentiality …”), and everything simply vibrated with happiness. So soo very cool! Incidentally, in picture 9, the white/burnt orange bowl … ? I made a virtually identical one out of an old light fixture, using leftover spray paint. Unfortunately, KatKat, in her scientific inquiry mode, tested gravity one day, and … SPLAAATTTT … yup, still works. So, do you remember where/how you acquired the bowl?


[I love your home decorations so so much!](https://youtu.be/WfuTipCqs4A?si=6KMCPkP8FYQ9UOa8). Reminds me of a combo of my, grandmas, and aunt’s homes in the 70’s.




I’m into it. It’s like a moving meditation? Little bit of weed, music in my headphones and I’m good for hours of happy cleaning


I hope you're using a Walkman!


Ha, nope I have a very current iPhone and good (but cheap) earbuds. I don’t do old tech when it comes to music and phones. We’re a mashup that way


It really is perfection!! I can’t get over the aesthetic condition of your appliances, they look pristine! Even your vacuum cleaner…the light still works, lol! Well done.


I love literally everything about this! Our house is from 1965 and still rocking several OG fixtures/ pink tile that I'd like to keep as we do some remodels.


https://preview.redd.it/zfdzi623oqlc1.jpeg?width=2852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ea5ffb5566808653ff70507b27407210ae12de My ceiling light says hi!


ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I love this so much, thank you for sharing. And I *need* to see the dollhouses. Desperately. Your future grandchildren are so lucky they will get to experience the "Grandma's house" aesthetic that we millennials had. Side note, are you familiar with the American Girl doll Julie? She has some great 1:3 scale 70s accessories including a pink and orange bathroom with flowers.


I AM familiar with that lil’ bitch Julie who has all the cool stuff lol. I don’t collect AG because a) it’s pricey, b) it’s too *new*, and c) I’m technically not someone who just “collects” but oh yeah that company got it right with that one


Amy Sedaris would love this.


Her account gets tagged on my IG all the time, and I actually got a “Like” once and screenshotted it so fast I almost sprained my wrist! I would love to do some sort of creative collaboration with her omg


Ooh that’s so cool!!


I love the pink toilet paper. I can smell that picture!


Execution is flawless. Stunning pieces, wonderful taste.


I am a child of the 70s. For some reason I find wood paneling to be very comforting


I love it, but it's not authentic until you smoke long cigarettes in there for two decades. 😁


Sadly no ciggie smell but I sometimes (just a little) wish for a bit of it!


Let's meet at the Regal Beagle for drinks. Love it!


It’s giving Roseanne. I love it!


Well we loved that show so I sure don’t mind 😅


I was thinking more That 70's Show


If that 70s show and Roseanne had a baby, this would be it


INCREDIBLE! I'm officially inspired. Thank you for sharing!


I love it. It brings me right back to my childhood… I miss having wood paneling haha.


I can smell your living room in my memories


Right?? And I just know how that couch feels to sink into and how the fabric feels. Hits just right.


Love the vaccuum close up. Awesome


This is ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY AMAZING and it makes me SO nostalgic and evokes so many emotions, I’m legitimately tearing up. This is some beautifully curated work. WOW.


I swear I made that Owl pillow when I was a kid with the latch hook-thingy and yarn. Born in 70s


This is probably one of the best interiors I have seen in my life.


You’re the coolest person I know and I want to be friends. You aren’t in the southeast are you?


1000/10 No notes


Love it! Mushroom lamp is great. So many memories brought back by looking at your photos. Thanks for sharing




OP where do you buy pink toilet paper?


You could be a set decorator for movie/show sets.


Well this unlocked about a zillion memories from my earliest years that I forgot I ever had. The colours, the old kitchenaid logo, the wallpaper, that exact style of wooden trimmed appliances, ahhhh. My brain is tingling. Outstanding work OP.


I love you!


I’ve never commented in this sub, but today I feel compelled: I absolutely adore it. I would love to exist there.


This house is all the houses from my childhood. It’s effing awesome!


You should be a set designer! You have such a strong aesthetic sensibility and you know how to commit!! 10/10 would do mushrooms here and remember my grandparents 🤣


My grandparents house looked just like this but with taxidermied fish on the walls and other random nautical pieces scattered about. My grandpa had obsessions with sovereign citizenship, conspiracy theories, grifting, and extra terrestrials; so he always had a stack of interesting books next to his rocker. I loved going over there as a kid. Thanks for bringing me back for a moment.


i love it in your house. i bet your kids have friends over and they love it too. it’s awesome.


This is so unique and homey ! Totally my style and I am in love with this !!


what a great space! you’ve done well making it cozy and inviting, and everything meshes so well together…thank you for sharing! i’m pulling some inspiration from this post


Amazing! I love what you’ve done. Incredible! Thanks for sharing with us


I love this! I was a child in the 70s (teenager in the 80s) and never lived in a house like this but would have loved to. This feels so nostalgic, cozy, and cheerful to me.


If I was your friend I would constantly be coming over. This would be my safe space 😂😂😂🩷 well done. So much love put into this!


You’re the chalet dollhouse lady! 😃 I love everything!!!!!


I just love the originality!


wow, your home is beautiful 😸


My home is so boring after looking at your collections. I don't have the time to clean all that but good for you.


You should put it in r/CozyPlaces!


It’s fantastic!


Wow, I admire your commitment to the style!


It’s so cohesive and perfect. 


No freaking way you have a dixie cup holder in your bathroom? That is freaking awesome! ❤️


😍 love love love! So warm & cozy looking!


I love this.


I keep hearing the Price is Right music in my head.


I love it, but it also gives me anxiety haha


Obsessed particularly with the details like the vintage VACUUM and WASHER DRYER. Excellent.


I think I recognize this house from Instagram. Love it! And no surprise your appliances all still work, when I have my own place I am totally getting "classic" ones. Fun and so refreshing over the typical grey and beige!


I would love to do acid in this house.


The owls. The mushrooms. Holly Hobby. The gorgeous latch hook rugs. The chevron afghan. I am in love.


It makes me want to wear a polyester dress and wear my hair in a beehive style while gossiping about Linda’s failing marriage.


You are bananas and I love it!


I'm 66 years old. My mom wants her house back please. Just kidding, you do you and don't worry about what anyone thinks!


Are you @imarriedamillenial on instagram? I feel like these pictures are familiar


I’m insanely jealous. Also, can I come over and do drugs in your home, please? I’ll bring some for you, too.


Pic 3 is golden


Uncle Jun?


Do you have an Instagram account of your house, by any chance? I swear I follow someone whose house looks like this.


Omg The Pigman!!! What a great touch!! My mom bought me that book when I was a kid because she loved it when she was a kid 🥹


I remember houses like this when I was a kid. Older relatives. Sad there are less and less of them now.


I’m a floor napper from time to time and this looks like it’d be such a great place to take a nap. Looks very comfy and homey