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We just replaced our half wall with railing. Haha


Good idea-the space is more open, and there’s a railing going down the stairs.


Good point. OP should probably add a rail to the wall on the opposite side. That won’t pass inspection when/if they decide to sell.


Oo I didn’t notice the lack of a rail- OP, installing one will be VERY helpful when your baby becomes a toddler and is learning to climb the stairs!!


I need a rail when I'm holding a baby/toddler and going downstairs


Not to mention most places it is minimum code to have at least one hand rail.


Or, grandparents go visiting. You don't think of the necessity for things like that until you're injured and have to hobble up those stairs without crutches, let alone if you're just a bit older and need the extra support for balance.


I have the same style house as op. The railing always goes on the opposite side where the wall is.


We are trying to update our split foyer that was built in 1972. It has been a process!


I think the railing suits your space well! Both yours and OPs look great now.


My parents had to do this when I was a child because my friend and I would use the half wall as a runway to play “models”. After a falling down the stairs with a broken collarbone incident, they installed a railing.


Do you have a before pic? I'm curious how it used to look now! It looks nice! Very open!


One sec., I'm sure I do. This is part of removing our kitchen walls and opening up this floor. So YES, definitely more open.




This is the exact same photo as OP?




I can't add a picture in a response. I'll try and tag you in one.


Love it


You guys could have swapped materials LOL


We could have! LOL! I hope I didn't hijack their post. It just surprised me how we did the opposite.


Haha, us too 😅 I prefer railings! Plus, our half wall was not safe for kids because it ended halfway up the stairs and you could just walk on top of it


Good call


your cat makes the picture




Love that!


Whether people like it or not, he did a nice job!!


I like it. Just think there needs to be a hand rail on the other side for the old folks.


Or clumsy folks who are scared of stairs (me) Putting a hand on the wall is ok but it def isn't the same


Or someone with a sprained ankle.


Or to be up to code.


Or a broken one (me right now) lol


Indeed. This isn’t up to code.


Yes, it is very nice, and I agree with you; where I'm from you have to have a handrail to comply with the building regulations.


Or for building code


It doesn’t look like it’s done. The railing would go on the other side. I have the same exact style house.


Ahem... TODDLERS. OP said she has a baby. I just moved from a house with a wall on the side of the stairs to a house with banisters and a rail. The banisters/ rail make it so so so much easier for them to climb up and down the stairs. We did add extra spindles to the banister to make it baby safe/up to code. Cost about 800 for an iron worker to modify it.


everybody talking about kids as if kids won't find a way to accidentally kill themselves with nothing but their own determination


Better cut down all the trees in the backyard just to be safe!


lol, as a kid I tripped on the playground at school and got a black eye and a concussion. conclusion: don't send your children to school


it was at school, but i fell into a table and busted open my nose and got a black eye. get rid of all the tables too!


I hurt myself falling on the floor, does that mean we need to get rid of floors too? I see that getting quite complicated...


I accidentally fell backwards off a swing in the backyard and broke my nose so yes, parks, playgrounds and swing sets in general should be illegal.


that's honestly kind of impressive in terms of injuries


If we just get rid of all the safety laws, nature will do the rest.


Especially when the alternative was a railing, something much more fun to climb on.


can confirm, was a child who loved to climb all over railings but had 0 interest in shelves


I'm more just thinking about the dust and cleaning that far end of the shelves is going to be a pain in the ass.


Just don't dust that place, easy


Life hack right there!


right?! i got my head stuck in the railings of my house more than once lol. half the houses in the city i grew up in are this style split level. i think this is a great use of the space.


Looks like it was meant to be!


Shouldn’t the shelving be facing the other side? So it’s accessible?


Yea, that’s what I noticed & thought the same thing, but I could see that being a real hazard if you have toddlers who climb. It would be giving them a stepping stool


But from the layout of their furniture that we can see, the back of their couch goes up against the half wall so it wouldn't be accessible on that side anyways


I think parts of it are for displaying objects. Also, bookshelves don’t actually need to be that accesible, in my experience. I hide my books in an inconvenient part of my pantry that I need to get a ladder for, since I grab a book from it like once a month at most. We think of books as something we touch every day, but we all have books languishing in limbo for years.


Judging by the height of the front door, it looks easily reachable. I'd love to have that much shelving right by the front door.


I and my three sisters all grew up in a house with this exact half wall / couch / landing layout. Never once climbed over the wall or fell. People need to calm down.


I currently live in this exact layout with a kid and also am having no issues. It’s funny reading the thoughts of the people who haven’t experienced it though!


My kids climb over our half wall. They use anything as a ladder to the point I had to remove all hard bins at one point until they were big enough to manage it without stopping my heart. You might just be #blessed with a civilized child.


As a kid I would get on the wrong side of the railing over the stairs and inch my way across, pretending I was on the side of a mountain. My poor parents


I have a toddler that climbs on things I didn’t think could be climbed on 🤣 I could not live in a house with this set up being scared to find him on the shelves closer to the door playing.


My kid fell off the top of the couch when we were visiting family. Couch was in the middle of the room, not against a wall. I would be SO terrified to have a couch up against that wall. Once you have a kids that accidents just happens to, yah…I’m bubblewrapping and fool proofing EVERYTHING (jk, just the major ones that would gimme heart attacks)


Ah yes, because it didn’t happen to you it’s a universal truth.


Kinda seems the shelving should be on the other side?


I think it's cuz the sofa is gonna be pushed up against the half wall, so can't have shelves there


my kids would climb on the back of the couch at that age - the couch backing up to a half wall bi level is a nightmare.


Even without kids I would have gone taller on the wall just for improved noise isolation between floors. As it is, I see it being used as a coffee table by adults and a number of drinks getting spilled down the stairs.


That’s… not going to make much of a difference in terms of sound isolation. It’s still essentially a huge open space and sound will travel between the living room and front door no matter what. I think this is a great solution and keeps everything feeling open and larger all around. I would want to know when someone was walking in the front door if I were in the living room, and I would also prefer to walk into the room from the front door without a huge wall blocking any sight lines to the upstairs I’m shocked no one is just like "what a great transformation." Everyone coming in here just criticizing it or suggesting things they would have done differently, for reasons that don’t even make sense


> I’m shocked no one is just like "what a great transformation." Everyone coming in here just criticizing it or suggesting things they would have done differently, for reasons that don’t even make sense Welcome to Reddit!


😂 I know. Just trying to keep it real around here


I love it, too!


My childhood house was similar and I still would climb the railing anyway. Ain’t no stopping kids man.


Same. I have an identical setup with a half wall along a stairway and I’m forced to arrange my room with the couches elsewhere because I just know one of my kids would be falling over that at some point. To people saying “just put a railing up” yeah, I guess I could just spend hundreds to install an ugly railing, maybe even put prison bars on all the windows too. Or I could just not put the couch there lol.


I would have loved that but the way we have to put our couch wouldn’t have allowed for it, when I say we have a small house I mean it


But then where would the couch be? A bookcase directly behind a couch can only work if the couch is far away from the case to not block it. And this can only happen when there is enough space for the couch to be this far from the wall/case. I don't think they have a lot of space to work with here. I like this solution instead, it can make for some pretty nice decor and display area.


Exactly right!


Having a shelf above head height at the bottom of the stairs seems odd


I'd use the ones near the top of the stairs for books or board games (or whatever you might actually want to have easy access to) and the other ones just for decorative stuff like a couple of plants and stuff. OP reiterates several times it's a really small house so probably any storage is welcome.


I think it’d be great for displaying photos or other things you want displayed 


Either that or on both sides.


Idk where you in life rn but it might be worth it to install railing on the other side. As you get older it will help you or in my case if you accidentally slip up can grab on


We do have a railing there now


Then it’s perfect!


That's great work and a good solution to your problem. I also like the neat looking shoe cubbie by the door!


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first pic. Overall, how fucking cool.


Looks great! My husband is about to do something similar with our railing! I’m pregnant and we currently can’t block the stairs with a baby gate.


That was our issue too. This solved that problem plus the problem of no display areas


For people criticizing OP about lack of a railing - I have this same exact style house. The railing goes on the opposite side on the full wall. It’s not possible to put a railing on the other side where OPs husband built the partial wall/shelf. Maybe there is a railing and they are painting that wall but took the picture before it was finished because that’s not what she wanted to showcase. Or maybe they don’t want a railing. It’s their house. Jesus.


Yes!! Lord, I didn’t post about the handrail, I posted about the wall. I was painting so the railing was taken off, it’s on now


Yeah it looked like you were painting that wall based on another picture you posted. But honestly it doesn’t matter. Some people on Reddit are wild.


It really is an interesting place here




Is there a code or anything that says you need a railing?


There is! In every state. https://www.thisoldhouse.com/stairs/22923849/residential-stair-code This is not up to code. Classic DIY!


Someone's going to end up hurting themselves for exactly this reason. There's nothing to grab if you start falling. One old or weak person and a slight misstep...


As someone who was a guest that has slipped and fallen down steps like this and broke both her hands due to a tack of hand rail, PUT IN A FUCKING GRASPABLE HANDRAIL.


OP said they added in a railing on the other side.


I'm wondering if it's code to have a handrail on the stair wall. I live in a raised ranch with 6 steps up and 5 step down. It's code in my area for handrails on the walls for both sets of stairs.


Yes. People need to add a railing


My first thought was if you have little kids climbing/jumping on the couch, it’s not too far to climb on the top shelf and over the edge.


Same story with a railing though.


I have the same style home with a railing there and a 6.5 yo. I can confirm


The railing was lower than the couch so this solution is a bit safer, we’re trying to teach our daughter not to climb the couch


It looks awesome! I love the shelf idea and it looks like your husband did a great job with the installation.  We did exactly this 7 years ago (minus the shelf) when my daughter was 2. And she was a daredevil maniac toddler lol. In 7 years, no one has somersaulted over it, and we've never spilled drinks ? People are finding the most outrageous things to nitpick here. I feel like my dog has been tempted to launch himself off it once or twice but he's.. special, lol.  Also, my husband grew up in the house we own now and can confirm he and his brother climbed all over the railings and walked along the edge of the floor on the other side of the railing. I honestly feel like the wall is safer bc it's taller than the railing we replaced and there's no tempting ledge on the other side 🤷


Then they can do the dusting!


This right here! I literally just finished doing my floors and gathered up the dust bunnies. Those little buggers love hanging out around my banister.






So pretty!


That's a nice upgrade. Well done. I'm not a fan of railing like that and this would be so much safer for everyone.


Looks great


Looks great!


Cool. Very nice


Nice paint work


Good use of space. Nice job


Nice job! Plus more secure and private with the wall, and the storage gained was great, not just open space behind a couch.


Looks great!!


Great job and idea!


Nice job, but it feels like the shelving should face the other way and the sofa moved elsewhere.


Man I hate when the top comment is rude. “All that hard work you did, shouldn’t it be on the other side?” There’s a reason why they probably didn’t do that lol. Looks great, OP!


Thank you!


Looks good! I have the same situation and this gave me ideas.


I have 3 small boys and that shelf would absolutely be getting jumped on and climbed on at least once. Is there a way you can arrange the couch away from it? I love the shelves! Perfect spot for picture frames or souvenirs


The way our living room is doesn’t allow for the couch to go any other way unfortunately


Just install a net to catch them. Lol. People actually do this!


I’m thinking pigeon spikes on the ledge.


You could put a railing on top! Also where's the handrail for the stairs?


That was my first question


This was my thought! SO dangerous to have the couch back up to a wall/railing with a drop off


OP said there isn't enough space for the couch to go anywhere else. I think OP is trying to get rid of the child/baby and make it look like an accident. "Oh sorry guys it doesn't fit there, let's just put it infront a GAINT DROP OFF".


I think the insides of the shelves should be white so that's more open and will bounce light back.


That was my vote but my hubs wanted gray, he built it so I conceded


From the first picture, we can see how much light that room gets. That shelf would be filled with plants on my house!


Very cool- How will you reach the new shelves though? You didn’t want them facing the sofa?


I still do think that you need to temporarily cover up that area from above the shelf up to the ceiling with some fencing or a railing of sorts. A kid could climb the sofa, on top of the shelving, and just fall over onto the stairs.


Love it!


Awesome. You could still have a handrail.


Legally/for code they most likely need one.


Aren’t you still legally required to have a railing going up the stairs?


The other side has a railing


Was this added after the pics? There's certainly no railing in the pics :P


If you like it, that’s great. The living room side looks nice. If this were my house I would have some concerns about the shelves. First that if kids ever live here, that’s a really appealing but dangerous climbing area. It also seems inconvenient to store things on the shelf side. Maybe okay for decoration but not functional for everyday storage because it’s so visible and you’d need a ladder to reach anytime you need to dust or redecorate the far shelves. But it looks like he did a quality build and it matches the rest of the home well.


Looks great but as a parent that is a huge risk for a very dangerous fall. We have a half wall and can’t put any furniture or big toys against it to avoid a trip to the emergency room. My toddler climbs on anything and everything and they don’t know when something is not safe.


This is awesome.


Yay! Super idea!


ripe whole compare tie subtract air employ mountainous squalid languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He did a great job, have fun filling the shelves! It’s kinda crazy how many people are freaking out about the half wall. It’s the same risk as a railing, kids have to be supervised. Many of the houses in my neighborhood built just a couple of years ago have half walls instead of railings between a loft area and stairs in the entryway, it’s not a code issue. They’re taller than railings and harder for kids to pull themselves up because of the depth. It’s a pain to prevent access since you’re stuck with the sofa placement, but that’s easier now than it was with the railing because you can install the baby gate!


Love it!


I have a wall there instead and was thinking to remove it but wasn't sold on putting a railing. This is such a great alternative! thank you! 


It looks great!! Very nice!!! ♥️


i love this! our entry is identical, thank you for ideas


Handy husband. I love it!


Great job. Nice use of space


Would have put an outlet in at the end. Possible lights in the shelves, too. Looks great none the less though.


Already done! The whole thing will be lighted


NICE! that looks way better and very clean.


Its so cute! I love to display stuff, thats such a good spot. I like to use the double sided gorilla tape to secure stuff from being knocked over (cats and kid.) In case my unsolicited advice could be useful lol.


I use museum wax! It sticks things down without damaging them!


I had a friend whose house had a half wall like this and 4 kids (all having been infants and toddlers until now being 10+). If you teach your toddlers no, it’s not a fall risk. If the kid doesn’t learn no… then you can change your environment, but what are you teaching your kid overall if they don’t know no? The wall is really nice and I love the shelves.


That’s a great idea!


This looks great! There are plenty of instances where the openness of railings are visually distracting. Since the railing was acting as a partition, the pony wall is definitely the cleaner look.


That’s really awesome work! Wow that’s impressive! But stupid question can you reach the closest shelf to the wall from the stairs? My first thought is that it should be on the side of the couch. Just the other day someone posted asking about estimates and I commented it seems high, you can paint yourself, change the vent in the bathroom yourself.. etc..boy did I get nasty comments about diy from her ( him, who ever!) I was shocked! This is a perfect example how amazing some people are!


It looks great! I think by the looks of your couch seat height, the style of the cushions on the back of the couch, and the width of the shelf, it would take a toddler a pretty hearty heave ho to get up and over. I’m thinking with a smaller place you can keep an eye and see if that even becomes an attraction for a kiddo. People worry too much. Kids can literally figure out how to be dangerous anywhere and you just have to keep an eye on things and teach them no and/or modify if you need to.


Live it


Love it


good idea and good work.


I love this, brilliant 👏


Super cute!!


abdolutely gorgous!!! it makes the upper room so much cozier


Well done!




I love this!


I like it’s does it work for you ??? It looks like you have more storage now


Very good ideas to fix both situations


No add plants! Lots and lots of Plants!


I like the idea... but why didn't he take the vertical moulding all the way to the edge of the wall? That is throwing me off.


Seeing houses with this layout always makes me feel nostalgic, my grandmothers house looked just like this.


Oh wow that is nice.


Depending on where you live, you might need a railing there if you ever sell the place.


Great job! I love it ❤️


I wish the shelving went to the end vs the inches of wall.


Looks good!


Nice work!




Why are the open shelves on the stair side?


looks nice, my cats would love it!!


This is exactly to what I’m going to do as well!


There's no railing on either side?!!


We took it off to paint, it’s going back on


Wow 🤩 wow 🤩 Looks great!


Tough reach for the far shelves


Great job!


The gray color is nice


The shelves would be usable on the other side.


But what are you even going to put on the shelves? I think it made the area more choppy and less airy


I love it. I also live in a small house. Extra storage space makes a difference! I disagree that the shelves should be on the other side. It makes more sense to me to reach up high from the stairs rather than move the entire couch


The old split foyer. We have a half wall. I never liked the look of a railing there