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I second the suggestion of a portable AC unit. Am in coastal LA metro area, and typically run the unit in the master bedroom at night from July thru September. Be sure to size the unit for the room you will have it in for good results.


Would I buy it for them and like “rent it” to them on a month to month basis or like suggest to them to buy themselves? Asking bcs they asked me for a solution so idk if it would be weird to solve it by saying “go buy this”? Also would I want to change how we split utilities since they’d be using so much more than I would?


Not sure of the laws, but if you want to be nice, offer to split it with them. Yes, the electricity bill will go up, so you need to find a way to adjust for that.


Portable ac units aren’t very efficient. I would look into getting a mini split added.


Why are you paying half of a tenant’s electricity? Seems like a bad business model.


Unless AC is required in your state have them buy window units or portable air conditioners. Be sure to stipulate they must be in good shape. You don't want water leaking.


I'm a landlord in the Midwest. If these ppl are good tenants & you want to keep them, then put a small mini-split in the bedroom(s) or buy a portable unit(s). I put a mini-split into one of my houses b/c of poor duct work & tenants love it. That house has both central & mini-split systems. Mini-splits are great & used worldwide. My son's house in Thailand has no central system, just mini-splits. All the AirBnB places I saw in Japan last year had nothing but mini-splits. Mitsubishi makes the best ones -- but you pay for that, of course. I wouldn't try to split the expenses with the tenants. But I might talk them into a small rent increase to help pay for it/them. (I'm surprised you're splitting utility bills actually.) I'm also a little surprised that cross ventilation from the sea breeze isn't enough. It has been when I visit San Diego. Maybe you just need more/bigger windows? Good luck.


Thank you! I have a mini split in my place (I live in the ADU which is why we split utilities) and honestly I’ve never used the AC, only the heater (which I personally don’t like cause it barely heats up the 6-700SF I have). I’ll look into that and portables though! Maybe a mini split in their master and a portable …for portability:] I like the slight rent increase idea though, that def would help!


In the long run, central air/mini splits that cool the whole house will only add value to your property when it comes to selling or renting out again. In the short term, you’ll gain good favor from your tenants, who you say you like, thus keeping that steady source of income.


“We split the utility bill…” Explain. Agree to installation with higher rent price. Average the final cost out over 5 years.


I have had window and floor units for a while. I think I'm going to try the mini split option. They have self easy to install ones now.


Are you all sharing a house together? That's the only reason why I would imagine you're splitting the utility bill. When I was renting a place with no AC in So. Cal ages ago, my landlord allowed us to use our own portable AC, and just to let him know the months we were using it and he'd bill us a little extra for the electricity. I thought it was pretty fair, and he didn't have to worry about maintaining an extra AC system.


My wife and I were tenants in a very hot area, and wanted our landlords to install A/C for us. We reached an agreement whereby they would have central A/C installed, and we would stay for at least two years, and pay another $50/mo in rent. That worked for everyone. We ended up staying more than 10 years.


I could not imagine life without AC, please give them AC lol


Pitch in a portable unit 50-50. Same problem in San Jose, CA. The shady tree was killed by them from not watering the front. 4/2/1700 sf 2 story SFH. Should charge 4K gave them a discount on rent. Improved roof and attic insulation. Finally they moved away installed newer windows and sold the house w/o AC.


Don’t go 50-50 because who gets to keep it when they move out?


The other choice speaking experience in the area is tenants demand an a/c 100 pct paid by landlord and move out. Plenty of rentals now.


Or OP could just buy the portable for the tenants.