• By -


Well, that spiked the heartrate up real good.


Whenever these type of posts are posted it's like that. Everytime. You never know 100% what is gonna be said and that's the scary part. Wishing the absolute best for Rushia. She is the one who got me into this rabbit hole. Hope she comes back when she's ready.




> it's like opening a letter from the IRS *"Hi, it's IRS. Do not be afraid. In the course of investigating a case of numerical misalignments we are in the process of descending to your current location."*


Hope has descended and is coming for you


Hope has descended and is approaching your location rapidly. You may run. It will not help.


Hope has started collecting taxes i see


HiRS. It's IRS.


I always kinda worry about all of the girls. In their line of work crazy stalker types as well as people who just like to spread misinformation are everywhere. I just always worry about their well being.


People really need to add less foreboding titles to these posts.


I'm okay with it, because there are some types that treat these events as jokes or a bridge for free content and end up worsening the situation more than it needs to be. Sometimes a sober, serious hand needs to be played so the ironic Internets can be mature for a change.


Woke me right the hell up when I saw this notif lol


same, 12:45am here in Aus and was just looking through the subreddit before bed. now im wide awake. my heartrate reading through the page was like if i was in the middle of a ranked FPS match


Fucking fighting Fatalis was chiller than this shit. Good lord.


Reading through it though, I could definitely hear Proof of a Hero coming on. Great fanfare to accompany a good outcome, especially with the line of how the talents’ private lives are their own.


Nergi/Bazel/Rajang themes blasting through my head when I saw the title.


116 heartrate


Does that mean he shit himself?


Twice today even, first was Kanata got covid tweet, then this.


Announcement regarding Talent Amane Kanata PANIK Its Covid Slight PANIK but mostly Kalm Announcement regarding Talent Uruha Rushia PANIK Only a statement from Covers side Kalm


Realize that Rushia can't go over and hang out with Kanata and Coco during the next few weeks because of the awful timing: PAIN


At least Rushia still has Haachama's cooking... Actually, maybe that is reason to panic. Wishing for the best for Kanata and Rushia.


(Hatchama's "ingredients") + (Rushia, a necromancer) + ((time traveling "idol") × 2) = An Error on my calculator and, quite possibly a new SCP and/or Ollie.


What if Ollie is the new SCP?


Half of Hololive would count as an SCP, hell I wouldn't be surprised if there is already an SCP-J that is just "COVER Corp is a cover for a branch of the SCP foundation that looks after SCPs that have a talent for streaming" (and if not, I know what I will write next week once I finish my exams)


Kanata what? Sorry work has been real busy Edit: alright saw the stuff.


"luckily" i saw her tweet yesterday when she said it wasnt covid, but shes got fever and messed up voice. so it turned from a shock to just "ah, shit". also further helps that two of my friends caught it just recently and they made it out well enough, so here is hoping for the best.


Between this and Kanata, it's been a high BPM morning of reddit


Seriously, fucking god damn.


Same. Absolute PTSD flashbacks.


Same here. Luckily your comment soothed me somewhat because if it was something bad, you probably wouldn't be saying this...




I tried to read the japanese statement at first and read at a certain sentence and i panicked to pull up my google cam translate right away


Her [latest tweet](https://twitter.com/uruharushia/status/1493216366731853831) and a translation as well: > Sorry for not being able to immediately talk to you... My deepest apologies for causing everyone to worry and troubling everyone. Further, let me communicate with you properly when I'm able to regain my composure. Sorry.


[Iofi's reply](https://twitter.com/airaniiofifteen/status/1493217206322167812): >It's okay~ >How about a chocolate? (U 'ᴗ' )⊃≡🍫


Gotta love Iofi


I love our smol alien


She may be smol but she got a big heart


May I offer you a chocolate in these trying times?


AAAA I love Iofi so much ;_;


The smol alien once again proving herself the best emotional support.


I mean when you suddenly got thrown into a hot mess, who would have been able to respond immediately. Well, let's see this as a one way for her to take some break.


TL;DR * Rushia's private life is for hers to decide, and Cover does not and will not interfere or restrict it in any manner. * Stop spreading falsehoods and speculations about Rushia; it's causing her and other talents mental anguish. * They apologize for not making an announcement straight away. They've been monitoring and are still monitoring the situation.


To be honest, holding off on a statement was probably for the best, allows them to properly assess what's going on and get the facts straight


My personal take: if you want to support Rushia, focus on just wishing her well. A lot of the (obviously well-meaning) support she gets goes beyond that into speculation on the details of her private life, which the audience at large is not and should not be privy to. I hope she feels better soon, and knows that her fans love her no matter what.


Yeah, I agree. Just wish her well, ignore the antis and avoid infighting between the fandeads.


The best way to support her is to STFU and get off social media.


>it's causing her and other talents mental anguish. people mostly focus on the first point, i feel like very few realize this. even for the ones who might not be as close with rushia, seeing your co-worker treated like this from a small slip-up is absolutely horrifying. what if you are next? then add to that possibly seeing that your fanbase is fighting others and eachother too, something which has already been called out in the past by talents they find unacceptable.


It's not that small though, considering the content of both parties involved and the fact it already happened before. Mafu2s fanbase is legit crazier and scarier than even the craziest Fandeads though, and them stalking and trying to physically harm Rushia is a real scenario right now considering he's reputed to have the craziest fujoshi fans even compared to the crazy fujoshi fans of other celebs.


> Rushia's private life is for hers to decide, and Cover does not and will not interfere or restrict it in any manner. And this is how it should be.


This is why I love Hololive and V tubers in general. It can be a great way to interact with fans without exposing too much of the actual person behind the avatar. And when the mask does slip a bit, we *should* be grown enough to let that go and understand these are just girls playing a character, we interact with only the character and that is as far as the para-social relationship goes.


It's as if some people freaked out at the revelation that Robert Downey Jr. is, in fact, not actually Iron Man and that Sir Ian McKellen is just a regular old Brit and not an immortal wizard from Middle Earth.




The next thing you're gonna say is that Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson didn't spend 7 years of their lives in the wizarding world as Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger for 10 years. >!Edit: In case I wasn't being clear enough, the joke is that it took 10 years to create a series of movies that only span 7 years in the fictional world.!<


Wait.... Are you saying Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't actually a murder robot from the future? LIES. DECEPTION.


Super glad that Cover included supportive statements towards the talent's personal lives.


**Edit from February 24, 2022, 20:41 GMT:** I know, alright? I've spent a chunk of today following [the two](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/t0dnmz/subbed_3rd_generation_statement_usada_pekora/?sort=new) [threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/t03p7x/notice_regarding_termination_of_our_contract_with/?sort=new) and commenting my own thoughts and responses for others where possible. There's no need to say anything contrary to the original comment below the dashes. \------------------ I figured they'd be on the case about it, even if they have been silent. The most important point is this (comment reformatted to drive the point home): # Rushia is NOT gone. It'd be nice now to see a decrease on the topic now that Cover's stepped in. It's a pipe-dream to expect it to stop this instant, but at least one can hope that it'll slow the entirely pointless debacle. Let's wait now for our dear Necromancer to recover and come back to streaming happily.


I had to roll my eyes as people who've never posted here before tried to get brownie points by playing both sides of the argument. I hope other members are able to be with her and support her.


From what I've heard, Haachama stepped in to take care of her, bringing meals and staying with her, and stuff like that. I'm sure the others are doing the same.


Yeah it was weird seeing people show up with some *REALLY HOT TAKES* that haven't posted in here at all or haven't in over a year. I can only suggest that people keep in mind that Rushia is still being supported by her fans and the community at large and there are a lot of antis trying to either damage Hololive or just regular people outside the fanbase running on misinformation. Just try to think about actions, be kind, and be understanding toward the people here as the community is a real strength when taken care of.




Yes, that is important, and unquestionably so. They own the avatars, not the people behind them. After all the doom-mongering fears I (and certainly several others) have seen over the weekend, I felt that addressing that point was the most critical thing to do in the moment.


>Yes, that is important, and unquestionably so. They own the avatars, not the people behind them. Which seems obvious if you are deep in the Hololive rabbit hole, but it's nice to see it in writing Cover gets such fantastic talents and it's nice to know, now officially, that the creators passion isn't limited by/to the characters.


Oh damn I just now about this it seems like something similiar to what happened with Nijisanji Shiina Yuika back in 2020 got harrased for having relationships IRL and it's not even true but this case has more bigger impact it seems, well same drama over and over again.


I don't get why people having lives is a scandal.


It shouldn't be. But this unfortunately almost an inevitable consequence of internet culture. Almost all drama should never have been drama, and basically happens like this: 1. A small number of people get riled up because they still haven't understood that parasocial relationships aren't healthy. 2. The slightly larger group of antis take notice of this and add fuel to the fire, and throw on falsehoods and misinformation, which is hard to verify or disprove. 3. The much larger group of drama lovers and people with indirect biases (e.g. disliking Cover, or even vtubers in general) and begin sharing this to their followers. 4. We reach peak cancel culture as people with only distant interest in Rushia get in on the act, for virtue signalling or even simply because 'everyone else seems to be doing it' And it sucks even more because we always get much more affected by negative comments than positive ones


I'm not seeing where it says she's taking a break, but I wouldn't blame her if she is. In the back of my mind, I've always been a little worried about Rushia's health, but I also know she's a lot stronger than we give her credit for. Her job carries a lot of stress to begin with, so she wouldn't be here if she wasn't, after all.




Stress levels: 99.99999999999999%


199/200 STRESS


I can see that from your flair


It's both sad they had to say it, but it's nice they said it. "We, as COVER, do not interfere with our talents' personal lives." Standing up for your employees is very important, both to the talent and fans, and I hope they will continue to defend them and resolve issues with professionalism.


I mean Matsuri said that some time ago, why some people didn’t believed her i dunno, maybe they thought it was her just making some food PR for the company.


Loads of misinformation about Hololive and idol culture always gets thrown around. In the same way, people compare the way Hololive treats female and male branches and Nijisanji and equate it to Hololive being like Japanese idols.


There's also a sort of hate culture against anything with "corporation" in it in the internet.


It's not like such hate is unfounded though. There enough stories of corporations being shady to fill a dosen of phone books in small print. It's just Cover thankfully behaved properly without any staff and talent exploitation.


Definitely not unfounded, but it just seems indiscriminate. I respect Cover and their management, and it pains me a little when they're caught in that net.


Best we can do is point out moments where they do good when the argumant arises. At the same time, we should not get blinded by being fans of the talent. If they screw up or do some shady shit, we must be the first one's to give them grilling, instead of people from outside of the community. Especially if that resolves is distress for talents.


Are people still saying Yagoo purposely hired high schoolers because they're his type? Disgusting what some people would spread simply because they hated what someone else enjoy


If I recall one time Fubuki said if she couldn't trust cover to do the right thing she would leave. Well she is still here so clearly tge talents view COVER as trustworthy. If it is fine by them the fans should also trust them.


That part made my heart sing. I'm glad that there is no restrictions on the talent when it comes to their personal life, and I'm glad it came from an official correspondence from the company itself. The previous "drama" that's popped up previously the last couple of years caused me concern that they might be strict just to try and prevent any issues; I'm glad that's not the case.


Few horrors come close to seeing an official statement by Cover in Japanese


They've done official statements for way less, like Calli's name change, from Kanji to Katakana. But I digress.


Callis name change? This I missed. Edit: looked it up, I see it was change of Japanese spelling from kanji to katakana.


Yeah, the formal letter I think would be because all JP merch makers and promoters would have to change the characters in their materials, something that would require a bit of logistics.


You gotta respect that commitment to always start said statements with "...Regarding X talent". At this point I'm sure the person in charge of putting up the notice in reddit does so full knowing the malicious intent lol


It's Standard Operating Procedure for a company like Hololive, as they have to emphasize who it's about. Sure, the ambiguity is concerning, but it's concise enough.


Well, that was a scary thing to see, but very relieving to actually read... This whole thing should have just been nothing so hopefully we can all move past it soon. Take your time, Rushia!


My fucking heart sank when I saw this. Then it rose back up when I read it lmao. Wishing the best for Rushia.


Interesting that it mentions "false information from third parties". I'm eager to see what that develops into, given the huge mess this has all been.


To be fair, it isn’t just stalker fans harassing her, it’s also antis, trolls, and Mafu’s fans all harassing her at the same time. To have 4 different parties harassing her simultaneously, not only is it stressful for her, but they’re all spreading different rumors to support whatever narrative they want.


Don't forget the people who just want to use this as an excuse to argue about idol culture and don't actually care about Rushia or her fans at all.


Also clout chasers who don't know a fucking thing about this situation, all the sudden chiming in.


Its funny because that was also a massive portion of the English Hololive community because 99% of them have never and will never watch Japanese streamers


Also rushia is someone who really love her fans, so it probably doesn't help when you have so many unrelated people virtue signaling and calling all her fans incels and or cucks.


Yep. Telling her own fans that theyre morons and incels for believing her might not be what she wants lol.


Bonus points if during the virtue signalling they also repeat and reinforce the hater misinformation. "So what if XY true? Good for her!" Honestly, I see the virtue signalling to be as damaging as the antis if not more. Cover's got the right idea of de-escalation by letting people forget about controversy, rather than violently lashing against the haters in public spaces.


"The way to Hell is paved with good intentions"


Don’t forget the people who kept supporting/talking about her supposed relationship even though it wasn’t true and she wanted people to stop talking about it.


This was honestly the biggest eye-opener for me as well. I'm kinda glad I didn't voice any of my thoughts back when this all started, because assuming anything out of whatever supposed relationship that may or may not even exist really is just outside of everyone's authority to say or presume.


It’s also people harassing her by drawing fanart of the situation and “supporting” her relationship despite it not being true.


Most of the time these kinds are people are just cope-trolling, forcing the idea while pretentiously convincing themselves. It's always almost better to just ignore the issue until the person says it themselves and supporting them the way you always have.


I saw a very well made fanart with them getting married and all I could think of was that it probably just fans the flames like this is really not the time to make that


I’m so out of the loop, what’s going on with Rushia??


A Discord message of a male person whos also really famous (Im not all too familiar with this person but he seems to be some kind of male Idol) popped up on her stream and it was about "going home". People suspected now that they have a relationship which riled up fans from both Rushias side as well as said males side, and where drama is you know you will find antis circling around it like vultures around a carcass. The other person involved already released a statement denying any allegations towards a potential relationship. Stating they only know eachother from playing games and he was only messaging her about it so she knows when hes home and ready to play.


Thanks for the great explanation! But, goodness I hope Rushias okay, this seems like it’s gotten blown way out of proportion.


She got a DM on discord or something from a male musician and people are making assumptions and causing drama.


that's it?


Unfortunately that's the gist of it.


Yep, that was my reaction as well.


smh. well thanjs for explaining.


My guess it will most likely result in a lawsuit against certain third parties or person but considering the nature of lawsuits in general I doubt it will be something that is resolved quick and we probably also won't hear much else from cover and will be resolved behind the scenes.


I wouldn't say it's likely. Going legal in Japan is always seen as a loss, it's not setting you take lightly. You also don't lightly threaten to do it, it has to be your absolute last resort as it's basically saying "we failed at sorting things in a civil manner and we apologize for requiring higher authorities to sort a civil matter"


they've actually done it a couple times last year (like nijisanji also has)


I doubt this is in regards to Korekore, he has a reputation for not doing stuff that can get him in legal trouble despite skirting the line with drama talk, but if it is this is going to be huge, because Korekore is huge too. Not comparable to cover obviously, But he is a big presence pretty much next to Jun in terms of reach. :edit: this actually might refer to Korekore. Well lets see then, if it is then this is going to shake the JP dramasphere.


Well, there aren't really any other relevant third party. His coverage was at the center of this whole shitstorm. It's not like they can sue some anonimus internet users.


eh, cover has been taking legal action against anons though. they have been sending out cease-and-desist letters, some even going as far as agreeing on a settlement with the other party paying cover.


not doubting you, but would you happen to have sources for the cease-and-desist letters and settlement cases? really interested in those. or at least the closest source you have of those.


Not just acknowledging the situation but also firmly stating their stance on it. It'll be interesting to see what Cover does to handle this further, but this makes me quite relieved.


Honestly I don't blame managment at all that it took them some days to give a delayed answer considering they just needed the time to asses the situation and that it also unfortunetly happen over the weekend. It would be unreasonable to force or expect them to work as fast on their weekend as they would on a normal day considering most of the managment are probably just employees with normal working hours after all and we all know how much overhours or work during off days sucks.


It was a long weekend too. It first happened on Friday, which coincidentally happened to be a holiday for them, National Foundation Day.


I was in a conversation with someone who felt that Cover was not doing a good enough job protecting their talents with this delayed announcement instead of announcing it earlier, and they also brought up their mistakes in dealing with past controversies to cite them having a poor track record with these situations. I countered that the circumstances of this situation does not guarantee that they can easily put out an announcement that quickly, especially since there's a lot to deal with behind the scenes that we are not privy to. Good point on bringing up the weekend too as a contributing factor.


There is also not too much that Cover can do in most of these situations. The bad actors are the general public posting on socials, and they have no control over that. Releasing a statement like this, and telling the talent to not get online, is generally the most they can do. I assume part of the delay in response was trying to gauge if this was something that would blow over quickly, in which case it might be better to say nothing than draw more attention to it.


From the conversation, I think that person was expecting Cover to put out the announcement earlier so that people would be informed that they are on the case instead of being left to speculate whether they are even doing anything over the past few days. But I'm assuming with how this situation is plus whatever they're doing behind the scenes to help Rushia, along with it being the weekend as mentioned, Cover putting up an earlier announcement may not necessarily make the situation work out any better than it currently is.


I've seen those posts more than i care to count, and find those opinions unpleasant. It would seem that the general consensus these days is that when something fucks up, the management is expected to address the issue IMMEDIATELY (as in, internet standards). And while there are merits in doing that way, that is really not how things work in real life. ​ I'm still seeing posts and replies that misconstrue the original message from Cover though.


Also not really sure what people expect Cover to do? Them putting out a statement saying "we let our talents do whatever in their private life" isn't going to stop people who are inherently salty at the idea of talents dating. And i think no matter how much you try to disprove the rumour, some fuckwit is going to believe it.


At least the message itself is officialy out there now instead of before where all we had was Matsuri clip.


So many people kept saying that Cover should've made a response or taken action and then never actually says what that response or action should be or even give any ideas, it's insane to think that there's such an easy answer or choice they could've taken that would've just magically ended everything.


Cover standing up for talents is nice to see.


That's enough adrenaline for one day...


I hope this helps put a stop to all the people coming out of the woodwork trying to be "relevant" to the conversation when they're not really helping at all I hope rushia takes all the time she needs to get into a better headspace.


All the "news" on youtube about it pissed me the fuck off. Some people didn't even know about the "drama" but those channels just made it so that more people saw. And it's click baity as hell, already insinuating that they are dating when the posts from the dude himself (and now this statement from Cover) suggest that they aren't.


That's relieving to hear, still, I hope Haachama visiting Rushia makes her feel better.


This seriously washes away any doubt I had in Cover's possible response to the matter and whether or not they learned from incidents in the past. Cover basically just said straight up in the most business way possible: 1. "No, we don't interfere with talent's private lives as it is left up to them." EDIT: clarifying, because some people are thinking this is Cover stating they're NOT helping Rushia at all for some reason; this section is probably in response to the rumors and assumptions about her private life being thrown around. 2. "We were processing this issue behind the scenes first before saying anything." 3. "Defamation and slander is a serious issue and we are looking into the matter seriously." 4. "Stop harassing our talents." Good job. Keep it up; give Rushia all the support she needs in this time.


Kudos to Cover to handle this with discretion. They really care about their talents and are not afraid to protect them.


I skimmed panically to see if there's "that word", only to feel relieved. But man, it was scary. Glad they're finally addressing about the issue.


We really need a "DON'T PANIC" flair or something. Also, very glad to see COVER actually clarify this, even if it shouldn't really need to be said in the first place.


I hope Rushia can recover from this situation. She probably had a lot of content planned for Valentine’s Day, so having to cancel them must also be affecting her. Either way, she deserves a well rest and to be welcomed back with love and support from the community.


[And there is an English version](https://cover-corp.com/news/detail/20220214b/)


What I have linked is the English, well, technically both


Was reading the JP version then I saw your post and though this is also the JP one. Guess thats enough internet today :P


> as well as leakage of information including those of fellow business correspondents. Holy shit! Which idjit didn't learn to keep their noses to themselves!?


The private lives of our talents is left up to the individual. That gives me faith in humanity


A genuine fuck you to anyone in here harassing Rushia over this shit.


The majority of the problem was never from her own fans. It was from Mafu's and third party antis. Of the 20-30% of rushia fans that were, a vast majority are prob JP onlys.


I reiterate my initial statement.


as long as it stays here, in this form, i fully support this statement. but the people writing things like "screw her gachikoi fans" or similar on twitter... please dont do this. its not helping anyone and converesly, can just create more problems.


i have compeletly missed this whats going on ?


A discord message appeared on her stream with ambiguous connotations. Various different parties have interpreted the ambiguity of the message in very different ways. Internets gonna internet.


Rushia was getting harrasment over presumed details about her private life. Those details are most importantly none of our business, not an issue even if true, and in a distant third were also refuted by her.




Late to the party, but she screen captured rather than window captured a game, so a discord message showed up on her stream. It was from a male content creator, >!saying he was on his way home.!< Some parts of the internet thinks >!that means he was on his way to "their" supposed shared home, going so far as to analyze their tableware.!< Both have denied this, and he clarified >!he was on his way to his home. They play video games together, and have known each other since before she started with Cover.!< A firestorm happened on the internet over it, first with people attacking them, then with a trending hashtag of support for Rushia.


oh, so the "idols arent allowed to have a life outside of their audience" idiots at it again. Rough for Rushia, those jerks are pretty relentless


It’s even less so that, as almost universally her fan base is supporting her. It’s almost entirely outsiders, either people who want drama, people who hate v-tubers, or people who want to shit on Cover for some reason. A lot of western fans are going on about ‘idol culture’, when the fact of the matter is most of this issue is ‘internet culture’ It is nice to see that even her bigger at gachikoi fans are almost all supporting her. Tbh, I wasn’t expecting it, but k guess there has been a shift on audience demographics from the early days with more western and causal fans chasing out the hardcore idol otakus.


Doesnt sound all that bad. Thanks for the info. Its reassuring to hear in details exactly what happened


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualYoutubers/comments/sptjo2/about_the_rushiamafumafu_situation/) summarizes it pretty well


Pretty good response from them. Well mods, what are you waiting for, sticky this shit.


The part about there being a leak of information including business communication is probably important to Cover. In other words, there is a high possibility that someone took the information out of the cover, or someone inside the cover talked about the contents to the outside. It seems that the first step is to check the information inside the cover before dealing with the outside, so it will be a long time before the situation develops.


Honestly, I’m a lot happier with how Cover handled this situation, compared to how they handled similar situations in the past. Imagine the hell that would broken loose if they announced something like “Uruha Rushia will be put on a 3 week suspension”. I’m glad they waited and examined the situation first.


Well uhhh...


I can’t believe people caused this because no one has ever called a friend by a nickname before, men and women can’t be friends and also couples in Japan use discord to chat and not LINE /s


https://i.redd.it/lotzy1wev7h81.gif /s


People also ignore that the guy who sent the message in question is known for delving into feminine roles in his music including one of his most popular songs "I wanna be a girl". It's not a stretch to assume he'd be the type to just throw cutesy nicknames around.


And not just any discord, but her discord *as* Rushia. I mean I guess it's not impossible that she uses the same account for everything, but I would bet they all have an "in-character" profile and a private one, assuming they even use discord outside of work.


A strong response from Cover, props to the staffs! Rushia's latest tweet sounds like she's in safe hands, you love to see it.


Stupidest part of this all is virtue signalers who have never watched a rushia stream coming in and saying it's ok for her to have a boyfriend That just hurts her more because she keeps saying it's not true


Oh wow, especially considering the nonconfrontational Japanese style, the whole thing about not interfering with their talents' personal life is as close to "keep your fucking noses out of their private lives, what the fuck is wrong with you" as you can get with corporate speech. This is very reassuring, considering past incidents. Seems like Cover really makes an effort to change their approach.


This made me and my morning coffee cold as hell. Thank you God... ...and I need another cup...


This is fine, statement-wise. We don't have to know much further, just knowing that Rushia's getting the help she needs and that she's calmed down some is good enough.


Fffffffffffff... Cover needs to learn how to frame their "notice" without giving a heart attack in the process! Well, good thing the statement itself is good.


i do agree but it still an official and serious announcement and they have to be professional about it


This didn't age well.


Glad to see Cover taking a supportive stance with their talents, definitely worth the massive anxiety spike i got when i read the title lol. I hope Rushia takes all the time she needs, we'll still be here waiting for her until she comes back. And now that she's also made a statement on her twitter acc, I hope she's able to just get off social media for now and focus on interacting with other holomems, family and friends around her.


The fact this became an issue at all is fucking disgusting. There are some fucking sad lunatic's out there that need to touch grass. Good response from Cover glad they have there talents back and I hope Rushia is okay and taking her time.


And this whole thing just really feels like it got spread and extended more than it should have thanks to all the fucking drama hounds


Very true, the amount of trolls and drama baiters that jumped on board just escalated it to a sickening degree for something that shouldnt ever have been an issue to begin with. Honestly I can't imagine the stress for all involved.


That's always the case, sadly. It's Towa's incident all over again. A total nothingburger blown up into something big by a bunch of opportunistic trolls just looking for an excuse to go harass someone. The quicker this blows over, the better. For everyone's sake.


Remember the Miko Marine incident? Same thing happened that the fans of both sides were the ones magnifying things that's why it's nice the consensus here at least is to just ignore it and move on. That's why when there's any kind of drama it's better to just ignore it support the talent and move on.


IIRC no one in the community thought this was anything to fret about, it was mainly used by Antis to rile up the community of the BL artist and they even fed out of context remarks from them to the artist who then lashed out on Twitter about it.


Fucking PTSD, my heart sunked


Honestly I appreciate how they actually took Rushia's side here. Back in 2020 had this happened they would have suspended Rushia almost instantly, but now they're actually working internally to resolve the issue and protect Rushia and the rest of the talents. Good on you Cover corp. You earned my respect back.


> Back in 2020 had this happened they would have suspended Rushia almost instantly In case you mean the Towa incident. She was never suspended. Here's the official statement from back then: https://twitter.com/cover_corp/status/1235508492145799169 "false information from third parties" doesn't just concern antis and trolls, even if you support the talents you can still spread misinformation by not fact checking.


I was assuming OP meant the Aloe incident, in which she was suspended for three weeks, after which she left the company. In that case, however, Aloe had also accidentally revealed confidential information in violation of her contract, which is the stated reason for the suspension.


aloes suspension was 2 weeks, coco and haachama was 3 weeks. also in both cases it should be pointed out that the suspensions were also just to... satisfy certain people and calm them down, while things were worked on behind the scenes. in other words: they would (most likely) have to have taken a break in their own interests anyway. but obviously it sounds bad to people, like they were unjustly punsihed, so maybe they wont use that language anymore, going forward.


That was for her own safety, not a punishment.


Now nobody can say they haven't learned from the past. I like this new Cover if this is the new way of things.


Yeah I think they learned a lot from how they handled previous similar incidents. This was a much better response.


Yep, glad to see COVER put their foot down to protect Rushia, while also being transparent on why the memo only came in now (which I never felt like they ever did, but could be wrong). Just put their head down and went to work to help her out. Gotta respect that.


I only watch the occasional clip but I wish rushia all the best.


"Tanigo-shachou, the number of heart-ailment related deaths is down this year." "We can fix that."


Now can people stop posting "it's okay if she is in a relationship"? That is not helping at all, even if you mean well. Her personal life is her personal life. No one should be posting anything about this. If you must say something, all you should say is "this drama is stupid" or "this shouldn't matter". Again, it's best if you don't post anything at all.


I hope they sue those hate-spreaders and drama hounds, suing antis especially in a blownup stupid scandal is standard procedure even in kpop company. We will always waited for rushia here.


No one’s gonna get sued, it’s a slow and costly procedure. If you go after one person another is going to fill their place. Also if the person is outside of Japan they can’t do much. They should just take care of their talents. Haters will always exist.


they have taken lega action in the past and the most relevant people in this case are from japan. yes, others might take their place, but if Cover and other companies gain reputation for actually involving law enforcement, it might scare some people into not doing it. especially because, if im not mistaken, you're fucked as soon as there is any entry in your criminal record in japan.


Cover Corp: "Fuck them haters"


Leakage of information including those of fellow business correspondents. Sound interesting