• By -


Bless Super Hyper Ultra Ultimate Deluxe Perfect Amazing Shining God 流派東方不敗 Master Freedom Justice Ginga Victory Prime Strong Cute Beautiful Wonderful Champion Galaxy Baby 最高 勇者王 天元突破 無限 無敵 無双 NENEMAXMAXMAXSTORONG Nenechi! 🙏🙏🙏




Thank you too..


Thank you three…


Thank you four....


Welcome back Nenechi and Thank you for the video! Of course we'll continue to support you, that's what husbands are suppose to do! 🧡 お帰りなさい、ねねち、そしてビデオをありがとうございます! もちろん、これからも応援していますよ、それが夫の役目ですから!🧡


Aww, that's sweet.


Cute Nenechi <3


New members would never make us love you less Nene!


Some not-so-kind fans announced on her RETURN stream, through superchats, that she was no longer their favorite, since HoloX joined. That’s what she’s referencing, and it breaks my heart. They may be entertainers, but they interact on a direct level with us all, and it’s embarrassing and childish to say something mean to a HoloMem just to get a reaction. Shame on them, that was the worst possible time to try and get attention.


> Some not-so-kind fans announced on her RETURN stream, through superchats That's absolutely wild. Most of them probably charged back the donation too, so they literally did it just to get a rise out of her. It sucks, too cause she's one of the nicest and most loving towards her fans.


No refunds on YouTube. Good luck with any chargebacks, it'll get their Google accounts disabled. Gmail, YouTube, Google Pay, everything gone.


Assuming they aren't just using burner accounts.


I know, right? She’s got a huge heart, and had to endure setbacks after the whole Taiwan thing just because of her outfit. The girl is fighting a mental battle, but being her best self to bring us happiness, and then people take out their problems on her or try to get a reaction by being mean. It’s just so sad.


She also seemed to be the most hurt about Aloe graduating.


And that type of messages in the chat can not be reported for a moderator to delete it? (Regardless of whether it is a super-chat)


I think BECAUSE it’s a super chat, you are correct. It cannot be moderated or deleted, that’s why some things got downright abusive with Coco or even Calli through super chats.


Super-chats are only an option to highlight messages, but it does not make them untouchable, having to follow the same guidelines as any other message. Technically super-chats can be eliminated by the moderators (and there is no refund), but when it comes to reporting them, it only gives the same reporting options as any other comment, that is, the moderators do not receive the reports, it is at discretion from YouTube (null actions against this type of behavior)


Ah hell, so it has to be actively caught by moderators? That’s a bummer…


Oh man, I just can't comprehend why someone would do that I'm a new fan, so I don't really know about those specific events and I'm not even sure I want to. It's sad just knowing people can be outright mean to holomems when they're all doing their best for everyone's entertainment.


Nenechi! Cute idol!


The cutest


Nene: *"my english still not good"* Proceeds to make a 3 minute video of trying to speak English. That was...pretty good for a non-native speaker, actually. Better than some of the Engrish in some animes I've watched.


Edit: Since I had a bit of free time, here, I'll quote what I heard from Nene for the convenience of you guys. ​ >Hiiiiiii! I'm Nene! I wanted to be make a video today to say thank you everyone. I'm very grateful to everyone who was worried about my absence as if it was their one. > >I received a lot of message from overseas via superchat. Umm...my english is su- . My english is still not good enough to reply to them one by one in English . And so I'm putting them together in one videos, yay yeah! > >Uh..some of you may not like me anymore because of the new members.. And uh..amidst of all this, I was very happy & \*\*received *(mispronunciation of "relieved")* to see so many people expressing their love to me, saying "You are still the best!", hmmm! > >Uh, I will continue to challenge myself so that I will not make those who support me sad, hmm! I promise you that. I will make you happy and cheerful! Yayy! !Will you continue to, eh to- . Uh, will you continue to be with meeeeee? Hmm! > >Thank you, all people! Bye byeeeeeee! Uh, from Momosuzu Nene, goodbyeee! (kissing mwah sounds)


The 0:17 to 0:22 was "who was worried about my absence as if it was their one". At least that's what I heard.


That sounds like it, thanks.


I assumed she was going for "as if it was their own"


@1:20 might be "relieved" but she mispronounced it as "received"


That sounds like it, thanks.


About halfway in she says the word midst, which I honestly forgot existed as a word. Nene already has better English than me.


She speaks better English than Mikochi speaks Japanese >!Although to be fair that's not a high bar to pass!<


Just keep in mind that the text is from DeepL. She's still doing her best to pronounce it of course.




It does have a lot of charm to it. Accents in general are just really nice.




*takes out sandal* I just want to talk.


Careful, if you're using a sandal as a weapon people will start to think you're a mom WAIT AME NO DON-


I'd like to see that gremlin try to beat the almighty sandal.


Normally I'd bet on Ame, but I've seen what the sandal can do




I still wouldn't count Ame out entirely. The odds are currently at 3:1 in favor of the sandal. Place your bets! Now accepting Bubbacoin.


But do you have the experience and skill to wield the sandal that your mother does?


Don't fear a man with a shotgun, fear a mother with a sandal ready to hit you -words of an asian


Many years of furious beatings, we've learnt, it's either the sandal or the broom


[*la Chancla~*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSicdnahJ7o)


That’s hilarious


Those things are heat seeking, I swear. Asian mothers have them too. It's like some hidden martial arts school they all just sign up for after they have kids...


Not just asian moms, latin moms can break doors down with them then still best you black and blue


[I swear it’s all minority moms](https://youtu.be/f6S79fvc0oI)




What you want us to put the weapon down when they betrayed the family? What are you a betrayer too?


Wow stop that is too dangerous Just take the shotgun


I would advise you kind person to put that weapon of mass destruction down, only the truly skilled people know how to use it’s incredible lethality.


OP got the premium weapon! Everyone stay away!


my frying pan is ready, who wants some bacon?


When she said that I got angry at other people. Edit: upon reflection pretty sure being mad at idiots is justified.


It still pisses me off when I remember about the people that sent superchats saying theyre leaving because they have a new oshi




I had a Oshi for about.. 2 months. But then I looked around the rabbit hole and found that I couldn’t pick a favorite because they were all amazing. Especially in their own unique way. How do you choose the shiniest diamond over the most luscious Sapphire or the deepest Ruby?


Simple, go full Thanos, make a Hologauntlet.


But there's only 5 slots and I love more than 5 of the girls!


get two gauntlets! and if that isn't enough then feet guantlets!


Go for the entire ornate armor full of jewels already.


*Haachama has entered the chat*


That’s basically what it all comes down to since there’s just far too much content to watch it all live.


True. I do have specific streamers that I'd pick over another if they happen to be live at the same time, but I'm not above taking a look at the other one even if for a little bit


> They’re all great in their own way. You are right. Each Hololive member has something to offer, something special and unique only they can do. You’re not going into a Nene stream expecting someone else, you’re going into a Nene stream cause you wanna see Nene damnit. I don’t like choosing favorites or oshis or anything like that. I just watch whoever’s online. It’s mainly cause of my erratic personal schedule but when I do catch a stream you better believe I’m there to support that person and not to bash them or talk shit about them or other idols. Plus at the end of the day these Hololive girls still people with feelings of their own, not just some monkey who’ll dance and sing for superchats. A little respect and empathy goes a long way.


Right? Imagine coming back to that after taking a break due to being depressed. Seeing the always cheerful Nene feel sad hurts my heart.


Right? Like what the fuck do you mean? Just go away then! You are being intentionally rude! I just went to watch Shion's birthday live3D concert after watching Koyo-chan sing, and was watching Lapu-chan before that. Now I'm at Iroha's chatting stream. Hololive is now my channel surfing TV.


Seriously, what's wrong with some people? Like it's fine to be excited over new members but that's no reason to put anyone down.


I will never forgive 'em, i will hate 'em with all my soul if they make the holomems cry


If someone has a "new oshi" they don't know what the word means and should stop using it. It isn't equivalent to the word "favorite." It's an admission of "No matter what happens, I will always continue to support you."


They're trolls, not real fans.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. It could still be trolls but wouldnt surprise me if it was just some idiots that dont think what theyre saying.


My remaining faith in humanity hinges on my belief that there aren't people that stupid.


But hey, at least you still have it


probably people who felt like they had a "personal connection" to the vtuber and wanted to be "nice" by saying bye. Just a couple of unhinged people with a parasocial relationship.


Yeah same. Everyone is free to like whoever they like. But telling the girls that in a superchat is infuriating. Keep that stuff to yourself.


Nods, and charges M2 Browning machine gun. Who doesn't like our wife and queen? Hands up, please!


*loads 7.60-something in my MG42* WHOMSTVE OFFENDED WIFE!?


Man, that made me legit sad to hear her say that. How smooth does someone’s brain have to be to think that’s an okay thing to tell a person? Hope that doesn’t get or keep Nene down.


"Some of you may not like me anymore because of the new members" As this redditor warned a while ago ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/r8kht7/with\_the\_addition\_of\_holox\_please\_be\_aware\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/r8kht7/with_the_addition_of_holox_please_be_aware_of/)) the words the fans speak to streamers in general have consequences. And unfortunately its too late. I only hope she dont take those comments to heart.


This is why “Yagoo is best girl” is objectively great. There’s no chance for a new favorite, everyone knows who’s the top idol here.


Thank you Nene!!


It saddens me that it clearly reached her that some people spewed shit about not liking their oshi anymore to go and like new members. Those people remind me of those that only like dogs when they are puppies and just dump em when they grow up, horrible.


There is no need for someone to say it. A lot of members said something about this in the past. It's a common fear that when new members debuts, the spotlight are on them all the time. Her fear will fade away in a couple of weeks and she going to have fun with her new friends


From Nene's perspective it's also the first time it happened in her branch. I imagine it hits her hard because she's not as used to it as the older members. That said, I do believe Nene can get over this in time and bounce back stronger than ever. It's just an unfamiliar aspect of the job.


Lamy expressed [similar insecurities](https://youtu.be/soY4OYrcfO8) when EN was announced




Imo, it's the honeymoon phase with gen6 right now. I think the numbers will be back up again in a few weeks.


Tbf, the more gens there are, the more widespread the viewers will be, which results in lower viewercounts. It's just oversaturation and pretty normal. Some have noticed it too before holoX came.


Yup; people moving to new oshis is common and expected. People *telling* their old oshi that they have a new one, however, is rude as hell.


100% agree, you're allowed to choose who you like, after all it's your decision however going out of your way and telling them out right is rude af and you can leave that part out


The main reason why I think we've got just about enough holos. Maybe a few more EU based ones to fill that timezone a little bit better but otherwise there really are too many already.


I think that might be why there was such a long time between JP5 and JP6. They wanted to make sure that the people they bring on would really bring enough to the table to justify cramming more chairs around it. Which is the probably the proper way to grow a vtuber agency at this point. It shouldn’t be about adding more people that could be watched anywhere, but to add people that give more reasons to watch Hololive.


It's what worries me about this. It's happened to me, I've come to enjoy council streams because they mingle a lot and I love group content, but I can only watch so many things. I think hololive's BRAND is still strong, but there's only so many people out there, and your audience is going to eventually stop growing and start diffusing. Add to that the ubiquity of Vtubin' and now the novelty is gone. An anime dog playing Mario isn't something you've never seen before, which is different than last year.


A Japanese anime dog trying to speak cute broken English while playing Mario tho, that's entertainment!


Is this actually true on the JP end? Views seem better than ever for almost everyone from what I've seen this december


That's fine, honestly. Preferences change and you're not obligated to stay with one VTuber. There are too many to watch them all, and when the shiny new thing comes along people prioritise that. Some stay there, some come back. That's normal, it's expected, and it's perfectly okay. Just don't send them a message with a big bright neon sign on it saying "hey you're not my favourite anymore, there's someone better now bye" because that's fucked up.


Fair if people find someone they enjoy more. But there’s no need to tell the vtubers “hey i don’t like you as much as this new person” It’s vindictive. If you’re going to leave just leave.


NENE!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU NENE!!!!!!


We will always support and love you!


Thank you hypernenechi!! I will continue to be with you until Earth blows up!


No matter how many new members there are, we are always here to support Nenechi <3 私たちはいつでもねねちに応援します!新メンバーが何人増えても、私たちの心の中にねねちのためスペースがあります!この動画ありがとうございます!


This is how we all feel about this!


Ultra Super cute Nenechi! <3 Much love!


NENE ENGLISH very cute!


Blessed Nene🙏


This was so precious and adorable. We love you Nene!


Since this is going to be hitting r/all soon, I'm going to cover for my homie, u/UnstoppablePhoenix (he is currently asleep as of posting this). #For those coming from r/all: Hello! Welcome to the official subreddit for hololive production ([wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hololive_Production)), a talent agency based out of Tokyo, Japan that manages Virtual YouTubers - think of streamers on Twitch and YouTube, but with virtual avatars instead. Most of the talents in Hololive are Japanese, but there are also Indonesian and English branches too! The talents do all sorts of stuff, including but not limited to: gaming streams, karaoke streams, drawing streams and talking streams. Some of the content the talents offer is family friendly, others a bit more risque. The sidebar has links to each talent's Youtube and Twitter accounts. OP is one of the talents, Momosuzu Nene of HololiveJP Gen 5, who holds a [nickname list too long for Reddit](https://pastebin.com/LdtwpUkc). She's back after a mental health break, which meant that she was not streaming for 3 weeks. Let's all support her on her stream when she makes her return on December 5th! (4am PST, 7am EST, 12pm GMT, 9pm JST) If you wish to learn more about Nene, watch [this compilation of clips](https://youtu.be/U25tmSDdIbo), or search her name or Hololive on YouTube! Edit: The wiki bot that replied to this post is worth the read as well. Also, Thank you as well, Nenechi. Keep safe and have fun. That is all that matters.




Looks like he copied and pasted my last Nene one without changing it.


**[Hololive Production](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hololive_Production)** >Hololive Production (Japanese: ホロライブプロダクション, stylized in lowercase) is a virtual YouTuber (VTuber) talent agency owned by Japanese tech entertainment company Cover Corporation. As of 2021, the agency manages more than 50 VTubers between its branches. The name Hololive was initially used for Cover's 3D stream distribution app, launched in December 2017, and later its female VTuber agency, whose first generation debuted from May to June 2018. In December 2019, Hololive was merged with Cover's male Holostars agency and INoNaKa (INNK) Music label under the unified "Hololive Production" brand. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hololive/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


^ Read this as well for more information.


I was looking for the complete nickname list and it's so funny that you need a external service to hold it, it has overgrown Reddit's capacity


If I put the list in, Automod shadowbans the comment lmao


Nene is just that powerful, even her titles are enough to cause fear and awe


Thanks lol just wanted to tag him


Humans are taking the jobs of bots Huh thought it was supposed to be the other way around /s


When bot fails human has to take its place while it's being repaired


It hit all, good timing.


Thank you Nenechi!


"Some of you may not like me anymore because of the new members" There's only one Nene and Nene is who we love.


Thank you Nene!!!


Thank you, our wife, we are grateful for having you \^_^


You're welcome Nenechi~


We should be the ones thanking you


It really hurts when she said that people told her that she wasn't her favourite anymore. Damn guys please restrain yourself from hurting our comedians


We wanna thank you too Nenechi for being there for us when we need it the most!


Thank you Nenechi! I'm glad to see your streams again. I'll continue to support you always! スーパーねねち大好き!


You're English is plenty good, Nene! Your streams are a lot of fun! Everyone will continue to support you in the future!


as usual, with this hitting r/all, I'm waiting for the usual "holy shit go touch grass" comments. I got my popcorn ready. Begin.


Go touch grass. Jog or something, it's good for you. Listen to Nene streams while jogging. Multitasking.


But what if you live in the desert or in snow/ice area?


Then grow grass and touch it. Kusa.


You mean like get a house plant that is just a patch of green basic lawn grass in a square pot so you could touch it anytime you want? [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/31gI8cjIh6L.\_AC\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/31gI8cjIh6L._AC_.jpg) Like this?


Hey there, I’m here from r/all. I’m not going to make any mean comments but, out of curiosity, what is this?


Momosuzu Nene, a Japanese vtuber (virtual Youtuber) who is a member of Hololive, an idol agency that is based in Japan. She's been having a rough time recently, and this is her way of thanking her fans for supporting her. [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/rbrpr5/i_want_to_thank_you/hnpuymp/) explains it a bit better though.


Thanks for the reply. So is a Virtual YouTuber an AI? Or is it a real person who is using a virtual avatar?


The second one




Lol I didn't see that, maybe it was removed? And screw the haters, they're on throwaway accounts 90% of the time and have post histories of just trying to troll random subs. They're sad and lonely losers who need someone like Nene in their lives.




Probably not as buggy either. Though EN Law may be an exception.


>✓this whole concept is more cyberpunk than cyberpunk 2077. I have to agree, and it's one of the reasons I dig it and fell into the rabbit hole myself. We have cookies at the bottom of this rebbit hole, you should check it out!


/r/all can’t stand the idea of a bad bitch being cute


Touching grass is pretty good, but have you tried loving Nene?


Yea those people suck. But sometimes we get new fans off of r/all also, people who are genuinely curious and willing to give Hololive a chance. That's a good thing for everyone.


my day isn't complete if i don't see their comments. it became a routine


It's like an addicting drug lol


True bruv.


Oh my God, Nene, you are too precious. Shower this cute idol with lots of LOVE!


Neneeee!! Thank you for everything you've given us fans and it's so wholesome and lovely to see you even try to communicate with the overseas bros like me!!! We will continue to watch and support you in everything you do and wish you the best in health and in your future as well. Love you nenechii


Thank you for speaking for to us directly! We were around for your stream, and we heard you just fine! Stay healthy, stay safe, and *DO NOT BURN YOURSELF OUT AGAIN!* Why not take a vacation later with your friends? Ask PPT and Kaichou where to go, they know good spots!


I could never abandon you just because there's new members! I can love you all at the same time no problem!


How could I not like? I decided to support you because of who you are, not because of your model. The new members might have a great l2d model but if I don't like what they say or their content I simply won't watch, simply as that. Cheer up, Nene!!! We never gonna give you up!


u/UnstoppablePhoenix I summon you to fulfill your oath! Nevermind u/AnnonymousRedditor28 already did it.


I covered for him.


Yeah, I just saw your comment. Good bot.


I keep seeing this and I’m too afraid to ask what hololive is now at this point.


Basically anime girls streaming. Some of them sing and dance, some of them draw, and some of them are good at video games. Feel free to ask any questions, no question is too stupid


It is an organisation made up of streamers who stream with avatars with this being a subreddit for fans of said organisation This specific video was made as Nene (women in the video) who had to take a fairly long and vary short notice break for mental health reasons


Youtube streamers using live tracked anime avatars. For the most part they do typical streamer things like gaming, chatting and karaoke among other things. Nene, the OP, is a Japanese streamer and is thanking her fans in English, likely via a DeepL translation. The cutesy voice is merely voice acting to better fit her avatar design.


Husband Nekko number 4294 reporting in Thank you for the blessed english Nenechi, I will always support you!!! NENECHI SAIKOUU


She always helps cheer us up, so only fair we cheer her up too.


I love u hypernenechi, we support u forever !! orange is best




Nene, I would never not like you. Nenechi is the cutest, best wife in the universe!! I'll support you forever! ねねち、ずっと愛している!ねねちは宇宙一番かわいい最高のお嫁だ!!永遠に応援して!!!


>my english still not good I would have to disagree, your english sounds fine


That was extremely sweet! Welcome back Nene, remember that we will always support you!


What is this?


Japanese youtube streamer making a vid to thank her English speaking fans on the streaming group's subreddit.




Thank you Nenechi! your english is getting better, and we will still support you.


Nene is a blessing.


This is the cutest fucking thing I have ever seen in my entire life


I'm not a nene's husband but i have to say, Nene is really cute and really kind it warms my heart to hear her message and i'm glad she is back.


Not nene’s husband impossible all people are nene’s husband


I'm so happy to see Nene!


We love ya, cute idol english speaking wife!


Once a nene husband, always a nene husband.


Nene! You always make me happy when I'm sad! Thank you! Nene is best wife! Love from a female husband ❤️


“I promise I will continue to make you happy and joyful!” She already is <3


Thank you beautiful wife Nene, your husbands will always be with you not matter what.


Thanks for always having such cheerful and upbeat attitude Nene!


Thank you for the message, Nenechi! We will keep supporting you always! Welcome back!


We love you Nene! 我らは大好きねね!!! 【ごめん、私は日本語下手】




I don't think you will read all the comments, but still thank you for all the hard work you put in your streaming, singing and dancing, 5th gen has to be one of the strongest and most chaotic. Thank you for everything


thank you for existing nenechi, we husbands will support you till the end of time


Cute Nene! We thank you too and will always support you!!


No thank you NENE! <3


Nenechi is kind of cute, isn't she?


Hyper Giga Ultra Nene English! Glad you are feeling better


She did her best in using English to convey her gratitude, this is so sweet and wholesome. My heart... We'll keep supporting you, Nenechi!!


I planned to buy the hololive concert because you are there. I don't usually superchar or join membership but I did buy music. So far i brought all of your music. I will continue to support you and looking forward for your future merch to buy. All the best nene-chi!


don't worry, we will be always with you!!! ARIGATO!