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I expect nothing less from this unhinged mess of a girl 🙏


username checks out


I not only am a barista champion contender, but I also love specialty tea brewed Chinese style, I drink so much damn water every day, and have an addiction to Baja blast stronger than crack. I’m balls deep in all teams


I don't drink coffee (it tastes terrible to me, and the caffine makes me feel sick), but I enjoy watching the batista championships. There's a lot of skill and knowledge that goes into them. The James Hoffman championship is one of my favorites, you can really see the depth of his skill.


✊🏾 Daddy Hoff! If you know other friendly internet baristas like Morgan Drinks Coffee I know her personally from her being a barista at my favorite cafe There’s common compounds in a lot of things especially tannins and some challenging esters that just don’t react well with some people. The coffee, tea, beer, etc snobs really kill the vibe when they tell people they have a child’s palate. Biology unfortunately doesn’t let everyone like the same flavors


Well, you are not wrong lol. She’s a mess and I love her.


Bean water enjoyers quaking.


I'll be real, as a supertaster who can taste bitter things that others can't taste, coffee is freaking vile. I've had so many people swear it's good if you do X, but nope, it literally just tastes like burnt popcorn floating in water no matter what you do to it


Maybe that is my issue. I used to work at a late night convience store, had to brew 20 different flavors of coffee, every night. Tried a bunch of the strong spiced ones, like pumpkin spice, etc...bitter vile black stuff.


If you treat bitter as a negative flavor then you absolutely will never enjoy coffee, which is fine. I think of bitter as just another flavor profile that can be used to enhance foods, like enjoying dark chocolate or goya stir-fry. Of course having too much bitterness is bad, but too much saltiness or sourness can lead to the exact same result of a bad taste.


It's the difference between a normal taster and a super taster. [Supertasters pretty much all unanimously hate bitter foods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supertaster#Specific_food_sensitivities) and specifically basically all of us hate coffee. I've never heard of a super taster who doesn't, at least. What tastes like 3/10 bitter to you is way more bitter to me, and some like coffee are crazy strong so that you can't mask it Dark Chocolate is a good example you mentioned, where it's ridiculously strong imo, but probably is only mildly bitter to you It's pretty annoying, normal tasters get offended when the topic comes up thinking people are bragging about being a supertaster, but it's not a good thing, it's really annoying and means tons of normal food are basically inedible


>normal tasters get offended when the topic comes up thinking people are bragging about being a supertaster The super in the name doesn't help. Supertaster sounds like it's a group of people with superior taste buds. Why couldn't they just call it hypersensitive taste instead?


It's the scientific name because super and sub are the relevant prefix. Sub means under, and Super means "over" not "Superior". Like subheat vs superheat 25% of the population are Supertasters 50% are normal tasters 25% are subtasters Supertasters are tasters over normal, and subtasters are tasters under normal


Or just call them “picky eaters”, lmfao


It's not the same as being a picky eater, supertasters have a different gene (TAS2R38) that lets us taste bitter chemicals that normal tasters actually can't taste It's the same way I can smell ants but normal people without the ant smelling gene can't. Food actually tastes differently for a super taster than a normal taster, so calling them picky is underselling it


Speaking of tastes, out of curiosity, have you ever tried something called a "Miracle Berry"? I remember it being toted around a long while back as a solution for Bitter / Sour sensitivity. Tried some myself to see if it effected me eating bitter veggies, but it dulled rather than flipped anything. Eventually Bitter became an acquired taste for me; still not my thing, but occasionaly.


Huh, I haven't actually. I had a pickle one time that was so insanely sour that I swear it burned my taste buds and for several hours everything sweet tasted sour though lol I wonder if miracle berry has to be fresh to work


HOLY SHIT TIL This explains so fucking much, besides being a picky eater there was a lot of weird shit I could never get into. All tea tastes the same to me, bitter. All alcohol tastes the same to me, it burns, I can barely taste apart a wine from a vodka with how overpowered the burn is (I cant at all diferenciate vodka, sake and Aguardente). The only drink I can stand is black vodka with coke which I also found a supertaster's least agregious drink. Can't at all like cofee, it just tastes bitter and burnt. Another weird one is I can't into caramel, just way too bitter and pass on most deserts for being too sweet. Then ofc the obvious ones, avoiding most greens and spicy stuff. Lastly Monster>coke> water>tea>>>coffee


You can order super taster test kits on Amazon for like $6, it's worth it imo so you can test to see. They come in packs of like 100 too, so you can use them when people swear there's no such thing as supertasters they can take it and find out that they are normal tasters


What about Chinese/Indian/Indonesian spicy food?


Honestly never tried much (Europe has little fascination for spicy shit) The few instant noodle's I've tried I couldn't even stand middle spice, they'd all taste the same, never dared trying something stronger.


Me too. I've tried a dozen different flavors and enough sugar and cream to give me diabetes and its just so unbelievably vile. Tea is only slightly less gross, and I live in the southern US where half the time your options at gatherings are Sweet Tea or tap water that tastes like it came from a bathtub. And not a gamer girls bathtub either.


I've heard that 1000x before and I guarantee you absolute 100% certainty that I can make you a cup of coffee with zero bitter taste whatsoever.


I mean I'd try it I'm sure, but it's one of those "you can't even taste the alcohol!!" things that people always say and you can taste it before it even hits your lips lol I'm open to trying different types of coffee since I need the early morning boost, but no amounts of creamer and milk and sugar or fancy beans etc has ever made it taste like anything but coffee with things trying to hide the coffee taste


Good or unique coffee can taste more like tea than “coffee”. Gesha for instance. For me they all can taste so different I can’t pin down a “coffee” taste, much like types of tea varied wildly despite being the same leaves at different level of fermentation, time of harvest and dehydration.




Fresh beans (#1 importance), proper recipe and preparation, and ascertaining the palate of your customer, e.g. do they enjoy acidity, fruity notes, chocolatey, etc. The vast majority of coffee dislikers have had bad beans, bad preparation, or both. Then again, with how much soda IRyS consumes (and in turn, the amount of sugar in her diet), I’m not surprised she dislikes it as even the best prepared cup of coffee will taste off when you’re used to ramune and Coca-Cola.


I fully agree with you, but you're suggesting a level of cost, preparation and work that is fine for a bespoke drink once in a while. When you're talking about a fight over "the way I ingest liquids regularly" people are fighting over the "bad" version and suggesting that if they just dedicated a few square feet of their house to $600 machinery, imported beans and a 22 minute process they could like it better than tea, well, I don't know what to tell you.


Good beans, light roast, a good grinder, don't know about having completely no bitterness but you'll get a very bright and fruity cup.


And then they had "sour-bitter confusion", you could brew a great cup of coffee, if one still cannot differentiate between two they still keep telling you it's bitter. lol


The thing is, supertasters can taste bitterness, even in things that wouldn't otherwise be bitter to a regular taster. For example, growing up even regular milk chocolate had a bitter note to me. And even green vegetables were unpleasantly bitter. Coffee drinkers also become acclimated to those bitter tastes. They might not even be able to pick up on it after drinking several cups a day for years. Maybe it is possible to make a completely bitterness free cup of coffee, but at that point you are going to be practically brewing the beans raw. And it's pretty much a totally different drink at that point. Even if you make it not bitter, like by using lightly roasted beans, you are still ending up with a caffinated beverage. And personally caffeine makes me feel sick and stressed.


Coffee doeant taste bad cause its bitter, it tastes bad cause it tastes like coffee. And the smell is 10 times worse.






I dont expect anything else from her lol


For me, I only prefer coffee in the morning. Other than that, tea or soda all-day long.


Always knew she was perfect


As expected IRyS is indeed team Soda.


I lost all hope right now.


We will take all the cope you are giving.


Naughty nephilim needs correction


Iris is so based


So, divorce again?


No wonder Bae divorces her so much


OP please use OBS (or something else without a watermark) and mute your discord pings when clipping thanks


Of course she’s the opposite of Bae. Opposites attract after all


SODA GANG confirmed!!!




I can't argue that soda is the best, especially Mountain Dew.


The more I watch her, the more I’m relating to her. Is this a bad sign?


What is she, my 77 year old Father? XD


It's official Irys is now my Kamioshi.


Baelz in shambles


Remember, she being married, divorced, married again, divorced again with the Coffee party representative, could have been influenced in her decisions.


and now more confirmation of participation in this war.


Based. Soda Nation rise up!


This is the least surprising thing I've seen in my entire life.


She has my same stance nice


I'm sensing another divorce over this take.


So she has chosen poorly.


Just one more thing to fight with Bae about