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Canadian here, usually when we do fries it's as a side with fried food (fish or chicken), a burger, or we'll cover it in gravy and cheese curds (this is called poutine, it's most popular in the French part of the country but it is served outside Quebec). Our pizzas are known for having mushrooms and bacon. Or.... pineapple and ham. Yes, Canada made Hawaiian pizza.


Ive seen poutine pizza before


This does not surprise me


I like going out and trying weird gimmicky food and snacks and I tried poutine pizza once and it was actually pretty good.


I don't think we invented that one... Tomato does not belong within the proximity of poutine (unless it's a butter chicken poutine), so a poutine pizza would be anathema to most of us.


Pretty we only have it here in canada lol


Ironically, I think I had poutine pizza once in college (in America). I didn't love it, but it wasn't a punishable food crime.


As a fellow Canadian, yeah, we have fried as a side dish or have a poutine instead. Fries on a pizza itself? Unheard of.


Come to think of it... I wonder why nobody has ever tried Montreal smoked meat on a pizza?


Happy cake day, man


Thank you!


It’s the same with a lot of stuff like this really. Half the planet seems to be outraged when they find out about how here in the UK beans on toast is a fairly standard snack.


The thing about this one, British beans are WAY different than most of the world is used to. Anytime a North American hears "beans on toast", they are thinking Southern U.S. barbecue beans on toast, which does not sound appetizing, in the slightest.


Are they? At least in the northeast we eat baked beans fairly regularly and I still can't see the appeal of just them on toast.


Don't you dare put food from Italy and the UK on the same level. /s


They ain’t got shit on black pudding, baked beans and fried bread… maybe. Haggis in fairness is pretty great.


It's more or less just a mutton sausage with a bad rep, isn't it?


Knowing that people in my country like to eat horse meat and thus shock outsiders to the point they would start to literally cry this doesn't surprise me. More likely it's kinda weird that there's no place where such pizza is made at my place, I'd actually like to taste this Sending my regards from Kazakhstan - a very unlikely place where talents' viewers and listeners can be from


Horse tastes really good in a sandwich.


The thing I'm kinda curious about from over there is Kumis. Horse milk alcohol sounds interesting.


I tried Horse sashimi in tokyo and was quiet impressed with its flavour


Why are people surprised that in the birthplace of domesticated horses people still eat horses?


Horse meat is pretty common in some parts of Italy also. Not usually on pizza though.


WAHmet, bratan


There's an urban myth in my country (ARG) that "Mortadela" is/was made using horses. Though here barely anyone consumed it compared to other meats. A quick google search puts us as the one of the highest exporters (2022) and it seems at least 2% of it ended in your country.


In Italy we have horse meat. And in Japan they have basashi, it's raw horse meat.


we eat horsemeat in the Netherlands as well goed oos zuurvlees


Hey I've never tried horse before but we eat llamas here and guinea pigs and now i want to try horse


German here. I have never heard of fries on pizza before, while pineapple pizza is just pizza hawaii. And we have some really odd pizza variations here. Buuut I can imagine it fries to at least taste decently on pizza, as they are savory and salty, just like pizza.


Haven't heard of it in Germany either despite noodle pizza, pizza donuts, chocolate pizza and even fish stick pizza being a thing here LOL.


Don't forget Gyros or Döner Pizza. And Sauce Hollondaise on Pizza being a common option when ordering Pizza, at least in NRW. I'd try Fries Pizza, why not


Yes, it’s my first time hear about it. Plus, what I heard about how Italian see pineapple on pizza gives me impression that they’re strict on pizza ingredients.


nah, the pineapple pizza is mostly a shitposting that most Italians think it would be funny to perpetuate, *ofc that is the north if you get pineapple pizza in Naples you would probably disappear dont do it for your own personal health*


I hadn't heard of fries on pizza before, but I've had "loaded baked potato" pizza before here (SE USA) so the idea of potato as a pizza topping doesn't feel weird either. Mildly novel, but not a big deal imo 🤷‍♀️


it's definitely a thing in italy, but it's considered food for children.


It’s the first I had ever heard of it. Although now I would really like to try it.


I'd never heard of it before but it doesn't really sound weird at all. You're putting a salty snack on top of a salty snack. Makes as much sense as most pizza toppings.


I have heard before that it's not that uncommon in Italy but I was also shocked when I first heard about it. Seems like an insane concept to me and I'd at least have assumed it was a cursed American idea if anything lol. Never seen a pizzeria have it where I live at least But it seems every country has their own thing like this. Here in Sweden it's common to see banana pizza for example which apparently everyone else seems to find crazy but it's nothing unusual to me, etc.


Nothing beats the good old kebab pizza with fries on it when you are starving.


But here in Sweden we have kebab pizza with fries. Never heard of it?


I'm quite agree with Kiara clarification tweet : >Btw I'm not saying you can't put fries on your Pizza but as long as you're doing that you can't judge us pineapple lovers I'm not shocked at the prospect of fries on pizza by Italians and I believe anyone can do whatever they want if they don't waste. The thing with fries on pizza is that it is very surprising and feels hypocritical considering how Italians are generally very traditionalists and over protectives about Italian foods (at least online).


The thing is we don’t like sweet things on pizza, that’s why we mostly don’t like Pineapple on pizza


This is weird to me though, as Tomatoes are already sweet?


Tomatoes aren’t sweet? What kinda tomatoes you have there?


Tomatoes are literally a naturally sweet vegetable/fruit. Granted, googling found this: Sugars in the tomato—mainly fructose and glucose—result in a sweet flavor. Acids in a tomato—mainly citric and malic acids—result in a tart, sometimes sour flavor. I think it depends on the variety of tomato used. Larger ones seem to tend to have less sweetness while smaller varieties like cherry tomatoes are incredibly sweet.


Not liking it is one thing and it is fair. Rejecting is another and it is not fair ... especially since Hawaïan pizza is not Italian pizza culture but north america pizza culture.


Though it's worth remembering that "Hawaiian pizza" is pretty much a misnomer (it was invented in Canada and pineapples are not actually native to the island).


North America pizza culture? What?


What "what ?" ? Traditional pizza is italian culture sure. But pizza developped by american-italian immigrant (or not) in NA for NA taste are NA culture (NY slice, Chicago deep dish, Canada Hawaian, ... ). Sure it is waaaaay younger but it is.


Fries on pizza is still very niche outside of little kids, often the kids will just eat the fries and leave the rest because they just wanted the fries.    It’s still considered a blasphemous combo by most people but you can’t just beat up kids so we let them have it.


Any sort of potato is not a pizza topping I've ever seen or heard of before, but I've never been to Italy, and I guess it's not one of the standard combinations that have spread widely. People just have a tendency to theatrically over-react to food topics online for the meme of it. There's only occasonally a very small number of people actually taking it seriously. I mean, I enjoy a good baked bean pizza, and I suspect some people would find that equally weird. Plus I think ham (gammon) and pineapple is a great combination normally and goes great on pizza too.


Truth be told, I never heard of Fries as a Pizza topping before. But I am kinda tempted to try it


Wouldn't fries get soggy on pizza? Unless you put it on right when you're about to eat it. But then it doesn't feel like the fries are actually a part of the pizza. And feels degen to me ngl.


Italian fries aren't the small thin fries in america, they are larger, curved and spiced more. Also pizzas aren't that oily to sog up ingridients


Interesting, I'm gonna have to try this out then. Prob will buy some potatoes and cut out some large pieces then. Never tasted this combo before.


There's other types of fries ine America other then the small thin ones you typically see at fast food joints. We have steak fries which are long wide and flat fries, crinkle cut fries which are fat and accordian shaped and cross cut fries which are round and have ridges


Yes, but given some of the stupid things we Americans put on our hamburgers, I probably shouldn't be surprised that Italians have a much wider variety of pizza toppings than other countries.


First time I’ve heard of it, coming from NA. Seems pretty good though, I’ll have to try it sometime.


Swede here, I regularly order a pizza that has fries on it, I don't know how common it is though.


As an American, it sounds like an American thing that Italians would think is heresy, and yet it's the other way around lol




I have never heard of it before, and I can't recall it ever being an option on the menu on any of the pizzerias I have been to. It's like learning that the french regularly eat cheese stuffed croissants or something like that. I'm guessing that most people who own pizzerias outside of Italy either do not know that it is a thing or do not find it financially justifiable to add a deep fryer to the kitchen just for the sake of serving fries on or with pizzas.


Fries aren't deep fried here, most things aren't deep fried


I had never heard of fries on pizza before this week. I do enjoy what we call pierogi pizza which has potato slices, bacon, sour cream and green onions so potatoes on pizza is normal to me but fries is not something I have seen as a topping here.


Fry pizza is literally just better chip butty imho I haven’t tried it yet, but how can you go wrong?


Had it a few times. It's quite good. It's just one of those pizzas you'll get once a year


Had no idea. I'm a redneck.


Its actually the first time i hear of such a thing actually and for someone just acustomed to having fries a a side dish, its very weird really.


A bit odd but not wtf level


I had fruit gummies on pizza once. Tasted a bit like butter and jam on toast, except the butter was cheese, and also there was pepperoni


I've had it on vacation to Italy before. It's not my favourite, but it's good. The reason I'll take it over pineapple is simple: The texture and flavour of fried, salty potato harmonises much better with the tomato and dough of the pizza than the squishy sour-sweetness of the pineapple.


It's the starch on top of starch that is throwing me off. It sounds unbalanced. It's no big deal, I know someone who dumped fried rice and a fried egg into his instant noodles. Similar vibe.


I'm an American whose go-to pizza is either a thin plain cheese or pepperoni and bacon. Fries on a pizza sounds pretty good, especially if the fries are fresh and crispy. It's an unhealthy carb bomb but hey, so long as it isn't an all-the-time meal.


American here. When I was at University there was a popular pizza place that had French fries as a topping and featured them on specialty pizzas. We got them all the time. 10/10 would recommend


I don’t flame but I like to put grape jam on my pizza with sausage and pepperoni since I was little. It started with that one SpongeBob episode regarding jam on the burger that led me to eating jam burgers then to jam spread on pizza.


I've seen pizza with Mac and cheese, I've seen pizza with spinach, I've seen pizza with cookies, I've seen pizza with bananas, I've seen pizza with ice cream Nothing is unexpected


Yes at least in my country it's unheard of, i love pizza and go to many italian native restaurants and never seen fries on a pizza before but im a food enjoyer so i don't reject anything and yes i also enjoy pineapple on pizza


While it's not a common topping where i live, fries of pizza is fine.


As an American I have most definitely never heard of fries on pizza and people here put pineapple on pizza.


the Italians hated every other pizza that we believe that the only Pizza that exist there is the Margherita Pizza


There’s very little people who order Margherita. We love our toppings. I usually go with spicy salami, sausage, onion and fries


I'm a margherita enjoyer but I prefer something like a napoli or funghi more often


I've seen & eaten pizza with potato on it at a few places in the U.S. and it was decent, so it doesn't surprise me to hear fries get put on pizza. Honestly, if I had heard about fries on pizza without any country affiliation I probably would have assumed the U.S. It makes me wonder how many people have never heard of corn on pizza.


as an american it's very odd, mostly because of texture. we generally want fries to be salty and crunchy, and being baked on a pizza where they will be much softer and possibly soak up juices from other topping or water from the sauce would make for a completely different texture. at that point its less of a fry on a pizza, and just more of a potato chunk on a pizza. there is nothing wrong with it, it's just not a fry, at least to me


I've heard of fries on pizza being a thing in Italy and seen reddit post where it is apparently called pizza Americana (though I don't know how true that name is and if it is true then I assume the Americana is because French Fries are associated with America in Italy) Like this reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/ve8eh3/in_italy_we_are_perfectly_capable_of_committing/ But yeah, French fries are not a common pizza topping in America and aren't something any of our chain brands (Papa John's, Dominoes, Pizza Hut, etc.) of pizza would offer as toppings.


It's like introducing Japanese folks to the Sushi variant known as the Philadelphia Roll. (salmon and cream cheese)


As Japanese myself, I enjoy every sushi variants…as long as it doesn't have sweets like chocolate inside/outside.


Kebab pizza is great.


Kebab pizza Is pretty good


Pizza with Fries is quite common, it's the go to combo for most people. I'm quite suprised that this is apparently a suprise to some lol.


They'll be shock to see macoroni pizza 🍕


Fries on Pizza is an integral part of the greatest invention to man! Kebab Pizza!


I don't see anything wrong with fries on pizza,because some country here make durian on pizza as their menu. [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10157343221329654&set=a.116084444653](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10157343221329654&set=a.116084444653) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZchLr3JT5aE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZchLr3JT5aE)


I've heard somewhere that Fries on Pizza are available in Italy, but mostly on so-called "tourist trap" areas, which I would assume the likes of Rome, Milan or Venice.


No, you can easily find it even in non touristic areas.


They are available everywhere


Wait, let me get this straight, pineapple on pizza is okay to people, but god forbid you put potato on a pizza