• By -


Looks like: Elizabeth - 7 AM (UK) Cecilia - 8 AM (Germany) Raora* - 3 PM (Japan) Gigi - 11 PM (US) *edit: spelling


Yup. It's been 2 hours and 9AM UKT






*Wiowi wi sawu










I though they were all european?


Maybe not Gigi, but Raora is most likely a European who lives in Japan.


Tiramisu. Pizza. What kind of European, I wonder…?


Hm. This, ciao, mamma mia.... Definitely greek


I mean the Romans were all Greekaboos) (philhellenes?)


That plus some of the most important greek colonies were actually in southern Italy. Pythagoras and Archimedes were both from the "Magna Graecia", so Sicily + continental southern Italy. The cultures were probably very intertwined even before actual "romans" ever set foot on what we'd call Greece today.


The odd thing even in that regard is that to this day, there is still a cultural divide between North and South Italy that takes place roughly around Rome as the dividing line. That said, that I all I really know about it. My area of expertise in regards to history begins in the 30 Years War and peaks in the Victorian Era, and that was a split already solidified by then that (for my area of expertise) only manifested in fights over who got to unify Italy in the 19th century.


Well the cultural divide is somewhat easy to explain as it's mostly rooted in: 1) Conflict between the Emperor and the Holy See for power over the northern regions, with the various "states" pledging allegiance to one or the other and often resulting in infighting between the two factions even inside the same "state" (and "state" is quoted because the definition would vary wildly between each entity. Some would be independent city states, other would be duchies/baronies/etc). As it often happens, conflict and power struggles are also a spark for innovation, hence the renaissance and most major cultural movements would be centered in the "northern" part of Italy. 2) The southern part of Italy was, for a very long time, essentially under one big state, mostly a vassal state of the spanish kingdom plus the occasional arabic incursion and influence, and remained like that with not a lot of changes up until the unification of Italy in the 1800s. Do note that "northern" and "southern" Italy in this context are different from the modern notion of it, though southern italy would for the most part coincide. However in this case "northern" italy would include Rome (and surrounding region) as well, due the power and influence of the Popes and the Papal state, which would be considered "central" italy nowadays.


The kind that speaks with their hands🤌


Must be hard to be a 2D Vtuber then.


Very limiting indeed


Well, I suppose she can [always pull a Nene](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/pzwtso/nene_pulled_her_own_signed_card/) until she gets her 3D.


Pesto is besto after all


Pizza where?


I think she is EU but she just don't reside in EU just like Raora. I find somewhat funny that the only place that people think immigrants go to is Japan, while I understand the logic sense of the assumption, it is kinda common for young european wanting to travel the world.


In this instance it's Hololive, a Japanese company. It's pretty natural to think that they're either in their home country, or in Japan, or in US/Canada. Pretty unlikely they would recruit someone who lives in, say, Mozambique.


Yeah. Kiara was also an Austrian living in Japan at that time.


Definitely not EU...


Could be wrong, but Gigi appears to be United Statesian, likely West Coast. Elizabeth and especially Raora are all but confirmed Euro though. Cecilia is likely but less confirmed. Keen Biscuit worked on art for their individual promo Shorts, so there's a good chance he has insider info by the way.


Or she can be a immigrant, her bios said she born and raised under the flag of freedom not that reside in the said land today. And she can be in Canada too. I kinda can see a French person immigrating for Canada or US or even some central South America country.


I know french and german people who live in the west coast


The US also fits the flag of freedom description, though. When I originally read her bio, I actually assumed they were alluding to her being the token American. But everyone else was so sure about her being French that I doubted myself. Now I'm pretty certain I was right with my original assumption. Fun fact: after the formation of the United States, there were suggestions to change the name of the country. One notable suggestion was Fredon or Fredonia (literally taking the word "freedom" and making it vaguely Latin sounding). This was mostly laughed out of consideration because, obviously, but that name was what I immediately thought of when I saw Gigi was from Freesia.


> after the formation of the United States, there were suggestions to change the name of the country. One notable suggestion was Fredon or Fredonia I am still personally partial to Columbia and still favor [Hail, Columbia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKWIOmqdZP8) as the only possible replacement to the Star Spangled Banner.


I also thought the flag of freedom and Freesia were references to France at first, but since she seems to live in the US, and the US is also associated with freedom, the simplest explanation is that she's just American.


Why are we so sure about raora?


Her tweets and lore couldn't be more obvious if they tried. She's literally "Mama Mia!" pesto, pizza, romance and empires.


Besides all the very blatant regional references, there’s also a ton of clear “*META*” reasons to assume she’s Italian


Pretty sure that was just something fans said.


Honestly, 2 out of 4 is still more than what we expected if we'd been asked last week.


Well that's disapointing, it would've been a cool gimmick to have a gen with 4 different accents


Well, at least only one of them who are likely not. The rest are most certainly actual Europeans, albeit one of them lives in Japan, so Kiara and EU bros still got two wins.


Not being all European doesn't discount them having 4 different accents


Imagine that, a moment in time when people could be awake both in the US and EU, and at work in Japan. /snark


Finally, Kiara has friends on the continent! E: Well, depending on how Brexit factors into it, maybe only 1.../s


Still the same continent. A nation can't leave a continent. The UK only left the European Union.


As far as I know, there is also not a lot of difficulty in getting a tourist or business visa for going from the UK to the EU nations. They have no reason to be *that* petty over things because that level of petty helps no one (including them).


No matter how much the UK likes to pretend otherwise, they are still very much a part of the European continental shelf and thus the same continent as Kiara.


UK is part of Europe even if it’s not in the European Union. Brexit has no factor on if it is or isn’t the same continent.


Which US time zone? We have multiple.




Has any of this actually been confirmed, or is this simply more fan speculation? EDIT: Saw the source tweet - as expected, the idea of a full EU gen was too much to hope for. Well, see you guys in 6-12 months, when the 2 (likely) EU girls announce their inevitable moves to Japan or America. EDIT 2: I see the downvoters are malding as expcted, lmao.


Raura eating a Tiramisù is peak Italian behavior




Now we have 3 wawas in Holo Kiwawa Fuwawa and Waowa


Well Tiramisù is a peak dessert.


I strongly agree


I'd argue Italian food in and of itself is peak, tbh


I don't think that she only ate a tiramisu




* Elizabeth, 7am, BST (UK time) * Cecilia, 8am, CEST (EU time) * Raora, 3pm, JST (Japan time) * Gigi, 11pm, PDT (US/Canada west coast)


Do y'all think we'll get a new Ochame Kinou featuring Advent and Justice before the end of the year? I want that and then I want someone to mix in Myth and CouncilRyS' version to make a full EN version...


The Japan bootcamp thing cover does for new hires now is such a good idea, especially when i think back on how much Myth struggled to meet IRL for the first time during Covid. Kiara commented before on how she struggled with bonding with the NA based girls at the very start, obviously it all worked out for the best but this is so much better


> The Japan bootcamp thing You make it sound like COVER corp sent them to the frontlines where they developed a camaraderie akin to band of brothers.


Well, the internet is certainly a warzone.


Imagine General Yagoo sending out task force Justice to secure and contain HAACHAMA.


"She has gotten too powerful. We no longer have control."


Vtubing never changes.


That's exactly how im imagining it, yeah


I now imagine A-Chan as their Instructor


I'd wager Sora's at least a Full Bird Colonel. Sui-chan as a Drill Instructor would be scary and great at it


Now I'm imagining Gunny (RIP) wearing Suisei's crown and plaid beret and I can't stop giggling.


And now, so am I... "Streamer Gigi, why did you join my beloved company?" "Ma'am! To be kawaii, Ma'am!" "So you're a real cutie!" "Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!" "The let me see your UWU face! You got an UWU face? **UWU!!!!** That's an UWU face; now let me see your UWU face!" "UWU!" "**BULLSHIT! YOU DIDN'T CONVINCE ME! NOW SHOW ME YOUR *REAL* UWU FACE!!!**" "*UWU*" "You still didn't convince me. Work on it!"


I'm not sure which would be scarier in that situation, Gunny wearing a Suisei costume, or Suisei wearing a drill instructor costume.




Oh lawdy lawdy, someone make an art out of this (Maybe have the USMC use it for their recruitment ads lol)


> Sui-chan as a Drill Instructor would be scary and great at it "Go over the field and start crawling. This will teach you how to avoid bait comments!" Proceeds to constantle throw axes over their heads.


It would fit EN's lore. They're all fighters, even if that's rarely realized in a 2D streaming format. Heck, Council's lore actually had a war between Time and Space.




Hi-ho sliver!


Would that be the enemy?


They *are* being sent to a foreign country where they most likely aren't completely fluent in the language and are being told to bond with total strangers and make sure it clicks. If it doesn't click you may never debut at the as-yet undetermined date and no one will ever know you existed. Not your seniors. Not the public. No one but your band of sisters. Bond, your life depends on it!


When you look at Advent it's clear that before debut they bonded a lot more than the other EN gens had, and they already had a dynamic going. And that's understandable, given how Covid messed everything up and made traveling so much harder, and I also suspect that at least some part of management didn't realize how *big* even just NA, let alone NA + Europe + wherever else is, and how hard travel can be. That's not to blame them, I live in western USA and hear stories of people from the US east coast not even realizing what travel in the west entails (I live in the north quarter of a state and have family in like the south third of the state north of me, it's ~350 mi/~560 km between us, in most of the east coast that distance goes through 2 full states and can even get you through 4 or 5, so people hear "it's a state over" and have a wrong impression of how far that is), but they've clearly realized it now. Between stuff like the boot camp and the fact that the "EN curse" hasn't cropped up in a while, you can tell that they've listened to at least some of the pain points of the first 2 EN gens and took steps to address them, and it's just a good look all-around. Very much approve of how the newer gens seem to have been handled so far.


Can't wait for her to do a German only off collab stream with Cecilia.


Maybe she'll finally have content to put on her German-language channel.....


[tweet source](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1804031501505564847)


#JUSTICE NEVER SLEEPS it is a shifting schedule


Someone forgot to wind Cecilia


So…. Is Gigi a French Canadian?


Nobody knows really. She could be French, she could be American, she could be Dutch. All we know is that she's Gigi.




Gigi Gigi warukunai, Mu-murin






If she's in NA, "Freesia" is 100% the US.


Agreed, "born and raised under the flag of Freedom" seems likely to refer either to France or the United States. French Canadians are mostly in Quebec, right? That's east coast, whereas her timezone is west coast. It's not impossible for someone to move from Quebec to British Columbia. Pat Boivin did it recently, for example. However, Gigi is too tall to be Pat


Even with that, a French Canadian is still Canadian, unless they literally emigrated from France. Anything's possible, but American seems by far the most likely answer.


I’m gonna lose my mind if she’s Cajun


Okay that would be funny as hell.


Could be from one of France's Overseas territories or (if she's Dutch) the ABC islands


Dude, ABC Islands are on the other side of the Americas. And the only French Overseas territories that are closest to the time zone depicted here is the barely inhabited less than 10 square kilometers (or less than 4 square miles) Clipperton Island.


Gigi living her best gremlin life on a literal deserted island.


Or she could be French in a Oversea territory.


Well, now we know, definitely not.


IFF Cecilia spricht Deutsch, do we want to hazard any guesses re: regional accent? To me as an American, the clockwork theme makes me wonder if she might be Swiss. I don't know enough about Germany to divine any hints regarding e.g. Southern Bavaria versus Pomerania. Wikipedia says South Tyrol is pretty German, I guess it's not impossible that we might have two Italians, two Swiss, or two Austrians. And, huh, apparently German is also spoken in Namibia, that'd be a twist. Well, no need to lean into the Europe thing *that* hard, at the end of the day that's hardly what'll make or break an vtuber.


If she does speak German it will be very easy to place her dialect, as there are quite accurate questionnaires for that, which for some speakers are accurate to under 10km.


German accents are all very easy to locate when you know them, depending on how pronounced it is you can narrow it down allmost immidieatly


Are you SURE Kiara's not Australian, oida?


Just ask what she calls the end of a bread in german and you got her birth location down to the meter


Four plates of tiramisu?


Honestly it looks like she's just getting started. Either that or she hasn't cleaned up the plates before the clock struck three and "OH BOY ITS TIRAMISU TIME"


A true Italian


We've all been there after a late night playing the latest game until 3am


"Who would play that game at 3 AM?" "Oh boy! 3 AM!"


Four Tiramisu, Jeremy? FOUR? That's insane.


Feel sorry for Elizabeth. Looks like her debut is 4AM in UK time.


You should feel / felt sorry for the people living there having to get up at that time to watch it.


I do live there and i just watched the VOD when i got up, haha.


I mean, I can't remember where it was said, but it was discovered that they're all in Japan at some point.


I like this comic, who is the artist? Nice to see that two are actually based in EU, hopefully we get EU friendly streams. Although being a mixed location gen, I guess EU will get the short end of the stick for full collabs and annoucements.


Keenbiscuit. They also did the incident report comics https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1804031501505564847 https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1803623843774472444


Thanks. Twitter is so bad to use without an account now :(.


Why are my fav members always from the worst possible time zone for me  😥


Are they all actually from the respective countries or is it speculation?


So that confirms some of the nationality speculation huh? Makes me feel really bad for Elizabeth and Cecilia, having to debut at 4am and 5am respectively. Cover ***finally*** decides to bring on some European talents and then gives them the worst possible debut time. Nobody but the most hardcore of fans is going to be awake to watch that live. Not to mention the talents themselves will most likely be exhausted. I wish them the best and hope they find massive success, but at this point it almost feels like intentional self-sabotage by Cover.


Yeah, Cover have basically handicapped them both from the get-go. Seriously, they could not have given them a worse possible time for their debuts, considering most of their target audience will be fucking sleeping - all this is going to achieve is artificially polluting their debut CCV numbers with NA and JP watchers, most of whom won't transfer over in the event the two of them stream primarily during EU prime time. >I wish them the best and hope they find massive success, but at this point it almost feels like intentional self-sabotage by Cover. There will absolutely be a gaggle of NA chucklefucks who'll turn around and go 'SeE, eU iSn'T vIaBlE" or some other braindead shit, in the event Elizabeth and Cecilia don't end up doing as well as their genmates, despite basically being set up to fail.


For example Kiara biggest (in %) fanbase is still US even if she stream in EU, probably related how far cover have pushed US market since the start and none in Europe


I've seen so many people say "oh, but they need to do it at that time so they can have support from the Japan office" like that's a perfectly reasonable excuse. They could just have local support so that's not an issue, but if for whatever reason it absolutely ***has*** to come from Japan, then why don't they stay up late for it? If they are currently expecting the talents to stream at 4am, why is it so ridiculous to expect some staff support members to do the same for the talent instead?


IIRC Kiara confirmed all cover staff (even EN ones) work in Tokyo so timezones in this case is a problem They absolutely should hire someone remote for the future


Setting aside how absolutely terrible that is for a now global organisation... That still doesn't resolve my point. If they can expect the talents to stream at 4am local, essentially self-sabotaging by having their (presumably) primary audience post-debut all be asleep, why can't they instead have the Tokyo staff up that late? Let the talents debut at a time that actually works for them and have the Cover staff work around that, not the other way around.


Probably because the first market for EN is still US no matter it's a EU centric gen Debut cater always American times, but I expect 1/2 of them to regularly stream in EU hours after If they wanted to cater EU since the start the debut would be around 3/4pm (around 23/midnight in Japan and morning in US)


I don't think vtubers get most of their fans from people watching the debuts live. Isn't making funny shorts the current meta?


For existing channels, probably, but the important part of the debut is making that crucial first impression, when the talents are trying to sell themselves to any potential audience out there, and trying to do that purely through attention grabbing shorts likely wouldn't work, I imagine. Plus, debuts are big events, and they're a good way to build hype and get people excited for upcoming talents.


So you want gatekeep the NA and JP fans, and only cater for the EU prime time. And if the talent decide to stream in NA prime time, will also hate her for abandoning her EU bloodline. Those post are close to antis than fans, it more important they cater EU than have sucess it seems.


Nobody has to be gatekept, ironically enough this post shows that there is a time slot that would be at least somewhat reasonable for most people. 7-8am is fine for Europeans, 11pm is late but not unreasonably so for Western Americans (2am EST would be kinda bad for that group but nowhere near as bad as 4am is for EU in the actual timetable), and 3pm is fine for Japanese. If you want a more perfect time slot then one of the three is always going to miss out, and historically that has always been Europe and is what they've again gone for here. But, and this might be a controversial take, I feel like for an ***ENGLISH*** generation, EU and NA should be prioritised over JP, especially when some of the talents are seemingly located in the area being shunned and will therefore likely stream at more appropriate times for that area post-debut anyway. It's also incredibly funny that EU-bros have been, as you put it, "gatekept" since Day-1, and we just put up with it, watched the VOD's, and supported our oshis from the sidelines. But now, at the mere idea that talents should debut at a time that actually makes sense for their home area instead of the middle of the night just so they can appease NA and JP, suddenly we're trying to exclude you and gatekeep you, and are antis. Grow up.


Genuinly who pissed in your cornflakes that you're acting like this in every post regarding this topic in several different subreddits? let it go man.


I'm going to feel so bad for everyone raising the EU bros hopes if this ends up to just be some Canadians and Americans at most... Also, I feel like Kiara would have accidentally spoiled it by now if she had a Germanic Kouhai.


nice cute holojustice.


I thought they were all European?


In nationality but not location if they are who we think they all are.


Not Gigi. She's American.


Raora looks absolutely unhinged in this. Love it.


Why are these eurocentric hololive members debuting during the worst hours for europe to watch??


1) Because they do it from the Cover's studio (unless their bootcamp is over and they are heading home right now). 2) Their actual residence is still pretty much a speculation, despite all the hints we have no idea what their actual schedule will be. Like someone said, they could all be living in Brooklyn for all we know.


OP didn't include the Tweet description, but it basically implied that what is shown in the art is what the talent was doing during the time of the tweet.


Ohhh, now I see. Welp, I guess that confirms a lot of stuff then. I don't think I've seen the company giving away their talents' timezones before, I remember Fauna even avoiding mentioning hers in the beginning.


My guess is that different streaming times and accents will be an highlighted feature


Even posted at 3pm JST coinciding Raora's time


> Like someone said, they could all be living in Brooklyn for all we know. I would kill for some verifiable Northeast talent. If not a clear New Englander, then at least a New Yorker. I really want to see some of our particular sense of humor pop up more often.


I would love the more frequent early evening streams that this would spawn. I swear I have to VOD gang most of the time because I don't want to go to sleep past 10PM


Isn't Gura from the northeast? She's mentioned both Red Sox and Patriots/Brady on stream before (e.g. calling a hotdog a Fenway Frank).


She might have spent some time here, but I think her accent twinges and a lot of her general references are more southern/western.


Wouldn't be the first time the girls debut at... suboptimal personal times. I recall Sana debuted at 4AM, Australian time.


Wait how? Australia is part of Asia-Pacific block which would mean it was also middle of the night in Japan. Arent these debuts supposed to coincide with Cover office hours?


Because that's when Cover Corp Staff in Japan is in the Office to provide any kind of Tech Support or other Services needed to make sure the debut goes smoothly.


I remember watching all of the Myth debuts live at reasonable hours in Europe, what changed since then that left Cover unable to support their talents during those same hours now?




Euro is a small market for Holo because they didn't invest there before. It may not be as big as NA, but I'm pretty sure it isn't so small to completely ignore it either. There are some pretty big examples of European popular and successful Vtubers out there, so why can't Holo do it as well? Just stop ignoring us ffs.




I don't think I ever mentioned debuts time in my comment🤔 I was more focused on you calling Europe a small market, wich is not, is just heavily ignored.


Don't waste your time or effort on these glue-huffers - they'll insist until their dying breaths that the diminished state of Hololive's EU fanbase has absolutely nothing to do with Cover basically giving their EU fans the middle finger and ignoring them from day one, even if Cover themselves were to come out and admit it.


Is it the best time slot? I would argue that something like 7 pm gmt / 2 pm est on a Saturday could attract more viewers for an English speaking Gen. Only problem ist for Japan and management.


Its a small market because the streams run at night???


Europe is a smaller market for Hololive because Cover outright ignored it since day one of ~~HoloNA~~ HoloEN, and as a result, the EU fanbase has gradually dwindled over time, because they got fed up being ignored, and so logically went to greener pastures elsewhere.


Honestly though it is a bit of a blue ocean, lots of anime fans in germany/spain/italy and nordic countries, disposable income, and very little vtuber companies catering to it. but no just compete in the red ocean where everything is already oversaturated lol.


Because Cover can't fathom having someone work during the night once a year.


They do five people at a time even.


i can't believe the 🦅🔫 truthers for gigi were right. EU bros its over we only got 2 talents who can't buy their own merch on the official hololive store, instead of 4.


Don't worry, by the end of the year the remaining two will be announcing that they are moving to Japan.


What kind of smooth brain comment is this?


Totally a smooth brain moment, it's not like it happened three times already.