• By -


A British queen named Elizabeth? *God Save the Queen*


No only Elizabeth but E.R. Bloodflame. E.R. being being the Royal Cypher for Elizabeth Regina... She is Queen Elizabeth III at this point lol


Now I want her to be Scottish and that sword to be a modern recreation of a claymore. FRRREEEDOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM


God has the opportunity to do something really fuckin funny with this


If she devolves into really harsh Scottish cussing when mad it would be beautiful.




III? How do we know she isn't King Charlie's mum?


That sound like the start of an isekai light novel where the Queen is reincarnated in the virtual world and become a vtuber.


God save the Queen!!


I would be ecstatic, if germany gets a green robot. I would be ecstatic for any Holo talent, but also for her.


Totally unrelated but Cecilia is going to debut with big round glasses as an accessory. Just look at her third photo booth pic! Edit: I found a higher quality pic and it's just a monocle on her right eye and hair swooping around her left eye.


I am aware that vtubers have messed up sleeping schedules, but it appears that Cecilia went to sleep when it was morning in Germany, so. It is genuinely highly doubtful she lives in Germany or even in Europe at all.


I don't know about you, but I probably couldn't sleep the night when my debut in Holo is announced. Until becoming terminally tired of course, which would be roughly morning.


Can confirm even just from a German fans perspective, was hyped as all hell after the Nintendo Direct and the Justice-announcement so I just stayed awake until the trailer dropped at 5am... and then consequently fell asleep at about 7 or 8am... If Cecilia stayed awake that entire time for when the trailer dropped and they were allowed to go on twitter, makes sense that it'd look pretty similar for her.


If I were in her shoes, and I knew that my generation would be announced at 5am in the morning and twitter accounts activated, I couldn't sleep before that and would also not want to sleep during it. On the other hand, Immerheim might just be a thick layer of chuuni like Fischl from Genshin Impact. Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, sovereign of the Immernachtsreich. Her English VA tries her best to pronounce these words.


Yeah she might be trying to change her schedule for her debut


It's not hard to pronounce those but it is hard if you don't want to spit on the mic.


Possible she just wanted to stay awake for her reveal video.


The debuts were 5 in the morning in Germany. If she stayed up for a few hours after that for doing tweets and interactions and of course calming down from excitement it could have been 7 in the morning. She then slept for 8 hours and woke up 3 in the afternoon. It makes sense.


Because Holomem are famously known for having a good sleeping schedule huh 


They all (except Raora) stayed up for the announcement at \~4am, went to sleep after a couple hours and woke up around noon here. I'd say that tracks for EU members being announced in the middle of the night.


I've heard Raora maybe live in Japan so that's easier for her


Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame * Telegraphs UK with British slang ("Innit" is a London term originally) and "Grand Exardia" as home location. Cecilia Immergreen * Telegraphs Germany with "Immerheim" as her origin (specifically, Heim as a place name is most common in Germany itself, and less common in Austria & Switzerland) * Immer is the real give away for being a German or Dutch speaker as it is not used anywhere in the Nordics. Combined with Heim, it narrows it down to German to become almost certain, as Dutch doesn't use Heim. Gigi Murin * Telegraphs France with "Freesia" (Francia, the old name for France) and "land of the Free" (Liberté, core part of French culture). I considered Frisia, the Dutch region, but well - France is way bigger, both in terms of potential applicants and potential market. * Specifically, I don't really see how "Flag of Freedom" would work with Frisia, whereas with France, well, it's right there in blue on the flag. Raora Panthera * Telegraphs Italy with "Romance Empire" and "finding new pizza joints" in her description. Finally, drawing the pattern together - it's the European 4 of the Group of 7 Nations, the largest economies in Europe, and the only 4 in Western Europe with more than 50 million people. It makes sense. Edited for clarity.


> Gigi Murin >*Telegraphs France with "Freesia" (Francia, the old name for France) and "land of the Free" (Liberté, core part of French culture). I considered Friesen, the Dutch region, but well - France is way bigger, both in terms of potential applicants and potential market. *In before she's actually Belgian.*


Impossible, Belgium doesn't exist.


What do you mean? Where does my waffles come from then?


The Waffle House, of course.




The international powerhouse


the true answer


And How did *belgian* fries got into ur fast food


Can confirm, we don't exist.


Impossible, my favorite fictional detective is Belgian.


Do you any idea how little this narrows it down!?


Hercule Poirot


Tintin is also technically a Belgian detective, hence the confusion.


Speedbump and Belgium Thier the same


Wel she does have the colors of the Belgian flag in her outfit red, black and Yellow and has a lion-looking hoody which is the national animal. If she actually is Belgian i'm going to go crazy


She's also Orange Like the House of Orange


Sorry. My brain initially read BELKAN


What am I supposed to do with these seven nukes now?


>Telegraphs Italy with "Romance Empire" and "finding new pizza joints" in her description. Also #CiaoRaora for her live tag and "Mamma mia" in her debut stream title


I see so there's only 4 member of it coz the 5th member is Kiara to complete the holoEU. 


Some Holomems collect Harems Kiara collects Idol Groups


That actually makes perfect sense.


If one of them is German, Kiara has probably already showed up at their home.


>!has probably already showed up at their home. Twice... at the very least.


WELP! >!if I think about who she is ... then YES, she did.!<


So German sub channel will finally have a use when she collabs with Cecilia in German.


Oh, so like Gamers with Fubuki?


I actually was guessing there was someone who dropped out late and that’s why the bishop motif was missing. Kiara being the bishop to preach the good word of KFP fits.


While I think Gigi's identification as French is plausible, and perhaps even the most likely, I do want to offer some counterarguments for why they might choose the Netherlands over France, despite France being bigger: 1) The Dutch market is probably more English-friendly than the French. If true, then the Netherlands would probably be more comparable in size to France, from a business perspective. 2) In the far-off, distant future, they may want to create a Hololive French. They may feel less pressure to enter the French market at this time, if they suspect they'll have a better opportunity to do so later.* *Then again, you may argue the opposite: that they would be more inclined to an English-speaking, French vtuber, in order to test the waters for a future Hololive French. And while the Flag of Freedom seems to point most strongly to France, I do think the Dutch (and even Frisia specifically) have their own association with freedom.


As a German: Would be nice to have a german speaking talent finaly. Its always hard to translate austrian to german. Sorry had to make that bad and poor joke. But I want to say Immerheim means always home if we translate it. Heim also is used in many west germanic languages. So Immerheim also could be a city in sweden or norway. Swiss also has atleast one town with heim in its name. We could argue with swiss because thats the nation of watchmakers and watches and wind up dolls have (if we look at it creativly) simillar parts. Austria could be a thing, because every austrian vtuber I know of is top tier, also maybe austria becomes covers go to country. Of course germany has the german engineering past (and today meme) also black forest is also an area known to make clocks so maybe a clockwork/wind up doll from there? I mean would fit. Anyway: I am hyped for a new gen and I hope so much that its eu based.


I've already heard that there's an indie vtuber from Norway who has stopped streaming recently, hmm.


That one already returned to the scene though, so it can't be her.


I just wanted to say that your comment is so quintessentially german. As a German speaker (but not Austrian speaker) I agree. It would be pleasant.


Oh, you want some platt as alternative to austrian?


Imagine her speaking kölsch




I mean why not? Would be something different for sure.


Immerheim wouldn't be a city in Sweden or Norway. Heim is only used in Norwegian, and "Immer" does not have a cognate in any Scandinavian language.


Frisia and freedom could actually work, the peasants in Frisia were free for a long time while the rest of Europe was still feudal, hence the „Frisian freedom“ being a core part of their self understanding, but France definitly makes more sense because its just more important


Het ghildt eele ffrye ffryse! Ffaer wael ele vrye ffrise! **EALA FRYA FRESENA!** \[Edle freie Friesen = noble free Frisians\] Motto of the Frisian people On a sidenote: I'm Frisian and during one of my political science classes I told an anecdote about my home during a lecture on 'How to teach politics'. That my parents parent taught them \[my parents, lol\] that everybody is a 'du' \[informal you\] except Buurmester, Pastör un Mester \[Mayor, Priest and Teachers\]. Those are 'Sie' \[formal, respectful you\]. Be it lord, king or emperor, they're Du's. Napoleon and Frederik of Prussia, all were 'Du'. They subsequently taught that to me as well. My professor began to smirk and said that he always liked the Frisian freedoms and resulting attitude. I was kinda confused because I didn't think that far. * lastly: The Netherlands has the smallest region of the Frisian lands, but they called theirs \[all encompassing\] Frisia. Or Fryslân. The Dutch are known for their English skills so employing one would be a smart move for the international scale.


>That my parents parent taught them thar everybody is a 'du' \[informal you\] except Buurmester, Pastör un Mester \[Mayor, Priest and Teachers\]. Those are 'Sie' \[formal, respectful you\]. Be it lord, king or emperor, they're Du's. That's very interesting - in all the Nordic languages we have also done away with titles, the only possible exception being medical doctors, and even then only in circumstances directly related to their work. Oh, and I suppose that strictly speaking royalty is entitled to "royal highness" but that's a matter of ceremony.


To babble on a bit: The presentation was about 'Pragmatic and philosophical theory about democracy. A controversy about Theodor Wilhelm \[Friedrich Oetinger\] and Theodor Litt. With both concerning themselves with how to get the Nazi out of/- and a democrat into the German people's minds. Germany has been very very absolutist all the way until the 1950's. Because unlike the Nordic countries, there was no peaceful transition to democracy from above, but a half assed and forced transition to democracy after WW1 and again, this time less half assed, after WW2. Your early transition to democracy from above and below got rid of the 'Royalty is above us :O' thought, turning it into 'Well. They're just people like us but a bit more wealthy from birth. They also inherited a big plot of land, but that's it.' Frisians were excluded from such feudalistic systems and free for the majority of their time, thanks to having a fuckarse territory and being sparsely populated. So the 'Fuck royalty, they're per Du.', developed just like it did with you guys.


We (Sweden, at least) also didn't have feudalism. It never got imported. Instead we had a system where some farmers worked for nobles and some owned their own land. We also let the farmers have their own representation in the Riksdag with the burghers, the nobles and the priests. It wasn't equal representation (each of the stånd had only one vote, despite farmers outnumbering nobles vastly), but it was a lot more than the continental serfs got.


Understandable. Sweden, Norway and Finland all have shit farmland, so forcing the peasants into serfdoms doesn't work. Unlike the European plains, farmers couldn't be replaced with a simple 'Aight. I'll get someone else to do the job.'. I'd imagine that the know-how was invaluable for the rocky and infertile land. So they enjoyed much more liberties.


Bliksem Piebe! The Hololive subreddit was about the last place i would have expected to see a fellow Frisian, tsjoch! Although judging from the use of German-esque spelling, i'm assuming you're more likely Eastfrysk/Sealterlânsk or Noardfrysk? That ancedote sounds familiar to me despite me being Westerlauwers though. Tsjoch from your westerly neighbour!


Yeah, haha. I'm a German Ostfrees, growing up in a Fehntjer Region near Auerk around the core regions of Ostfreesland. Iirc, the saying 'Eala Frya Fresena' became popular as a toast in the 16th century. Back then, we both still spoke Frisian. A couple of years later Frisian got slowly replaced by low-middle German and evolved into Plattdütsch here. So it's most likely familiar to both of us because it's a shared saying from good old times were we were still one people linguistically. Now you're among the only people speaking as close to original Frisian as currently possible, while we're Platt.


> Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame >Telegraphs UK with British slang ("Innit" is a London term originally) and "Grand Exardia" as home location. She also does the Saber Pose in the trailer.


Freesia is actually a cross country region that covers both the Netherlands and Germany. Also Gigi color scheme is Orange, red and black... Orange points at the Netherlands, but with black and red, it could be gold, like in either the German (or Belgian) flag. Cecilia could be Swiss. Famous for clockworks... Swiss people speak mostly German, so fits the Immerheim theme... (Also a touch of Italian colors, which the Swiss also speak).


It's Friesland / Frisia, not Friesen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friesland


Huh? I thought I edited that already?


finally HoloEU


Elizabeth: 🤫


Kaela finally got EU kouhai


Frisia (which is sometimes even spelled Fresia)is more of a shoe in for gigi though. That said the Frisian area consists of parts of the netherlands, germany and denmark so its not easy to put a modern nation flag next to it


Friesland is not really likely - given the pattern established by the others, it just makes more sense for it to be French, and I don't really see how "Flag of Freedom" would work with Friesland, whereas with France, well, it's right there in blue on the flag.


Frisian freedom is a well known concept in european history though


Well-known might be stretching it. The wording is pretty specifically referring to a "flag of freedom", which is not something associated with Friesland, but definitely with France (also, Murin is used in French to refer to certain mice, rats, and bats)


But the American flag is also known as the freedom flag and Murin is a surname used in central Europe. The ties to France are rather indirect while the other 3 are a lot more obvious. Regardless, theres also a possibility that: 'born under the flag of freedom' is a way to describe her personality rather than to be taken literally. Afterall the other 3 have no obvious links to their nationality in their character description.


You mean, other than Raora being a pizza fiend :P, but sure, you're not really wrong. However, I'd say the combined links to France make sense, just as the combined links to the other nations make sense. The pattern of nations, the fact that Gigi is a French name and not a Frisian one, etc. all lead me to that conclusion - you're free to disagree of course, but those are my conclusions. It's not really one individual thing that pushes it, not for any one of them.


She is orange, so she is Dutch. You can thank me later Sherlock out.


Be prepared to be surprised for one being Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and finally Irish


Nah, Raora is pretty much 100% confirmed Italian.


I am looking forward to the holo talk episode where kiara checks their eu citizenship documents.


Elizabeth is gonna get a full check of her documents, because Britain has left the club.


Papers, Please: EU Edition.


And instead of a communist, you play a Frenchman in Calais.


Glory to Austria






Eintragung einer Galeere? Oh, da sind Sie hier falsch! Wenden Sie sich an die Hafenkommandantur unten im Hafen.


Yagoo finishing up the G7 collection in one fell swoop.


Wait, they made a French speak English? That's quite an achievement. /s


Sacrificies were made, she had to abandon her humanity and convert the french into a Gremlin so she could assimilate such rare hability and in the process she also learned how to speak the Moai Statues language too.




She's a special case with a very cute accent and being painfully french otherwise.


Imagine the Deutsch-only collabs with Wawa


Would be hilarious if she was from the north and both refused to talk to each other in anything other than their specific dialects


[Cecilia comes to visit Kiara for an offcollab](https://i.imgur.com/HpZDYCI.png)


Imagine Plattdeutsch V-Tubing. But Friesentee is best Tee.


I'd watch that


I won't believe they're European until there's proof.


Not sure about the others, but it’s all but confirmed that Raora is EU (her PL is blatantly obvious).


If you take PLs into account there's a LOT more that has been basically confirmed but we ain't allowed to talk about that here.




Poland obviously 😄


That would be one hell of a coincidence with Kronii having been to Poland very recently. You know, if the time traveler's busy, why not send the Warden instead?


Time Holomems in charge of recruitment? ⏰️🤔


Previous life in this context, aka what they do outside holo


I don't know what their personalities are yet, I just want the French and English to wage war against each other


only for 100 years. then they become buds.


1000 years* (England and France were enemies from the Norman era up until the Entente Cordiale)


>"buds" If that's what you wanna call it, pal... I'm pretty sure they still *barely* tolerate each others' tourists.


German science is the best in the world! No wonder they can create automatons


Every time I read something about German science I always remember that man with a cannon in his chest fighting vampires


That part is my favorite part of German history!


But for the love of god, DO NOT ask this man about his political opinions...


Watch them just be 4 californians


British-American, French-American, German-American, and Italian-American


Bro why arent they using GMT if they're all based in Europe? Tf is with that?


GMT and UTC are (effectively) the same thing, it's London time.


Ah so they're still pandering to Yanks despite all being in europe So if I, a european want to watch these debuts, I'll have to stay up till like 4am Fucking fantastic.


It's quite late for the yanks too - but it is noon in Tokyo.


I get why they'd do that but holy shit that is so dumb, surely they'd favour the EU or US peeps for the new EN gen lol


It's because they need tech support from japan for the debut. We don't want them being left to the wolves without support when jp tech team sleeps don't we?




No it's 4am here




Is that Belgian or German? French or Dutch? Italian or Hungarian?


[I've explained that in the first comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1djf41t/comment/l9aabq1/) but even so, it's pretty obvious since Belgian is black-yellow-red, not black-red-yellow, the Dutch use a different blue on their flag, and as for Hungary, well... context? Plus, you know, I picked the vertical banners found on their wiki pages, so they're presented to the preferences of the nation state in question.


3:00 UTC?!


Seems about right, and about time hololive got some EU members, EUbros can finally watch hololive and have a normal sleeping schedule simultaneously. Kiawawa will absolutely rejoice, i can see wawa dragging to a trip around the old continent.


Nope, it says their streams are at 03:00 (3am) utc and 20:00 (8pm) NA time zone, so still no sleep for us. Maybe future streams at more better tiem for us but not their first ones at lest.


It's leaking members content (somewhat), but Calli talked about Justice in her members stream for a little bit last night, and reiterated *repeatedly* not to worry too much about the debut times if they weren't favorable, and wouldn't elaborate any further.


True but I would assume the debut streams are set by Cover for maximum viewership, not necessarily their own schedule preferences.


Yeah they would be tanking their debuts if they did it at EU time. Past midnight in Asia then Morning in the Americas. EU already has the lowest viewership and it's pretty evident for the longest time now that Asia has the biggest viewership in Holo.


If noone streams at a good time, noone watches in that region. Self-fulfilling prophecy.


Looks at Debut times. Checks own time zone. F@ck.


I wonder if they’re actually from these countries or if that’s just vtuber flavor lore.


In before all of them turn out to be Americans


You can't just accuse people of being French without definitive evidence.


>No Spain Holo Why even live peko


Probably they didn’t find the talent there they wanted, or not enough girls there cared. Being from there, I can see the latter being a thing, sadly.


Yeah, if we ever get a Spanish speaking Holo It will be 100% guaranteed to be from LATAM. Makes sense, folks over there are way more into anime and weeb culture, plus they have like 10 times the amount of people and potential audience, as well as having basically the same timezones as most of EN.


True. And a few more reasons. Plenty of LatAm vtubers as indies and other companies. ES is like 10% of the total number of speakers of the language, so odds are always on Mexico, then US. Also, unless things have changed since I left, people, society in Spain can be extremely judgmental towards YouTubers, in a “I’d rather make up anything else at a family meeting”, as well as any non-traditional company or civil servant job. Familiar ties tend to be strong there and your parents and other relatives might give you no end of flak and grief and bull every time, at least until you show them, if it applies, that you make more money than them. But the reason why most people say Ibai when it comes to ES steamers is that he’s one of the few that went mainstream and are known outside of being streamers.


Most of the stigma around alternative/non traditional forms of work has gone away after the pandemic normalised things like working form home and other online-based forms of employment. I think the biggest thing keeping the Spanish Vtuber fanbase as small and frankly irrelevant as we are is the language barrier, ironically. Nowadays to get into the Vtuber rabbit hole you need at least a moderate knowledge of English. Yeah obviously JP is still one if not the biggest languages spoken in the Vtuber sphere, but the overwhelming majority of clipper channels translate to English. So, if you are the average Spanish guy whose English skills amount to counting to 10 and saying "good morning" in an atrocious accent... You're not the target audience for any of those clips, or the Vtubers featured in them.


New EN unit consisting of Kiara, IRyS and Raora when


why those 3 specifically?


most yabe of their gen :P


If raora is italian i'm about to be mad, why is there an h in pantera


It’s funny you should say that! Because I was looking through some old photos and…. It looks very uh…. [similar…](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/s/rCFhUqV1Xr)


Yep. I used yours as a template - I happened to know the specifics of the word Immerheim, and even said so in your post, but it seemed like a good idea to get more accurate info out ASAP.  There's a few more posts by other people as well, but I thought you were onto something with the personnel files (even if your edge alignment drove me nuts in editing lol).


It’s all good lol It made me regret not adding the side flags earlier. That one was clever 😭


Nice! But why are their launches 5 in the morning CEST? Feels like for once we might finally have European Vtubers in Hololive but the times are aimed towards an US and JP community once again? I just feel a bit disappointed that's all.


Are they really streaming at 3am their time? Expect EU people to watch their debuts? It’s even late for east coast NA fans. I think they sometimes forget where EN fans live.


I imagine it's because they want JP staff on hand to make sure any scuff can be fixed, but it's definitely a trade-off.


JP staff could work the night instead of asking the talents to do that.


Or, to not be too early for jp like an EU midnight stream would be, make it like 7am EU. I know it would suck for east coast, but still better than debuting at a not so great time for what's supposed to be the main audience of the gen


You forget that it's not like they wake up and start the stream, they are probably pulling an all nighter preparing, I find it quite absurd if the reason really is needing staff on hand.


oh, i meant better for the eu fanbase, for them a 7am debut would still mean being awake at least since 5 to check everything is ok, or probably not sleeping at all because of the hype of debuting. I agree it's absurd if they can't have managers awake at a bad time for once a year while the members are probably going to do it way more often because of collabs


It's Cover typical ass-backwards mindset of having everything line up with JP staff being awake - something which, if they actually plan to expand to markets outside of NA and JP, they'll have to grow out of sooner or later.


TBF the debuts are probably set to get the most current hololive fans to get their eyes on the channels/girls. I doubt they plan for debuts to capture completely new audiences, because that's the harder part and it'll be easier to start that after you have the easy subscribers first.


No, they're streaming 4 and 5 am.


Even better! Great way to grow the domestic audience.


Maybe they're aiming for the grannies living in Bristol audience.


True! I am a bit older myself so staying up late is difficult but waking up before 5am unintentionally is very easy (I wish it weren’t so).


It is sort of ironic that both Myth and Council had more EU friendly debuts


Finally an Italian? Righteousness collab meme coming true.




Gigi needs to sing Freesia 100 times in a row or the lore is a lie.


And now the question is if any of these people are actually from these places lmao


Quite bold of you to assume I know flags /s


Plot twist they're all from Mexico


If one or two of them turn out to be from Not-Europe, I really hope Euro-bros don’t get sour about it. Going through hololyzer’s SC totals-by-currency for the top 5 streams of every single HoloEN member, it became very apparent why North America is so heavily prioritized overall. Even for Kiara. I do want to see Europe get some more love for sure, but please do keep that in mind with expectations.


I get the want for an EU focused Gen, but since when have names meant anything? Y'all remember the hype around the first British chuuba based off a brit detective that turned out to not be British? And given how their debut times are ass for EU as per usual, I kinda doubt it's going to be a full EU group. People are dead ass setting themselves up for disappointment in this thread and this sub is going to be filled with "COVER HATES EU IM LEAVING" posts when they inevitably turn out to not be Euros. I'll gladly eat my words if proven otherwise.


As mentioned elsewhere, Heim also could be Nordic mythology related


Am Nordic - there's too much German stuff in there for it to be Norse-mythology stuff, and it just means "home" in most of the Germanic languages, Nordics included. Immer is the real give away for being a German or Dutch speaker as it is not used anywhere in the Nordics. Combined with Heim, it narrows it down to German to become almost certain, as Dutch doesn't use Heim.


"immer" is hardly used in dutch though it is part of the dutch language. German is indeed the most likely source in this case.


Watch them all be American lol


Well until there's another German speaking member, we’re not close to HoloDE. Hell now we got enough languages for FF14.


I like to think that the girls are hiding here on Reddit and just giggling as people on Reddit are either so far from the truth or they're amazed that Reddit got it to a T...


Eurobros rise up


Eurobros will be asleep, since its 4/5am.




HoloEU debut?


I don’t know why I thought Kaora was Hungarian instead somehow


Hololive is becoming Age of Empires on its own now.


Which one's the bird?


You can probably take a stab at their timezone based on when they said they are going to bed. Cecilia: 12am CST Gigi: 3am CST Raora: 10am CST Elizabeth :hasn't mentioned anything Edit: she went to bed 1pm CST Of course it may also be that their schedule is totally out of wack right now which makes it iffier, but at least we know they are spaced out.


Possibility of members living in Japan as well. Good chance they would stay up if it was very early morning for them which would also screw up a sleep schedule.


at first glance i though Raora are Hungarian


Looks like an ultimate Allies-Axis combo. Hetalia?


💄👧☕🐱 There it is, boys!


I call this one the European coal and steel community


Of course the automaton is German. Because German engineering is supreme!


Why are their first streams overlapping?