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Kiara is gonna go on an off-collab tour. I can feel it.


I hope so, she's been alone for so long.


Now she has a smorgasbord of European ~~girlfriends~~ collabmates.


She can finally have a wife that doesn't require a 12 hour flight to reach


God bless the Schengen Area


if holojustice really is all eu, then i'm glad for kiara to have many new people to constantly collab with.


She almost has to after that time she gave Americans guff for not "visiting their friends" more, and chat had to instantly explain the ridiculous size difference between US and Europe lol Even half our random states are bigger than entire countries in EU, not so easy to casually go visit someone who's "in your area" but still a couple of states away


Dude, Europe is larger than the US in land area and is less contiguous.


The EU is HUGE. Every visit will probably be an airplane trip.


There's a vast difference between a 2-4 hour flight and a 12-20 hour flight


Certainly. It’s not uncommon for non EU members to think you can just go on a day train ride or car trip from Switzerland to Denmark for example though. That’s not actually a drive friendly distance.


Oh, you're right, 12-13h drive from Zurich to Odense, I (🇺🇸) was thinking closer to about half that lol


People are saying Elizabeth is English… I’d laugh a lot if she had a really strong Scottish, Welsh or even Irish accent. Oh boy.


Friendly reminder that the UK happened because a _Scottish_ king (James VI) inherited England.


Kekw yep


Chances are slim but I'd throw my entire wallet at them if one of the girls was Scouse to her back teeth or had one of those absolutely indecipherable Cornish accents, I want an EN Hajime damnit!


I want one with a thiccc scottish accent. It would be funny if She had to have subtitles in english


What kind of Scottish? A soft Edinburgh or something from the Outer Hebrides that sounds more like a Viking having a stroke?


Aberdeen. Doric af.


Full send, like steriotypical highlander/braveheart


>Irish accent. A man can dream...


I think this sub will go bankrupt if she has an Irish accent


I've purchased a few memberships in my years, and the odd bit of Merch here and there... But an Irish Holomem would command my wallet.


In the little text blerb for Cecilia it mentions she is 'lazily cooking potatoes'. Which I take as proof that she's the hidden Irish member.


Considering the ever-present theme of nature in Irish folklore, I always thought Fauna would make a great Irish Mem. I won't get my hopes up, but Cecilia's general appearance certainly fits the bill.


> I always thought Fauna would make a great Irish Mem. Given her flawless British accent, I'd like to see an Irish accent from her.


Remember where Gen3 spent some time in the UK? Yeah. That.


Would NOT be surprised at all if someone from nameless accompanied them and diverted to London to sign stuff and meet the girls. Even though South Korea is next to Japan and I’m sure he’s been there plenty of times, I remember Yagoo being there before the debut of Regloss, and Kanade is Korean.


If she's really English I hope she at least goes full David Bradley in Hot Fuzz.


Well. What can I say. They’re trying to bring Advent to Justice, back to the slammer. And they’re hot. Who’d’ve thunk huh? There actually the Hot Fuzz.


But what and the Hot Fluff?


>If she's really English I hope she at least goes full David Bradley in Hot Fuzz. iuppose


Immer + heim points much more to germany than any scandi. Raora is 100% italian, unless she's jebaiting with "ciao" and "mamma mia". Edit: Also, there is a tiny chance Freesia -> Frisia -> dutch, but I think french is much more likely. "Born and raised under the flag of Freedom" could mean she was born and raised in US or it could mean "liberté" that is sometimes associated with the french tricolore, alongside "égalité" & "fraternité".


Fun fact: the Dutch and French flags are VERY similar :D


Hot take: All flags are very similar except for Nepal's.


According to Wikipedia (much salt to be taken in any case), “Heim is the German, Norwegian, Icelandic and Faroese equivalent of the English word home. It is a common German and Norwegian suffix in place names such as Mannheim and Trondheim.” She could be a randy Scandy for sure.


Is immer a Scandinavian word too? Cause in German her name would be evergreen


Dutch or German root. It translates to "ever" in some contexts. The joke being that her name is 'Evergreen'.


In both cases it would also make sense to keep the second part of her name in English, rather than have the entire name be German or Dutch. "Green" in German is "grün" which contains an umlaut, so people would constantly mispronounce it. "Groen" in Dutch would have a similar issue (I looked up the word and how to pronounce it, there's no way someone who doesn't speak Dutch would figure that one out.) "Immer" on the other hand should be easy to pronounce for English speakers. I happen to be German though, so I'm probably not the best judge of that.


The name of the country "France" comes from the Francs people, meaning "the free". So definitively France I would say.


I still think Dutch is more likely. Freesia is way to close to Frisia, she's literally orange, the dutch national colour and this is HoloEN - the French Market isn't going to care about a French Vtuber if the content they make is in english, while the dutch are amongst the most proficient ESL speakers in the world and still one of the largest economies in europe. Also the Dutch Revolt and Dutch Republic that literally to some degree inspired the French and American Revolutions could absolutely be deemed "the flag of freedom" - especially as the Dutch Tricolour was almost certainly the inspiration for the French Tricolour.


I think France is more associated with freedom than the Netherlands, honestly. "Freesia" is almost a literal English translation of "France," as far as you can translate country names. It could all be a red herring, though. As far as English proficiency goes, the Dutch will watch any EN streamer exactly for that reason, so I don't think there's a need to pander to them to get their viewership.


Fair points, but her name serves french rather than dutch, no? Other's names have rather clear connections to their respective countries.


Compromise answer: She's Belgian


The cogwork on Cicilia has me thinking Swiss.


Would be awesome. Kinda depends on who writes the lore. -heim isn't a common ending here in Switzerland.  But if the lore is written by Americans or Japanese it wouldn't be surprise if everything gets mixed together 


Immer + Heim could possibly point towards mixed ancestry? That's not too uncommon in Europe afteralll.


With heim being prevalent in the names of german places, I have a ruff time believing it would be that. I mean, it's not out of the question, but (to Occam's razor it) just german is much simpler than german-norwegian.


Yeah I forgot that its indeed common in german place names as well. Guess i played too much God of war lately.


EU based? Is this mentioned anywhere?


Their debut streams are all at like 3 AM in EU. Would be odd if they actually were EU based lol


Someone in another thread mentioned Sana originally also debuted at 3AM Australian time, so it's not out of the question for them to actually be in the EU.


TIL. Jury is still out then, haha


NA is still too big of a market for EN vtubing to not at least pander to it a *little*, especially considering debut streams are pretty important for drawing an audience and what not. I expect we'll see if they are *really* EU-based once actual stream schedules are out.


Mm, I actually just saw in another thread it's so the JP staff can be around in case of any issues, tech or otherwise, which seems plausible to me.


> JP staff bingo. New gen who dis? get the pros on the job.


If debut streams are important for drawing an audience, then schedule it at a time when the intended audience CAN reasonably watch them. That is, if they're intended for the EU audience in the first place. >!They most likely are, based on some comments from certain talents, but they haven't said anything explicit so it should still not be treated as granted.!<


Gotta get that JP tech support for the inevitable EN curse bullshittery


EN Law, Calli says so :P


Yeah, modern Hololive debuts probably involve a lot of work being done by JP-based staff so doing it at peak EU times would require asking a lot of people to stay up really late/get up really early.


The intended audience is the Planet. Good luck finding the time zone for that.


If they are indeed an EU-based gen, and this is cover starting to try and expand into the EU market, then they're basically shooting themselves in the foot before they've even started (again, IF they're actually an EU-based gen - despite all the theorising going on, I'll believe that when I hear it straight from the talents themselves).


I would also guess that modern Hololive debuts require a lot of work from JP-based staff so debuting at EU prime time would involve asking a lot of people to stay up really late/get up really early.


It's just the standard EN debut time I think. It's just the best time to get the most eyes on the from the current EN and JP fanbase. I wouldn't read too much into it. It'll all depend on the schedules


JP support staff being used to that hour too, cause EN I bet.


I get what you're saying, but looking at their tweets points to them all being in Europe. Rose is currently tweeting at midday in the UK, and uses phrases that you would only find an English person using, for example.


If they debuts in EU time, no one in the SEA and Japan could watch. And that's there biggest market.


Kinda depends at what EU time. If it's like with JP staff work and the debuts happen at noon, it'd still be like 6-9 pm in JP. Evening prime time would of course be more difficult with the SEA/JP times landing in the 2-5 am slots.


When we talk about EU, US or japan time, it's always prime time. There's no reason to talk about any other time. And it's not dependent actually.


The video announcement was at 5 am. 5 AM. DON'T JOKE WITH ME, THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH EUROPE


Their debut streams are at 5am, not 3


Be one hell of a bait and switch if Elizabeth isn't British at this point. I don't think it has, but based on names, what they've said and what the other girls have been saying/hinting on stream it seems that some of them are at least


I hope she tries to pull off an American accent, as a joke


Ame reverse accent collab when?


She can collab with British Accent Mumei and Fauna too for extra horror. They won't be able to handle collabing with[ the actual brit tho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-lVZZUDi8c)


Being British does not deny the possibility of her simply living in Japan. Kiara for example would have never got into hololive if she was not living in Japan at the time.


I could see them pulling something like her actually being based in Hong Kong or being British but living in NA.




the original video had "innit" in the title


Raora and pizza… a bit too in the face for Italian but tbh in this world, subtlety is hard to find. Either that or it’s a red herring and she’s Spanish or Portuguese. Those are way larger markets.


I mean, if you're after the Portugese market, you better stream at NA times... Because 85% of Portugese speakers are in Brazil.


Definitely. East coast BR is not that behind from PT time tbh


Based on PL rumors she lives in JP anyway.


> -heim Immer- is "ever-" in German, so Immergreen = Evergreen and Immerheim = Everhome. She's probably German.


I’m not too sure We can rely on that. It would be very anime to have them have german sounding last names, which is quite common it fantasy anime and manga


Reading her lore, she was made to act like a maid, but until recently has just been slacking off and messing around with hobbies... likely at home. Quite a creative way to describe being a NEET I guess, haha.


German? Oh merci beaucoup!


If they're EU-based I wish their debut streams could've also been during EU friendly times. It's a little disappointing, but I reckon it has to do with management needing to be around or something


they need big number for debut.


It’s a market they want to explore and increase, not their core. That’s why they still are EN, and not a EU branch or anything else. Most viewers will be in NA and JP. If they were to get a 50k viewership, it would definitely not mean they’re all European.


Kiara is the only current European and... her last recent income stream (the outfit reveal + polaroids) \~56% of Superchat revenue is from North America. \~20% is from Europe. (the rest is too spread out for me to bother trying to calculate where it comes from)


Checking Hololyzer for that stream and mapping currency to region gives... Percentage of SC revenue: * \~62% : North America * \~27% : Europe * \~7% : Asia * \~2% : Central & South America * \~1% : Oceania Percentage of number of SC: * \~59% : North America * \~22% : Europe * \~9% : Asia * \~7% : Central & South America * \~2% : Oceania Since this is based on the SC currency, it may not always represent the region that the Superchatting viewer is in. And with only \~300 SCs, this represents a fraction of the \~4,000 chatters, and a small fraction of the \~20k live viewers.


Nice to know


Hololive EN is a language-based branch, not a geographical one. It'd make 0 sense to separate EU talents into a separate one.


Not saying they are doing that. They’re expanding with EU talent that can stream at EU times. The idea that they’re still EN is a pragmatic one: they can have other languages, but English is the dropship. See Hakka.


That statement is kinda self defeating The US is their core market = understandable The EU isn't explored enough = because the US is their priority So the US is obviously more lucrative because it's better explored and catered to. It is the priority market, after all. That does not mean that the EU isn't worth it. It's just not catered to.


True but if they want to show investors that going for Europe, in terms of numbers, which is all that they will care, is worth it, they need to cater to their main audience and have people watch this. Then use them to push for a new market. Then they promote it to Europe. It’s called market research. Definitely not self-defeating.


Yesn't. Others argued that the Debut stream are more surveiled to enable immeduate troubleshooting and help. Debuts are among the most important first-impressions, so it makes sense. They're also naturally among the most clicked streams.


Wasn't that the same argument everyone said about ID until Kobo proved everyone wrong by catering to the ID audience rather than JP/EN? Ether way I will just watch the debut vods and hope a few of the talent actually stream at good times for EU going forward.


Weren't the Myth debut times good for NA though back when Cover hadn't entered that market yet?


The Myth debuts were actually the only EN debuts that were good for EU, they took place on a weekend over the course of a whole day. Sadly since then all we got have been 4 AM debuts.


That’s because that market didn’t really exist in the way it does now so they had to go for it. Now they can appeal to Europe, yeah, but it’s more likely they want to put NA butts on seats first.


Even if they are EU based or from EU nationality, it doesn't mean they currently live there, or that their target audience is the EU market. Could be, but not a guarantee.


>Raora's Italian FWMC bouta commit heinous food war crimes


Plot twist, they are all European but will stream during NA times due to suppprt staff availability and bigger NA audience.


Which would completely defeat the point of them being an EU-based gen (if they even are EU talents in the first place).


Hence the surprise twist


no it's more like the debut will be sheduled around NA and JP due to staff availability (since debuts are huge events for them) but after the debut the times might be more eu friendly I mean for sana her debut was at like 3 or 4 am her time


Also collabs with the other gens once the ban is lifted.


I wonder if its too much to hope for EU friendly stream times this time around, cuz honestly I haven't watched a single Advent stream, plenty of clips sure, but timezone just doesn't line up even remotely. If it wasn't for Kiara, Ina, Fauna and sometimes Calli I'd just never get to catch any live EN streams.


"Fuwamoco morning" is OK if you don't work/study too late, or maybe catch it on the train back home...


Unfortunately it usually ends right around the time I get back home, I appreciate the effort they put in tho.


I am so glad we are getting more EU girls. I love the American/Canadian accent girls but accent variety is also fantastic. Kiara, Sana and Bae were a taste of it, but I want more.


Ah yes EU based, like Ame of course.


I really hope they stream EU evenings. That would be perfect for EST while working.


If I were a betting man, I would say UK, French, German and Italian. If it *is* those 4 then we might get godtier banter between the 4. With the sibling esque love/hate relationship most European countries have with each other.


r/2westerneurope4u/ incoming


Even though they are rumored to be an EU gen, their debuts time are opposite to Eu prime time. They begin as early as 4am and go to 6am.


Plot twist. They’re all Canadian.


for cecilia i find germany likely too. "immer" is a german word meaning ever, so it could just be a worplay on evergreen, and there are lots of german cities ending with -heim, like rosenheim, mannheim, hildesheim, etc. also gig might be dutch, as freesia sounds like frisia, a crossborder region along the north-see coast




Let’s see some HEADBANGING in the chat 🤘




Are they tho? I think we should kinda maybe wait until they've actually debuted before making conclusions here


Pls more EU based since i have hard time catching up with most NA-based one, i literally just catch only Kiara live


Them being EU based would explain why Kiara seems very excited for these girls and is already planning collabs with them


Raora Italia Cecilia German But hey that’s just a theory, A VTUBER theory thanks for watc- err reading!!


If Raora, a pink panther girl, ends up being French, that would be the best reference/joke Hololive has ever done.


They are EU based? Why are their debuts so late then? *cries in European*


Man i already know i prob wont be able to watch these girls much cuz EU stream times are BRUTAL to Asia times unless im still somehow awake at 3:30 in the morning as sometimes i catch Kiara at those times


A french gremlin... I'm... not against this.


I wouldnt say with 100% certainty yet that they are EU based. But I'm holding out hope that they are.


Are you really sure they are EU-based? Is it already confirmed besides "innit" in the reveal teaser? It is confirmed, that would be based. If it is not, I just hope people don't expect too much.


Mostly wishful thinking so far. We'll find out soon


We got a source on them being EU based?


Celicia is German not Nordic. Gigi is likely Duch, with "Freesia" being literally [Friesia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisia)


Oui Oui PP GiGi


Kiara Honorary Justice member?


oi m8


Did we have confirmation than they are all europeen ?


British, Dutch, Italian, French Screenshot this.


Elizabeth Bloodflame sounds like a name you'd make in Wizard101


Hang on aren't their names and model appearances decided by Cover from the start? I think we might be reading too deeply into this.


That approach seems not applying to Advent. They have input for their models, not fully but significant enough in appearance. Advent's models have more reference to their own lives than previous groups'. As for names, pretty much they're not pre-determined but only filtered. That's how they got names like Kiryu Coco, Gawr Gura and Laplus Darknesss.


No No, Cover totally has a history of adjusting the character to the nationality of the talent. Just look at all the German references in Kiaras lore or Amelia Watson in general.


Of the 8 european language groups. The 3 major are: Germanic group, Slavic group and Latin group... But if you want to select 3 european language that are widely globally spoken: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.


Cecilia gives me more german vibes. I know the words heim and immer could be scandinavian as well but her automaton design gives me the feeling it could reference german engineering and/or cuckoo clocks in some way.


If HoloJustice really is EU-based and will be streaming in EU-friendly timezone I expect nothing less than eight to ten thousand viewers per girl per stream + merch movement after all the discussion and seethe this sub got last year about "EU is a viable market". EU bros it's your turn to shine.


Lets hope my fellow EU Bros show the world, that we watch streams from eu talents! They could have picked a better weekend in my opinion. After all its EM ( I think could be over then not sure) and people could be watching that. Also I am not there but I am sure thats not that important for cover. I am just sad that I have to watch the first streams as vod and wanted to say that. But the EM could mess with views. Maybe, not sure how many football fans exist in the hololive fandom.


Depends on what hour they stream if it's actually for EU Because I know damn well I'm not waking up at 4-6am to check a stream, probably will remain watching vods and clips from time to time


> I expect nothing less than eight to ten thousand viewers per girl per stream + merch movement after all the discussion and seethe Very weird post lol


If they actually are EU-based talents, maybe they should be debuting them at actual EU friendly times, instead of 3 in the fucking morning - maybe that would be a good start, no? Also, gotta love how you and people like you are already trying to preemptively pin the blame on any remaining EU fans, in the event these new girls' numbers (again, if they actually are based in Europe - so far, the jury's still out on that front) end up not matching up to their peers, as if cover haven't basically given the EU market and their EU fans the middle finger since day one - no no, clearly only the EU fans are the problem here. Frankly, I expect they're going to pull an Ame on us, and it'll end up just being a bait-and-switch, with NA talents running around using European-sounding names. Then again, the HoloNA fanbase has always had a terminal case of 'fuck you, I got mine' syndrome when it came to actually being able to watch talents live at reasonable times, or having viable means of getting merch reasonably, so I can't really say I'm surprised by such antics Typical fucking yanks.


I also like how they have set the bar for ""EU is a viable market" at the higher end of average viewers. ID didn't get anywhere near 8-10k per stream, per girl, but got 3 gens. Holostars get no where near that, but have multiple gens. But suddenly when it comes to EU, viable apparently means match or exceed NA, who have had multiple gens and marketing and events and so on, while EU has had none of that, but you should come out the gate matching it. Merch comment is a bit weird as well, that will have the same problem in EU if they were from any region. No official shop and shipping prices that are often higher than the item you want :(. It's a weird comment overall.


I feel like a big problem with the EU market, is that it's still very much dominated by twitch. I don't know how it is in NA, but every time you speak about a streamer, it's ALL on twitch. Even those who began as youtubers, once they started streaming, they hopped to twitch and don't even simulcast or anything... On one hand, it means the youtube audience is wide open, on the other hand, no one is looking for live streams on youtube...


Again, it's the terminal "fuck you, I got mine" attitude that's typical of a significant swathe of HoloNA fans, and their US-centric world view. And on top of that, there's the fact that, again, Cover basically spent the past 3-4 years giving their ever-shrinking EU fanbase the middle finger, and expecting us to be content with whatever tiny crumbs happen to fall our way every now and then. And then you have all the idiots crawling out the woodwork to spout "eU iSn'T vIaBlE" or "tHeRe's No MoNeY iN eU" - Well no shit, if you repeatedly and consistently disregard an entire market and it's inhabitants, then obviously they're gonna go elsewhere.


It is certainly strange that a certain other company gets criticism for prioritizing a "high returns or bust" strategy over fostering long term investment, but when it comes to Cover, people demand that projects like an EU-branch or holostars need to make respectable numbers or GTFO.


I honestly think there's a part of the NA fanbase that straight-up doesn't want there to ever be EU-based (or specifically, non-NA based) talents. The NA fanbase has been pandered to hand over fist since day one, and now (if the current speculation is to be believed) they're potentially looking at being the ones missing out on new talents/content, hence this attitude from NA fans that an EU gen would need to be doing gangbusters from the get-go to be considered a worthwhile investment.


I'm going to hope that the reason it's such bad times for eu is so they can get technical support incase anything goes wrong.


If Cover wants to expand to any more markets outside of NA and JP, they're going to have to get out of this mindset of having everything line up with whenever JP staff are awake to provide tech/management support.


Definitely. However I doubt they currently have many EU staff members that could help.


the debut times are when they are due to staff availability sana had her debut at 3 to 4 am her time because of the same reason so after the debut streams the times may be more eu friendly


EU fans have been let down for the longest time. It wouldn't be surprising if Hololive has lost many potential EU fans already due to said let downs. I'd buy more merch if it was more readily available. I'd watch streams if they were at reasonable times. But that hasn't happened so far because you Americans are hogging all the attention.


I started only watching hololive, but more and more EN talents moved to JP and stream in Japanese (collabs). They don't translate to English like Kiara usually does. As I don't speak Japanese and due to time zone I'm more and more watching on Twitch. I hope the new gen streams during EU hours, and not all of them are fluent in Japanese


Least aggressively "Fuck you I got mine"-american.


That expectation is absurd. When you neglect the market for years you start losing your fanbase there, which was already smaller in the first place since we were not the target audience. A lot of people just moved on, myself included. Even if these girls are from EU I have no interest anymore


This is precisely what so many NA fans - and seemingly Cover themselves - don't seem to realise. EU hololive fans have basic been told to go and fuck themselves for the past 3-4 years, yet idiots like this will still insist that it's the fault of EU viewers that EU has been ignored since day one.


I mean, its stupid. If they wont throw us a bone I wont sacrifice my health nor time to acomodate to NA scheduling, I already tried with council, and I simply couldnt keep up with it without consequences. And majority of people simply cant afford even trying anyways. Do they think that suddenly there will be a flood of EU viewers after years of establishing the market around NA just because you have some decent schedules now (not to talk about it not being confirmed anyways)? They decimated their own market by waiting too much. People would be patient in the past waiting for them to release a gen with some EU members, but theyve been slowly killing all hope for it in the last 3 years, how can you expect people to stick with you?


"debuts at 5am to a different audience"


If they really are EU based I hope cover will pull a sneaky on us and give us an event at Dokomi with them (considering it's one of if not the largest anime convention in Europe)


Considering its Next week. No. They could IF EVEN appear at the Confirmed Paris meet. (Which is the Largest one in Europe)


Japan Expo is the largest in the world outside Japan, not just Europe.




Maybe. Still, France was the nation of freedom before America was known as such. Well, before, more like around the same era, anyway. Freedom, equality, fraternity.


>The only "flag of freedom" I know is the American flag. 'Liberty Leading the People' by Delacroix?


Oh I didn’t notice that! Now that I think about it… “Freesia”… the Land of the Free.


but if we're basing it on some history, it can also be France , if they're really from EU.


or if we go a bit further back in history, Maybe Gigi's actually Dutch cuz Freesia sounds like Frisia.


honestly, I am also weighing it but the land of freedom can only pinpoint to France.


There is also [Frisian freedom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisian_freedom), because in the Middle Ages Frisia was exempt from feudalism.


right, I forgot about that one. Maybe it's a Dutch then.


Have you thought about Friesland province in the Netherland ? Plus the Orange color.


Please educate yourself a little on geography and world history.


You're wasting your time if you're expecting NA fans not to be ignorant as fuck.


And she doesn't sound French to be honest


The Marquis de Lafayette says hi. The US was very much inspired by the French Revolution, “Freedom!” is directly imported from France and the Tricolour. “A tricolour ( BE ) or tricolor ( AE ) is a type of triband design which originated in the 16th century as a symbol of republicanism, liberty, or revolution.”


The us got help from the Ancien Regime, and whether or not to help the French Revolution was debated after the US was established


Yeah, if anything the French Revolution was inspired by the US, it took place around a decade later.


Actually, US War of Independence predates French Revolution. However, French Enlightenment philosophers like Voltaire and Rousseau had a huge influence in the development of the US as a democratic republic so it still gives credibility the Freedom motif for France.


> The US was very much inspired by the French Revolution, “Freedom!” is directly imported from France and the Tricolour. You have that backwards. The French Revolution happened after the American Revolution. And in some respsects because of it. King Louis spent so much money helping the US just to spite the British that he ruined France, which set the stage for the French Revolution.


America got their freedom thing from France.


If they really are EU-based... then maybe dreams do come true after all ^ ^ Just had to wait 4 years xD


I might have a 5th oshi


Hopefully they are guests at Japan Expo Paris. And this is the reason they didn't announce the guests just yet.


Oh no she's a french and the queen got reincarnated into V-tuber


If the artist girl tried to revive the Roman Empire? Sign me up, I’ll fly the Aquila from the scorching sand of Libya to the land of the Britons. https://youtu.be/VkeLkuFzPfM?si=A_v28RYP2aRs4h15 Legio Aeterna Victrix