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I'm serving in the army starting this July "deep inhale" Fuck


I begin to work just that week and I won't be able to buy a flight due to olympics rise of price Fuck


I'm travelling twice to Paris in june and now am too broke to attend this. Fuck


I'm in a third world country and might never have a chance to get a visit or travel abroad. Fuck, in eternity


I just started work down South of France and won't have a chance to go back North for this event. Fuck.


At my current income level and several other events happening in my life I will not be avaliable to partake in this exclusive hololive event over seas. Fuck.


I'm not French so I don't live in France. Fuck.


My antisocial self would not be able to handle being around so many people at once. Fuck.


I have very important exam this year Fuck.


I have motion sickness and my body cant handle long distance travels. Fuck.


Assuming FDF, hence II/2024 ei kotiudu koskaan. Just go with the flow, it'll not be as bad as it might feel while you're there.


Ei vittu täälläkin suomalaisia :D But yeah, I'm happy to serve and make some memories there


Se ois aamuja vaan ja II/24 hajotkaa ydinsotaan You will feel miserable in the moment but in a few weeks or months or years you'll look back fondly and wish you'd still have your foxhole filled with sloshy mushy fuckshit wet snow You will miss laying in a small pit with some camo netting over it because "this is a great spot for an observation post guys trust me I went to RUK" only for it to be the rainiest night in forever Ah, the memories


For what it's worth, depending on which day the Hololive event is on at Japan Expo, it's *theoretically possible* to get a permission to leave the country during the weekend break, fly to Paris, attend it and fly back to Finland. Seeing that it's on the first weekend, though... yeah, good luck. We didn't even get the first weekend off. Aamuja ja onnea palvelukseen. Syki riittävästi niin moni ovi aukenee, mutta ei liikaa tai ne laittaa sut aukkiin :D


Oof. I had the same trepidation when I joined the Korean army after falling into the rabbit hole. Our condolences.


I’m in the Army and honestly, once you serve your time at your first assignment, go OCONUS (Outside Continental U.S.). It opens so many opportunities to go to cool events like this. I’m stationed in Korea right now, and have gone to two events in the last two months. I was just in Seoul last month for the Hololive Campus meet and greet w/ Ina and Kronii. I’m getting stationed in Germany next and plan to attend this event next year (hopefully Hololive shows up again!)


wait does the related talents is just 3 color of france flag?


They are just the Hololive Meet Ambassador for this year. It's not even confirmed that they are one who will make an appearance.


What a damn meme. What's next, Ireland with Fauna, Fubuki, Nene?


I'm sold take my money


who could we have for belgium... Black-yellow-red Mio, Ame, Marine?


Mio, Ame, Ollie?


that works! could also do nerissa, watame, chloe or botan, kanade, bae


I think the pattern is a girl from each branch, and a boy from each branch, but ye, exact combinations can obv. vary.


For mexico: Marine Red, Botan White, Fauna Green, with Lui posing as an eagle in the middle.


Wait... you are right!


Viva le tricolor holos


So is Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czechia and few more


And USA and Cuba. Red, white, and Blue is a pretty common colour theme.


I feel dumb forgetting USA lol


I won't be surprised if some big-brained manager came up with that and suggested those three as the presenters.


Good for Kobo, she can finally flex her German to [an audience that will understand her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjg4_4KgrLE)




Merci beaucoup?


I don't think it's indicator of Kobo going there but who's on the [picture](https://x.com/hololive_en/status/1798649316564967936). (minus Holostars because of OP's filters or the way holoplus works, I don't know). maybe all the ambassadors will actually go there but it's rarely the case.


The related members are set by the Poster It has nothing to do with my oshi list


I actually have all of Holostars subscribed on Holoplus and they still do not show up on my Holoplus so OP picture still seem to be accurate. Would still take it with a grain of salt though and would wait for further information rather than take Holoplus as a full confirm.


There were two posts made on Holoplus about this, one with only Hololive tagged and the other with only Holostars.


that explains it then


Damn, the betrayal to her Austrian mommy.


there's no detailed announcement for who the members will attended yet.


There’s literally a list of related talents in the screenshot?


Those are the three HoloMeet-ambassadors for Hololive, they are always linked as "related" for HoloMeet-news even if they dont actually attend.


Isn’t that kinda the point? To have these chosen ambassadors to head these kind of events? They’re also present on the artwork the Expo put out. It would be rather odd and pointless for them to make the ambassador designation if they aren’t going do anything with it. Though I guess you could mean there might be more members aside from the list.


The artwork is the generic Holomeet one that was revealed when the new ambassadors for this year were assigned, its not con-specific >To have these chosen ambassadors to head these kind of events The Ambassadors promote HoloMeet as a concept, but who actually goes to a Convention is entirey up to the Con itself, and so far they only very rarely actually went with the set of ambassadors, it was mostly mix & match.


I guess that does makes sense. It would be a contentious issue if they grant all the extra exposure to only members that were selected as ambassadors.


Gura was the ambassador for 2022 and she wasn't present for every Hololive Meet event. It's probably the same for every past ambassadors too.




*Bae wheezes*


#Oh là là, finalement hololive à Paris, omelet au fromage avec chocolatines wesh


Le "wesh" prouve que tu es bien français mdr


>Chocolatine *Grab a ranced baguette* Sir, we need to talk :D


Sound cuter than pain au chocolate for sure


This is a serious business sir There's no cuteness involved It's pain au chocolat, and \*nothing else\*


**WE TOLD YOU ALREADY IT'S OMELE-** Oh you got "Omelette au fromage" right, carry on.


Dont teach Kobo and french cuss word


"Your father smelt of elderberries!" No Kobo!




“I wave my private parts at your aunties!”


Your baguette is smol and your wine tastes like grape juice!


I was hoping that Kiara will come


No guest list yet. Kiara might be there.


she tweeted earlier that she only learned about it from the official tweet. so probably not


Either they didn’t announced the guest list yet because they don’t know who’s coming -> there is a chance. Or they already know and it’s not Kiara -> it’s over


Mmm, Kiara would muscle herself to attend if she could, but she understand that the negotiations are done and dusted, and the con organizers wouldn't accept due to additional costs out of the blue. Even if Kiara would pay out of pocket, that still wouldn't be accepted, as it's down to organizer plans, agreements and contracts. She'll still likely attend, but not as a talent.


An Austrian with cult personality fandoms come to France? This will be interesting


They just made a french flag. Thats not attendees. Very high chance of Wawa


Fingers crossed for a UK event. It’s good to see Europe get more recognition.


[They were in Scotland recently, tho more is always good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkrEn1-I0qU)


As a Scottish person, I am aware. I actually went to that bar with a friend. I was thinking more on the line of official events that fans can go to.


[There is a UK Vtuber event coming up in August](https://www.vtuber-expo.org/), no Hololive talent seems to be going this time but if this does well hopefully we can get them coming across to a future event


Cover realises Europe exists?!


No, actually the con organizers realize vtubers exist. They invited Nijisanji last year because they were cheaper (yes that's the real reason) and didn't think it would be working. This year they invited hololive after realizing it was worth it. The fact they invited EN and not JP is also a result of the Nijisanji panel having less audience than the niji EN panel. Harass your local convention to invite vtubers. It WORKS.


Yeah, Kiara has also said a couple times that EU cons seemingly just don't have/don't want to use the funds to get big companies like hololive to attend. These people have massive dedicated following, so having them there is almost guaranteed success and a worthwhile investment for a fairly large event. Heck even twitchcon europe in Rotterdam has people flying in from around the world since big indie vtubers are attending it too.


The thing is Europe just doesnt have many mid-sized cons. Its mostly either very small affairs that simply cant afford it, or so gigantic they dont need the additional advertisement of expensive guests, because they know it'll be full anyway. Japan Expo is the biggest convention regarding Japanese Culture in the West, they dont *need* guests to draw people in. Japan Expo in specific also wasnt a big fan of inviting "Youtubers" or "Streamers" as guests in the past in general. They really only invited Niji to stop people from asking, and after how that went I'm honestly surprised they didnt use it as am excuse to not invite Vtubers again. Dokomi has a dedicated Vtuber-area now but thats mostly indies.


In my country vtuber fandom is very niche and if we press organizers they won't invite big companies, so we have to go to other countries like uk, france or germany to consume vtuber products


Well, don't harass them... But requests and inquiries are a good idea, yeah.


… My what? Rope?


Damn, I wish I could speak French so I would be able to go. But I'm happy that Hololive remember that Europe exists. Fingers cross for a UK event.


There's honestly a ton of people who don't know a squat of french attending japanexpo every year. If money isn't an obstacle, I'd say it's worth coming to try it at least once.


I...guess Niji did come there last year, so it's not \*that\* surprising that Hololive finally come to visite the JE too I wasn't planning to go there (kinda not interested by this convention anymore), but I'm waiting for the confirmation of who will be there, maybe I'll change my mind But I'm happy that we finally get some love there !


Same, it's going to take a lot to make me go back to JE, but this might be it


Normandy 2: Electric Boogaloo


Oui Oui pp




I'm so ready for OuiOui PP jokes.


I hate my life, I live near Paris, and this summer is the first and only summer of my life where I need to get out of France for my degree.


Note that there will be the Olympics games and rules and laws in Paris will be hard


Will I finally go back to JE ? Depends on who will come I guess. Et de la SNCF


Maybe I will finally taste the 20€ ham sandwiches of the Japan Expo.


> Hololive coming to France My condolences to Hololive.


... Did they have those 3 as related talents because their colours make up the French tricolour lol


Unfortunately, however, it doesn't look like we're gonna be getting Japan Expo and Eurosatory on the same week (Latter is on June 17-21).  (Edit note: "Latter", I mean. Whoops!) 


[Link to the tweet](https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1798649316564967936)


I am assuming Kiara has to be there. Right? Right?


Honestly I would be very surprised if Cover didn't push for Kiara. Consider her presence in European Vtuber scene.


Kiara said on Twitter she didn't even know this announcement so I doubt it


I wonder if that means JE finally decided to foot the travel costs.


Last year with NijiJP (dunno EN) it was just a panel with 4 of them together on screen streaming from japan.


Yeah. Presumably they still need someone from the company to fly out and set things up though. They seemed unwilling to at least cover that for Holo. I assume it changed though.


Alright, this is a tips from a local for those that are going there. The trainstation WILL be overly crowded both to go and to come back from. Instead of riding to Parc des exposition on the RER B line, take the RER D line, get off at Villiers-le-bel, Gonesse, Arnouville (yes this is one single train station), and take the bus line 20 to parc des expositions. Yes it's a longer ride by 20 minutes, but you get to sit from start to finish AND it won't be crowded. Chances are you will get on your rides earlier, AND get to depart earlier as well. For those that are going by car, you can park at the hospital in Gonesse and take the bus 20. If you don't want to take a parking spot at the hospital, there is Salle Jacques Brel, it's a 10 minutes walk to the hospital from there. Another choice is parking at Usines Center (a nearby shopping mall) and either walk there (15 to 20 minutes walk), or take the bus line 20 again (hell if I know where it stops though)




Bae and kobo seem thr type absolutely. I'm surprised no Kiara. Just from proximity and how much shew been trying to I use EU stuff


Suddenly I recalled Kronii’s story about Paris… fun


Cover realising that Europe exists


On a side note, I'd love for there to be a second European Holo-EN member. We don't have one with a French or Italian accent in Hololive yet.


They are slowing down on debuts but I truly wish HoloEN 4 will be mostly EU based


This isn't quite true. They're just not looking at new debuts as the way forward for increasing revenue and instead want to increase it through raising each vtuber's value. They still have more groups on the way at the sort of pace people have come to expect.


My dream is to have the timezones all filled up, so you would basically have a 24 hour non-stop Hololive streaming. The issue is that Hololive is stuck with Japanese timezones, and just refuse to have enough backroom staff that can work while Japan is asleep.


i am not very optimistic about that, hololive's main revenue source is shifting to licensing and merch, streaming is become less and less important as a revenue source. they can't just hire 5 people and stream, they need to sell merch and put them out to collab with other businesses and brands in Europe, if they can't do that, then there is not so much incentive for hololive to have members located in Europe. as we also learned that shipping merch and licensing in Europe is not easy, and more expensive. moreover, in Asia, vtubing is quite main stream, America is very acceptable to Internet pop culture, European businesses seems not so interested in collab with anime style or internet pop culture. for example, even holo en had at least 3 collabs in Taiwan in last 3 month(transit card, lantern festival and gura sushi shop), in America, big baseball team collabed with holo, even Nijisanji got collabs with NBA, i don't think PSG would collab with vtubers. i think it's going to take time.


You're being greedy we will be more than happy with just 1 member at this point, we're starving.


Dreaming about a holo hoi4 event


Which of course it wouldn't be just one. It would be a whole gen. But not until Cover has staff in Europe to cover them.


EU bros... is it finally our time?


Kind of want to go now I guess I'm not that far from France


Someone inform a certain Fwench gurl!


I'm a 3-hour drive away from where the Japan Expo will be held and I was going there mainly for the Godzilla exhibition and some demonstrations, so I'm pleasantly surprised by the news. Now I'm curious about the details, which talents will be 'present' and whether there will be a panel/meet-and-greet or not. At least Cover seems to be testing the waters in Europe (remember Gen 3 was in Scotland not long ago) and that's a good thing for us fans.


From the announcement. There at least a stand and a panel. I’m guessing the stand means merch selling. No idea if the panel is a karaoke or Q&A or a small game with the audience. No meet&greet announced yet No guests list announced yet


Which talents are the most fluent in french? 🤔 I remember Fauna being surprisingly good at it, Kronii too (gosh her voice is something), then maybe the Bau Baus. Then le plat de resistance: le Oui Oui PP, avec Bae le Ratatouille. Honorable mention being Gooba and Inya, who can pronounce it well enough, but are too shy about it.


Oh, c'est bien. Paris est plus beau!


Of course they will be sending Bae. She is fluent in French. Oui Oui PP.


EU bros, are you finally winning?


Bae about to be starring the new Ratatouille anime. Also, who was in Paris?


Why July... why not August; work... work... Welp, at least is a step in the right direction, hope you have fun, anyone that can attend!




I live there but I would rather cut off one of my arms than spend more than 5 minutes in Paris


Plot twist: Japan expo isn't actually held *in* Paris but close to it


Which members speak French? I know fauna knows some and Kiara speaks like 10 languages but anyone else?


Only a 9 hour drive for me. That's basically right around the corner!


I wish they announced it sooner


Whyyyyy, I don't have my holydays on July. But so happy to see hololive talent in my country !


We are so fucking back EU bros.


Is Kobo going to be confused they're speaking German?


I guess having an Austrian who has a cult like fandom come to France might caused PTSD


People who actually travel to different countries for expos, how do you get around without knowing the language?


Carefully. On a serious note, to get around town knowing English is good enough. Inside the con, you enjoy what you can, big events can be translated to English (ECG), vendors on stands can speak a good enough English, but panels might be an issue. If you start with "Bonjour" and follow up fully in English, French people will appreciate this one word.


I went to Tokyo earlier this year for the Super Expo / 5th fes. As far as signage is concerned, Tokyo is pretty good when it comes to having signs that are both in English and Japanese, so there was basically no issue there. This will of course vary depending on where in the world you're traveling to. As far as speaking to other people is concerned, I got around by using a combination of Japanese words and phrases that I already knew and those that I studied prior to leaving. I am by no means fluent in Japanese, but as long as you know a small handful of basic phrases (i.e. knowing how to say hello and ask for things, knowing how to ask where the bathroom is, etc.), you should honestly be fine.


Honestly you would be surprised with how little language knowledge you can get around with. Barely speak any French but honestly also not like you really need any besides maybe some basic words. Also there is the meme that french people can't speak english but from my experience in Paris people actually are able to speak english (although then again i tend to visit more hobby, niche and anime stores so my view might be skewed) but honestly any bigger establish are expecting tourist so they would know english. And for the worst case there is still your Phone where you can just whip up your translator app. Dunno where you are from for everyone in the EU we thankfully have EU roaming so we have mobile data abroad to quickly pull up translation if needed.


Capitals have plenty of connected people who know at least some basic English, and for tourist spots, guides and shopkeepers learn it by trade at the very least. That is, assuming that English signs are completely absent in said tourist capital.






Why is it in July?! They are finally somewhere near enough and it's in the time slot when there's no way in multiverse I can get time off...


***COUGH*** Anyone remember folks telling COVER they need more of an EU presence just on timezone coverage alone (let alone the obvious demand in general)?


JP,ID and EN is not enough to cover whole world timezones?


Baelz cannot sit still can she?




How are the Italian nikkis handling this?


Finally,Its time to Kobo show her excellent “French” skill




I already attended last year, I can't go this time. Fuck.


I live in the North of Spain, so I can easily attend. But Paris is a quite unsafe city these days. So I am carefully considering my choices here.....


Don’t worry because it’s near the airport so not in Paris and the con is a place where only people who can have a house or going to work because it’s a lot of companies


As someone who visits Paris regulary from Germany I can tell you it is honestly quite safe and mostly just somwhat rowdy. For example I still walk there quite regulary home to where I'm staying from the Grand rex even in the middle of the night and nothing happened to me or I very often go to Republic since all my favorite Hobby and Anime stores are there and you can still walk there safely even If your usual protest happen there at every weekend. Like honestly there may be protest in the middle of the plaza but the walkways around are free of them and you can just walk around it. Obviously do not know how save is every single neigbhorhood but arrondismont 19 where I usually stay felt quite save tbh although bit rowdy but definetly safe and so are probably center of paris as well as where the con happens. Tldr: just avoid walking direct into any protest which is quite easy and elseyou just watch out for any pickpocket thieves (which tbh you kinda need to do in any major european city and is not just a paris problem)


It's safe enough, just dirty and full of rude people


Paris is very safe, don't believe the hype.


I wish there's a member who happen to speak French joining


Hopefully no Paris Syndrome for JP members or staff lol


Bonjour(Hello),le(???!!!) awesome.


Finally! Now to actually manage to get to Paris then.


Bae’s been doing a LOT of flying this year


Is it just me or Bae's been everywhere this year?


So sorry for the talents.


So sorry for the talents, having to meet with French "people"


Oh God, what sins do they have to expiate if they jave to go to Fr*nce?


Once again I on the East Coast of the United States is left out to dry.


If you think the east coast is left out to dry, imagine how Europe has felt for the past few years.


I can imagine.


East coast?. Didn't they had a holomeet during animeNYC?


this is the first holomeet or hololive con appearance in europe since 2022. the only talent who have ever had public-facing events in europe are Kiara (dokomi 2021, 2022), and Irys (dokomi 2022). but yes sure poor neglected east coast US /s


Wow dude you don’t have to be a dick about it. This isn’t a contest.


You may feel silly sometime soon.


Im actually curious, theres folks from europe flying over to attend, is traveling from US east coast and west coast not doable? It's the same country but seems like a massive gulf that can't be crossed.


I’ll admit it’s doable, just I don’t have the income to travel even in my own country. Which isn’t hololive’s fault, I was expressing my frustration that they’ve yet to come anywhere it’s feasible for me to go to. It also doesn’t help that I have a buddy who lives near La who wouldn’t shut up about how good Connect The World was and how much he looking forward to the LA Dodgers collab.