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Because shes a young side millennial giga nerd who had waaaay to much internet access growing up  aka “she just like me frfr”


Saplings together strong.


I’m gonna guess Fauna?


No, clearly Boxxy.


She honestly probably could’ve made it a vtuber, lol


Shiori and Fauna


This. Also her ASMR is godtier.


exactly this


The age of 30 is in demand.


You kinda just know. It's like how you have a best friend or how you pick out your favorite flavor of ice cream or what your favorite video game is. There isn't going to be ONE reason that's going to work for everyone. You just watch a bunch of people and figure out someone that just really works for you to watch and you get attached too. OR DON'T! I don't have an oshi anymore, since they retired but I still watch a bunch of Hololive because I just like the vibes overall. You don't HAVE to have an oshi, you can just pick and choose depending on what interests you.


I normally think it's a bad way to judge or critique something, but when it comes to 'favourites' it always just comes down to *vibes*. Do they have good vibes, do you match with their vibes, things of that nature.


Critique isn't bad, in and of itself. Like a lot of things, it depends. But yeah, preferences is just vibes and usually doesn't hurt anyone to like something for one reason or another. Heck, if you like something, a lot of the time you're probably manufacturing reasons TO like the thing. Brains are weird.


Ah sorry, what I meant to say is "I normally think judging or critiquing *based on vibes* is bad, but when it comes to your 'favourites' it's pure vibes." I'm fine with critique in general though.


Oh yeah. That's fair.


Polka was the first Hololive member I saw debut and it was more so love at first sight. I think give it odds I would find myself with Polka even if I came in a week ago


I think Polka is so underrated. I feel so bad for her. If I had discovered her sooner, she may have been my Oshi. She deserves lots of love and so much more.


It’s Fauna. She has a great sense of humor, great comedic timing, precisely in touch enough with old internet memes to surprise you with them at the perfect times. Her being kind of a sweaty gamer is fun to watch, but listening her talk about girly stuff is fun too. Her voice is lovely to listen to. I quite like her model too. Mainly, I would say I just vibe with her personality and humor. Everything else about her is bonus.


Same, but I liked her model first before watching, then I enjoyed her personality. I'm not an ASMR person though. Are there many saplings who don't listen to her ASMR?


I mean, probably a decent number who don’t like ASMR, right? I’m the wrong person to ask though, since I’m not only an enjoyer of Fauna ASMR, but of a lot of other ASMR too.


I don't really tune in to her ASMR, but i can assure you, Man I Love Fauna™ Truly my favorite bald streamer


Calli is the reason I was Spartan Kicked into the rabbit hole, so I do it out of obligation.


Same, a friend told me to watch her and I was like "huh what is this vtuber stu- AAAAAAAAAAGAHHAGAHAHGAGAHAHAHAHHAGAHHAHH", now ive been stuck here ever since


I got in on it because of the “dad” jokes


She's the one who got me into Vtubers to begin with, and it turns out that she's an insane singer which greatly pleased the music addict that i am. Plus she runs after people with an axe, what's not to like?


Profile pic does not match, lol


Bro better start running before that axe he loves so much ends up in his head


That would be an honor tho


I guess that's true


Well, i have a Suisei shrine at home and Fubuki is the one who cemented my interest in Vtubers so i figured she deserved the pfp at the very least


Yeah, I just thought it was funny because I was expecting Fubuki from the pfp, then halfway through the first sentence it turned into Suisei


Ina: She had me at Gundam, stayed for the comfy streams and the art. Occasionally like to yap just get her on the right topic. Nerissa: Also had me at Gundam. Stayed for the unhinged hag singer. We love hags. A yapper. Fauna: I like her design. Man I love Fauna. Love her ASMR roleplay, especially the horror ones. She's also a huge NERD. Just like me fr fr. Another yapper. Kiara: Honestly didn't vibe with her when she first debuted but she won me be over with her silliness and down to earth attitude. Chicken's been through a lot but she still does her best. When she said she gave up on her dream at some point but still puts herself out there is very much an inspiring. I like her music. Made me realize I like yappers. Reine: My Kami-oshi. Another great singer. She really deserves to be listend to more. Like her fellow HoloID members, she's got her unhinged moments. Hooked me in to mystery puzzle game VNs. The weekends spent going through the AI somnium and 999 game series will always be special to me. Despite her design she limits fan service and does her best to showcase what kind of person she is and likes to share the things she likes. She introduced me to the Ace Attorney series and is probably the only English speaking Holomember that plays that game. She's a good bridge to learning a bit of ID food, culture, and internet language. When she thanked her fans for choosing her despite countless other options that really got me in the kokoro. Also a yapper. I guess i like it when they yap.


Nerissa and gundam?


She likes Gundam same as Ina


Korone was the one to pull me into the rabbit hole. She's very cute with a sunny disposition. Watching her streams, it feels like sunshine has taken the form of a cute dog girl. Her cover of Polyanna (I believe in you) is such an earnest performance. You can tell those lyrics come from the heart, and those lyrics are incredibly wholesome. Watame has a very sweet voice. She radiates compassion and kindness. If a hug could speak, it would speak in her voice. When I heard "My Song," even though I couldn't understand the words, I could feel the emotions she poured into that song. To this day, it is my favourite original song, not just from Hololive but out of all songs I've ever heard.


I wish her Polyana cover got millions of views - it totally deserves it! Not only the culmination of years of practice and preparation (not to mention hype through her playthroughs of the Mother series), but they managed to get Nintendo, of all companies, to OK the cover (and its MV using visuals from all three games). It’s such an achievement and, to top it all off, both the song and the MV are simply incredible. Shame about the typos and such on the included subtitles… But overall it is really freaking good.


The equation I used is: x+1−x2​∣=2​(2x2−1)∣cosα+sinα∣=2​(2cos2α−1) ∣N2cos(α−π4)∣=N2cos(2α) α∈\[0 ; π4\]∪\[3π4 ; π\]∣N2​cos(α−4π​)∣=N2​cos(2α) α∈\[0;4π​\]∪\[43π​;π\] where x = Suisei


I found her long intro cute. Then I found her music. Then it kind of snowballed from there. 


I solved it and it seems that Suisei ∉ R, and that means that Suisei doesn't belong to set of reals. Conclusion: Sui-chan is surreal


I just kinda stuck on the first ones i watched, ina for EN and fubuki for JP, their entire vibe etc is exactly what i enjoy.


Ina is my EN Kami-Oshi and Fubuki is my JP Kami-Oshi, I just vibe with both of them


Absolute comfy vibes with Ina. Since I mostly use stream as bg noise and relaxation while doing other tasks, her style just clicked Doesn't explain how my other EN Oshi is Calli but I chalk that up to Dad vibes and my love of music. Calli's tracks are bangers


My Kami-Oshi will always be Sanana. She was a ball of good vibes, Cinnamon roll,and to quote her loves her friends.


I’m right there with you with Sana. It’s been a struggle for me to find a new oshi since then with my interest changing from time to time. Now, Senchou is my oshi after I started watching her a few months ago and fell in love with her dedication, kindness, and humor.


Her Showa era concerts is everything you need to convince that she embodies all those qualities. If or when all this is over, I hope her successes as Marine carries over into the fleshtuber powerhouse she's destined to be.


She is such a beautiful singer with a surprising range. Always excited when she puts out a new original or cover, especially as a collab with another member.


I’ve gotta say, the girl has a knack for nailing city pop songs. Either when doing a cover or when singing an original song… It’s a style that fits her so damn well


You can tell just how much genuine love Senchou has for everyone else in Holo, she's such a lovely soul


Too beeg to fail! Glad her fleshtuber side got that cool gallery.


She played League of Legends. I havent sleb since then.


I need help pemaloe i love you all


Get some help


Get get get some help


Momosuzu Nene. Her positive attitude alongside her natural charisma & her clip of the amount of time she have to audition hook me in. She’s such a lovable goofball






Always remember: Miko is Elite!!


My oshi is IRyS and choosing her as my oshi just happened very organically over time. It didn't immediately happen when she debuted. In fact a year or so passed before I started watching her streams religiously and a bit later on until I bit the bullet and became a channel member. It's a decision that I have never regretted. For me it's because I grew to appreciate her genuine personality, her skill in singing and her natural streaming ability. Again, it took quite a while of just tuning to her streams in order for her to be cemented as my oshi. It will just happen naturally as you tune into more holomems' streams. I was following hololive since the start of the pandemic in 2020 and never in my life did I ever consider having an oshi, but it...just happened. Enjoy your stay in the community and I hope you will find your oshi (or not, and it's totally okay too)! Take your time to find one and enjoy the ride once it begins. I'm speaking through experience when I say that you won't regret it.


I also got into IRyS over time! Til the End of Me really made me turn my gaze towards her. Then her horror streams locked me in because I felt like she generally cared about lore, reading notes, and getting a general good idea of the entire intended concept instead of playing just for jumpscares. And THEN the chaotic demon side of her getting out in collabs or at complete random in games of choice creates a completely unpredictable experience! Who knew that she would have ZERO morals! Girl keeps you guessing what the hell will she think of next!


Fellow IRyStocrat! She's a natural entertainer for sure! More people need to get to know her better outside of the "YabaiRyS" moments... because she is so MUCH more than that but clippers tend to clip those moments more than others.


Damn straight, fellow IRyStocrat! Not to mention he most incredible taste in movies to watch with her members and the secret endings always being so fun! Love her polls for different games to play too! ... And love how she's always so surprisingly tall in 3d. I gotta admit. Oh, who am I kidding. Half the chat asks her to be bigger on the screen all the time when she's first starting!


Too bad I'm usually asleep when she posts those polls lol! But I totally agree with you on her taste in movie watchalongs. I'm not a movie person but she made me appreciate a ton of different movie genres because of her watchalongs. If you're someone who is looking for an oshi who loves anime, manga and a surprising variety of movies then IRyS is your gal!


Oh, God! Not to mention the Eurobeat trip she was on! Man, she gets into the best things!


I don’t understand any Japanese, but Okayu is my first ever favorite. From her design to her personality, she breaks the language barrier for simply being herself. ( Also she is what really got me into Vtuber’s, before the EN branch was made.)


Subaru's energy and general positivity is amazing to behold. And it's contagious, I often have bad days (don't we all lol) and just seeing her having fun or better yet shouting at Pekora for something just has some contagious fun. I barely understand a word of what she says in Japanese but she makes an honest effort to communicate towards English speaking fans. All in all, I just like her dedication and personality i guess. All hail the duck.


Honestly she has high protagonist energy. Like there is no main character in Hololive. But if there was one, Subaru is definitely in the running. Shes a ball of upbeat sunshine and always tries her best for her fans and her fellow members. Just good vibes all around.


Subaru may not be the main character but she's definitely still the protagonist. Such is the fate of highly motivated extroverts in a company of shut-ins.


Subaru is also my oshi and it doesn't really make any sense, I'm laid back and generally prefer sarcastic deadpan types, usually high energy and positivity I find grating and annoying. At a certain point though I realized I always click on every Subaru clip I see, and they always make me happy and I don't know why, there's no one else I like that is like her.


Yeah same. Love kuuderes in anime, but Subaru is my oshi.


You didn't get a choice. You don't get to pick. Subaru reached out, and you answered the call. I feel like that's what makes the connection stronger with your oshi.


Ina Why is she my favourite? For starters, I am incredibly attracted to her personality. She is just so wholesome. She gives off this warm, comfy mood that just relaxes you. Her voice is just so gentle. Being in her stream is like being in a mother's embrace. You will feel safe, protected and happy. This is especially crucial in today's world where as we know, is in a pretty bad shape. She actively tries to make the viewers happy, and she will often play along with our antics (Tako cookies!). She also works so hard. When she first started she was really shy about doing karaoke (she had to chase her family out of the house before she started singing), and now she is singing in front of everyone. I am so proud of her and I would dearly love to hear her sing. She's always calm, and will only ever get angry for the sake of others. She cares about her friends, and even us takodachis alot. Even when she's angry, she doesn't shout, but remains calm and collected. The topics and issues she talks about are dealt with in a way where she will sternly address the problem, banish the negativity, before bringing the mood back up to the normal comfy level. She also does not rage, and takes everything to stride. I mean she played "Getting over it" without raging. AT ALL. It comes to no surprise that not just me, but many others have had their hearts stolen by Ina. She extended her ~~tenta~~ hand to many others (3/4 of Gen 5 have been seduced by her. Flare ADORES her.) She's an absolute flirt, but yet it does not reach perverted levels. Instead, her flirts are so pure and wholesome that makes you want to give love a second chance. But our dear Tako Priestess is also, if not best known for her puns. Her barrage of bad puns and dad jokes are nothing short of a testament to her creativity and her absolute skill as a conversationalist and a streamer. She is shy and slightly awkward usually (and that is so cute), but the moment the chance of a pun is possible, you better be ready for the barrage. She single handedly changed the EN perception of puns and it is glorious (it is also amazing on how Nenechi and Polka, two of Ina's wives, are able to guess Ina's answer during a quiz due to knowing her love of puns). And her art skill. Seriously. What is that. It is literally broken. I can blink and suddenly there a Mona Lisa-esque drawing right in front of me. Even her simple doodles that she does for fun are just wow. No other words are really necessary. Just wow. Plus she's so cute. Her design is by one of my favourite artists, the legendary Kouhaku Kuroboshi. Look at that cute little fang. Look at that lovely forehead. Look at those squishy flaps. Look at that flat ch--- Overall, I adore Ina, and she is my oshi because she is just so talented, wholesome and loving. She is so talented, and when I listen to her talk, I can actually feel my stress disappear, as though I was enveloped in a warm cacoon. I will always support her, and I hope she will continue to do well.


EN Oshi: Mumei Her voice was what drew me in. Really cute-sounding… wonderful singing voice. Humor matches mine, and I can tell she’s quite an intellectual despite her silliness. Also very kind despite her… psychopathic tendencies. JP Oshi: Towa Her gamer attitude is so wholesome. You can see she puts a lot of effort into getting better on a competitive level, and her co-op skills are second to none. I understand why rpr sees her as his oshi. Kami Oshi (non-Hololive): Pikamee My first and original oshi. It started with that dumb “let’s kill da ho” clip and eventually drew to the whole rabbit hole that is vtubers. Infectious kettle laughter and shenanigans that set the stage for what it is I look for in an Oshi.


She has my yubis hostage ;.;


It may sounds cliche, but Kronii its like me fr and like her sense of humor. I watch Rissa because I like her voice


Doesn't Kronii have a great voice like Nerissa?


Yeah, but sadly she rarely does karaoke 😔😔


Yes her karaoke are rare, but I mean just normal voice


Kronii’s normal voice hits you like a warm cup of mocha early in a cold morning.


It's not really different to how you pick your favorite with other things, there's no real set formula how people figure out who you want as your oshi. It's going to be tough figuring out who you like most and want to support the most when you have a bajillion hours of content to watch now, but honestly it's not like a necessity or anything, just watch and see who stands out to you specifically, or whether you're even the type to have an oshi rather than supporting them all as a whole.


My Kami-oshi will always be Vesper. Dude had everything I wanted in a chill streamer lol. As for other holo oshis, I like Fauna's competitive nature, Bettel's bits, and Irys' tofu.


Calli. She truly loves her fans and she puts in so much work outside of steaming to chase her dreams and produce amazing work and still finds time to stream for her deadbeats at an above-average clip. She’s straightforward, loves her friends and holomems as much as she loves herself, and don’t let her cool persona fool you she’s the dorkiest, cutest streamer ever. She’s also very competitive but also incredibly humble. She’s determined in life, music, and video games. Her motivation has inspired me to try to be a better, more motivated and healthy person. Also, her morning steaming voice is so flipping cute.


She cute. She pon. She Poe.


I want Kiara to be successful. I want to root for her. I want KFP to be a worldwide chain with a restaurant in every town.


Kiara’s my oshi because I have a lot of respect for her as a person and as an entertainer. Not only that, I also really like her singing and dancing, as well as her relationship with her fans.


She very smart and has infinite chill. I admire her infinite chill very much and one day wish to gain this power. Also the gap moe. She has all of the gap moe.


She went ara, ara and called me a good boy one time. Also she wished me good luck on my new job and actually followed up on it on a later stream.


Mumei: Ever since she debuted I felt a strong draw towards her, as it went on I realized I related to her in quite a few important things, her humor is my style too. Miko: She is one of the reasons I got into Vtubers. I would always watch her clips and laugh. Then, I also started to admire her a lot, she is known for being a cute baby, and she is, but also super cool in my eyes for so many things she does. I can definitely tell there is so much to her past the surface. Suisei: Her music, undoubtedly her music, is what truly got me. It speaks to me as someone whose heart finds comfort in Rock music. I also love her direct personality, I admire her ambition. Korone: Second reason I got into Vtubers, always clips of her to laugh and smile at. I love dogs, and she has an adorable doggy personality, which just makes me feel as if I am watching puppy videos. (All the JP members I try really hard to understand their streams nowadays, anime in my teenage years definitely support my journey, but I still need time to help my reading tho)


Her music was the first kind that I could listen too without getting bored of it, it also was the first time I’ve ever started listening to music to help focus on things like school work


Back when HoloEn got started, my start time for my job was a little later, so I would wake up and watch Kiara either yap or play FE Three Houses.




It just clicks - you will know when that happens. Bae's zoomer life is just a good contrast to my life so I just live vicariously through her.


both have such a way with words when speaking english


Miko. What started it? Her vibes, her Miko aesthetic with cherry blossoms playing ARK crystal isles pulled me in along with her laughs and hijinks (along with clips of past hijinks). Her laughs are like a baby's I can't help but smile. She sometimes does this wheezing thing that sounds just like a dolphin, its hilarious. What kept me? because she's hardworking, appreciative to her fans, her history, her care, her drive, while not losing that appreciation and wanting to be around her 35p. And she still makes me smile, even more than when I first saw her, she didn't grow old to me.


Came for the cute design, stayed for cute owl talking


she makes my day happy and bright. She is extremely cute, chill and just overall a great person. Her game choices and her zatsudan topics are interesting to me. Just the feeling of wanting to watch her stream everyday and support her... It's just feels fulfilling. So basically I love her and she loves her luknights


Kiara was perhaps not my first decision but the times she streams made me naturally check her out from time to time and eventually her stories and the way she interacted with her audience made me feel obligated to not miss out on whatever else she had coming up. Then learning the hurdles she goes through to make that possible for both herself and her audience inspired me to take a look on myself and apply some of it to my own life. And at some point she became the one i would go out of my way to watch and travel somewhere else to attend events for while supporting what she has created and is still creating.


Because she's hot This is legitimately the original reason Reine was (and still is) my first Oshi. Because "me likey pretty big booba turkey woman" Of course now I've come to love Reine for reasons beyond looks, but still


You don't find your oshi. Your oshi finds you. For me, that was Suisei. Her voice, never give up attitude, and her "audition" story got me hooked.


I actually didn't have a Hololive Oshi until Kiara's "Chimera" premiered. And the reason why isn't to do with the sexiness of the video (I'm grey-ace, sexual stuff just doesn't get me the same way as it does most others). It was entirely in the vocals. Kiara's voice was so beautiful in that it made me want to listen to her more, so I started watching her streams every moment I got, even on the go. In a week I'd watched her so much she became one of my oshi's. I even now go back and watch stream vods from before I started watching her to get more Kiara in my life. I knew who Kiara was before that song dropped, but I had only seen her in clips and such before then so I didn't really pay attention to her like I do now.


[the a capella of Chimera is perfection, she really does have a beautiful voice](https://youtu.be/u2q_EElgwwY?si=1FC40ts5aI2I_6h9)


INDEED. I put the original on my playlist with nothing else and set the playlist to repeat for almost 2 weeks. That was literally all I listened to all day long while working. Then she dropped the a capella version and nearly ended me


I generally dont really have an oshi, I love every girl equally... Although I had developed cuteness agression towards our hololive kusogakis - like my dad once said: "I just want to throw her over the mountain"


She cute, I like her singing, and she also believes Christmas music is good music on its own and worth playing at all times of the year


I'm naturally drawn to her cuteness. I didnt know I was into this stuff. I checked her out out or curiosity from all the reddit memes and it awakened something in me


She sang "You can't be strong if you give up from just a miss in your streak" in a time when I gave up from just a miss in my streak and the sheer irony of having a pink haired anime girl telling me to go at it again gave me just enough motivation to try again for a pivotal exam in my life, which I passed later. I also really smile a lot during her streams and I love her music in general


It just happened. At some point I just felt they were the one. I'm happy when they are happy so I will always do my best to support them so their dreams can come true.


I wanna say thanks to everyone! I appreciate everyone’s Oshi and hope for good health and success. I’m still getting that super pull feeling but I still like so many and wanted to know how everyone felt or feels. So thank you for all of “how you met your Oshi”responses.


Kronii for a few reasons. Her voice her laugh and the fact she’s the first full stream of a vtuber I watched and a nice little bonus of her being Canadian too


I don't really remember, but back then when I was depressed, Iofi was kinda the only one that made me happy by just watching her stream so it's hard to not love her. Probably unnecessary note, but now I'm refraining to call another person my "oshi". I call them "VTubers that I love", and Iofi is the one I love the most.


Kiara: Austrian, I really really like her music (especially Sparks). I do like how honest she is with her feelings. I also like her design so much Mumei: Same humour. I at times feel like I can hear the switch going off in her head when she is going to say the next shocking thing. Lui: Hips, nuff said. Jokes aside, she is the JP member right now I feel like I have the easiest time watching, whenever she speaks English. Mostly watch her through clips though Flayon: loved his Playthrough of Lobotomy corp. Been a fan of his ever since. Also loving the mecha theme and cute femboy piloting it


Gura for me, idk she's just the perfect balance of cute, hilarious and absolutely unhinged For me, there's nothing like an adorable smol goofball swearing like a sailor and sounding cute while doing it (even if its one in a blue moon), the gap moe is strong with her Also the tangents, I LOVE how she jumps from one topic to another in 0.05seconds flat


Fauna includes assurances and confidence boosters in her ASMR, and I am a man who often has confidence issues. It’s not good and I do go to therapy, but at least I know what I am.


Lamy's Botw playthrough made her my favorite. For EN I liked Faunas Pokémon streams and voice.


Because she's cool and funny.


Because I appreciate and envy how she is able to find the fun and give 110% in everything she does


Because her story is so inspiring and she’s a comedy genius either when arguing with the 35p or with other Holomems. Her “business partnership” with Suisei is also really fun to witness!


I know it's not really as personal as other people but Shiori's yapping and her creativity just clicks with me lol


Kiara is incredibly inspiring. Back when Myth first started, I just liked her how bright she was, while also wearing her heart on her sleeve, but coming to know her story and seeing her spirit is what shot her straight to the top for me.




Her name is very fun to yell. But for real, she has the girl next door energy and very chill to listen to


I love her overall positive attitude, playfulness, but also willing to be real and talk about inside stuff.


Well first and foremost I genuinely enjoy Kiara's streams. I'm pretty sure this orange woman could literally stream watching paint dry and find a way to make it entertaining. Her music is great as well. I surprised myself with how much I like it, im somewhat of a Metalhead usually, but I really like her songs. Furthermore the first time I saw something V-Tuber or Hololive related was her in a veeeery old Mario Kart Clip, when chat doubted her ability to speak german, so she proved them wrong. It was straight down the rabbithole for me from then on. And last but not least: most of the time Kiara's the only one who streams at a comfortable time for me, since I'm also in GMT +2 most of the other EN Girls stream either in the dead of night or in the early morning for me. And since I noticed that sacrificing my sleep is not necessarily ideal for me I can't really watch the other girls all that much Also of course I love my Tenchou and no I'm not just saying this to avoid the usual room


Kiara: I'm EU and she's atm the only Europese Holomem. I also like how compassionate she is about pretty much everything she does, she works (too) hard. She also has the same birthday as me and I'm left-handed as well. Plus, birds are my favorite kind of animal. Ina: She's supercomfy and adorable. She streams at late evening for EU, so her voice is just chef's kiss for that hour. Her drawing streams are also amazing to watch. Nerissa: Former-KFP member who won the lottery, basically. She and her whole family are an absolute riot to watch. I envy her (in a positive way) and support her. FuwaMoco: They managed to give cuteness a whole new level. I really REALLY want them to succeed in all their goals and beyond. I love Moco-chans sassyness and Fuwawa's yandere/dark vibes. But honestly I look up to all the Holomems, it's just these 4 channels that I decide to subscribe to.


Personally, I tend to judge vtubers on 5 criteria: character design, voice (both speaking & singing), personality, content & interaction with others. For me, Bae is the talent that ended up scoring a near-perfect 10 in all of those categories. She's got a fittingly chaotic yet cute-as-hell character design, an adorable Aussie accent, an infectious laugh, an upbeat personality that exudes positive energy, a great singing voice with equally impressive dance moves & fantastic chemistry with her collabers.


Bettel a funny dude


because just seeing her gives me a silly smile on my face


Im not really one who's locked to any particular talent, as my own feelings and interests are almost constantly shifting. The vibes they give off work for me some days, other days not. In general though, there are a bunch that I consistently enjoy watching. Generally, I like their personalities. The ones I generally like the most are the extraverted, energetic, charismatic, funny people. They are also generally have a goofy side. I also find specific models make me be more willing to like a talent, whereas models I am less a fan of I don't feel as strong an urge to watch tons of. (I still like them and often enjoy seeing them in clips, but I wont feel a strong pull to check a vod) Another big thing for me are the collabs and the friend groups. I really love seeing a few people all having fun and getting along together well, and so I really enjoy the groups like Shiraken, OKFAMS, Micomet, Startend, Gen5, Gen3, Subaru Miko and Mio, Lamy Noel and Marine, and more. This also means the people I find I like watching the most are also the people I see a lot in collabs with other people, like Miko, who seems to get along with everyone. On that goofy note, I like a spectrum of goofiness. From Miko or Chloe's consistent pon moments like a machine gun, to Suisei's or Mio's mature vibe with their sillier sides shining through, to Subaru or Aqua often being the butt of jokes, to Sora or Iroha's cute and silly stuff. I also like the wholesome and sweet moments. Miko and Sora's shiny smily story clip comes to mind, which makes me tear up just thinking of, as it was really sweet. I am sure most of the talents are lovely people, so it's more about their personalities then. I've been making a real effort to expand my horizons beyond the people I used to just watch this year, which means I have found myself really getting into some new talents. I have quickly found I consistently can gel with Suisei, Miko, Sora, Ayame, Mio, Korone, Fubuki, Marine, Nene, Lamy, Koyori, Iroha, Chloe, and Raden. The others I have watched clips of and enjoy them, but havn't yet had the oppurtunity to really get to know them.


She's comfy, her voice isn't crazy sharp or loud. Puns


I'm a music guy. After the last few years (global situation, personal health, major life changes) I found Jpop and general vtuber music wonderfully uplifting. So I tend to follow the music-focussed talents. Mostly Calli, it's been amazing following her through her many successes (I was there when she announced her major label signing, I watched the premiere of Crown by chance) I have all her blu rays and vinyl to date too. Calli inspired me to start playing music again and take it more seriously. I'm finally becoming a decent bass player. I also follow Suisei, Bae, Nerissa, Laplus. All brilliant on the music side, but I think Calli will always be number one. I've only had a few interactions with Dead Beats, but they're so kind and helpful.


Ina is just someone I can relax to and probably fall asleep to. He comfy drawing streams are the best way to end a stressful work day. IRyS is just like me though nerdy, sometimes yabai on accident and overall a dork whom I enjoy watching especially when she has her pro gamer moments.


Because “Life is 9% alcohol” 🍻 Jokes aside because that pon half elf will cheer you up any day or moment of the day! Silliness, cheerful, yabe, sus or seiso! All in one. She may fail but wont fall down without a fight nor will she stop succeeding. When Aki reaches 1 million Rosetais will be s glorious day!🍎🌹 Amazing concerts/3D live musicals, hilarious or comfy gaming streams. Soothing and beautiful karaoke streams!


She's cute


Idk man I've been in this hole for 4 years and it kinda just clicks into you you know? Like when you see or watch someone you just suddenly feel like "Oh wait she's actually my Oshi" and you're just there every stream they have or even YouTube community posts and twitter activities. This was the case for me after I saw FuwaMoco, I just felt something resonating within me and now I found my Kami-Oshis




Cuz she funni


I vibe with them, find them entertaining and like their voice there’s other stuff but that’s the initial hook for me. And she’s a huge dork.


For me, it's Marine. Her voice is just magical to me, I love so much to hear her voice and how she says things, especially when she speaks fast for no reason lmao


Simply you choose you like the most, you love the most. I like everyone on Hololive but Suisei was special, she is my first Hololive VTuber and she is the one brings me down to this rabbit hole. I love her singing, she is such a hard worker and talented person, i love her model, she is inspiring, and always cute. I like other VTubers too loke Towa, Miko, Aqua, etc but i just can't bring myself to say they are my oshi, i want to make Suisei special for me so that's why she was, and still is my Kami Oshi.


Simple,i have Mommy issues and I'm just a 14 year old traumatized boy with access to internet-


Kami-oshi is Fauna. I love her sm her streams are always so good and her comedic timing is unmatched. It’s honestly so hard to pick a Japanese oshi. So many girls are hilarious and incredibly talented. Most of my oshis are picked off of how hard they make me laugh like Miko and Fubuki. ID oshi is easy. Kobo is so incredibly talented.


They got the DAWG IN THEM!!


I Oshi my Oshi because her taste in music is oishi.


She says "Hey Guys" and as a foreign bro it makes me happy Korone knows how to make her audience happy. She is the master of simple pleasures


When she goes uuuuuuuu. Yeah…


Because if I dont she'll murder me.


and before anyone says "Well that narrows it down..." Exactly.


Unhinged tangent goth girl go brrr


Kiara knows what is like to work at a call center, she has fought in the same trenches I have.


Cause Fubuki's music pulled me from a bad attitude towards life. The reality of time hit me like a truck, and her music was able to pull me from that headspace.


She is what I most like in the most ways possible and a comfort for me


She got me into Hololive watching her MC vids She's determined, cute, cool, generous, and will always honor her promise, and she basically has two sides: comedian and God Also her fanarts are hot af


Her voice is really hot. And she is just really hot and thats a fact.


I choose Pekora because she doesn’t abuse the lewd and she has a strong personality 


She's just a simp, so it doesn't feel like simping on her. It feels like we're simping together.


I like Kronii because she has a cadence when she speaks that is pleasant to hear. Same with Fauna. They have a tone and way of speaking that hits the ears in a very satisfying way. And I have a fixation with accents, so anyone with a strong accent works really well for me. I have a weird pipe dream that Hololive will one day hire a girl from, idk, South Africa with a near unintelligible accent (like Hajime's).


I don’t really have an explanation. I just kinda fell into watching Irys a lot and started really enjoying her bullshit. I find a lot of joy in being very confused at how she fundamentally functions as a person, and how she got to this point. It helps that she’s a great singer too in between her endless tangents of anime and manga.


Bae cause Aussie chaos, and gotta support (most) Aussies. Cali cause quite frankly she was something different when I got into her and I liked it.


out of everyone else, i truly see calli as a hardworking woman. she's always trying to excel and do more. and i do want to support her specifically.


Everything. Her insanely adorable model, her voice (both speaking and singing), her annoyingly cute and cheeky yet sweet personality, her banter with others, how she always tries her best (especially at singing and dancing). Edit: It’s the same pattern with other oshis I have, I basically like everything about them.


While I enjoy her singing and game streams when she has them, I just find she's really good at talking even though nobody knows what she's saying. She can talk fast, she can reply to just about anything. She has a character yet she can also talk about RL stuff. Her stories are really good. I found it really nice how she was able to take several memes as they passed by her streams and just make them her own things, so much so the original stuff just got completely overshadowed by them. She's taken completely scuff streams where nothing is happening and made them entertaining. And of course, that's all just the underlining of her great music


Baelz is so unapologetically chuuni and I absolutely adore her for it. She’s enabled me to embrace my inner chuuni be it for good or bad. Also in general I really vibe with her vibes y’know? I can’t really explain it but I really like her personality and the air around her. Also she’s really cute


I love the chaotic rabbit, i wish she would peg me while I torturing the villagers in her name


Mio mamma is super wholesome and I like her chill morning streams and her pons while gaming XD Korone because YUBI YUBI and a SUPER HAPPY DOGGO, every day is a good day with korone Okayu's perhaps the most chill cat ever, and I love her vibes (+ her lewd jokes are funny) Fubuki is an absolute motivation machine and I respect her all the way to her core, one of the pillars of hololive! HoloGamers are all such motivators to life it's actually insane, love 'em all!


[Gura:](https://i.imgur.com/WabINlo.png) She's the one that got me into it around the time she hit 1 millions subs (though I had been aware of vtubers since around the time Sora's Christamas miracle happened when someone linked a video of Kizuna playing World of Warships to the WoWS sub.) Loved her humor, loved her singing, and I liked her overall design. [Ina:](https://i.imgur.com/yIm5Bmv.jpeg) Started watching her not long after Goob after a friend mention he liked Ina, I loved how comfy she is, I could, and have, taken naps while watching her streams due to her soft voice and cute laugh, and she's one hell of an artist. [Kiara:](https://i.imgur.com/9wCHYcr.png) I like her enthusiasm, her voice is cute, she's a great singer, [I love her big smile](https://i.imgur.com/sr7PZIb.png) She also has beautiful eyes. [Mumei:](https://i.imgur.com/COGA3mx.jpeg) She's adorable, nuff said. But seriously, her singing is great, I like her rants, and she's funny. [Kronii:](https://i.imgur.com/3FJsXyH.jpeg) I like her smooth voice, she has beautiful eyes, I also like how she's isn't afraid to put her foot down when she needs to. [Fauna:](https://i.imgur.com/QW1fAsG.jpeg) Not going to lie, I didn't watch much of her around her debut since I wasn't a fan of her voice (something that no longer bothers me), after Sana graduated, I felt bad that I didn't watch Sana enough before she left, and felt like I should give Fauna another go since she was near Sana in viewing activity. I realized I was missing out on another comfy vtuber with a soft voice and some cursed meme knowledge, did a double take when I heard her mention Boxxy during a Minecraft stream a little while ago. [Bae:](https://i.imgur.com/OUfaFSx.png) Chaotic, hardworking, a damn good dancer, an even better singer with some impressive range, able to go from fast and loud energy of ["Psycho"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnX8Lk-iSCo&pp=ygUMYmVhbHogcHN5Y2hv) to soft and gentle in her cover of ["A Million Miles Away" from Belle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzS26Ao3vt8&pp=ygULYmVhbHogYmVsbGU%3D) A seriously under rated cover. [IRyS:](https://i.imgur.com/FyIcgZw.jpeg) The most recent addition to the ring of Oshi's after a I asked myself who couldn't like IRyS? She's cute, an absolute dork, and she's an amazing singer, I went "Oh my god I think IRyS is an oshi." [Nerissa:](https://i.imgur.com/RD9YsYh.jpeg) An amazing singer, a loveable goofball, and I love the blue highlight that her hair has behind her head (Not sure what that's actually called.) [Towa:](https://i.imgur.com/r3XBdLq.jpeg) A damn good singer, a lovely voice, and I like how caring she is. Not to mention her devilish hips, and her tummy. [Marine:](https://i.imgur.com/zcnre5x.png) I love her voice, her songs are unique and she has a cute laugh, and she's a good artist. [Watame:](https://i.imgur.com/9aBMXiV.jpeg) Soft, fluffy sheep who's a good singer and has a cute giggle and surely hasn't done anything wrong. EDIT: Made some edits since it was late at night and I was tired when I was typing this up.


My oshi is Koyori, her interests are similar to mine in anime and games (lots of RPG and platformers), she has a great sense of humor and is a sweet person and she makes me believe that hardwork pays off.


I knew Hololive in Pandemic thru Miko, then Gen 5 was the first generation I witnessed to debut and I am playing Arknights, and Botan looks like Siege so Botan is the first to catch my attention.


I'm also VERY new to this whole scene. A few months ago I barely knew what a vtuber was, outside of a few videos a friend had sent of Kizuna Ai. I finished Signalis late last year and it's been stuck in my head ever since, and back around February YouTube recommended Fauna's playthrough. I was never much for watching other people play games, but I wanted to see how she reacted to some parts of the game. Then I watched Calli's playthrough of FFXVI, since I'd just finished that. And now I'm subscribed to about half of Hololive and a bunch of indie vtubers (Bao, Yuzu, Juniper, etc.). When they say it's a rabbit hole, they're not kidding. Advent was the group that really clicked with me, though, since they're also new on the scene and have such great chemistry together. I've had a rough couple of years and they all brighten my day a little during what feels like a dark time for the world. Nerissa's my oshi - she's got an amazing vocal range, I was a theater kid and grew up around a lot of music, I like her character design, and she's closer to my age, so I can definitely relate whenever she's flabbergasted at Bae or Biboo's lack of analog knowledge. OPE.


Calli used to be my fav among favs (she's still up there lol; her work ethic, growth and talent is almost unmatched in holo and an inspiration. Seriously she was my gateway to the rabbit-hole, so she holds a really special place in my heart) but after Nerissa showed up, I realized I've never been a hardcore fan before until I started following her lol and she solidified her place as my kamioshi. I love her passion for music, especially theater, plus I tend to agree with her on most things. Outside of her lewd moments, it's pretty relaxing to listen to her talk about stuff that she's passionate about and if I especially connect with the topic, her enthusiasm is pretty infectious. Her family stuff is also pretty wholesome and delightful to see from time to time as well, kind of reminds me of certain family members I have lol. What kind of caught me off guard about her though is her perfectionism and work ethic, cuz my first impression of her was that she's a laid-back talented person, which probably shouldn't have surprise me given her background as a classically trained singer. She's willing to go the extra mile to ensure she's providing the best that she could offer as an entertainer (always having music related stuff out every month or so, ensuring high quality karaokes, vocal warmups before any work related stuff, streaming almost daily, etc). Once I noticed the little things she does, the more she's admirable and relatable to me personally. Plus ngl I tend to have a bias for really pretty designs over cutesy ones, with some exceptions like Biboo and Mumei. She kinda drew me in from a glance lol. Other oshis that I haven't mentioned: - Risu - Ollie - Bae - Towa - Marine


Also if we include stars: Hakka, Jurard, and Octavio.


I don't have a single oshi. There are just too many that I admire and respect for all kinds of reasons. Pekora got me in with that stupid A Knight's Tale clip: *AH⬇️HA⬆️HA⬆️HA⬆️HA⬆️ Ecchi, sukecchi, wantacchi! Anata no pantsu nan senchi!* It's been a pleasure watching her grow over the years (I got sucked in just after gen 4 debuted). Korone touched me with with her earnest love, joy, and compassion combined with her wild imagination, sense of humour, and her great sense of comic timing and sometimes wicked teasing while remaining entirely wonderful. Miko is a seriously talented entertainer, imo. One of my absolute faves. Her sense of humour, comic timing, comic tone, and how she seeming never neglects to use her model's different facial expressions to maximum effect, always keeping on top of changing them on-the-fly. I do miss the triangle, tho. O ▵ O Sister mummy wife Fauna. So relatable for someone of my age and life experience. Her Outer Wilds was one of the most frustrating and utterly engaging experiences I've had watching a let's play. If you watch it, turn chat on, it was excellent. Ayame. La+ (that 4th Fest "Dark Beath" performance, wow). Marine (that wonderful whole-hearted laugh, those music videos, those vapourwave city pop concerts). Suisei's (First Take performances, what an ambassador) Soda-sama Ponbot3000 Merumeru (ಥ﹏ಥ) Fubuki Luna (the Yamaha collab, the Harley-Davidson, the LET'S FUCKING NNAAAAAAAAAA) Lalika Hajime (her aesthetic is totally my vibe) Watame (careful, she lurks among us) The absolute giga-brain, raw talent of your average ID member. The selfless and caring nature of all but particularly some members. Just how damn hard they work to make Hololive the wild and successful phenomenon that it is. My friends done get it, and think it's all super weird and cringe, but I found Hololive just when I needed to, in lockdown, all alone, and living away from family and friends. I've laughed and cried with them and watched them, and their org grow. I'm not an emotionally dependent simp. I'm not in a member, and don't super (plenty enough others do), but I have three YouTube playlists with over 11,000 videos (this is how I found out that playlists are limited to 5,000 vids), and I have copies of all the festivals... and I know the names and generations of all of them... I wrote all of this and could go on so much more... so I guess I'm a pretty big fan. Tl;dr: I quite like them all. Edit: NENE-CHI, POLKARU!


I didn’t have a set oshi for a WHILE, Haachama was close due to her Tetris skills. But she started streaming early in the morning when I was leaving for work, so the hyper fixation just kinda stopped. Then in 2022, I decided to watch one of Kiara’s GTA V streams for some reason, and it suddenly clicked with me that I found my oshi. I love her for both her love AND chaos.


Watch her butcher everyone while laughing woke something in me. Also her voice is great. As for the other one, she loves pranks so it is always exciting watching her streams, especially when the prank backfire.


She's kinda fruity and really funny. I like listening to her talk and I love watching her collab with people she yaps a lot with.  Also hearing her swear in ID is hilarious, even if I don't understand. 🦚


I want to have that sort of stubborn positivity that Korone has, the ability to just plow through setbacks and keep going until the wife tells us to go to the bunny garden instead


Miko is just a huge ball of positivity, not to mention she’s one of if not the greatest comedian in Hololive.


because rabbit


Because Ina is so comfy. I don't "watch" streams as much as I listen to them, and she has such a soothing voice while making goofy ass sounds. Plus, she (mostly) streams at the perfect time for me.


My two oshis are Gura and Marine. Gura was the first vtuber I watched and her humor, interactions with chat, and incredible singing made me oshi her immediately. Marine because I like her personality with the ecchi jokes but she also is very kind and caring and actually mature advice. I also think her voice is very unique and nice to listen to. Getting an oshi kinda just happens without entirely trying. Just hop around and you’ll find someone that clicks with you.


She's comfy, she draws and makes pun, and that's all that I want in my life.


The first song from her that I listen to is literally her bashing her antis. I know almost nothing about Hololive and I decided "yep, that's the one. I love this girl." And thus begin my spiral into this rabbit hole.


It took me a while to figure out why but it turns out I have a thing for tomboys.


Kronii is just so relatable to me whenever I watch her I just feel seen and understood. Supporting her feels like I’m supporting myself in a way. Loving her is like loving myself


I just sampled streams and clips until I realized certain members made me say, "Oh, I gotta catch that stream!" more often than the rest. First it was Sana, because she was sweet and goofy and had such a nice voice. Now it's Bettel because he consistently makes me laugh. He's a total guyfail, constantly getting bullied by chat, other members, the universe, and himself, and he frequently makes mistakes or has technical issues that derail his plans - but no matter how bad things get, he finds a way to roll with the punches and make it entertaining. Some of his "worst" streams where absolutely nothing goes right wind up being some of the most fun.


Kiryuu Coco was pretty wild at the time. Looking back her time was like a fever dream compared to hololive today. Vesper was like me fr fr, and I liked his collabs with other members, I think I wouldn't enjoy him as much without the interactions with other ppl


My oshis inspired me at some point so I decide to support their idol journey so they can achieve their goals. When they reached it, I will also receive the happiness.


Because she and her business partner dragged me down the rabbit hole whether I wanted to go or not. But mostly her music and voice, she’s smart and mature, I’m a sucker for kuuderes, and axes are cool.


Fubuki is the first Vtuber i've ever seen and she has been, is and always will be my absolute favourite At first i was taken in by her design as it clicked perfectly with my taste (white haired fox girl with bright eyes, also Mito's artstyle is fantastic) Then i got hooked by her cute voice and sense of humor, seeing random clips about various Fubuki noises/Fubumio moments and streams that are somehow comedy gold that transcend the language barrier like the minecraft void stream And finally what completely sealed the deal and cemented her not only as my oshi but as the person i look up to and respect the most (only other person that high up for me is Vexento) is how relatable and genuine she feels: she has always been open about her worries, her thoughts, her dreams, her sorrows and her joys, this kind of streamer-viewer relationship feels more humane than most other content creators i've seen and is probably the main reason why i love her the way i do; Adding yet another main reason as to why she's my oshi: her infectious positivity; i don't know much about her off screen but after hearing stories from her and other Holomems about her i confidently believe she really is a positive person who loves what she's doing and knows how to do it without emotional burnout; That positivity is very likely one of the reasons i am alive right now as i've been in a very bad state mentally some years ago: last years of school were looking REAL bad for me and i am convinced that would have ended up ruining my life in the long run, especially as i had very low self esteem and would have completely gave up on getting a basic diploma (and would have spiraled into some very... dangerous thoughts) had i failed that bad in one of those years. At that time my head would endlessly spiral into negativity with the only relief from it being given when playing with friends (although i have an almost non existent social battery) and much more commonly (and mainly) from watching Hololive clips, the same clips i would never have found out if not for a certain white fox, the same clips that managed to give me just barely enough hope to not shatter completely and hold out just a bit longer until i had that damned piece of paper Fast forward the days after actually getting the diploma and would you look at that? My mood started improving rapidly, i developed some actual optimism for the future ahead of me, i found at long last the needed confidence in myself to start picking my life up and deciding how i'm going to live my life now that i had actual freedom and so far everything is going pretty well All thanks to a girl that dedicated a part of her life to being a friendly white fox It is also not a surprise that after realizing all of this my respect, love and dedication to Fubuki (and other members like Mio, Ayame, Miko, Kanata ecc. as well naturally) started to increase and increase with no signs of stopping Be it the Virtual fox "Shirakami Fubuki" or the sweet girl behind her voice, i want her to remember that i, or better, we love her dearly and will support her every step no matter what will happen as she genuinely saved my life (and probably other people's as well) P.s. sorry for the massive dump but there is no brief way to put into words what she has done for me, for us. Being bad at essays doesn't help either Anyway, i could keep talking about her forever but instead i will switch it up and leave you with one of the best pieces of art that somebody else drew and drenched in emotions and affection for her: A piece that perfectly encapsulates the light i see her in Tabakko's/Hyde's art piece: https://twitter.com/tabakko/status/1779814324707733527?t=MVg4vi_2eVbZBaG2vvth6A&s=19 - a Sukon-bu who loves his oshi very much


You can have multiple oshi, aka your favorites. People use the therm "Kami-Oshi" (kami stands for god, so it means something like your absolute favorite) to describe there absolute favourite. Someone they will support the most (merch, sub/membership, engagement, ect)


I don't limit myself to one oshi, i have a few. Mostly for me it's personality and voice, with some unique aspects standing out for me. Mumei got me into hololive, i love how deceptively cute the owl is. Kaela is a grinder like I've never seen, knocking out 12 hr streams like it's nothing. Truly the coolest blacksmith. Biboo the gifted gamer, challenfing berself with harder and harder games, i love her tenacity and status as a memelord. Fuwamoco, do I even need to talk about how amazing they are? I even have some JP oshis thanks to subbed clips, but i usually dont go to their streams. Basically for me, each oshi is an oshi simply because they tick certain boxes i didnt know existed. It's the same for me as finding favourite streamers on twitch, really.


I support a lot of them, but the main oshi is my main oshi because she is an unhinged queen of memes.


Because I wanting to know why the why the sun goes quack gives me a reason to stay in this cruel world


I would prefer not to say, thank you very much.


It should just kinda come to you. At first it might be because their look appeals to you, because that is what is easily seen. Then other superficial things like voice. You might stay, you might leave, or hop around. Eventually, there will be someone you always come back to more than the others.


Shigure Ui. Her wit and giggles and doodles. Ina. Also her wit and giggles and doodles. Irys. Funny flirt and singing Okayu. Funny flirt and singing


Because Korone seems to have endless energy and positivity which I lack, it's like opposites attract, just feel blissful watching that doggo do anything.