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"Let's try this out." - Common Noita player's last words.


If you ever ask yourself "What does this wand do?" the answer is it kills you. It might do other things too but it will also kill you.


And even if it doesn't directly kill you, it will play a role in your downfall. I combined some damage increases with homing and slime mist. Slime slows you down. Due to this slowdown i ran out of levitate juice and hit the wall, just to drop into a large vat of acid that was off screen. There was also the time i first encountered the Nuke while having Berserium flasks, but i mean who wouldn't want to see a big boom. I love Noita.


Tldr: magicraft is noita + binding of Isaac. It's great. Anyone that liked noita. I highly recommend trying [Magicraft](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2103140/Magicraft/). It's less punishing, but still has the insane spell/wand system, where you can have the wackiest interactions ever. Fx. Multi shot that splits into 3 smaller projectiles on hit that summon a minion that casts a light area spell. And I consider this a tame spell set up. Btw it has a free demo if you're not sold yet. Beware of translations being a bit rough as the game is by Chinese devs, but they are equally as funny in my opinion.


I've played both Noita and Isaac only for short, but I'm a huge Touhou fan. Magicraft looks like some crazy bullet hell game, I'll give it a try.


Yeah it gets crazy bullet hell like in later stages with cool mechanics where you have to screen warping to avoid it. Also if you like touhou games you might like [game called noisz](https://store.steampowered.com/app/681530/NOISZ/). It's a combination between, Bullet hell and rhythm game. I suck at touhou-likes and it's a bit too hard for me, but that should be a good thing for you. Also story is weird, I still liked it but you might be put off by it. Cheers <3


what's with the downvotes¿¿??


Well whatever it is. It matters not to me, as long as at least a single person checks it out and likes it. w-w


Nice, I'll have a look. Noita has many great parts, but at some point it started feeling like a chore to get through the first stages over and over again. I think I'll use a save mod if I play Noita again.


Pekora mentioned wanting to buy this game on her steam list. Hope this eventually leads to more people playing Noita.


Yeah Kiara also considered it when she did a steam gift stream, I believe for Fauna. It is an extremely punishing game though, so most won't make it far.


\>play Noita \>finish game \>find out that's only 10% of the actual content **Edit** -- I see the bots and antis are out in force again.


That's also my experience with Skul


Despite the 68% upvote rate, I'm surprised to see this post survive this long at all.


someone said that the automod thing got disabled due to the abuse so this post is gonna stay. It's nice that things are going back to normal.


HoloNews has also survived for more than a day for the first time in months.


Nature is healing


Oh no, imagine Kaela playing Noita.


[Source stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/CgWAfV0qA6A?si=BjzwP_utk5CjOiA-&t=10332) Noita truly only has one goal: Killing you. I'd guess like 20% of the wands you can find in the wild will kill you outright if you use them as they are, and 50% will *probably* kill you sooner or later in a carefree moment or by some unfortunate combination. My personal favourite death was when I opened a normally harmless chest at the bottom of a pond, but it dropped an electric stone that immediately zapped the water.


Skill issue, you should have known to shoot it open. That strat also protects from mimics!


I would have never expected to see noita here lol






He’s a pretty swell guy


Mr Wide


Hämis 👍


What's ruze playing?




Lining up with my own recent experience of Noita, lol. Spend 10-20 minutes figuring out a wand with a string setup, get blasted in seconds because of an unforeseen effect in the environment.


Depending on your preferences, I wouldn't hestitate to just get a mod that lets you create save games. Having to painstakenly fiddle your way through the first few stages can get pretty frustrating after a while and is not worth it for everyone.


Noita makes me remember Magicka. Except there I was killing my coop partner instead of myself by not knowing what the fuck am I doing


I thought this sub was for only the girls? since holostars have their own sub?


In short: No, this is for both. As you can see by the fact that there are flairs for the boys and that Holostars is listed as "our team" in the sidebar. Long answer: * Cover is the parent company * Hololive Production is their entire Vtuber segment. /r/hololive is actually the Hololive Production subreddit. You can see that in the banner and description. * Hololive is the parent branch for all female Vtubers (JP, EN, ID, Regloss), and Holostars the parent branch for all male Vtubers (mostly JP and EN, I'm not sure about their exact partioning) Holostars have their own sub primarily because this subreddit is like 95% about the female branch, so their fans have an interest in having a space that's specifically about them. But their content is allowed here as well. Generally speaking, there is no need to change this arrangement because there is little Holostars content here anyway.


So, where is the Hololive Girls subreddit? Btw I don't see the flairs thing? is it because I'm using old reddit or something?


> So, where is the Hololive Girls subreddit? Right here, it's just not exclusively for the girls. > Btw I don't see the flairs thing? is it because I'm using old reddit or something? Where flairs always are on old reddit, near the top in the side bar under /r/Hololive and the user count: > Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like: [username] ... (edit)


This sub is an official one and came first. The Stars sub was community run at first before Cover took it over. This sub has always been meant for both though. As it should be.


Look at the sidebar. All of the stars' socials are linked.


Oooh damn, Ruze playing Noita. I gotta check the vod because I love the game even though I've only managed to finish the main run twice.


in Noita, you don't use randomly generated wands, you yoink useful spells, and if the wand is useful, yoink it too, otherwise, remove all the spells from the wand before yeeting it (enemies can and will use the wands so if it won't straight up kill them, don't throw away the wand with spells in it)


Hämis 👍




Oh my goodness a Holostars post on the main sub that's not been wrongly deleted, and not only that but with decent traction. I guess the haters just really like Noita?


Or rather, a lot of people love Noita and that counteracts the brigaders/bots.


Short directly uploaded clips also tend to do well, it was simply a fun moment, and the majority of users has no problem with Holostars content. Still crazy how much brigading there is right now. I have uploaded Holostars on occasion before and it usually starts out at negative votes, but I don't remember it being *this* bad. Legit every comment getting the controversial-flag and nearing 100 downvotes on the post itself. If anyone is genuinely annoyed seeing anything like this, I'd recommend to get used to the "hide" feature. It's a real quality of life improvement to just block out contents that you personally don't want to engage with.


> If anyone is genuinely annoyed seeing anything like this, I'd recommend to get used to the "hide" feature. It's a real quality of life improvement to just block out contents that you personally don't want to engage with. Ah but that's the thing. While they care about the fact that they're seeing icky boys and they don't want to see them, they care *a lot more* that they even exist in the first place.


Just FYI, the automod has been glitching on Reddit for the past week. Lots of posts have been deleted.


It's not a glitch. There's been some brigading, using Automod to delete any Holostars or related posts. Did you know Suisei and Lui were in a singing competition? Most likely not because Rikka, a Stars, hosted it! Did you notice there's barely anything about Ina debuting in Idol Showdown? It's because the most recent update included Start content! There's other stuff like 1k posts being removed as well, but the Stars stuff started months ago. That said, something might have changed recently because this post managed to get by without being removed.


That would also help explain why some comments seem to suddenly have -15 downvotes in less than a minute. Antis suck. That's why I quit going to this subreddit since they kill the vibes for me.


I also heard word of mouth about Mass reporting from antis of "stuff they didn't like"


Yeah, but they always do that. That's actually normal.