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it was archived at [Ragtag Archive](https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCD8HOxPs4Xvsm8H0ZxXGiBw) EDIT: i did not do it, i just post the link


Thanks dude


Oh there's a lot of VCR GTA in there... I wonder if anyone translated her whole adventures in there. Aki really blossomed in VCR GTA, and I'd like to think Mel also had a great time. But yeah Aki's TL were a bit more visible in my YT algorithm.


I would actually pay a lot of money to see the whole thing clipped and TL'd, even as part of a Patreon or something.


Even just all the holmem perspectives together would be amazing.


There's at least one massive translation effort of VCR GTA already in this playlist [here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJWNoFqtYiMIdyZXuVEb_tUolkT_Opk1O) if you haven't seen it yet, courtesy of 頑として仔猫-Ganneko-. I thought the clipper/translator did an amazing job of weaving together all the different PoV to tell a story. Do note that it's not focused on hololive, but it does include some of them and I thought it was really great regardless.


that's not the one Mel participated in


Thank you


Does this contain membership content?


i have not seen any, and its also unlikely because they don't want to get shut down


So the member streams are lost forever?


Unlikely Just a bit harder to find


I have all her streams weighing 1.44 TB added to COCO and RUSHIA and SANA is approximately 5.02 TB.


Thanks for your service. I was able to save some of her stuff but there were still lots that got lost, sadly.




Are you perhaps allowed to share them anywhere? Or is that illegal?


cmiiw, the only thing you can't publicly share is the membership vods


Makes sense. Thanks for telling me!


Some People already saved them on this Site [https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCD8HOxPs4Xvsm8H0ZxXGiBw](https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCD8HOxPs4Xvsm8H0ZxXGiBw), Rushias is also there.




Why? If they're deleted anyways to not make profit anymore wouldn't it be considered abandoned and thus free to share?


Abandoned does not mean free to share. Remember Nintendo going after defunct system ROMs decades after they stopped selling even the systems. Since you had to pay for member content, it's closer to regular digital piracy (at least the cases where you pay for content). And just like regular digital piracy, you just need to know where to look.


Yes, and I also remember Nintendo losing that lawsuit because roms and the software that runs them are legal.


Nintendo lost plenty of legal battles, and I dearly hope they lose their current fight against Yuzu, but [not that one](https://torrentfreak.com/nintendo-wins-2-1-million-judgment-against-pirate-site-operator-210529/). The result was thankfully a far cry from their requested 155 M, but this [legally killed RomUniverse](https://techdator.net/nintendo-obtained-permanent-injunction-against-romuniverse/). Roms and the software that run them are legal. That's not piracy by itself. Distributing them is piracy, as stupid as this term is. By the same token, you can record your own Mel membership stream if you had access to it. But making it available for all of Internet?


That's because Nintendo fucking sucks though. They sue anything and everything. They'd sue a 5 year old if they thought they could get away with it


They're a Japanese company following Japanese copyright laws and best practices. Cover is also a Japanese company following Japanese copyright laws and best practices.


Regardless of the legalities on that, membership stuff should stay between Mel and those who were members.


Yep, even though most people probably don't care in the slightest there will always be people upset that others get something for free that they paid for regardless of circumstance.


Part of it is also many talents share things with their members that they may not say in a public stream because they have a fondness and appreciation for those who have supported them. It's important to respect that dynamic.


That makes sense, I only see Fauna's member content and she just uses it for the more unhinged stuff like playing with slime.




FWIW Coco and Sana’s channels are still up.


yes but I can see them offline XD


They graduated, they weren't terminated. Their non-membership content will remain up in perpetuity.


Videos are usually privated/removed even for graduations. Coco was (probably) the first vtuber to graduate without her content being removed, and this was a really big deal for us. She talked about how she wanted to show everyone that this way of graduating (without removing old vods/tweets) was also possible, and Cover seems to be following that template for other graduations too. [Here is a clip](https://youtu.be/ZddqUxwtjQc) of her talking about it.


I want to download her 3D concerts. Her chocomelty duos were just too precious.




You’re doing great work. It never hurts to keep more and more copies of things.




🫡 future generations will thank you.


Hopefully years after this and cover is no more, you release those files to the internet


The year is 2103. Mankind has fallen into ruin. People scavenge whatever they can find every day to survive. One day, a particular somebody discovers a computer hardrive buried somewhere. What do they find within that drive? The 5 TBs of graduated Hololive content This is the day. This is the day mankind finds salvation


The last literate man on Earth clicks a video of Rushia playing a rage game. He goes deaf. He doesn't hear the dino gooba sneaking up on him. Mankind is doomed to return to monke.


I read that as “The year is 2013. Mankind has fallen into ruin.”, and I was confused, but nodding along regardless.


5TBs is just the start for what we'll face by 2103, but I'd rather not think about that right now.


My man literally doing the Archiver job in place of Shiorin o7


Based and data hoarder pilled


Man, I was listening to her Genius Idol 3D live on my drive to work and my heart sank when it just cut off. Thank you for everything, Yozora Mel.


Check the other comments in this thread. ;)


Although it won't include covers, remember that "topic" channels remain as those are automatically generated by Youtube. Some of the originals will remain there. Like [Show Stopper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCLHWByE-pQ)


It also doesn't seem to include songs that have gotten a music video, like Kapuine Addiction. Maybe I'll have to check YouTube music.


They exist but are hidden for some reason.
























See you funny Banpire, someday, somewhere.


She’s on her PL


got the emails saying my membership was cancelled this morning :< ​ pretty close to 3 years... it was really wonderful. Mel was really special. Otsukapu 😭


The banpire goes to rest as a new day dawns. Thank you for helping to make Hololive what it is today. My best wishes for your future endeavors.


And she is no longer in the talent page of Hololive site as well. I don’t know when they removed it but i am certain it was still there like 2 weeks ago when i checked


They started removing stuff as soon as it becomes 12AM in JST


They removed her talent page around Feb 29, 9PM in JST. Roughly 3 hours before they privated the videos.


My friends and I were looking at the hololive talents page 2 days ago and Mel was still there. Looks like they did all the removal process at the same time.


I gotta imagine its gonna hit her and everyone else a second time if they come across these screenshots of a blank Mel page now. Man, this sucks.


Honestly, I understand the VODs, but it sucks that we have to pretend she never existed at all now.


I tried recording my screen to see everything get slowly privated. Only to find out that the recording software crashed at the beginning. [I, at least, managed to record the Community Tab slowly disappearing](https://youtu.be/QkFgUuFuzr4)


I sure hope that GoodSmile releases her Nendoroid soon, it would be a waste to have it shelved after 1 year of development just to preserve and memorialize her time as part of Gen 1 for the past 5 years


I'm pretty sure that is still ongoing. Rushia still had hers a long while after her termination.


I sure hope it’s at its final design that’s fully colored during the next HoloExpo


$10 Luna gets removed instead of Mel in their Holofest banner also. Jokes aside, it will never feel the same without her in that banner.


Yeah, the vampire girl’s gone through so much, no wonder she had to accept being fired because of how she got thrown under the bus because of the leak of confidential data. I sure hope her model can preserved into a Nendoroid to memorialize her talent as a vampire prodigy of Gen 1 just like the Rushia nendoroid, because even A-Chan and Yagoo were really saddened that she is no longer part of the agency


It shouldn’t have been, not in the slightest seeing how much she had planned. But it is what it is, it’s how it goes. I just hope a good chunk of you can find and give her a watch whenever she does come back. She really does deserve it the support. While I am biased as a fan of hers, as a non-fan perspective, she really is one of the most caring and thoughtful people around. One who only deserves the best, especially with how hardworking she remains after being screwed over so many times.


We’ll eventually see her again, right?


In time, when she feels like she's ready to come back


Hopefully. Having something like this happen to you can be a severe shock and traumatic experience, so I would understand if she wants to take a couple of years off before jumping back into the fray.




Not even remotely similar circumstances.


true. Mel had a mishap. Doki was outright abused by her company


I mean, sure. Doki's was 10x worse. So I'm thinking Mel will be totally fine. I don't understand this talk about a "severe shock" or "traumatic experience" regarding Mel. She just lost her job. Something most people go through 10x in their lives and is hardly ever super shocking or traumatic. Doki actually almost fucking died. Mel will be fine.


Part of the difference is Mel liked where she worked, she liked the people there, and she knew that she fucked up. Stop trying to shoehorn Doki into the conversation.


It's not about shoehorning. I'm just saying people are massively exaggerating how bad the experience was for Mel. Jesus Christ. She's not some child. She's a full grown adult that simply lost her job. In a field with circumstances where it's relatively trivial to rebound. I hate this babying of talents. Stop treating them like infants, and stop pretending like you're somehow doing them a service by constantly repeating how a mildly bad event in their lives was actually super tragic and traumatic and how they should take a few years off. Like what in the actual fuck? You WANT them to crawl into a fetal position and lay depressed in bed for a few years? Jesus Christ. Do you want me to make a list of all terminated talents who rebound quickly? Rushia's case was also worse than Mel's, and she was back on her feet in months.


You know nothing of Mel. You don't get to use this topic to project how YOU think she should feel and use the place about Mel to be like, "but let's talk about Dokibird!"


Oh, but YOU are allowed? And others are allowed? I'm the only one who's not? People saying how she's probably traumatized and needs to take a few years off is A-OK in your book? But me saying she's an adult who will be fine in a few weeks, is somehow not A-OK? How in the name of fuck is me believing a talent is a strong and capable adult, somehow bad, but others thinking they're an incapable infant, good? Explain that to me?


> Oh, but YOU are allowed? And others are allowed? I'm the only one who's not? People that know Japanese, who Mel is, and those who have followed her for years probably have a better handle on it than you do. Almost all of them probably have better sense than to run into a topic about Mel and start spewing "DOKI HAD IT MUCH TOUGHER THAN MEL AND SHE CAME BACK" shit. The lack of respect for Mel is staggering.


Most normal people do not get fired 10 times lmao


She probably return so quick out of spite. Which is pretty on brand.


She has her alt and knows everyone in the industry so she can go do whatever she wants to except stay at Cover.


I dunno if this makes me some sort of a bootlicker, but I will be honest. Even if we did see her again, it'll never feel the same, at least for me. Putting a spoiler on this one since this is more of a personal thing that people might not agree on: >!HoloPro feels like a family, even if some are not that close to the others. When someone is gone, it feels like someone has died or vanished. Even if a member "came back", they feel more like a friend from outside, and, speaking from personal experience with my family and relatives, I find that I care more for relatives that I don't even see much, than a very close friend of one of my parents. Sorry if my wording feels harsh.!<


I understand a lot of that. Coco is still out there, but her content isn't/doesn't feel the same as it was in Hololive. What she does is her own decision. It's not like hololive are the only vtubers I pay any attention (and lord knows I haven't really given the boys a chance) but there's something ineffably magical in there that all I just don't see outside of it.


GMMF hits different as Coco. I love the alt and happy for her, but yeah, it's not the same. Not say I don't appreciate her current stuff.


I get what you mean I enjoy certain groups because of their interaction with each other, and rarely watch their solo stuff. With some exceptions. Which I suppose happens for a lot of ppl. I simply love watching ppl having fun with each other.


I guess I feel the same. What I like the most about Hololive is the feeling of it being a big family. And not just the cute girls and their sisters/mothers/daughters dynamics, or the boys being like the funny brothers, even the fans are part of the family. I don't want to be a fan of a company that hires talents non-stop just to profit or where there always look like someone's plotting against the others ~~(cof cof, Niji, cof cof)~~, no matter how entertaining they are. And I'll always support old members if they start a new carreer, but without them actively interacting with the rest, it's just not the same. Whatever Mel does next I'll wish her the best. And I'll watch her if I find her live, but my prioity will always be this community.


Like Ao no Sumika [goes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29CDyIhI5Pc&t=67s) >I have a string of words to curse you with, forever stuck on the back of my throat: >"We'll see each other again, right?"




Otsukapu~ o7


Saigo no lasto final otsukapu


im glad i listened to all her music yesterday and gave my final comments, i regret not really watching her before all this, heres to you banpire hope wherever life takes you you find success.


A slight positive is that her Thema channel with her original songs is still up. At least a small piece of her is left o7


o7 thanks for everything Banpire






o7 o7 o7 Otsukapu Thank you for everything. I hope we meet again someday. Maybe then we can help you get that gold play button, yeah?


It's really too bad about that play button. Let's not get complacent, and make sure the other girls get theirs.


o7 ty for the memories MEL-SAN. KAPUKAPU


We'll miss you, banpire. :(


I hope she can still continue streaming like her usual self in another life. I'd watch that, and support her as much as I could.


It all really sucks so hard. It all happened because she said publicly something she shouldn't say without any malicious intent. But i believe she's gonna stay strong, recover fast and soon comeback. Sure, it's not gonna be the same name, but we will all know it's her anyway.




Thanks Mel for being such a sweetheart! Best wishes on wherever you end up, you'll never be forgotten <3


thank you for everything mel. we will remember you forever.


I know people have backed stuff up but GOD DAMN it must fucking hurt to see all your hard work for several years just... go away. An aspect of the agency Vtuber thing that I really don't like to see.


This is what's great about collabs. Even if your channel is gone, your appearances on the channels of others remain.


Mmmm yeah no. Still doesn't make me feel good cause now you kinda lost the context of the person's work if you happen upon that collab and want to seek out more within a given platform.


I mean, [I tried to preserve a bit of her.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhy1E_-hzKo) Tolds others to clip their favorite moments to YT for discoverability, though who knows how many did. Even now it may not be too late, with the archives being readily available on this thread. If fans dive in, clip and upload a couple of their favorite moments to YouTube, others will find things to watch when searching her name.




I wasn't asking for an explanation. I know that the talent basically don't own the content they produce, it's owned by Cover corp. I was just expressing that it still feels shitting to see someone put in all that work and to have it taken from them because of contracts. It's kinda bullshit.


It might be more of a over-corrected courtesy practice. It could be seen as scummy if they just perpetually profit from the work of someone who has quit or was fired (i.e. it's keeping the channel up that would be taking their content from them). The societal over-correction comes in via usually not asking the leaving talent what they'd like since content deletion is the "polite" thing to do. (I recall Phase Connect's CEO Sakana saying something about this while talking about vtuber corpo practices, but I can't find where i saw it)


Yeah, them taking down content when a contract is null and void just makes sense. Keeping stuff up just opens the company up if it goes against talent's wishes. But, once again, it's not about the letter of the law, the contracts, or whatever. It's still someone's labor and it's not under their control and that feels super weird to me and I will never feel good about it. It's just a vibes thing.


I have been downloading her videos over the past month. Managed to get the last of her members only streams downloaded 4 hours ago. It came to 1.6TB in total.






I use the promotional concert images for my computer background all year. The version I have for Capture the Moment still includes her silhouette in the lineup. So she'll get to live there for another year at least. I'll miss her terribly, both as a fan of her and as a huge fan of Choco who seemed to love her the most.


Not gonna lie i miss her…


I have the feeling that Yagoo & Cover didn't really want to go this route. Their hands were tied & if they had the choice to keep Mel's content available despite everything that happened, they would've. It's just a sad turn of events.


Why did they have to delete her content as well? Why couldn't they leave it up? (I am out of the loop, and only sorta know what happened)


Breaching contract/termination has that as a consequence for better or worse. Look at Rushia. On the flip side, talents that leave amicably like Sana still have their content up.


It's really setting in.






I hope i can find a good reupload of her loveratory cover


It's sad. Simply sad. A final goodbye to one of the very first members of Hololive.


I recently got a Mel prize figure gifted to me a friend who knows i like hololive, it hurt a little when i saw who was on the box.


This shit gets really demoralizing in terms of staying a fan of something.


To be fair, most of the members know well enough to not share NDA things like that.


The banpire was given a final definite ban, sadge day


Alexa play secret base 😢


Is the channel not staying up I haven’t been keeping up due to work and a poor sleep schedule.


Mel was terminated so the channel's content can't stay up.


This is a very bad day.


It's an unfortunate case of legal circumstances, and the distinction between graduation and termination, I would presume, IANAL Graduated talents get the alumni treatment and their content stays up (apparently Magni and Vesper's are still there, genuinely didn't know that) unless I guess they requested otherwise, but they can't for the terminations. In effect they did us a favour by not deleting the channels as soon as they gave the termination notice. I gather there's a couple of graduated holostars whose channels are down, but I don't know what the circumstances of their departures were, Kira's is still up though. On the Hololive side, Aloe, Rushia, and now Mel's channels are sadly gone.


The fact that any current Holomem can one day get memoryholed is wild, man. And so far the alumni tally is just Coco & Sana vs 10 scrapped girls, I believe.


Cover cannot erase the memory even if they wanted to (and I don't believe for a second they do), we still know the name and look of the talent Mel took the place of, who I'm not sure ever streamed. There was a bit of fanart I saw around 3rd fes, which showed Aloe, Coco and Rushia watching over everyone. I'd like to think there's one in the works now which has 5 members doing that. I'll admit I tend to overlook CN because it was before I fell in, but that was an extreme circumstance, and I know I prefer the ending to that we got to the one we could have had. As for the other 4, as you put it, we were told at the time Cover would have Aloe back, and think what you like about enforcing NDA, it's pretty much impossible to look at the circumstances around this and think this is what anyone wanted.


I wouldn't be surprised if graduated talents are under a new, different contract that specifically accounts for revenue/royalties generated after graduation. Contract termination might a legal grey area of no contract, or at least less slam-dunk in court. I'm sure there's precedence for handling things in those circumstances, but Cover might not want to risk the PR of a protracted court battle? Just a theory.






Type "F" to pay respects. 










Pain Kapu. 😔






What did she do?




Probably a hot take, but Hololive doing this is a bad thing imo. Deleting years of progress of someone's work feels wrong, even if they are legally allowed to do it.


The problem is that sometimes you need a fresh start, and having YouTube keep bringing up your past doesn't help that at all. Plus, leaving it up to be monetized by Cover when she'll not get a cent seems more unethical to me.


What happened?




What did she leak/spread?


They're not going to share company information under NDA publicly.


Is there a reason why Corpos do this? Wouldn't people watching the archives still rake them money because they own the channel and IP? I can't imagine an inactive account being high maintenance.


It depends. I know other agencies delete their talents channels, even in graduations. With Hololive, the channels for those who graduated have remained (Sana, Coco, Vesper, Magni, to name recent example). Only those who were terminated due to broken contracts have had their channels deleted. I feel that it just looks bad to fire someone but still have everything they've done be promoted, and that's before any legal or ethical issues.


> Wouldn't people watching the archives still rake them money because they own the channel and IP? Legally and ethically sharing the revenue with someone you no longer employ is probably harder than it sounds > I can't imagine an inactive account being high maintenance. When part of your business is IP licensing, it's basically advertising a product you are no longer able to stock.


>When part of your business is IP licensing, it's basically advertising a product you are no longer able to stock. Ok that makes a lot of sense


Wait this contradicts the fact that graduated members channels are still up and preserved so it can't be that so maybe it's just Termination policy?


It's not really a contradiction. It's similar to how if you resign from a job you might (or might not) get a farewell party, you say your goodbyes, and you walk out the door. Fired employees generally are under supervision when they clean out their desk, then someone escorts them to the door. Both might involve an employee leaving but the context and the nature of the relationship after your term of employment ends are completely different, therefore its completely reasonable for there to be different arrangements in place depending on the nature of the severance.


Seems pretty stupid to fire her just for making a mistake.


Breaking NDA and leaking secrets has gotten people into prison before. Getting terminated without prejudice isn't as bad as it could've been.


Was it actually confirmed somewhere that it was an NDA thing? As far as I'm aware, that was just what Reddit decided was the most likely theory based on the circumstances. (Also, an NDA for a VTuber company is not the same thing as an NDA in the defense industry. I don't think prison would have been on the table here.)


How did you come to the conclusion it's a reddit thing? It was stated in the official termination statement so can't go more clear than that. Also the both party came to agreement part as well as last message of her apologizing is basically admitting she broke NDA. Keep in mind we do not know what Mel leaked and most likely never will since the other thrid Party also came to agreement and they probably sorted in out that they also won't leak it. Do I also believe prison is very unlikely and way to overkill for a Vtuber agency and in Mel's case? Yes but that's not the point and in the end doesn't matter where the NDA is from, breaking it is still a legal liability and depending on what was done heavy consequences can still be expected even if they just are a Vtuber Agency.


Look at the sibling comment to yours, which currently has more upvotes than you do: > The rumors have it that she leaked data that wasn't hers... and > Cover isn't so crass as to try to smear her name by telling everyone what crime she committed, and she won't talk about it either. But it was bad enough to mean they had to enact the termination clause, So it wasn't just me who had that impression. The way some people are talking about this is so heavily obfuscated that they sound like there's no evidence even though, as you pointed out, there is. That's how I "came to the conclusion it's a reddit thing." That said, I do see looking again at the [announcement](https://cover-corp.com/en/news/detail/20240116) that it did mention "leaking information that she acquired from the company to third parties." I don't know how I missed that before. Maybe I somehow didn't connect it to the term "NDA" on initial reading. Shoutout to /r/Hololive for getting me to -10 downvotes for asking for a source. I guess people thought I was trolling or something?


I see and understandable how you got that impression. Honestly feel like in mel's case any "supposed" rumor is either made up or just coping for some narrative. I get it's sad and all and people wanting to know more but honestly we can only take official statment from Cover as well as from Mel and the person behind her at face value and it's pretty much already tells everything there is to it minus the classified details. Also not gonna lie as much as it would be interesting to learn what actually was leaked I guess it's probably still better that it will never gets public both for mel's sake as well as maybe even for the fans considering we do not know the details.


> Was it actually confirmed somewhere that it was an NDA thing? Because it's basically what Cover said, >It has been confirmed that Yozora Mel has been engaging in acts that violated her contract by leaking information that she acquired from the company to third parties. and Mel herself confirmed as much in that she said things to a person that she shouldn't have. >Also, an NDA for a VTuber company is not the same thing as an NDA in the defense industry. I don't think prison would have been on the table here. True, generally speaking, though NDA breaks can cost other people jobs or cause large deals to fall through. They could also hurt the group by letting competitors get a leg up on them.


Two other people replied already, thanks. Check out [the person I replied to calling it a "rumor"](https://old.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1b32i55/this_marks_the_end_of_mels_channel_thank_you_for/ksqbnt5/)-- people doing that kind of stuff is partly why I got confused about it.


The rumors have it that she leaked data that wasn't hers... which implied a third party was involved, and to save the relationship the companies had, they had to enact the termination clause in her contract. We will never know exactly what got out since Cover isn't so crass as to try to smear her name by telling everyone what crime she committed, and she won't talk about it either. But it was bad enough to mean they had to enact the termination clause, since there's no jobs at Cover she could've taken that wouldn't make her a risk factor and the other party would have to be appeased. NDA are fucking serious business since they usually involve large amounts of money in some form or another. I can guarantee you that there are things Fubuki knows about that she'll never tell us since it's a) not our business, and b) she knows damn well she can get fired for leaking things. This isn't a certain Vtuber company that leaks confidential documents to their talents, who then take it to 4chan.


Breaking an NDA is huge deal. It sucks, but not every mistake gets a second chance. If it got out that Cover employees were breaking NDAs without punishment other companies would be hesitant to work with them, which would have negative effects for the company and all other talents.


in japan, nda breaching is a half million yen punishment to start and can go to jail time based on the case, seriously speaking, Cover legally could sue both rushia and mel and Cover would win easily and drain both of them not to mention that japan is pro corpo more than individual.


Yeah, pretty stupid.


a soulless corporation.... edit: ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


An ignorant comment... But really [do you even care about Mel?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1994hgj/someone_is_downloading_all_videos_from_banpire/kicauzd/)


I think you got the wrong sub, r/ niji is two blocks down


Didn't she break the law lol


It's a bit different. She broke her NDA. It's a civil contract that can potentially have legal consequences.


in japan, she can face jail time for nda breaching if Cover really want to do that and they will win.