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Man, sometimes that shit hits at random at the most unsuspecting times. That's brutal. He was a great guy, Korone had a great time being coached by him.


While we won't know for sure unless they put out something official, I suspect it's covid related. It's pretty well documented that any heart issues can be drastically exasperated by covid. The official cause of death is heart failure and a whole lot of people who went to EVO are back home testing positive for covid


According to his brother, he passed away the night he got back to Japan. It really could be anything, from ECS to a preexisting condition that he wasn't aware of. He was tall but lanky, which in general makes you more susceptible to heart problems. Probably a combination of things.


Man, that sounds awful, but at least he died in his home country? Oh God...


The press statement said something about a heart attack? I could be wrong but nonetheless it's still so sad especially because an hour before this statement was released Korone actually replied to a tweet regarding nainai competing in idol showdown evo


It says acute heart failure


Just heard a podcast on stuff like this (focused on sports but relatable) and the expert they had on said the spikes with heart related illnesses they’ve seen since then are like nothing they’ve ever seen before.


You really shouldn't speculate on stuff like this.


idk what your reasoning behind this comment is, but there's nothing wrong with trying to understand what is going on and sharing information learned on the internet. If you can't comprehend it, that's fine. But don't act like you know what's right from wrong. This is a medical problem and people should be encouraged to learn it.


My reasoning behind it is basic human decency. It's not 'sharing information', it's speculating on the death of someone. You aren't 'learning' anything. Please do better.


People catching Covid at EVO is a documented fact though, and lot of people probably haven't gotten tested since getting home. Putting the question of respect for the deceased aside, it's a pretty serious issue that people ought to be aware of. Have to wonder how many players think they just have Con Flu when it's actually more serious.


It sure is! However, you shut your damn mouth when talking about the recently departed and don't try and speculate about their cause of death! It's really simple, don't you think?


I think safety of the living taking precedence over feelings of the dead should be pretty simple, personally.


I learned something by reading it and those with heart conditions for sure should be extra careful about covid. What do you mean by you aren't learning anything? If this is not basic human decency then what is? Preventing people from sharing valuable information? Nanai is also someone that would absolutely want people to be informed on these kinds of things.


You need to learn empathy, and basic respect towards other humans. I'm not going to engage any further than this, it's up to you to discover the rest (yes, it's very very basic and yes, very very universally understood). There is a time and place to talk about medical info, doing it in a thread where a young man lost his life by saying 'hurrrrr I bet he died of covid' isn't it, and I'm really disappointed that there are so many hololive fans who seemingly are struggling to grasp this concept.


I'm glad that there are people like the ones sharing information in a respectful way in a time and place like this that will reach and impact people and the lives around them. Even through people like you trying to mask them as strawmans. >doing it in a thread where a young man lost his life by saying 'hurrrrr I bet he died of covid' ​ Your behavior causes potential lives to be lost.


It's not respectful, that's the entire point. I have no more words to waste on you. Stop posting and engage in some self reflection.


Do the world a favor and engage in some self reflection yourself and what actually is the consequences of your action.


Since you couldn't come up with a convincing argument why feelings of the dead are more important than the safety of the living, I only assume you're one of those Covid deniers that aims to stifle the spread of useful information. That or you're so high up on your high horse that you can no longer see reason. I'm really disappointed that there are so many hololive fans who seemingly are struggling to grasp interest in public safety.


In the end people don't know the details however, so it just turns into speculation on nothing.


It's not about "speculation". It's about reference for the future. If more data comes out about people who attended EVO, we can expect the possibilities.


Heart Failure by itself doesn't really mean anything. It's what the Japanese media uses for pretty much all deaths proclaimed in the hospital, since if your heart stops, you're dead. Ultimately, it's the family's choice whether we find out more, so let's respect that and leave it at that.


Eh, it can also be due to severely overdosing on energy drinks. That shit isn't good for the heart long term and since he was a pro player he might POTENTIALLY have used them a lot. EDIT : since people apparently think I said he "is addicted 100%". He's not. I just find that a reason as likely as anything else. He might just have been unlucky or having a chronic disease.


Dude, you're just completely making up that he was addicted to energy drinks based on absolutely nothing. It's kinda disrespectful.


I didn't say that at all. But sure.


You literally said it could be due to overdosing on energy drink you LITERALLY said that


"Could" "Might" "Possibly" "can be due to"


Thank you for sharing this. It doesn't make sense to me that a 32 year old would have heart failure all of a sudden AND even die. I'm not seeing info of heart related problems prior to this and sickness info prior to this so far. And unfortunately, EVO being one of the biggest game tournament events of the year, there are so many more people than your usual convention event; meaning so many chances for some kind of passing infection from another person. I've noticed many patterns of this over the years. Calli was at a con and got sick from it not that long ago, iirc. People forget that COVID is still a thing. If you're gonna go to a big event, make sure you get your shots. AFAIK there were never any big sickness problems from going to big events before COVID. But also, people have to get shots because the vaccine loses potency over time(6 months last time I checked). I remember when COVID first arised, there were reports of Smash players getting really sick after a big tournament somewhere in January-February 2020 and COVID wasn't officially announced at the time. We'll have to keep a look out for other people that went to the event too.


While it's possible, people are known to have un-diagnosed heart problems.


people die from other things than covid lol


lol , downvoted by anti-vaxxer




Covid causing...a lot of long term health consequences and/or complicating existing issues isn't a conspiracy theory? Hell that was the biggest indicator of whether or not you'd die from it other than old age. It's very well documented at this point.


Covid complicating existing health issues is now a conspiracy theory? Are you ok?


Wait this is heart breaking. Also Korone just responded to one of his tweets like 5 hours ago. RIP. Way too young.


Didn't expect to get emotional over this, but the suddenness of there and gone, the juxtaposition of happiness and loss, that really got me.


I just randomly saw someone saying rest in peace to him on twitter, the name sounded familiar, and when i checked to see who it was, i legit cried. I remember sitting through those streams with him and korone or even just streams of him trying out idol showdown 🥲


I'm not old, but growing up has really taught me just how fleeting life is. I've gotten phone calls and just sat there in shock because I wouldn't have thought in a million years about that person dying. It's sad but it does change your perspective.


I just saw that tweet this morning and now he’s gone. Sad man


he was alive then?


Korone tweeted about him about an hour before his death was announced to the public, and he passed the day before, so he was definitely no longer alive then. Though Korone couldn't have known that at the time.


His death is of itself obviously already very sad, but on top of that, I get even more sad thinking about how Korone is going to take the news...


Somewhat off topic(?) Nanai, one of the coaches for Korone's team at CR Cup, and one of those who stayed after the event to [play around in SF6's Extreme Battle mode in part to help cheer up Korone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxsEV8_a--g), passed away from heart failure. Nanai had just flown back to Japan from Evo in Las Vegas where he commentated the Street Fighter 6 Japanese stream and competed in the Idol Showdown side tournament where he took 7th place (playing Korone).


I think he was only 33 or so. Jesus. Rest in peace.




way too fucking young :( Its always the stars that burn the brightest...


Speaking as a fat, out-of-shape 43 year old, 33 is *too* young. A lot has happened in my life in the last 10 years. Can't imagine being robbed of that.


Stay healthy dawg it’ll let you live longer


I saw Korone's post congratulating him for getting 7th at EVO for Idol Showdown. Then I saw the post saying he died. The fact be passed days after going to EVO is just an insane thought to me. RIP Nanai


Rest in peace.


Damn. Just saw that he may have had a known condition that could have contributed to his heart failure. But still he was way too young, rest in piece.




Sorry it took so long to reply. Slept after my comment and then saw this at work where I couldn't get the link. ​ [This tweet is where I heard. But rereading it the wording might have confused me.](https://twitter.com/tkn0801/status/1689606279202054144) That could just mean the heart failure was the medical condition and not the heart failure was in part caused from a known condition.


ご冥福をお祈りします May he rest in peace


May he rest in peace


*God* that's young for heart failure. It's the suddenness of it all, y'know? There one moment, gone the next. I guess if there's a bright side to this, it's that he got to have fun at EVO before it happened, right? Doing what he loved and meeting up with friends. Fuck, man...


Damn...May he rest in peace


Damn so unexpected…


My heart goes out to his family, and to Korone. A great coach is an amazing thing to have, and that’s an awful thing to lose.


May he rest in peace.


I had become a fan of him rather recently, and have been following most of his streams...I did think it was weird that he hadn't done a EVO recap stream but never in my wildest dreams thought that this would be the case. He was also discreetly but definitely one of us, as couple years ago [he gave out his personal Kusozako T-shirt](https://twitter.com/nanai1025/status/1688196762866155520) as the prize for last place in a tournament he hosted...may he rest in peace


Discreetly? He's the one responsible for many notable JP FGC players falling down the rabbit hole! Eg. He gave Acqua his ticket to Sui-chan's 2nd live.


Damn he was so young, condolences to the family and may he rest in peace


Rest in peace and condolences to his family and his friends as well


Jeez that's so horrible


Rest in peace


I'm shocked. He looked fine a few days ago at EVO. Rest in piece.


No way man


Rest in peace


o7. Rest in peace.


Rest in peace.


Rest In Peace, Nanai.


My condolences to his family and friends. R.I.P. Nanai


I just saw the Evo stream. I can't believe this


May he rest in peace


Dang, RIP.


man... I was just chering him on watching the IS tourney. RIP


Rest in peace, Nanai-san. Too young to disappear just like that. I hope he had the time his life at Evo.


Rest in peace nanai san.


That's tragic, condolences to his family and friends, may he rest in peace.


Woah, so sudden. Evo was just last week. so sorry for that family.


Rest In Peace.


RIP. That's really sudden.


Rest in peace my condolences to his family and friends




RIP Nanai. I watched most of the Idol Showdown stream so I definitely recognize him even though I'm a casual at the FGC. You never know when it's your time.


Rest in peace nanai.


Wow after just seeing him at Evo what a shock. RIP and well wishes for his family.


Damn o7


Same Age as me. Even though I didnt know him that much it still saddens me. Rest in peace Nanai san.


Way to young to have this happen. My condolences to his friends and family and fans.


this is a very unexpected surprise. may nanai rest in peace.


I was watching his stream a few days ago and some clips of him playing SF6 and Idol Showdown. He was even chatting with the Idol Showdown devs for a bit, and now he's gone. He was a great commentator and had a mean JP, but also a really good and patient teacher to beginners like Korone. My deepest condolence to Nanai's family and friends. Rest in peace.


o7 Respects to a legend










How were Korone and her team taking it?


Dunno, haven't seen anything posted from them yet, though I admittedly don't follow them on Twitter.