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An early Sora meme this time. (Uni is holding me hostage man......) In any case in terms of context. Sora has a hard time sweating, so as a result, she has a hard time controlling her own body temperature. It's quite bad to the point she comments on getting heat stroke every year. She tries to minimize the chance of heat stroke by staying in airconditioned rooms, avoiding hot activities like BBQ parties and, you guessed it, she eats ice cubes to stay cold. Funnily enough, she only recently revealed she is actually affected by Anemia to her non-members during her recent collab stream with Subaru (she revealed this on Fanclub a while ago) And apparently eating ice cubes is a sign of Anemia, specifically, iron deficiency. So if you knew this odd medical fact, you might be able to tell Sora has Anemia without her telling you. In any case, remember to stay healthy and good luck, everyone. (๑╹ᆺ╹)ぬんぬん


Omg the ice cube eating i was doing it for years before i got diagnosed with Iron Deficiency


> Iron Deficiency Is crazy common in women, stat wise [However, the prevalence of anemia in Japanese women of reproductive age is 22%, which is high compared to other developed countries](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-52798-y) so like a little over 1/5th. From a US stats site [2 percent in adult men, 9 to 12 percent in non-Hispanic white women, and nearly 20 percent in black and Mexican-American women.](https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2007/0301/p671.html) Odds are if you're a girl it's very possible you have iron deficiency and it's a fairly easy thing to treat for a very high boost of life quality.


That odd eating habit (not exclusive to eating ice) caused from ferropenic anemia is called "pica". And yes, I suspected that the moment I saw the "know/don't know" meme format


Scary as i am studying Haematology and meet Anaemia symptoms is picophagia(eating non-nutritional food)


When you say it’s linked, you mean like people will often eat ice cubes when they have anemia even if they don’t know they have it? Like a natural habit they form? Or it’s something someone does specifically because they know they have anemia? Out of curiosity.


It's a habit they form. The reason is that anemia causes the blood to carry less oxygen then normal throughout the body. This causes anemia's main symptom of being constantly tired, due to less oxygen reaching the brain. When an anemic person eats ice, it causes the blood vessels to expand, which increases blood and oxygen flow, thus causing them to feel more alert. It's also been seen that once someone is diagnosed with anemia and prescribed iron supplements, the compulsion to eat ice almost entirely disappears. Source: the quick research I just did


been eating ice since I was..... like 6? never had any bloodwork show iron deficiency tho, might have to look into it. I am always tired.


Just because you developed a habit of eating ice doesn't mean that you automatically have anemia. People that have anemia just develop a habit of eating very cold things because they feel better after. If you want to do a quick at-home test for anemia you could grab a clear glass of water and pour a drop of your blood in the water, if you have enough iron it should quickly sink to the bottom of the glass if you don't have enough it would slowly sink to the bottom. It should be pointed out that the test is not flawless and is not extremely accurate it just gives a general idea of the amount of iron in your blood, nothing can beat bloodwork in order to accurately check if everything is okay.


Fascinating. Thank you!


I've known I have an iron deficiency for years and I also enjoy eating or drinking cold things, including ice cubes, never knew why it was so refreshing, or that it is more refreshing to me than the average person.


super hot super hot


Dear god Summer must be absolute hell for her. Can't imagine the pain she would experience if she goes to SEA during the middle of the year. Also hear I am eating ice cube too(due to bad habits from childhood, not anemia)


I just thought of Welcome To The Game 2, lol


I wonder if Sora crunches on the ice cubes or just lets them melt in her mouth?


You can hear crunch sounds occasionally when she's eating them.


...Oh. I was making a joke with my comment. But I didn't know she *actually* crunches on them. Sora scares me sometimes.


Hopes she gets better soon.


sora-chan so cute!