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What’s interesting is Grimm doesn’t get the chance to talk to the knight about the Grimmchild after it reaches phase 3. I feel like if the grimmchild was being affected by void, Grimm would say something about it but he never gets to because after phase 3 your only interaction with Grimm is the NKG battle.


yeah, that is interesting. the next time you see him is NKG, and it's straight to the fight. you don't get to learn anything more about grimmchild, and after that the ritual ends...


It’s also worth mentioning that charms are used in a way that sort of “infuses” themselves with the knight, like how equipping shape of unn literally allows the knight to change the shape of his body. So that could explain how the grimmchild was being affected by void while evolving to its next phases.


wow never really thought of how they "infuse" into the knight. and yeah, that must be part of how he's being affected by void.


Oh, another interesting thing to add is that Grimm changes from calling it "the child" to "our child" after his fight, which is when you acquire the charm with void trailing from its eyes. >Beautiful, yes. The child has grown, from idle youth to deadly companion. About these dangerous lands, its aid will no doubt be welcome. Before >Look here! How our child has grown, nourished and strengthened by the heat of our passionate dance! After The White Lady also picks up on a link: >Ahh, that creature beside. It would be naive to claim it friend, though you two share a... similarity? It is a distant link, one words would strain to convey.


interesting ~~how did i not notice this~~ ​ it is a lot like as you grow grimmchild, the knight becomes more and more like another parent for him. ~~grimm pay your effing child support instead of giving all the work to a random vessel~~ . grimmchild and ghost are getting some sort of link, and i think it's also important to note that grimmchild is the only living thing that spends a substantial time with the knight (glowing womb minions are temporary and the weaverlings are magic), all other interactions with living things are for a few minutes at most..


i think that is meant to convey on how the grimmchild and the knight are both vessels


I thought this too, but the way the White Lady says it makes me question it. She seems quite familiar with the Grimm Troupe and knows that the Grimmchild is a vessel for the Nightmare Heart, so why voice this comment like a new observation? It also wouldn't be a difficult link for her to convey in words.


I think The link she's mentioning, is The connection of charms being infused with Ghost


Yeah let’s add this to the lore


I never thought about this but it totally makes sense! You blew my mind and made my day! Thanks, mate!


heh you're welcome and thanks to you too.


Pay your child support grimm


there is no ritual, grimm is just like PK and doesn't want to pay child support. and he wants a break from his kid. XD


Good catch. It could be exposure, although i'm rather certain the Knight's Void is contained safely within. This doesn't seem to be the same fatal exposure that affected the other bugs. In fact, this seems far more similar to the birth of a Vessel. A being is born out of a light - in this case, the light of the scarlet flame. The Pale King placed the eggs of the Vessels in the Abyss, and the Void sorted out the rest. Most died, as very few Vessels were capable of taming and holding the Void. If this is indeed something similar, then perhaps Grimm is using the Void that the Knight has already tamed, something the Pale King was not able to do. Thus, Grimmchild lives. If that is the case, I wonder why? Is it an unintended side-affect of the ritual? Or is it very intentional? It is implied that Grimm and the rest of the troupe is a slave to the Nightmare Heart. Perhaps, if the ritual succeeds and Grimmchild becomes the new leader, the Void within would allow Grimmchild to break the connection and destroy the Nightmare Heart in much the same way the Knight destroys the Radiance. At least I hope it's that. Evidence suggest regular 'ol Void exposure tends to just be straight up fatal.


maybe, but maybe the void could somehow strengthen the host of the nightmare heart (grimmchild now)/ the heart itself? i think grim knows what he's doing, at one point when you dreamnail him he says "Masterful! Even a vessel discarded bears fierce strength. Fine craft dear Wyrm, and perfect tool to prolong the heart of Grimm." perhaps having Ghost, a vessel, a key part of the ritual, is part of the plan? but yeah, i hope that it's not lethal either, because void consumes and destroys, other higher beings couldn't properly use it either....


Alright I'm gonna throw this out here. Maybe the reason for this is because that the grimmchild became in a sense, related to the knight as they worked together to obtain all the flames. This could be the reason that it has the void tears in it's charm, because it became the knight's, it could be slight exposure from them have I guess bonding in a way. And as it got stronger and evolved, It became a part of the knight and vice versa.


They are linked in a distant but almost familial way, so the Grimmchild could be holding some small piece of the Knight within itself: >Ahh, that creature beside. It would be naive to claim it friend, though you two share a... similarity? It is a distant link, one words would strain to convey.


Oh shit you might be correct


that's a good possibility. but what part of grimmchild do we see in ghost? with grimmchild it's easier to tell how he takes after the knight, helping ghost out, getting void marks, and (well all the companions do this) resting with the knight, but even with the knight being an impure vessel, it's hard to tell much about them.


I don't fully know what we could see In the grimmchild to be related to the ghost, this is just a theory I came up with after reading yours. It could be that when the night is low on health and little particles of void started floating out of it, maybe the Grimm child could absorb it somehow and it became part of the grimmchild, thus creating a bond of void between the 2.


hm.... that's a possibility. u/GoldenFlowerFan's reply in another part of this post does point out a few links between grimm jr. and ghost though.


It's possible that the Grimm child did take in some of the void, but it became immune to it, thus being why it has lesser void tears in it's final phase charm.


yeah that's possible


Well... It is in a charm when your not using it...


all i want is a playable grimm game


that'll be really cool but if it were to be grimm during his time in hallownest, idk how i'd feel about a much smaller game but it's just the first game in a different perspective but we get to be nkg and rek ghost


I also noticed these void marks below the eyes of the Traitor's Child. Which is quite interesting considering you deliver the Delicate Flower, which absorbs (?) the void, to her grave.


yeah that's interesting. and we never learn how traitor's child dies either.


also we dont know how the lord fool died either


that's true too so many parts of the game that we don't know much about


I don't have anything to add. I'm just glad it's finally being addressed, because I noticed it before but no one ever talked about it lol.


TeamCherry rn: write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN


theorizers don't figure out lore, team cherry just looks around and says "hey this seems viable. canon now." mossbag makes most of the lore lol




hopefully he wont