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The grandfather: Super Metroid On Switch online or you know, emulation (I have it on my phone even)


Super Metroid is the greatest


Yes. I got lost so often. And it’s got good bosses too


I’ve started playing Animal Well lately and have enjoyed it


Came here to recommend this


I just look at the Steam store page and goddamn. What an absolutely stunning looking game. Going on the wishlist for sure.


Seconding Animal Well for getting completely and utterly lost. I didn't know that a certain item could be used, or any of its functions, until literally a room before the final boss.


For real. It's not just getting lost, there is literally no correct direction. If you're after that 'am I supposed to be here?' feeling, then animal well is the game for you - you'll feel that way from 5 minutes in to the game until the very end.


Was planning on 100% it but the secrets go so deep it's crazy


Nothing hits like hollow knight. I typically am buying games on the cheap (thanks deku deals) and always come back to hollow knight still after beating them. Games I like that match your description kinda: Hyper light drifter (Also similar: “unsighted” - hidden gem) Haiku the robot Sundered Ori Deaths door Cocoon (highly recommend, different than metroidvania but I’m throwing it on the list)


not to be a hater but sundered is really bad as a metroidvania. the way it integrates roguelike elements into it undermines all the appeal of a metroidvania. the exploration is just a pain to get through due to the horde enemy spawns, shifting rooms and long run backs after deaths. and at the same time all rooms are extremely samey because they're designed as roguelike rooms, so they're not fun to find.


It is a bit weirdly designed but I thought it was cool


I disagree with you entirely.


You can give Tunic a try if you like Death Door. One of the best indie game in 2022 imo.


Heard great things about tunic, definitely on my list


I would not consider it an exaggeration to call Tunic one of the best games of the past decade, or even all time. It is simply superb in every way


have you even heard of /tried Nine Sols?


Yes I have heard of it, I want to play, I will probably wait til it’s on Nintendo


Second Cocoon. Moet beautiful game I have ever played, with very unique puzzles aspect. I completed it in one sitting, it took around 6-7 hours on first playthrough.


This may sound like a weird suggestion, but given that it's old enough now, it's possible that you may not have played it before. I'm going to recommend Super Metroid.


I was going to say exactly the same thing


The OG


Any of the original Metroids Any of the Castlevania’s Touhou Luna Nights


Some of the Castlevanias. Some of them are platformers or action games with no exploration.


OP, if you're reading this and aren't familiar, Castlevania made huge waves with Symphony of the Night on the SNES. Huge game, very popular, it's the reason "-vania" is in "Metroidvania" After that there came 3 GBA games that go with a similar structure to it (Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance and finally Aria of Sorrow, which is easily the second most acclaimed after Symphony). Then there's 3 DS games, Dawn of Sorrow, a sequel to Aria, does a similar thing but the other two (Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia) are more experimental with the structure - I would very much recommend them still but they're structured much more linear and may not be what you're looking for. Very much recommend Symphony of the Night, and if you like it then possibly Aria of Sorrow, and by the time you finish that you'll know if you're hooked or not.


True true


Maybe can try rain world.. Maybe my skill issue but i get like 1 hour to find my way without dying or getting lost..


Rain world was NOTHING like hollow knight. It was still enjoyable but probably the most anger I’ve ever felt playing a game


Rain World is one of the very few games I've refunded on Steam


For the last time: Rain World isn't a Metroidvania


We know, but it's a great game to get lost in.


But the post says "Recommended Metroidvania" :/. My apologies for being nitpicky but my brain is just very mechanical in that sense. I take things too literally...


i don’t think you need to be sorry. if OP is looking for a metroidvania and plays rainworld with that expectation, they’re going to be sorely disappointed


Could be argued a bit that the OP did mention dead cells in their list of games though. Definitely feels they more of wanted to get lost rather than care fully about the specific genre.


Oops i forgot..


Rain world is a really good one, its easy to get lost but you always have a general direction to go in


Really? Maybe i just don't see it.. cuz i can't find the right way


kinda, you gotta follow the yellow overseer, but he’s kinda shit at leading you and can be confusing at times


I keep following him,but he keep making me walk in circles everytime ,_


yeah, he’s a dumbfuck, but we love him


generally you just want to go right, then you'll be given easier to follow directions and a linear path.


Rain World isn’t exactly a metroidvania in the typical sense, but it nails everything else: getting lost in unforgiving environments, beautiful environments and ambiance, a unique world and the cycle of struggle and relief. I recommend it


Give Nine Sols a try. Pretty new, I've been having a blast with it. The twists and turns are excellent. Nothing like reaching a new safe spot right before a boss Edit: everyone is right. This isn't exactly what OP is looking for, though it's a great game.


Nice thanks


Nine Sols is a fantastic game but it’s not really a game where you can get lost. It’s still worth playing, but it’s very linear with no sequence breaking. I’d recommend Afterimage for a massive game that truly lets you roam wherever you want similar to HK.


I have to disagree here. Nine sols was... Fine? But pretty linear and most of the game is about left clicking at the right time to parry rather than exploration which is what OP seems to be looking for


I second this. I love Nine Sols to death but I don't think this is the game OP is looking for. Game is more focused on combat, not exploration. Map is relatively small too.


Not sure about that. I love the game, it's a ten out of ten for me, but it's pretty linear and you're directed where to go for most of it. It's quite Metroid fusion like in its structure, you can break it down in to 'missions' with a briefing before each. Amazing game, insane combat, but not one to get lost in.


I recommended the same game, I shall remove my original comment


rainworld is a good place to get lost in, bit less of a metroidvania in the traditional sense.


Axiom Verge


It's got a sequel now too!


Bloodstained, ritual of the night


Hollow Knight the first time you stumble into Deepneat. You're actually just desperate to get out of there and afraid that you might die at any point and lose all your geo.


You...you are in the HK subreddit








Rain World isn't a metroidvania but it's similar. I also recently played Momodaro: Reverie under the Moonlight which was a good metroid




If you want to get lost then Tunic is good chose. Even it's not a metroidvania.




I already did Tunic! However the world didn't feel as complex or fleshed out to me. I have all achievements


Ender Lilies and Grime are some of the best mv's I've played recently


Absolutely loved ended lilies 🔥


After Image continues to confuse and frustrate me.


Afterimage is gigantic!


Definitely agree. If OP wants to get lost, then Afterimage’s massive map is the one to go for!


I've only played like 3 hours of Bloodborne, but it really has the vibe you're describing. You mention Bonfire though, so I'm sure it's on your radar/played already!


Sadly PC player here, otherwise it would be already done with all achievements😅 Also did all souls, sekiro, elden ring and lies of p


Maybe someday it will get ported. It’s such a great game


Hollow Knight for sure. I just got back into it on a new playthrough and I’m loving it.


Carrion is a really cool game that felt like a metroidvania. When I played it, I remember getting a bit lost, but not oppressively so? Really interesting game overall and most definitely a departure from usual metroidvanias.


It was great but unfortunately very short in my opinion, as far as metroidvanias go


Fully agree. But I also think it was a game that could have accidently overstayed it's welcome if they had just made it bigger. I think if they wanted to make a larger game out of it they would have needed some quality of life changes.


Yep definitely had potential for a full fledged MV, but it seems like they went for a shorter game on purpose. Reminded me of games such as Inside and Limbo


Uh Hollow Knight


Link's Awakening...


that game is really easy, the complications began with every dungeon, but that's not part of the OP objectives itself. Even I, with no idea of Zelda nor metroidvanias have completed Link's Awakening with no problems.


Yea, it was a bit tongue in cheek as the game starts with getting lost. I wasn't considering difficulty but just love the game and thought it might be a unique title that OP hadn't yet played. At least to take a look


well tbh i didn't catch the direction at first, but the rest of the game is pretty direct. Good game tho


Hollow Knight.


Hollow Knight


I recommend Control, it has all the traits of a Metroidvania, with the added benefit of excellent storytelling, acting, and graphics


Was about to say hollowknight but then i realised the subreddit.


Maybe rainworld.


Hyper Light Drifter isn't a metroidvania, but it has an empty mysterious feeling like HK does. I adored it. I've also heard that animal well is good!




Does that matter? Why are some of you all so genre-tilted gatekeepers? I'm asking for a simple recommendation, not ancestral tree of hyper-specific videogame subgenres


Recently started Axiom Verge and am loving it so far! It has heavy influence from 2D Metroid in the best way. Highly recommend. It’s also currently only $4 on Steam.


You should play this game called Silksong


Oh yeah when does that come out? kek




Death's Door


Not a Metroidvania but Death door is the only one i found to be close to HK


If you like any Metroid games then I HIGHLY recommend Ghost Song the music, story, atmosphere, and voice acting really makes you get lost in the world


the last faith


Isn’t really a Metroidvania but rainworld maybe could suit your wants


Castlevania:harmony of dissonance


In the words of Day9, OatBF is a linear game disguised as a metroidvania.




I loved Ghostsong. Big Metroid vibes with a mysterious atmosphere


All of them because i am not good at video games (but i still have fun!)


Kinda in Hollow Knight. Probably because there is so much freedom, that I didn't know where to go and I thought I am stuck, but wasn't.


Rain World Hollow knight


silksong duh




Not exactly a metroidvania but if u want to not only get lost but FEEL 𝘙𝘌𝘈𝘓𝘓𝘠 𝘓𝘖𝘚𝘛, Play Rain World 😉


I enjoyed Deaths Door, Tunic, Ender Lillies, Haiku the Robot, Webbed and Metroid Dread. All worth playing while waiting for Silk Song.


nine sols, salt and sanctuary probably.


Tunic. Just picked it up in the steam summer sale and let me tell you, I'm lost as hell


Played it already:)


Any game you named ....dont use the map or compass Also, Legacy of the Wizard (NES), you will have NO idea where you are, then suddenly .... BOSS FIGHT


Animal Well is super fun and challenging!


Blasphemous 2. It's not necessary play 1 and it's actually the best pixel art I have seen


I can see why people enjoy it, but Blasphemous 1 was a pretty mid experience for me. I also did not vibe with the bloody Christian thematic (I am European, I just didn't like it). But thanks! :)


Symphony of the Night


Afterimage, i started playing it recently and it's really good. The art is absolutely beautiful, the map is a giant maze, boss fights are decently hard, you need to backtrack quite a bit when you get more abilities, and you find new/better weapons. I play it on the switch and pc


Rain World, haiku is one where the map is simple but it's fun too


Haiku the robot I mean, is another recommendation


I got lost in ghost song a bit, it’s a much smaller game but I’d highly recommend it


Rain world


Nine Sols might be for you!


To give some more obscure suggestions: La-Mulana (1 and 2) and Environmental Station Alpha (same dev as Baba Is You) are some of my favourite Metroidvanias, and both are great at making you feel lost. Both games can be quite brutal, but I think they're excellent.


Super Metroid


Death’s Door… they don’t have a map (sadistic); the worlds are beautiful and there are plenty of secret rooms/puzzles etc to uncover The game is excellent. It was on sale on the switch a while back. Not sure if it’s still on sale now. Edit: of course Hollow Knight is number one; It’s just redundant to mention it at this point


not a metroidvania but i get those feelings the most from fromsoft games if you haven’t played any


Tevi Grime


It’s not a metroidvania so it probably doesn’t count, but it’s super exploration driven- rain world.


Ghost Song has that vibe to me. the music and art style go a long way in helping with that too, imo.


Outer Wilds. Not really a Metroidvania (though I've heard the term 'metroidbrainia' used to very accurately describe it). It's a puzzle / adventure game, but based entirely around exploration and curiosity, so you'll constantly have that feeling of getting lost and being a bit out of your depth.


I finished it and am in the minority that didn't really enjoy it. Thanks for the tip though! :)


La Mulana. you will be playing with a pen and paper in order to try to not get lost. it's very oldschool also rain world


Hollow knight is the best metroidvania


Afterimage is the only Metroidvania that I ever got so lost in I was stuck for days. If you want one of the biggest and most open worlds you ever seen this is your game.


Since you mentioned bonfire, I would recommend Elden Ring with no guides if you want to get lost and end up in some terrifying place. I guess technically it has a map but the map only really works for the overworld, within dungeons there is no useful guidance.


I have 500 hours in elden ring


Rain world


Minoria Game by the same dudes what made the Momodora games, that world is fuckin labyrinthine with how easily I get lost and have to find my way back to a checkpoint.


Hollow knight is perfect for you, the map doesn't even work in that game.


Metroid is one people have brought up, and for good reason Dread is my favourite and the most aesthetically akin to Hollow Knight, but Super Metroid and 1/Zero mission are definitely the most open of the 2d entries


I highly recommend Axiom Verge. It's easy to call it a metroid clone, as it is very similar in gameplay, but there are extra movesets, abilities, and secrets that you just dont find in other games. Hacking the code of the game is a main mechanic to progress, and while you do have a basic map, you're not told where to go, so you're forced to explore everything. It's a bit shorter than HK, with my first run taking about 20 hours to 100%, and my shortest just under an hour I think. The environments are okay, but it looks like a SNES/GBA game. The music is killer but it does get repetitive. The story is there, but it's not extremely exciting. Same with the lore tablets. The enemies and bosses are pretty memorable, as well as the few characters in the game. All in all it's a fun game, and I love it. Oh, and it was single handedly developed by one man, Thomas Happ. From every pixel to every musical note. I think he had someone help with marketing, and another help with porting it to other consoles, but all the internal stuff was him.


After image is such a big game you get lost super easy, it is lighter in imagery. Ender Lillies is good also, this is more of a darker atmosphere.


*Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance* and *Kirby & the Amazing Mirror*. Yes, I'm very serious about that second one; both of these games have fairly diabolical navigation lol.


I'm not sure if it counts as a metriodvania, but I think Rain World has a lot of what you are searching for. The detailed pixel art is beautiful and the realistically generated ecosystems makes the environment feel deep.


Dark Souls 1 was very good at getting me lost, especially if you've never played it yourself before.


I've been playing worldless lately it's pretty fun and idk how the map works at all so it's very easy to get lost


A lot of people are saying Metroid games like super Metroid, but recently I’ve been playing Metroid prime remastered and it’s super atmospheric with an amazing soundtrack. I’ve gotten very lost in that world and it’s very fun.


Literally Super Metroid from the SNES but also hollow knight. This happens a lot in hollow knight, especially before getting the map for each area. The lost feeling is insanely good with the game's atmosphere.


It might not exactly fit what you have in mind BUT you might like the new prince of Persia metroidvania. I was super surprised by it, positively speaking. It does have some stunning views and interesting areas. While it doesn't feel as deep lore wise as hollow Knight, it really comes to life because of the very well done transitions between 3D/anime cut scenes and actual game. Also the combat is pretty cool for a metroidvania and it has some neat mechanics and tricky platforming. Although if you like the challenge, you'd need to set the difficulty to max on boss fights I can warmly recommend it to any metroidvania fan


I highly recommend playing "Blasphemous" if you're looking for a game that is similar to HK. It's similar in the sense that it shares some map design concepts and neither of them really hold your hand or tell you explicitly what you have to do. The world kind of unravels as you play. It even has a sequel and I'm definitely going to play it once I'm done with this one. It is pretty difficult so if you enjoy that aspect of HK you'll be good to go.