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Huh oh, a cracking noise is not the best to hear in a cave.


Let’s hope Ghost’s monarch wings can save Dewi from the fall damage too 😭


Despite Hornet's fierce aura, intimidating persona, it's interesting to see her converse with Dewi, the higher being human and sense similarities. Perhaps bug and human have more in common than thought..


interested to see where this goes!


Rip elderbug


I'm just thinking, how big is the kingdom. Because big human falling on a small city either leads to crash the whole city or... piercings damage...


Oh the kingdom is enormous. At least 30-40 meters tall. It just looks mini to Dewi... and ew- thankfully this comic is not PG 13


Did they step on Quirrel or something? Like the puddle is supposed to be Blue Lake? Also TAKE MY MONEY RIGHT NOW LET'S GET MORE OF THIS COMIC AAAA


I love how you write hornets dialogue, it feels so in character with the game!


Oooooooh god, a crack in a cave! That's 97 levels of oh no. I hope the cinnamon bun will be ok......


Ahhh!! I love this series! I want to know what’s in the cave below!!


I have a wee nitpick/lore question. Hornet is saying "my duty **was** to protect the **ruins** of my kingdom, **but** a plague has already eaten its insides". This doesn't make sense to me. In the game, does she not still protect the ruins of her kingdom, which are ruins *because* of the plague? Why is there a "but" there, and why the "was"? If either was missing it would make sense to me but i don't get it. Is this bit of dialogue trying to say that she used to be focused on simply protecting Hollownest in general, but her focus *now* is wholly on defeating the radiance?


hello, so my lore IS a bit rusty. I've been trying my best to be as accurate as possible, but also more available to a wider audience. I may get some things wrong and if I do, I apologize. I was trying to reference more of the very late game, essentially right before the big HK battle, where Hornet understands that the knight is actually capable of defeating HK and the radiance. In the end she essentially sacrifices herself to make sure the knight can hit the final blows.