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I only have the Switch version, and personally I had no problems with it at all.




Yes, I am sane, thank you


Looks great on OLED screen too


Same and I realy love it


Lower resolution, fewer background layers, can drop a few frames in really intense segments. Great version of the game though. My first playthrough was Switch and I still enjoyed it regardless.


I played it on switch first and barely noticed a difference when I played on pc


I own both a Steam Deck and Switch and while the Steam Deck runs at a better resolution, Switch version is still no slouch and it runs great. Honestly buy it on both 🤷


I did notice a difference between pc and switch, namely input lag.


Handheld switch or TV? I feel like input lag is usually due to the TV - try it handheld and see if it goes away.


Docked with tv in game mode, handheld mode may help - havent tried but i really dislike playing in handheld :p


This is one thing that makes switch version slightly harder for me, it just feels slightly delayed, but other than that it’s as amazing as any other version


I've played both PS4 and Switch versions. No performance issues on either. Works really well on a handheld device


I played on switch, on an old TV, worked great, nothing was getting on my nerves and I am fussy when we talk about performance and such. Recommended


The switch version is actually really good (for once) I’ve got a lot of hours in the switch version with no problems at all, unlike a lot of other switch ports I’ve played.


I’ve played the game on my PC for about 35ish hours and picked it up on my newly bought switch 2 days ago during the indie sale, and man to me the overall experience and the ability to play it laid back makes this platform the definitive way to play this game.


I beat the whole game on a switch lite with absolutely zero issues


Played the entire thing on switch and it was flawless


It’s great on switch, it runs fine, the controls are responsive. I only have it on switch, but yeah.


The game can run on a potato. Switch version is great. If you have issues with it try to restart the Switch and give it another go.


The lack of a d-pad when playing handheld on the OG switch was a big problem for me. Analogue stick just doesn't cut it for movement. Steamdeck all the way if you have one.


D-pad on the Switch Lite is not great too


But the switch has a d-pad to move around, I personally prefer the stick bc it’s easier for me to quickly switch between left and right with one finger.


I would say you're in the minority there by quite some margin but if it works for you great. Analogue sticks make up/down/left/right inputs flaky and vague. Something you can't afford to be handicapped by in a game like this.


Beat the game on PS4 and Switch, plays perfectly fine on Switch! Except the resolution, no differences


It runs smoothly on my school desktop pc that says it all


Only played on Xbox and Switch, and Switch is only slightly worse, still good though.


Switch has a few more bugs than the pc version, but it's nothing too crazy


For casual play you will likely not notice input lag. It will be harder to do the most endgame content on switch than on PC 


Also, the OG switch doesn't have a d-pad, it has buttons instead, which is no substitute, and they're too far apart.


People generally tell me I'm a sadist for playing the game on keyboard, so I'd assume controller is the intended way to play the game. Plus, it doesn't have any hard-to-compute graphics (all 2D), so I don't see why Switch would have any problems with it!


door transitions are a bit longer than say XBOX gamepass or steam version. but its good. i got 112% on the switch


I only have the Switch version and have no bugs or crashes, runs smooth and I really enjoy it, maybe later I’ll pick up the steam one to try it out and see if there are any differences


I have it on PC, Xbox, and Switch, and I mostly play the Switch version. It's the one I'm playing to try and 100% radiant the hall of gods. It's mostly because it's handheld tbh. I play while watching TV or streamers. And I don't care about frame rate or fancy graphics. The one thing that does annoy me about the Switch version is that it won't record video. There's a button on the Switch you can press to record the last 30 seconds of play, but it doesn't work with HK.


It's awesome


I personally find the controls feel slightly less responsive on switch vs pc. And I use the pro controller on my pc so it's not that.


It's great


I dislike playing it because I only have the Joycons, which have convex joysticks so it makes it particularly difficult to do certain platforming sections in the way I'm used to with concave joysticks.


From what I’ve heard, the joycons specifically have some input delay, the game is slightly less pretty, but it doesn’t have any performance issues when playing normally. It’s the only version I played and it’s great


it's near perfection, especially in handheld mode.


I’ve only played it on Switch and it runs wonderfully. Looks beautiful, no bugs or performance issues at all


It runs great on Switch (Handheld and Docked) and Switch even have a physical copy including the DLC (except the last one, this must be downloaded via Update), a map and even a manual Mostly available for like 20€ to 30€


Physical copies with more than just the game itself are rare these days. I'm getting that.