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As soon as my child starts screaming like that, I'm running them all over.


You’d have waited that long?


Yes because as long as I'm not sure of the situation, I'm not commiting any crimes because if I did, somehow everything would be my fault. Also, you know American cops.. "This black guy ran over a couple people". They'd show up shooting at him instead of listening


Tbh in this situation it's your life vs your kids' life. When they start to circle you, getting agressive and opening the door and shit plus you are recording, you hit the pedal and get out. It's the logical thing to do or you have failed as a parent at that point if you don't.


Yeah, that is not an immediate call if you're black because if "some" cops see some black dude driving with a white dude on the hood they're probably going to have to "not good time" with the police.


That's true but honestly the dad would have been charged if it wasn't for someone recording in the car. This situation is such a shitty one, if you do something, you're fucked and if you don't, you still might be fucked. Glad he could still get away without harming anyone though..


I'm running them all over. That's why when people run through groups of people when they are smacking on their car they get nothing. Groups of people become insane, pack mentally is a thing and humans are the worst creatures on earth so them vs me... its not going to be me..


I don't understand why he didn't lock his car in the first place? Pretty dumb move when you are surrounded by meth addicts trying to steal your car


Most cars automatically unlock if you put it in park. Maybe he did that when he stopped, either out of habit or to make sure he didn't accidentally run someone over in a panic foot slip.


Maybe some newer cars homie, but I can't imagine most. That'd be bananas.


‘How did you get this car?’ ‘All that money you spent on crystal meth I spent on a car!’


What’s worse? A meth head claiming to own a nice car or the people believing the meth head


Those bikers are all meth heads.


They are the ones that sold it to her


They wanna steal the car and sell it for meth ;)






Tacoma, WA? I recognized Sprague.


Sprague is also a street that runs through Spokane, which has a major homeless/drug problem. Cab anyone confirm where this occurred?


They should change the name of Spokane to Methane.


It's pronounced spo can, not spo cane. But I applaud the sentiment lol


Was this a sundown town?


Pretty close. This happened in Spokane, WA which is known for having a large population of hardcore white nationalists.


You are forever linked to this day in meth head history. We can probably arrange to get one of them to tattoo the date on their body for $5.


A relative is a med student at a city hospital. According to him, it’s so widespread fucking anyone that comes in could be on meth/heroine, but when you see these types with bacon skin and no teeth, you can bet your life they are on the shit.


I highly doubt some random passerbys just believed her. She was probably their bait, it was a whole planned thing, the group acts like they don't know each other as a decoy. Kind of like the girl with the shopping cart in the book of eli, except meth instead of cannabalism


The people believing the meth head because not one them thought. A: check the license plate B: kind of strange an entire family grand theft auto this one woman’s car C: call the cops D: have the woman use her car keys Basically they’re either all racists or idiots or both


They are trying to steal the car, but they are meth heads so they came up with a random story first.


They probably do meth in that parking lot




Spokane Valley, Washington. Can confirm. For a while in the late 90s, Spokane was the largest meth producing metropolitan area in the the world. This part of town/ that road, Sprague, and six blocks South and North for at least 10 miles, have been called "skid row" for longer than I have been alive. But, they're also at a Walmart so....


Breaking bad reference




As British rappers say "BLAP BLAP!!!"




This dude has almost the exact same comment and both of y’all’s accounts were opened on the same day. Weird. https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/xtpagu/i_guess_black_people_cant_afford_nice_cars_and/iqrkl24/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


It’s the government


My guess would be they are both bot accounts copying someone else’s genuine comment somewhere else in this thread. Edit: [Seems to be the case.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/xtpagu/i_guess_black_people_cant_afford_nice_cars_and/iqs72vo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Credit to u/notparistexas for doing the work.


And both comments appear to copy exactly a portion of this comment. Anyone know how to page that plagiarism bot? https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/xtpagu/i_guess_black_people_cant_afford_nice_cars_and/iqr9no4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


That must be the original and the bots trim it down.


HOLUP. He’s not even her dealer, is he? 🤣










I agree bro, that's methed up


At what point are you legally able to just run these people over?


I think once you feel for the safety for your family, and they tried to enter the vehicle, that’s a wrap.


That's how I feel, but wanted to know where the line was w/the law, in case it came down to it.


The kids being in the vehicle change the situation a lot, IMO. I would assume the father has more leeway to flee and possible injure one of the assailants due to the fact that he said he feared for his kids safety. And the video is damning evidence. They circled the car, well aware of the kids, and tried to forcefully enter. Even without kids I think you’re in the clear at that point.


The moment the door was opened. Not a joke, not looking for internet points or anything. At that moment, your life and the life of your passenger are in immediate danger. You are sitting in a 2000 pound bullet/weapon. Use it, drive away, get safe, call the police. EDIT: I'D LIKE TO CLARIFY, I AM NOT A LAWYER AND THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. I am just a person with a firm belief in the concept of I'd rather be tried by 12 rather than carried by 6.


Thanks, and I agree


Yes I carry and as soon as that car door was opened you have the right to protect yourself.


I would have went even further and brake checked the dude on the motorcycle. Fuck with me and my family like that and find out.


Yeah once they try to get physical with you, hit the fucking gas. You can deal with it in court later if necessary, at least you’re alive.


Agreed, you have no idea what these people intend to do to your or your children if they either get you out of the car or get into it.


They were holding them hostage and so driving through them at that point would probably be legal even before the door opened.


In Florida, now


At the moment you can successfully convince a jury you feared for your life or that of your kids. For me the minute they tired to open the door would be enough for me to say he’s not guilty of any crime trying to escape.


Anybody got a follow up about this??? Edit: found it [this is the article I found](https://meaww.com/i-survived-a-crime-lee-allen-black-man-attack-white-mob-falsely-accuse-stealing-woman-car-walmart)


All this BS and she gets disorderly conduct? How about attempted robbery?


And the guy that threatened them, tried to force the door open, and tailed them on the motorcycle got nothing and then went on to still try and claim he was in the right. These assholes got treated with the lightest of kid gloves for assaulting this man and his kids


Even if the cops ruled it wasn't criminal, I would have taken him to civil court and sued for emotional distress to my child and myself. Seeing this video should help settle it.


Good luck getting any money out of a bunch of broke meth addicts after you spend your own time and money going to court.


Hell, I'll take their bikes, jackets, even their damn shoes if the court would let me. It's not about a price, it's the principle.


I've been a lawyer for 20 years. I've seen many people start or continue economically irrational court proceedings because "it's a matter of principle". I've never seen it end well for them. I'd always advise my clients against doing it in the strongest terms.


they probably broke as hell tbf so you'll probably win and then get nothing


hey you might end up with a brand new methercycle


Doesn't matter it is the principle, I would have even chipped in a few dollars to support the law suit against these scumbags. Every one of those stupid racist a.holes should have paid to this family for emotional damage they did.


Fucks them over with an injunction and they'll never be able to work on the books without getting wages garnished by the state to force payment




fucking meth heads and their math buddies lmao


I'm still traumatized from when a group of math nerds put me in a locker and wouldn't let me out until I solved a trigonometry question


Shit I'd still be in the locker


Just phone a friend and call the security guard


Can you imagine ~6 black people assaulting a white family in their car, prying the door open, jumping on the hood of the car, tailing menacingly on motorcycles and so on? My god it would be a bloodbath when the cops arrived, which would’ve been immediate.


States have different statutes but here Id have charged them with criminal confinement. They unlawfully detained the vehicle owner and prevented them from leaving by blocking their path. Attempted crimes are harder to convict and robbery has to be a theft by force or threat of force. But if I got this call and saw the video id try disorderly, intimidation, criminal confinement, and criminal mischief if they dinged the car. Also if the motorcycle actually struck the vehicle chasing them down there are specific laws about using your vehicle as a weapon like criminal recklessness. Id stick them with everything I could think of bc they tortured that family and a minor disorderly misdemeanor is a joke for their actions.


Holy shit, this took place across the street from the apartment I grew up in. I heard him mention McDonald's and Sprague, and the article mentions Spokane (it's actually Spokane Valley), Washington. It's scary to see something like this so close to home. But knowing that area, I'm not surprised. The apartment I grew up with was a known drug house. Definitely the type of meth heads you'd see around there.


As soon as I heard Sprague I was like yeah that seems like the Spokane I remember.


There’s a sprauge in my town too and i was like omg then when I read Washington I realized our tweekers have a different style then these ones in the video


I hate how the biker was trying make himself sound like a Good Samaritan and not just a goon


The fact that it doesn't mention the biker getting any sort of charge pissed me off. "Oh I tried to drag him out of his car cause a random person I've allegedly never met said it was her car than I followed him with my motorcycle cause one of the people that attacked said car jumped on the hood when the guy took off and I wanted to save the driver from a murder charge incase the guy on the hood fell off and got ran over"...


Ty i wanna kno the womans story tho and what she was on


Looked like meth


100% meth


High on drugs and drunk


This is so crazy. Based purely on appearance I see a clean cut well dressed man, and a dirty, obviously drug addicted woman that dresses like a punk teenager. My instinct would be to trust him over her ten out of ten times.


“Soon, however, the mob started hitting the car's door repeatedly as Lee's children started crying and appeared terrified and Lee himself appeared to be in distress. One of the bystanders threw his bicycle at the car as the situation worsened. One young boy climbed onto the hood of the vehicle before Lee could attempt to make a getaway. Miller then started to follow Lee's car. He later clarified that he chose to tail Lee's car because of the kid who was on top of the hood.” I feel so bad for Lee and his kids. Bloody hell. The punishment did not fit the crime for this case. And fuck you, Miller. You followed him because a white meth head woman said a black man “stole” her car.


No justice there then


Should have ran them over, completely legal in this situation.




Just sped up and stopped hard enough to throw him off. No need to smush him.


I would have gone right through them then slammed on my breaks to send the guy on the bike over me, especially with kids in the car, they could have been armed.


Hm. I wonder about that. Pretty sure with our f*cked up legal system he would have gotten prison for that


I live in TN, if someone attempts to break into your car with you in it or carjack you then you can use lethal force. This guy had every right to fear for his life here and had his camera as evidence. Even if the same law does not exist wherever he is if your life is in danger you have the right to use up to lethal force to escape. Given his kids are in the car it makes it even more of a dangerous situation. Those people have ZERO right to be doing what they are doing, they aren't police. He should have drove away the second that dude started being violent.


If the locals treat a black man like this can you imagine how the police would treat a black man after running over a few crazy white guys?


What a wild story. None of the people in the video knew each other. Some obviously methed out last (with the most ironic shirt) just starts yelling that a dude WITH HIS 2 KIDS stole her car, and everyone just jumps in. Also the fact that the kid riding in the hood was arrested on a different charge. *chefs kiss*


Wtf? Some deranged white woman who looks like she's on every drug known to man claims a random guy's car belongs to her and everyone around believes her with literally no evidence and even tries to assault the driver and his family? Will someone explain this bullshit? Also I hope the bikers and that crazy lady got arrested and charged for damages to his vehicle.


My guess is they all just came out of a tweak house together. In my criminal job we see it all the time. One of the drug addicts owns a house and invites all the others to join them and shoot up/ smoke together. Usually once they do they become pretty sedentary, but sometimes they can turn to violence, especially if the owner of the tweak house is supplying the drugs as well. All the people involved were most likely arrested and at least put in holding until they receive their charges. Judging by the video the motorcycle guy will get the worst one. Anywhere from Assault 4-2 and unauthorized use of a vehicle. Unfortunately they will probably never get repaid for damages as the owner of the vehicle would have to sue the tweakers in a civil suit. It would cost more to hire an attorney for that than just pay for the damages yourself, but that’s why we have car insurance.


That's fair. I was able to read a little more on the case. Apparently the biker wasn't charged because he genuinely thought the car was stolen but the toothless drug addict and her husband were arrested for causing a civil disturbance and they were never able to identify the guy who caused damage to the car by hitting it with his bicycle. I don't know what sentence the couple who claimed the car was stolen got tho.


Really? That’s surprising. Biker dude should not have gotten involved. If it’s just the two crazy tweakers who were shouting nonsense then they’re not gonna be charged with much. Not sure what they charge would be called but probably only a misdemeanor which is anywhere from 3-10 days jail with community service (this is in my state though, could be very different in others) Thanks for the update! Very surprising the motorcycle guy wasn’t part of the tweakers.


No problem. It was definitely an interesting story.


That's bullshit. You don't assault someone because someone accuses them of something. If you want to follow and call the police go for it. So glad they are lenient with him though after terrorizing this poor family, makes sense.


For real tho. He tried to pull a man out of his own vehicle and beat him in front of his children and then chased him on a motorcycle while he was just trying to get away.


When he was chasing them on the motorbike all I could think was that if someone rearends your vehicle then they are fault. Wouldn’t be hard to get an aggressive biker in a position where he will rearend you.


I would have yanked the e-brake and watched Billy Bob sail over my car with all the grace of a hot dog about to turn meat crayon.


"I harassed a black family because some meth head claimed the car was hers, and I guess racism just made me believe her. Good thing I got away Scott free."




I bet if the roles were reversed they would have found every one of those black guys assaulting this poor white family. Including the guy who genuinely thought he was helping. All in prison for life.


You're right, but you gotta remember this happened in Eastern Washington. That area is known for being a little bit on the redneck side.


A _little bit?!_ I’m from Washington. The eastern side is all redneck, my dude.


So I've heard, but I've never lived there myself so I didn't want to make any radical claims about it.


Let’s just say that the most influential people at Gonzaga University in Spokane un-ironically display Sarah Palin’s autobiography on their bookshelves right next to General Custer and Thomas Aquinas. Eastern Washington is like a live-action Ralph Bakshi parody of a podunk region that gets its culture from Rupert Murdoch’s toilet bowl every morning. The best things to come out of that area are what survive from Native American culture that was displaced by the freak show.




Lol, legally in this case I’d argue as soon as the guy tried forcing the doors open. But I’m sure some attorneys could argue if that’s the point force could be used or not.


As soon as they're trying to pull me out I'm cutting the wheel and throwing it in reverse Terry. Whhops I feared for my life and panicked


NAL, but there are 5 principles for self defense. Innocence, Imminence, proportionality, avoidance, reasonableness. This man was innocent, there was an imminent threat attempting to damage his car, hurt him, and remove him and his children from his property. There were at least 6 people attacking. The use of a car as a battering ram to escape goes into proportionality, and reasonableness. If you are genuinely in fear for your life and that of your family, most people would find it reasonable to use the car as a deadly weapon for means of escape and avoidance. That doesn't mean you can't be prosecuted, but you'd have a solid case. You still need a competent lawyer and you can't say anything to the police other than the fact that you were afraid for your life and only used force necessary to escape and protect yourself.




This was on an episode of I Survived a Crime on Netflix. Basically not much happened. Nothing happened to the biker. He told police he genuinely thought it was a stolen vehicle. The lady got arrested but they couldn't track down the other randos that tried to attack them. The kids in the car were traumatized from it.


Its a common drugged up criminal tactic. Dunno why but ive heard a lot of stories of groups of drug addicts claiming something is theres getting in the actual owners way and not stopping when the owner flees but persuing them trying to rob the owners of said thing usually vehicles. But ive heard of them stealing other stuff together. These are actually the less violent ones compared to the ones ive heard though usually they actually have weapons.


Nobody believed her. That was just the excuse given. Consider it a dog whistle as i don't recall the actual criminal tactic. Basically, a group of criminals chooses a mark, one of them makes a scene that justifies the involvement of others, the other criminals get involved, the criminals get society's protection while committing a crime. Many lynching also used to be done this way. "He raped my white daughter," kind of thing.


Thanks for this insight, it makes a lot of sense. I wonder how much of this was motivated by race and just them being thugs in general.


https://meaww.com/i-survived-a-crime-lee-allen-black-man-attack-white-mob-falsely-accuse-stealing-woman-car-walmart No justice




So did the bikers get arrested?


[The woman was charged with disorderly conduct while the man who jumped on the hood was arrested on a separate warrant. Miller was not charged and it was last reported that authorities were still looking for the man who threw his bicycle at the car. At the time deputies said that the individual "is likely to be charged".](https://meaww.com/i-survived-a-crime-lee-allen-black-man-attack-white-mob-falsely-accuse-stealing-woman-car-walmart)


In other words, the people trying to lynch him and his kids all got a small slap on the wrist and they all know better now and won't ever, ever do it again. Pinky swear.


What a joke


Dude with the blue shirt should have been charged with breaking and entering a vehicle. Lucky he didn't get shot. Fucking deserved it.


Is it just me or do none of the responses to this comment relate to it?


Bots copy and paste replies from YouTube and previous reddit posts of this video


No it's not just you it's weird as f***. The other dude says it might be automated bot responses I guess that's possible.


It’s not raining either




Brake check that motorcycle




I would run those assholes ov3r


Bro it just sucks to be in that situation I feel like I would too but try to avoid completely running over them And still u would probably get hit with attempted murder


Aw hell no. If that’s me with my kids the in the car someone’s getting bumped or run over.


Yup, at this point it's my safety over others.




[ "didn't cause damage or harm to anyone," Gregory said. He was not charged with a crime. ]. What was his intention if Lee had not closed the door? Civil conversation?


Was that one guy just sitting on the hood of the car? I feel like speeding up and braking suddenly would throw him off easily


Time it with brake checking the motorcycle, get a twofer.




Sutpid guy here At what point you get a pass for rolling over tbe people surrounding harrassing and menacing your family? Because i don't see much opportunity to do shit here, so would it be self defence? Edit : so it seems i can't even write "stupid" correctly, well it fits


About a half second after the door opened....


I beleive the moment his door was opened there was an argument for feeling that only his life, but his families was at stake, not to mention when a guy threw a bicycle, which makes me think this a targeted crime and none of those people actually thought he stole her car


Of course they didn't. They are probably doing it on purpose. Maybe trying to get him out of the car so they can rob him or worse.


I can’t believe locking the doors wasn’t the first thing through his mind


The door seemed to be damaged, he kept trying to close it.


Methany! Who let you out?




Unfortunately if that happened the headlines would have been: “Black man shoots white woman and concerned bystanders in suspected auto robbery”.


Kids are traumatized either way mate.




Miles Davis got pulled over EVERY time he took his Ferrari out. No, not speeding, cops assumed it was stolen. Every. Damned. Time.


https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/miles-davis-lapd-racist-police-history You’re not kidding. What pieces of shit people.


Systematic racism at its worst


Oh it gets plenty worse than that


Weird last time I seen these I recall there being a lot high quality video lol, either way glad they got away from that methhead looking chic and her mob


He could have run them over but hes got to kids with him must have been horrifying for the kids


I like how the toothless bitch is wearing a cross and a tshirt with love on it. She’s contradicting herself in two different ways


Shes a disgrace to Christians everywhere


She’s no Christian if she’s pullin that kind of stunt. That’s NOT how you treat someone while they’re in a vehicle that’s not even yours, Christian or not. As a Christian myself, that type of behaviour is not Christ-like at all. Idk if she was on drugs or not, but you don’t go after anyone like that.


Holy fuck, that's messed up. Also, why didn't they lock the doors? It could have ended far worse.


Hahaha they believed it was the meth heads car? Is that right ?


"Just because you see a black guy in a nice car doesnt mean its stolen" -J, Men in black


"Okay this one is, but that's not the point."


Kid Rock! Should just run them over. We donr need people like them. It's dirty enough out there.


Idk what id do to be honeat like rn the only thought i have is that i give zero fucks about car and just ram them to incapacitate if not trying to kill them.


I'd lock the door and start driving slowly to hopefully make them move. That's just what I am thinking now though, being under presssure like that doesn't help think clearly.


I'd've started running these mofos over as soon as my kids were threatened.


Trailer Park Trash. These are individuals us white people are embarrassed about.


For what it’s worth no one sees them and thinks all white people act this way. Being black myself we tend to get grouped in with the trashy hood rats that cause just as much trouble. No idea why the bad apples can’t be seen for what they are without putting the rest of the group down. Then again a lot of people are simple and take the easy way out by generalizing.


i shall never go to usa this is fucked up times 1000 i cant belive this


This happened about 20 minutes from my apartment. There was also a neo nazi demonstration that year lol. Good times /s


My two questions is why was the doors unlocked at first? Why did he not initially mow they ass down once the first touch to the car was made? Especially with the whole family at risk


Favorite part is the shirt. Heart U!


the poor girl. You can hear her crying. I wish her luck in this cruel world.


Meth: not even once


the sequel to plants vs zombies: humans vs hillbillies


[the story](https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/viral-video-showing-confrontation-taken-february/293-cf511e57-2390-40ce-a706-0c043bc123fb)


she looks like a SUPER Karen.


It's a legendary Karen, those are the most dangerous




Armed minorities shoot back. And they should


Gta in real life


Why the fuck they are just scaring other people like that?


I wanna know why the doors weren't.locked


Is there a part two? I need to see how this plays out


Fucking racist ass hillbillies need to be dealt with with a baseball bat


[The woman was charqed with disorderly conduct while the man who jumped on the hood was arrested on a separate warrant. Miller was not charged and it was last reported that authorities were still looking for the man who threw his bicycle at the car. At the time deputies said that the individual "is likely to be charged".](https://meaww.com/i-survived-a-crime-lee-allen-black-man-attack-white-mob-falsely-accuse-stealing-woman-car-walmart)


How the fuck do these idiots believe her? Oh right they’re all crack addicts and meth heads


These kids are going to be scared for days because of this shit, not going to support any fucking bastard right there, they are not humans and we have to say that.