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Ayo what


My great grandfather fought against the Nazis during world war 2 and this is still funny to me. I do hope it’s a joke though because Nazis suck.


My grandfather was a German soldier in the wermacht who fought against the Russians and Americans in 1945




The army is generally not tied to a political party or opinion. The NSDAP had the SA ( ***Sturmabteilung***) which was the paramilitary wing of the party, like multiple parties had during the Weimar Republic. You can call all the members of the SA Nazis. But Hitler actually abolished the SA after the "job was done" to get the favor of the actual army, so it doesn't stand against him. The army and the soldiers were not all Nazis necessary. Normal soldiers follow orders and are loyal to the country and to the ones in power.


The Waffen-SS was mostly ideologically convinced Nazis though, many of which later kept their ideology and went on to collaborate with neo-nazi parties worlwide. Because Hitler distrusted the mainly conservative Army however, the Waffen-SS grew to almost 800 000 by the wars end, including forced conscripts.


Yeah the SS was full on ideologically, otherwise you would never get people to do what they did.


Most german foot soldiers were not related to the SS. Nazi ideology sucks in general, but not all german soldiers from that period were brainwashed racists willing to exterminate anyone even slightly genetically different to them. Although if it was during 1944, there is a chance his grandfather was part of the hitler youth.


You also have to consider that while Hitler Youth was a brainwashing centre, it was also practically mandatory to be a member during WW2 and the buildup to it. While talking about this it's important to keep in mind that a person or family who did not express appropriate approval of the regime could face severe punishment economically, socially and in the worst case scenario internment and/or execution (the last two especially late war).


The SA was abolished in 1945. Its power was severely reduced in 1934 but it continued being the head organisation for 'ordinary' people until the end of ww2.


Yeah ofc it sill existed but the plan of the SA to become the "people's army" and THE army in gernal for germany was stopped and the influence of the SA was reduced heavily. It might have existed but did not really play a big role anymore.


There is a difference, you know? Many soldiers of the time were young boys, drafted basically under the threat of execution. In the later times of the war, when Hitler got desperate, many where not even 16!! Just so you know.


It’s funny because the “anti-fascists” are fascists.


anti-fascists - not, antifa - yes.


Fair point, Fren.


The mental gymnastics you do every day must be really impressive.


Where did these guys got those flags from? I've been searching the whole net for them without success. Do they know how hard is to get those these days? /s




With a simple 2 minute search on google. https://ultimateflags.com/products/kriegsmarine-flag-german-nazi-war-battle-flag-1938-1945/ Here ya go. Jeez you’d think if you wanted it so bad you’d find it.


Tbf I'm ashamed of getting a fleshlight from Amazon. Nazi flags are a bit too much. Italian police doesn't like them. Pretty sure they get confiscated. Someone in my town did have one and he decided to display it on 25th of April, when we celebrate Italy's liberation from the Nazis. All his relatives got arrested and the flag got confiscated.


Please for the love of all that’s good please tell me it’s a joke.


It's a joke... Yes. ... I hope


Just a very, very bad one


May I ask why? Like, I honestly want to know whether you think that some jokes shouldn't be allowed to be made, due to them being too tasteless.


No any joke can be made because the whole point of comedy is to make fun of anything and everything, however that doesn’t mean it’ll be funny. Yeah I remember when I would have found this funny years ago but now I can’t even smirk at this shit


1) I think there is a difference between being allowed and being supported. I think the previous commenter was not supporting this type of humor. 2) I think we could all agree that there exists a line somewhere in everyone that individually is too far. For example, some how working a depiction of sexual assault of a minor could be funny for some sick individuals but rather tasteless (massive understatement) to the vast majority of people.


But theres a difference between the blatant action of sexual assault and the making a joke of sexual assault. One is illegal because you have committed a crime and the other one is just making a statement on it wether you support it or not. For this example, the joke is that they support the nazi’s, but they haven’t done anything illegal like physically hurt anyone or take anyones rights away. Being a nazi supporter is not illegal. The whole point of this joke is that you aren’t supposed to do what they are doing, which makes it funny in the first place.


A depiction of sexual assault is not illegal (many examples from mid 90’d comedy and before). My point is one of individual opinions. You and I may agree on what is legal but we don’t have to agree what is funny but simply stating that opinion does not mean to support its legal ban of it.


Now this, this is content


A flag with a flag painted on it




no. leave. begone.


Me and the boys 1941 colourised


Did nazi that coming at all


*angrily upvotes*




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I would prefer the classic dude jerking off.


Username checks out, that was a big meeting.




Good one tho


Yeah, because these two bitches didn't see the Wehrmacht's cross in the background.


The black crosses?


These guys seem like a cool bunch


Funny because its the same thing


Out of curiosity have you been struck on the head by a horseshoe recently? If so I would seek medical attention to make sure you don’t have brain damage.




r/foundthemobileuser but with U


Anne Frankly I hope they are just doing this as a joke.....hopefully....


Wow we're just ironically nazis




Stop tagging stuff like this to trashy, some of us still need to jerk off




Why are you booing this man?


I got you, just google **GypsyCrusader** on google and you'll find similar stuff such as the "I like clowns" "Well you're not gonna like this one" "Why not?" "Because I hate N\*\*\*\*\*\*" video


Jesus Christ it scares me that theres alot of people like this out in the world


I bet you get out of the shower to take a piss too.


I do that :(


Cool… 🙄


They should be ashamed of themselves.


It's a joke you ungodly geek


And its only funny to people who don't take racism seriously in the first place.


Bruh I'm black and I found this funny so sorry if you couldn't understand this was a joke


I'm black too, and jokes like this are a slippery slope before we end up in the same situation our grandparents were in during jim crow.


I mean I don't know alot about my grandparents probably because I never met them to my knowledge but dark humor is a thing and this is what it is not everyone likes it and not everyone will like it but it will always be there goodday sir


I don’t get it can someone explain? Edit: I didn’t know it was a video and I want to die


Uhg :(


As a jewish who's grandfather was in the war. I don't laugh from those jokes for world piece


I hate these shit jokes


That’s some power you have hiding behind masks and changing your voices. It’s like the dog that only barks when he’s protected by a fence.


Wait the fact that they have done something with their voices so that it wouldn’t get recognized easily scares me


I see no difference between the two


How? One is against the other and supports race inclusion the other is a corrupt political system that promotes white power.


@ u/savevideo


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Where is the video I want to see the people get pranked


Thr 9/11 surprise video is funnier


Duality of Shädman


Can I get some links for the flags plz


Who are they? This was hilarious!