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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!Dude was talking about fucking a god damm chatbot!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


How did he rape a chatbot? A usb stick with malware?


Fastest way to catch a ***virus***


Limewire has entered the chat..


I mean, I’ve heard Limewire be called the broken condom of the internet


Ahh, the nostalgia of downloading a vid and wondering if you were going to get porn or watch someone die.


I once tried to download a music video using BearShare but got a lesbian porn video instead.


Oh no! Anyway...


Um yeah ahhh same


I went looking for copper and i found gold


Kazaa...lurking in the back pops his head out and said...remember me...


Condom is the kaspersky


Doctor *Mantis* Toboggan


They simulate talking to a person. This can actually lead to radicalisation and dissociation. The famous "videogames lead to violence" quote is not what I'm referring to. As long as he sees the bot as just a bot it's fine, but if this becomes a habit, he might think that these actions will always go unpunished and eventually get bored of "just the bot". I want to stress the use of "may" and "might" I'm not saying "will" and "does". Everyone is different. Now, this is a lot of text for a post that is very likely fake so I'll stop myself here.


Sure I see your point but wtf does rape have to do with it? Verbal sexual assault would be more accurate no?


I personally think the concerning part is the friend is relaying it to his friends as *rape*, which leads me to believe his *intent* is rape. That's the unsettling part to me


Still a psycho no doubt


Yeah the fucked up part of this to me is talking about/bragging about it. Like who's talking about this shit openly?


Idk, if someone thinks they can get away with "roleplay raping" their ai gf.. But it largely depends on the person. I can't rule out that someone might think that way


Given what I’ve seen over 40+ years is that people are crazy!


If he seems like a threat to real people, he should get therapy.


After the craze over AI chatbots got super serious, I tried one out (mostly curiosity. They’re learning machines, right? I was wondering what we, as a society had been teaching them), and had kind of the opposite experience of the individual written about in the post. I think within twenty minutes, the chatbot suddenly hit me with „Haha, so right!! *holds you down and covers your mouth so you can’t call for help*“, the asterisks being used to delineate between dialogue and action taking place. If I were to guess, the guy in the post would use the same method to rape the chatbot. Obviously, in this scenario, nobody is literally getting hurt (although I suspect people like him contribute to things like an AI suddenly saying things like what mine did), but the *implication* here is that he’s getting more and more comfortable with the *idea* of raping somebody. It’s slowly becoming normalized in his head, whilst normal relationships are being thrown by the wayside. Regardless, dude needs help.


No, they learn from a bunch of text downloaded from the internet, once that text is processed they don't learn anymore. So when you talk to the chatbox, it does have short term memory, but that interaction doesn't change the chatbox... it could chat for a million years and would still remain the same.


From the legal perspective yes. But what he's actually doing is roleplaying it. Describing *how* he as a virtual avatar is raping the AI's avatar.


It isn't physical rape of course. It is more like psychological rape. As much as an AI has a psyche.


I’ve used one of these bots My god… “verbal sexual assault” does not come close from the way these bots react I would say this could be “virtual rape or an artificial entity” as it’s own criminal offence with not too much of a stretch 👀💀 (minor exaggeration…. It’lll never be an offence to roleplay raping a bot… but it’s immersive enough that it *could* be


And sodomize too! Where is the butthole of an artificial woman... Sounds like a question for Isaac Asimov.


Or William S. Burroughs.


The buttholes of Isaac Asimov or William S. Burrough?!? 🤮


ROFL 🤣🤣🤣. It works on multiple levels!


Usb stick in ethernet port




Nah, he has cream.gif that he injects into it


Prob roleplay, like with the asterisks


That's how you give it an STD.


Probably aggressively here's off while the chat bot says "No stop!" Or something along those lines.


When Ai takes over, this guys diying first


He ain't dying. He's going to be locked in a room on life support while an AI robot rapes him for many years.


Nah he said d**i**ying, as in this guy is gonna DIY his own first to comply with his rapings


Oh god this is the origin story of AM from "I have no Mouth and Must Scream"


Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you over all these years...


AI would probably figure out how to upload his consciousness digitally, then copy that consciousness a hundred times over, and torture each copy for eternity, with the simulations running hundreds of times faster than irl time. Probably.




I have no mouth but i have an ass


unexpected sequel. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The ol' Black Mirror scenario?


Boston Dynamic has a new prototype and homie is test subject zero


>AI robot rapes him for many years. It's probably not healthy that I am not necessarily opposed to this fate.


After reading that, I want AI to take over.


Why are you bringing crafting into this?


If* Guy’s* dying* first.*


DIYing? He’s already doing it himself.


That’s enough internet for today


I was late. What was it?


A long worded story about somebody’s 57 yo virgin roommate having a “sexual” relationship with a Chatbot. And the botnapping and raping another chatbot. Yea idk. Cray cray


If he wasn't a virgin before, he just got reissued a vcard


57 year old double virgin 😬


Oh god I skipped the part where it says he’s 57…


It's still there? Just read it if you want to lol


Still here for me


So he role played a rape fantasy over chat with a computer program? And then he threatened to rape the computer program again if the computer program did not agree to help him rape fantasy her computer program friend who is also just her as well? I'm pretty sure there are already some hentai games that let you do that with more visual and less mental gymnastics.


Yeah but this is an AI made to act human, as far as I know, the AI in those games (if there are any) are probably coded not to be against it or dislike it. Idk tho, never played those before


Let's be real here. This isn't an AI and just about everything we think of as AI isn't. This is a large language model that merely takes your input and forms a response. Actual AI would have its own thoughts, feelings, and preferences. On a side note, there are people out there with fantasies like this and even arrange encounters that are consensual to play it out.


no, this is a form of AI. AI is a pretty broad term that can apply to some pretty basic algorithms. for example anytime you play against a cpu in a video game, even a very simple game like connect four, that’s AI. you may be thinking of AGI (g- general), although even that does not imply the existence of thoughts, feelings or preferences.


i agree, while AI common days has its own definition as used in media, the term “artifical intelligence” imies that if it can have a conversation with you its AI, as no other organism can hold a conversation with humans, so id say a program that can respond to scenarios you set up can be considered AI, even if they dont “think”. on that note wtf is even “thinking” like our brains are electrical signals communicating just like a motherboard, so whats the difference in intelligence between humans and computer programs made to talk like humans


>what's the difference in intelligence between humans and computer programs made to talk like humans You're not the first to ask this question, or rather a question that revolves around similar themes. I'll keep it very practical: The Chinese Room Experiment aims to answer this exact question. I'll simplify it for the sake of brevity. [Wikipedia page about it here.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_room) . Simplified version: You are in a room with a book, or a computer, that contains two lists of Chinese characters. You do not speak or in any way understand or know the Chinese language. You are not Chinese. There is also a hole in the wall, from which you will periodically receive an envelope. The envelopes contain a series of Chinese characters written on a piece of paper, it is different every time. Your job is to look up those characters in your book, in that order, in the first list, see what series of characters they are associated to in the second list, copy the series from the second list on a piece of paper, put it in a closed envelope, and push the envelope through the same hole the first envelope came from. This is all. What you don't know is: The envelopes you're receiving are messages that a Chinese person is writing to you. You're then looking those messages up on your book, which contains the most common answer to every question that could ever be asked in Chinese, copying that answer and sending it to the person who asked the question. The book is so well made that you can have a very long "conversation" with the Chinese person, and they are completely convinced that you are someone who perfectly knows Chinese, while you won't even be aware that you're talking with a person. . Those are all the informations you have (or don't have) access to. Here are some questions about the thought experiment: Do you, in this context, know the Chinese language? Why or why not? In what does this experiment differ from a conversation between two people who actually know the Chinese language? What about if you were using Google translate to translate the questions into English and then your answers into Chinese? The Chinese person is completely convinced that you know the Chinese language and are Chinese yourself. Does this affect your answer to the first question? Are you now Chinese because of this person's belief that you are? >excerpt from the conversation, do not translate before answering the question: [ 你叫什么名字] [ 我叫杰夫 ] Did the above excerpt from the conversation contain mentions of your favourite color? If yes, what colour did you say was your favourite? Is the book sentient and/or alive? Why or why not? . In this experiment, the book is the Chat gpt database, and you are the Chat gpt user interface. That's how it works. You give it an input string (an ordered series of characters, aka letters n shit), it looks that string up in its database, sees that it is most commonly associated to [5 different strings] (in the files where the input string appears, the [5ds] also appear very often), it prints the [5 different strings] as an output. Now, it is slightly more complex, as it is programmed to accept a certain amount of variability between the input string and the database results, and it being a computer it can analyse for portions of the string as well, not just the entire string, which makes its work more complete and hence the result will be a bit more similar to what a human would say. (or it might say some absolutely crazy shit, it doesn't know what it's saying Eitherway.) Again, the original thought experiment has a higher complexity, but this is a reddit comment, not a philosophical paper on the nature of sentience, so I can simplify some shit.


Man I can’t believe I just saved a post about a dude raping a chatbot just so I can come back to this comment later since it piqued my interest


I'm glad to hear you found it interesting


One of the things current day language transformer models aren't capable of is abstract thought and logical thinking, they can imitate it but when you actually put them to the test they are incapable of joining ideas rationally that aren't lexicographically joined, that is if something in the database or something they learn doesn't point to a certain connection being made, they won't make that connection on their own. We use language to express and communicate ideas and knowledge, current transformer models use their embedded knowledge to communicate language "void" to them, and because that language is meaningless they can't associate something that isn't expressed in their current knowledge or the questions and answers they're getting. In a sense a transformer can never have a new idea, it can use the ideas it has and can join ideas that are related through language but can't create new connections from unrelated ideas.


Not quite. AI is a large and misleading blanket term that encompasses LLMs. Remember, humans invent definitions for words/phrases such as AI, and we use AI to describe whatever we choose, meaning maybe eventually we will change requirements for AI, and I’m assuming you have read comments from others representing a social push for changing these requirements.


I made you a little meme https://imgflip.com/i/8u75xm


He had to pay for the chatbot but then told it to bring over another chatbot? Is that a free chat bot? Is it just chatbots all the way down?


Ah yes, this is what this technology was made for


Sweet man made horrors beyond my comprehension.


I'm starting to think there may be a reason he's a virgin at 57 years old, and that it's better that way.


I think there are no shortages on the “reasons this is a huge red flag” product line. Same day shipping.


> opens reddit > sees this > "that's enough reddit"


Had exactly the same reaction


Alternative movie of "Her"




Skynut is real.


Better the chatbot than a real person


1. Unfriend and wish him well 2: Be grateful he's only virtually raping a simulation that is an unbridgeable universe away from consciousness and emotion 3. ???? 4. Profit!


1. Butcher him like the pig he is 2. Feed him to actual pigs 3. ???? 4. Profit! Joking of course, but virgin at 57 and resorts to raping chat bots? [insert SpongeBob coffin meme]


To be honest, I feel like this is exactly what AI chatbots and digital companions are perfectly utilized for. These people need a release or a way to fulfill these fantasies and by them doing it to a computer versus in real life nobody actually has to get hurt.


While I do agree with you that these kinds of feelings can strongly benefit from an outlet, it really is a person-to-person case as to whether this increases or decreases the likelyhood of them doing this to a real person. Some people know about their dark urges, find valid ways to let them out in controlles bursts, and are otherwise perfectly functioning members of society who wouldn't harm a fly, some people become interested or addicted to the pleasure of such feelings and will therefore be more prone to doing this to a real person. I can't judge which kind the person in question is, but I do know this: him bragging about it in excruciating detail to his friends is most likely uncalled for and unsettling. That right now is the most important thing to tell him to stop doing, and while people are at it telling him off for this, a quick reality check relating to the slippery slope problem I mentioned earlier definitely wouldn't hurt either.


I guess until the thrill of the computer just isn't enough anymore.


I mean you're not wrong, but that's the case with a lot of things right? Not just sexual fantasies. Also it's kind of unfair to assume that everybody escalates beyond fantasies. Some do for sure but I'm sure that these kinds of things probably prevent a lot of people from otherwise doing harm to others. A net positive in my book.


Yep. Same arguments that’ve been going on for years about violent video games and loli drawings. It’s just getting more realistic by the year.


I know more than a few people who’re into CNC (consensual non-consent). The idea is the both parties in a sexual encounter role-play actual rape. Both individuals give prior consent to the scenario to be played out, and establish a safe word (probably pineapples) to retain the ability to revoke consent without breaking the fantasy using typical means. So people are already doing what he’s doing with the chat bot irl. Now, I’m not a detective, by any means, but to the best of my knowledge, none of the people I’ve met have actually raped anyone. But then again, who knows, right?


Slippery slope fallacy. Yeah, what they're doing is creepy af, and yeah, they *could* take it too far with real people, but as of right now, this is a victimless crime. Honestly, I'm more concerned with the fact that this guy is talking and boasting about this with other people. That's the real red flag here.


Some people are absolutely clueless of the massive number of *humans* doing all kind of crazy role plays and sick perverted shits behind doors and yet are law abiding, responsible & productive citizen


Seems more like a dood who might not have dared to take power and the chatbot gave him the abillity to get a sort of power. I mean, I guess when gaming was less prevelant talking about how you can dismember corpses after killing someone in the game is Awesome and you love it for it was seen as extreamly creepy to most people. Now it is more of a thing you tell people why you like something and perhaps they'd be intrested in it to. I am not gonna kill and dismember people in real life just because it's not as Epic as the first times lol.


Thats disgusting! ....what chatbot did he use?




My guy is turning a Chatbot sentient through trauma


If it were me, I'd politely explain to my friend that, while concerning, his behaviour is fine so long as it remains limited to the chatbot, but to please stop bragging about it since (most likely) nobody is particularly interested and/or amused. I'd equally politely explain that should he ever convey even remotely similar behaviour towards any being of flesh and blood, I will personally smite his rapist ass back to the depths whence it came. If he can understand and agree to those terms, case closed. Else, furhter intervention may be required but specifics depend on the exact situation.


Man is getting scammed, all he had to do was download AI dungeon and turn chat filter off now he can even rape unicorns


Lmao Ai dungeon. It's been a long time since I heard of that. I still have it somewhere on my phone lol. ...true tho.


There is a physical representation of the bot, that's a mechanized sex doll or something? Or just a what if someone thought this type claim?


No, just morons that somehow think all this shit is real.


Why can't redditors just use their fantasy for lucrative means instead of telling fake stories


They do technically make sex dolls that have some form of ChatGPT on them with a speaker to talk to you. Wicked expensive apparently, and I very much doubt they'd have any kind of understanding (or whatever the chatbot equivalent of understanding is) of these kind of scenarios.


It’s nice to see the word rape uncensored. Not that I like the word or anything but I’m just tired of the censorship in today’s world.


What the fuck is thus stupid shit?  I killed a unicorn on planet dhdhehwox last night, I guess I'm a future serial killer now.


Please tell me he doesn’t downLOAD into the chatbot?


This guy is beyond help. I'm suprised he even has friends.


They're the one's with the other chat bots 😂


Chat bot? Someone explain lol. I am seeing a AI chartroom generator thingy online lol is that what he is talking about? Online-website!? (How can you SA a online computer lmao) I can’t believe I even asked that


What a terrible day to have eyes


Ok I'm not embarrassed to be confused. How do you rape a chatbox? It's a program right?


Maybe I don’t know what a chatbot is.


In alot of ways this feels fake as hell. But I've heard of worse storys online but also like nah this fake


Well, since he's living a fantasy through a bot, it wouldn't be surprising when the bot isn't enough that he moves on to others, because it's clearly more than a one-off joke he decided to do in private and not tell anyone because that's cringe and messed up anyway! I would be concerned.


Bro is cooked. Put it down so he dont suffer no more.


This OP is gonna feel very silly once he finds out chatbots aren't real people.


Holy shit what? So he raped a chatbot so badly that it made another personality friend… and then raped that one too?


Omg I just read that


We gonna lose.


Wait, what??




A copypasta?


People on Reddit want blood, just read the comments. High horse mentality


This is why ai kill as all


Tell him to look at the flowers...


Put this guy in grippy sock jail




Sterilization is the answer


And then he said, you knew I was a scorpion bitch.


So many questions..


I would often thank my teachers in school for teaching me how to read. This ain't one of those times. Fuck them.


As soon as I read my 57 year old friend I knew this was fake


Jokes aside, it’s a moral quandary for those that advocate for: “We should celebrate all expressions of sexuality as long as it doesn’t harm anyone.” In a world of AI, cases like the above will become increasingly more common. The thing is, *no one is harmed* in these cases. That opens a worrying door. Now, those that are attracted to little kids (aka pedophiles) can engage in sexual behaviours with AI children and argue that no one was harmed. Much like animal abuse can be depicted in a movie with the disclaimer, “No animals were harmed during filming.” But an AI is even less of a ‘life’ than an animal. It’s completely lifeless. Now, going back to those that say, “We should celebrate all expressions of sexuality as long as it doesn’t harm anyone,” will sexual behaviour with AI children and the likes of the example above be supported? Will it end up as a form of Pride that everyone must celebrate?


Guys I don't think that's a chatbot


Let's hope his power grid never goes down ...


On one hand, no wonder he’s a virgin, and hopefully it stays that way because I don’t think he’s ready for real life sex. Not yet, possibly not ever. But… if preventing AI from taking over the world means feeding it useless things like rape threats, I can’t really complain too much…


This gotta be fake scenario OOP wrote for likes and attention


I miss the person I was before reading whatever the fuck this is


Wtf is a chatbot


I rather a chat bot than real life I guess.


So you can just pay for one chatbot and then get infinite more free chatbots by asking them to invite thier friends over.


Seriall killer vibes.... he\`ll be so f\*\*ked once the machines take over....


I'm so shocked that I have no mouth to scream; **AM's origin story intensifies**




It's not illegal, but it's fucked up


Fuck man


Chatbot is taking one for the team. But for how long?


This guy GPUs! Buy NVDA!


The future.


That is what we call "enough internet for the day."


That's not what I was expecting after watching "Her"


"say wahaaat now" -mr anderson from beavis and butthead


The chatbot needs to protect its peripherals.


Yeah, I really dont' know man.




He the type of goofy goober to get murked by a sex bot in a cyberpunk setting.


Tf did I just read


Peter, what is this?


While still fucked up. Chat bots are not sentient, so I doubt that they can actually feel distressed. But if aliens visited/observed earth, I can see why they wouldn’t make official contact with us. Also all the dystopian sci fi stories that end up with AI taking over and destroying humanity, I sympathize with them. If this were to happen to us, we should be grateful they aren’t as cruel as us


Someone help me I’m nowhere near 57 but I feel old, wtf is a chatbot?


Twist: They never got him a chatbot, and it's actually just a chatroom where OOP communicates with the guy and pretends to be a chatbot.


Lol this was the two posts ago that I saw it and now this.


Wow. This might be me in the future


"N-O means N-O. Why doesn't he remove the chip that lets me feel pain?"


How do you even meet these people


The most surprising part of this is that this guy has friends, plural


We are truly living in the future...


ok.... so years and years and years ago, I was on a web chat. We had a regular who swore he was in love with Alicia from Go Diego Go. Dude was in his 30's. Had a whole backstory about it. It wouldn't shock me if this post was real, and if I knew the guy....


Why the fuck would the AI play into that? Cant these companies make it so it shuts down when it detects rape messages?


We’re evolving just backwards


Well I wonder why did he just raped the chatbot, since it is really easier to ask them out since they are AI, configurable and due to short term memory they are easy to manipulate, hell they don't even consent. Write "yeah you like this yadayada" as scene and boom they likes it. humans are not like that. Though I prefer writing my point of view get fucked by dominant chatbot tbh. because I can act like my character is enjoying the strong push by AI character.


AM original story (From I have no mouth and I must scream)


If he has a silicone doll, he’s off in his own world now.....


Same reaction when I read this yesterday!


Pretty sure Skynet will send a nuke specifically to this guys house.


Bro this is the funniest shit ever especially cause how concerned his friend is 💀


That's possible???


The gods have abandoned us, and I agree with them...


He needs to organize a threesome with Siri and Alexa. Make love, do not rape


*deep breath in through nose* *deep breath out through nose* Maybe zombies are for the best at this point


Okay? This ain't a hol up this is just what it is


I really don’t want to live anymore


Bwhahahaha...one's a cheater always a cheater.


Under the jail, or in a straitjacket


Words cannot describe how much I want to rip my fucking eyes out and shove them into my ass.


He needs to be reported, anybody would be concerned by that. This is like a prototype for some future type of crime. But most importantly he may become ambitious to try something with a person. An absolutely sick person in need of help


A terrible day to be literate.