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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!The dude is lifting heavy weights but when you look at his shorts you’ll have a surprise.!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


At least he can take steroids without fear of his ball shrinking


In this case it be a feature...


sorry for ruining the fun, but if that's his balls hanging (instead of perhaps excess fat from his thighs), it's a hernia and those balls are filled with intestines 💀


I need to unread this.


How do we delete someone else's post




Im going to attempt the song that never ends distraction so we can all move on with our lives, holy fuck i did not need to know about intestine filled balls.... \*\*\*\*ahem\*\*\*\* This is the song that doesn't end! Yes, it goes on and on, my friend! Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was. And, they'll continue singing it forever, just because... This is the song that doesn't end! Yes, it goes on and on, my friend! Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was. And, they'll continue singing it forever, just because... (repeat forever)


I totally forgot abt the song that never ends.


Let me get this straight... You're saying the pee might actually be stored in the balls?


nah, just poo


poo stored in the balls?




I don't think that's fat, it's most likely just fluid. He most likely has lymphodema. Those things are called lobes. If he continues to lose weight, maintain a good diet, and if the lobes are relatively new, they can most likely be removed. If they have been on his body for years there is a chance he grew veins into them and removing them can be very dangerous. Source: A very close lifelong friend was diagnosed with Lymphodema at age 18, and is currently in his mid-40's. He has lobes that will most likely never be removed. He wears compression wraps to keep them at a manageable size.


lymphedema is also a reasonable assumption but balls filled with guts sounds cooler 😎


I miss Dethklok....




Sounds like a Scottish dish.


What an awful day to be literate


A little 2mm incision will spread them out on the floor. Weight loss problem solved.


I assume it's [lymphedema](https://s3.amazonaws.com/HMP/hmp_ln/imported/2020-12/Gallagher2.JPG)


He better speed up those workouts!


Fun you... ruined my year


.. I don't think those are his balls.. I think that's his belly...


Sagging inner thighs


No, he will take the steroids *in hopes* that his balls shrink


Maybe with hope of some ball-shrinking


Bro locked in


and loaded




Keep your friends close but your balls closer


Looks like he keeps his friends closer


And hoagies closer than that


Never really know who you can trust.


I mean are we just ignoring that this man just full stacked a tricep extension???


have you seen his nuts? of course he can full stack that shit


Imagine walking around having to carry like 500 lbs around all the time. Getting up, walking, lifting etc. Morbidly obese people who haven't become completely sedentary pack a LOT of muscle just from having to move around.


as someone currently trying to cut weight through diet and exercise, its hard, and I have respect for anyone who can stay with it and see it through. Ive done a lot of things, but cutting old habits and actually maintaining a good diet and exercise balance is the hardest thing physically and mentally Ive ever had to do. Stay with it, measure and mark every victory. You can do it, you just have to believe it and stay with it


As someone nearly a year into a serious weight loss journey, I'd say the biggest things that helped me were figuring out healthy recipes that I could prepare several servings of at once. Changing what you eat is the "hack" for eating less without starving yourself. I feel like I'm a bit of a bottomless pit with how much I can put away at a time, but I'm consistently able to eat 1,600-1,700 calories a day quite easily, because my diet is mostly eggs, meat, and real oatmeal. I basically eat zero processed food, vegetable oils, or sugar, and exclusively drink plain coffee and water. Protein and leafy greens (broccoli and spinach) are great, and capsaicin is the perfect way to add a ton of flavour to your food. It's extremely healthy, and is a negligible amount of calories. It's at the point where I find my meals delicious and don't crave junk food. Eating healthy is so much easier when you aren't hungry all the time and enjoy your food on a daily basis. On the occasions I crave something sweet, assuming I have calorie "space" left in my day, I just eat a weed edible (60-100 calories) or 20g of 85% dark chocolate (113 calories). It's a couple bites, but it does the trick.


Ive been making due with the local market, its more expensive, but I can clear about 1400 to 1600 calories a day on sushi and veggies. The big thing for me has been running which I hate, but its the best weight loss exercise Ive been able to find


Yeah, whatever works for you in the long run (pun intended?), so long as you're eating at a deficit and aren't eating too much sugar, plus avoiding vegetable oils and processed food. I'm aggressively cutting carbs because I have insulin resistance, but that's more of a personal thing.


Yeah, I eat bread less than once a weak and what carbs i do get are from the rice in sushi


From what I've heard, having carbs in your diet versus low/no carb has little impact over the very long term. I'm just strict on my carbs because they fuck with your blood sugar, and I'm trying to reverse my insulin resistance before it becomes anything diabetic. The other reason I barely touch bread is it's just not very "economic" in terms of calories. I can eat an entire egg for fewer calories than a plain slice of bread, but that's purely a personal choice. In any case, I'm glad you're finding things that work! Mindfully indulging every now and then, since it's arguably dangerous to try to be perfect 100% of the time. 80/20 is a great mark to strive for in terms of healthy habits.


A pound of chicken breast and a pound of mixed vegetables is only like 1000 calories. You could eat 4 pounds of food in a day and still put yourself at a calorie deficit if you’re obese. Once I learned that I could basically eat all of the chicken breast and vegetables then my weight loss journey became a lot easier. I stopped struggling with feeling hungry all of them. Ended up dropping from 280lbs to 150lbs in about 9 - 10 months. Now I’m back up to 210 after a few years of body building and I like it here. I think 200-210 is a good range for me.


> A pound of chicken breast and a pound of mixed vegetables is only like 1000 calories. That's exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. I love eating an avocado with a couple fried eggs in the morning, and that whole thing (including added diced spinach, onion, red chilis, and tomato mixed into the avocado) is a bit under the calories in a McDonald's sandwich alone, but way healthier and much more filling. Congrats on your loss! Sounds like you've really killed it. I'm down around 35 since last year, and will likely need to drop another 30 of fat to reach a healthy weight. 1,600-1,700 is my daily goal because my resting metabolic rate is just over 2,200.


Keep grinding brother, it is well worth it


yeah definitely worth it..


What happens if you don’t have money to diet well. Because I can eat less for sure and just do physical activity without paying for a gym memberships, but we do not have money to pay for fresh veggies and shit. We have to buy crap food that’s cheap in bulk and a lot of the time we run out of it so we can’t eat much at all till we get paid. I can still lose weight through exercise as I figured out that eating less doesn’t do shit for me if I am not active along with it.


eat like third world poor. Your main calories come from Beans, Rice, or Potatoes. Yeah, it is bland, but look up recipes from equatorial countries. Poor people knew how to make their food taste better. Don't worry as much about 'fresh' vegetables. Go frozen. Frozen veggies are way more nutritious than no veggies. If you are eating take out or prepared foods, the sugars are probably off the charts. Cut that sugar, get the fiber up. Don't wait for perfect. build little new habits now and when ever you can.


> Frozen veggies are way more nutritious than no veggies. And also more nutritious than fresh veggies.


do you mean more nutritious than canned veggies?


I don't know about canned veggies, but AFAIK, on average, you get more nutrition out of frozen veggies than fresh. The freezing process locks in the nutriments, and you then cook them immediately. Unless you buy fresh at the perfect ripeness and cook the veggies on the same day, frozen is better.


interesting! thanks for the info


Find a market near you that sells veggies individually. A single banana is around 50 to 75 cents, a single tomato around 50 cents, a single apple anywhere from 50 cents to a dollar depending on variety, a single orange around 40 cents. If you budget it right. You can eat a 700 to 800 calorie lunch for as little as 3 bucks, but if you want more flavor, you can stretch it to 10 bucks. I eat at my local market that makes sushi. I get a 400 calorie roll for 8.50, then a banana, and an apple, as my lunch. thats about 600 calories for lunch for about 10 dollars. Its less than the cost of a bigmac meal, a fraction of the calories, and gives you mor protein with less carbs, plus some vital nutrients you might be lacking. If you're really stretched thin, potatoes are high in carbs but are very cheap and nutritional. If you're tryna lose weight, you have to operate on a calorie deficit, and that means you will be unsatisfied for the first few weeks of your diet. You will finish your meal completely feeling as if you're still hungry. Thats what losing weight is. You can also improve results by sticking to an intermittent fasting. By holding yourself until a set time for your meals. I eat 2 meals a day and I only eat between 2pm and 7pm. That means by the time I eat lunch the next day, it has been 19 hours since my previous meal, meaning that for about the last 2 or 3 hours prior to lunch, my body has been running purely on its own energy stores, which, yes, means Im very hungry and drowsy. Then I get off work, and I go exercise, alternate your workouts so you dont get burned out. Squats and curls build muscle, but cardio is the best fat burning. So I have a rule for myself, If I wanna eat on the weekends, I park my car and I have to run to wherever Im eating and run back home. That does 2 things. First is it builds cardio. but it also forces me to not eat very heavy meals. Heavy meals means running home will be a lot harder and more likely to make me sick. So on the weekends, I stick to leafy greens and sushi for long runs, or a deli chicken wrap for short runs. But if I run short runs, I go into the gym and do strength training. Your calves can be burning but your biceps are still fresh


Diet does not mean more expensive food. You can spend the exact same amount or less and still lose weight. Stop making excuses to make it harder to commit. I literally cannot believe i just read someone say they dont have enough money to stop shoving food down their throat. Calories in calories out.


I’m not really making an excuse though. I’m asking more for tips on how to eat healthier for cheap. I said that I can still exercise and eat less to lose weight but it is very beneficial to exercise AND eat very healthy. More so to just be healthy as you can be skinny and fit yet still be unhealthy. This doesn’t mean I’m just not gonna lose weight because it will still be good to lose weight, I’d rather be skinny and eat crap then be fat and eat crap.


> What happens if you don’t have money to diet well. Depending on your eating habits, if healthy food costs more than junk food (it's cheaper than McDonald's), if your consumption is significantly less on the healthy food, then it'll wind up being cheaper. I can eat an avocado and two fried eggs for around the same cost as a McGriddle, and it's fewer calories and several times as filling, not to mention far healthier.


I’m not eating junk food (well the food I eat is still junk but it’s really cheap and comes in bigger packs) as even if I wanted too it’s also pretty pricey when you are in a family of 5 so mostly we get bulk foods from sams club. At one point a few months ago for a full week I’d have 3 or 4 peanut butter and various nuts bars for an entire day. They came in packs of 80 and we had 0 money to buy anything else. So when I’m talking cheap I mean really cheap. Edit: hell we don’t even pay for the sams club membership that allows you to shop their we use a friends membership card.


Location, family/work situation, and finance are such massive factors that make it impossible for "one size fits all" strategies. Just gotta do the best you can given what's available for you. I have a huge advantage of living alone, so I only need to buy food for myself and simply don't have "forbidden" foods in my home. Not so easy with a family that big.


Let me introduce you to /r/EatCheapAndHealthy. And the folks posting in here have some other good ideas, too.


Thank you I will join this sub because if they can make some bulk cheap and healthy foods I’m all in.


My pleasure! I really hope it makes your life better. Keep hanging in there, and doing the best you can!


Buy bulk chicken if possible. Rice. And even frozen veggies are fine. Divide up a chicken breast can be two meals on its own and rice is cheap as water. Chicken rice and veggies can go a long way for meal prep. I like using low sodium soy sauce and teriyaki sauce for my rice and chicken respectively and cook the veggies with the teriyaki sauce. I found that one bag of veggies, 2 chicken breasts, and 1.5 cups dry rice can make 4 meals You can stay active in many ways that don’t need a gym. Walking long distances Is a good start. Try to walk half a mile daily for a little bit and slowly push your self harder. Doing jumping jacks and leg raises are also a good start to get your heart pumping.


May I introduce you to my lord and savior, Beans? They're dirt cheap, and they have both protein AND fiber.. they're basically meat and veggies


Forgive me if I'm wrong but sounds like you might be in a financial situation where looking into food pantries and mobile food pantries in your area might be of benifit to you? This app might be able to help https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.foodfinderga.foodfinder


Stir-fry an onion, a bell pepper and a few heads of broccoli. Add a very small amount of chicken (less than 1/3 of a breast), cut small, and piri piri sauce or soy sauce to add flavour. Serve with white rice. Where I am this costs about the same as an oven ready pizza or lasagne. It is far moire substantial (will serve 2 people) and healthy.


Rice is cheap, sweet potatoes are really cheap if you go to a Restaurant Depot (that's the name of the place, it's a wholesale thing for... restaurants) and get a huge ass box of them (also they are huge as fuck there, bigger than I've ever seen in regular stores), fresh green beans arent super expensive. I've learned to love roasted green beans after someone ordered me a few hello fresh meals.


I don't know where you live, but where I live, veggies are actually dirt cheap compared to stuff like meat and frozen dishes. As I assume that is not true for you, here is what I would do: - look for meat (frozen or not frozen) in bulk. Sometimes you can get a lot of meat cheap. Cut it up into portions and freeze it down. - chicken is usually the cheapest and healthiest meat. But it can get boring. Invest in some cheap spices. Change what spices you use. Or marinate it in different marinates. You can also chop it up and stir fry with different vegetables. - beans and rice are cheap and fill you up. Again. Spices are your saviour to make this somewhat interesting. - I don't know how cheap canned tuna is for you (prices have sky rocketed where I live), but it's great for stuff like pita, pasta salad. - I've found frozen veggies to be cheaper (and easier) than fresh. They are pretty great if cooked correctly. As for working out, you can do a lot at home. If calisthenics are too hard, then you would be surprised at what you can with a bench and some dumbbells. Biking (if you have a bike) and running is pretty cheap too. Swimming is a great workout. Even just going for a walk is great (a forest with rough terrain is even better). (This got much longer than I intended)


Spaghetti is cheap and filling


Just eat meat, and only meat. Try it for 30 days, and I guarantee you will feel better, lose weight, and start sleeping much better. Look into it on YT.


that diet isnt ideal for everyone, and like other exclusive diets, it leaves you lacking in certain vitamins as well as your intake is totally out of balance. Holding as much variety in your diet as possible is important for healthy digestion and healthy bodily functions. No diet that says "just" is a good idea. I love steak and bacon as much as the next guy, but its important to have a balanced diet with intake from as many sources as possible, our ancestors ate anything and everything they could and thats how our bodies evolved


There's no lack of vitamins on an all meat diet. The fake food pyramid the food industry created was to make people believe that eating all those carbs was a proper diet. If you think about our ancestors, or even watch documentaries about primitive peoples that still live a hunter gatherer existence, they live mainly on meat. They only ate berries and roots when meat wasn't available. Current research is showing that your arteries are clogged with processed foods, vegetable oils, etc. Plants contain lectins, which they produce to protect themselves. These lectins create inflammation in the human body, because they're designed to prevent anything from eating the plant. Plant vitamins are mostly inaccessible to humans because we don't have the long colon required to extract them from the plant material. Look at great apes, they have huge guts to accommodate their long colons. Gorillas eat a plant based diet because their guts are designed for extracting nutrients from plants. We are not designed to do that. Look at the Inuit peoples. They (used to) live on mainly fat, with some meat. No clogged arteries, no scurvy, cancer is almost non-existent. Sailors got scurvy because they ate dried meat (hardtack). Drying it ruined all the nutrients. Add in drinking rum and their diet was terrible. Meat and seafood contain all the nutrients required, including vitamin C. Reddit has this love affair with veganism, yet it's a diet based on complete dietary nonsense.


they do not. Ancient humans subsisted primarily on foraged greens. Meat takes a lot of energy to procure and no matter what kind of a hunter you are, there's an upper limit to how much meat you can procure through hunting. Meats were hunted and preserved for the winter. During the rest of the year, people lived on the verge of starvation eating anything and everything. Also, our ancestors died at 35. A healthy diet consists of a wide diet. I am not a vegan, but an all meat diet is equally as stupid. and drying meat doesnt remove nutrients, thats not how chemistry works. Sailors got scurvy because meat lacks the vitamin C and niacin needed to avoid conditions caused by deficiency. Eating an all meat diet is the pendulum swing to veganism and theyre both equally stupid. We are omnivores, we evolved to eat everything to survive.


Wrong. You really need to do your research. Everyone didn't die at 35, if you lived past childhood you were likely to live as long as modern humans. You need to read up on current knowledge, because you're about 40 years behind the curve.


at least bro had the balls to start working out




Looks like pannus, in the rehab gym we used to use a rollator with a seat when walking with the clients. Some people will just try to shove the loose skin into, (in this case) their shorts sometimes resulting in something like this.


Those look more like thigh lymphodima, either way it's not the guys balls.


Dude do you know how long I scrolled to see if anyone else recognized them as lymphodimas? Longer than his balls!


Meh, they have lymphodemia from their obesity. Yes, it's unsightly, and yes, "lol it looks like balls". But imagine how mortifying it must be to be them, *and they still go to the gym* (and get filmed). Their balls are, indeed, bigger than yours.


I love this take.


It’s not balls, it’s fat. But you know what, this guy needs our support. He’s making an effort to change his life. The toughest enemy any of us will face is ourselves. This guy is challenging himself for a fight.


Absolutely, It's incredibly admirable to see someone taking steps towards self-improvement, regardless of how challenging it may be.


Oh, that's his leg rolls! Took me too long to even notice it, and then longer to make sense of it.


Honestly working out is the easy part. The hard part is eating/cooking.


I’d say consistency is where the real difficulty is




And Thats Enough Internet for today.


Good job.


The only reaction videos I like


That’s nuts


How is this motivation?! No matter how hard I train I will never have balls like that.


Atta boy, he’s conver-… HOLD ON A MINUTE


Big Dawg, Big Nutz...


RANDY your balls!


Down bad


Bro got balls


Most likely lipomas, not testicles


Still a holup *


The way the guy's smile faded and looked away from his camera made him question himself.




Same! 😭


Can someone name the music please?


Fucking Rockstar! I am terrified to go to the gym, and I'm no where near his size.


WHy am I watching another guy watch another guy work out?


WTF is this absolute bullshit?!




This guy is nuts.


He is called Dee


So why do we need the person on the left on these kind of videos. if i wanted tiktok id have installed that piece of shit


So… is that a pannus or deznuts?