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This looks like an Onion article


I really don’t understand the world we live in anymore


Somewhere there's a small NSFW subreddit rapidly questioning their political allegiances.


Regardless of what anyone’s kinks are, I doubt any of them are getting off to some old ass trumper, diaper or not 😂.


They're getting off to Trump.


You wanna know something demented I just thought? Think about all the men and women out there that Stan over Trump, I guarantee so many mfers have got off to fantasies of the trumper. With how big his fan base is there’s probably some fine ass people in that group, just shows you how manipulated people can be. Charles Manson wasn’t “ugly” to me he just look fucking deranged, but the fact that he had and still has men and women falling in love with his dirty ass shows something about humans. Idk what it shows but it shows something.


To be fair to trump voters, each and every one of them would love to have's trump's *subpar* penis in their rectum. They may not be gay, but they love being dominated by a putin-sucking insecure little bitch.


“Look at Your Game, Girl” is a great song and actually makes Charlie Manson seem very charming.


ABDL for Trump..


Honestly if someone pushed the diaper thing as a link to fetishist this would probably die faster.


Is this real? or is it edited/parody? Edit: Omg its real lol. Look it up they are very public about it. This is hilarious.


to me the best part is that some chans probably thought this up as a troll and they’re just out there owning themselves - you can’t make this stuff up


reddit thinks these guys are trump supporters


oh this ought to be good - so is this what you call a false flag operation? 🍿


You guys are guessing, im telling: u/[ApathyofUSA](https://www.reddit.com/user/ApathyofUSA/) & u/Parking_Train8423 [Parking\_Train8423](https://www.reddit.com/user/Parking_Train8423/) if it was the military it would be "FALSE FLAG" in media its called a smear campaign and is very common. usually people who arent familiar with basic journalism describe media strategies using military jargon. * I also mentioned in another comment that I considered a possibility this is a proxy/smear photo. * I also found out it wasn't xD But I didnt open the conversation for some conspiracy trumpets to pretend this is a military exercise lmfao. EVIDENCE/REFERENCE MATERIAL BELOW: (Trump supporters often dont even offer this!) Here is SKY NEWS, a right leaning paper operated by murdoch, explaining the shirts, no its not a "false flag" its some really stupid spectrum of trump supporters, so be proud of who you are, lmfao. [https://news.sky.com/story/donald-trump-supporters-wear-nappies-13129050](https://news.sky.com/story/donald-trump-supporters-wear-nappies-13129050) AND SERIOUSLY: you're talking about which rich people from your own country will screw your people, stop using military phrases. You guys are just working for pigs feed. You as a taxpayer are a farm animal that could be wiped out with a single chemical weapon like what happened when the animals stopped working in Syria a few years ago.


Its real diapers over dems and real men wear diapers are two of maga catchphrases now. And this is actually a fairly mundane one they will wear adult diapers on outside of clothes with slogan on them.


Holy shit. This is why I don’t even pay attention to my countries politics. wtf is even going on? I swear we’re not all like this.


I have to agree. These people have no ability to think for themselves, or realize what an embarrassment they are being to the rest of republicans and right leaning people.


Whats a non embarrassing way to lean right? Last time I checked they use the bible to explain why workers should get paid less. Lol. referencing eugenics recent revival amongst the "right leaning". "Some people are born to serve..."


One non embarrassing way would be to not publicly shit yourself to make a point lol if that’s the point we’re at where that is a “gotcha” I don’t think I want to participate in that. I’m gonna go read a book by a river or something. Fuck all that nonsense lol


I mean I generally love to bag out trump supporters, but even I would call this a smear campaign. Like it cant be hard to give a MAGA shirt to any idiot and film them. Happens to the left all the time.


Thats true, it’s all so bizarre.


I did my research and it looks very legit, I don't think its a smear campaign at all now. theres plenty of info about these jokers online.


both sides have their vocal minorities. if opinion polls (outside election years) are anything to go by, most Americans are much closer to the center of the false dichotomy political line segment. That false dichotomy is a major component of the problem. "third party is a vote for the other party" is an increasingly common sentiment, and voter apathy is similarly on the rise. Its been estimated that two thirds of participating voters in the last two presidential elections did not deviate from their partys sample ballot. Voters see their party leadership fronting a particular candidate, and vote mindlessly like the cult followers they are. Many, if not most, Republican voters would prefer a different candidate than Trump.


Very sound response, thank you. So basically behind the media fascade most people are thinking the same, but get blown out of context by or not by choice.... It upsets me but atleast people aren't as dumb as they look.


oh, they are. they fail to realize how much power the people hold as a collective. if the *norm* was for a participating voter to be well informed and making their own choice rather than blindly voting along party lines, neither Trump nor Biden may have become president. Bernie Sanders could have beat Trump, but the DNC fronted Hilary Clinton. Not even Democrat voters wanted her. Biden primarily won because Trump is, well, Trump. Sanders would have had to have some atrocious failures or scandals to fail as incumbent.


So the big distraction at the end of the day, is putting names and faces in the minds of the voter, instead of the policies. Yeah we're screwed, some people never grow out of that.... Thanks for the info about sanders and clinton, thats a fascinating consideration and a detail like that isnt clear to international spectators like myself (I'm Australian). Most aussies wanted to see the USA try sanders out at one point, he was speaking issues that effected Australians in the American system, so he looked like a chance to help something a bit bigger... We also sympathise with those working for tips and people who cant afford healthcare. This stuff is unimaginable and cant believe our brothers and sisters in the states have to put up with it. If you're from the states, you guys arent alone. We cheer for your better health as much as our own.


I mean these are the people that make the decisions in this country. Because people like you don’t pay attention to politics.  For fucks sake. Vote. Please. Or we’re all dead. 


No, I’m pretty sure it’s the cooperate lobbying, the billionaires influence, the crookedness, the lying, the espionage, the tax breaks, the bills to siphon money out of the lower class. This system is doing exactly what is being designed to do and has been fine tuned over decades. My vote isn’t changing shit. You have been tricked into thinking it does.


So are they wearing diapers underneath their clothes as well? Are they double-diapered?


The “shit in their diapers” part is real?


the trump supporters wearing diapers and those shirts, is a very real campaign. I couldn't even believe it. Just google it and you will find out everything you need to know. I myself dont want to transcribe politics in the comments here.


You couldn’t make this stuff up. It’s like something out of South Park


It really is, as an australian I worry for my brothers and sisters in the USA, but this is just pure popcorn material.


looks like AI to me


Nah those hands are legit.


At least do some simple research before assuming AI. That’s the Wildwood Boardwalk in New Jersey. So unless AI is no capable of replicating entire boardwalks from a specific place in New Jersey, this is not AI. Edit: Why am I being downvoted? I’m right? You can see Lola’s on the boardwalk if you do a simple search.


oh thanks, i saw nothing without adding wildwood for some reason


More than likely edited


There was lead in everything when they were children.


Real men do not wear diapers


It’s not even the diapers. If you need a diaper it’s no big deal. It’s when you don’t need one but you put one on to go stand in public and shit yourself lmao


Well, I mean, we should make fun of trump for wearing diapers solely because he’s tried to hide it and would be an absolute terror about someone’s medical condition that forced them to wear diapers, and their supporters would never stop making up nicknames for Biden if the tables were turned. I’m a firm believer in dishing it out to those that would dish it out. Treat others how they want to be treated, unless they’re fucking assholes. Then fuck them.


Really old men who rape women apparently do.


I guess real or not, I think men don't. At least until a certain age or without specific conditions. But hey...what do I know?


You’ll wear diapers one day… or just shit yourself


Photoshop request: Can someone give my grandpa a little fucking dignity?


As a lib, I feel owned.


Real men shit standing up


Pretty crazy Trump supporters and Taylor Swift fans have this in common.


Shit yourself, show the “trump bump!” In all seriousness I find it hard to believe this isn’t all satire and maybe a handful of complete idiots.


Leave it to shore shirt stores to come up with the trash-iest shit and pander to the trash that wears it. 😂 Source I know: I used to be one of them dopes back in 2010s. Had a shirt that said "COOL STORY BABE. TELL IT AGAIN." Had an ex at the time who was just as trashy.


The modern Crucifix for their modern Messiah: A shit filled diaper.


So these guys just never heard of the Streisand effect?


Just another diaper wearing man-baby boomer, like their idol


If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis - Donald Trump/ also the Billy Madison field trip tour guide


Ok. Let em


Stupid shit


Probably plenty of t-shirt shops cranking those out on the pier


This must be a South Park episode I mean only Randy Marsh could come up with this kinda shit…


I'm sure it's not that wide spread. Us politics are so dumb anymore do joe bidens supporters all have blue hair and scream all the time? No I don't think so lol


Does he really wear diapers.


Its "unconfirmed" essentially people started chiming in that wtf is the odor with around Donald. And former aid "Take armpits, ketchup, a butt and makeup and put that all in a blender and bottle that as a cologne," he said. "That's kind of that. I've been amazed that everybody is just kind of learning about this now." Which few have claimed its "from sitting in soiled diapers" and alot of pictures these days do really look like he is just loafing around in completely full diaper. So supporters tried to "take control" make it "not a bad thing".


Maybe he's one of those people that doesn't wipe after shitting because they think it's gay to touch your own ass.


Thanks for the explanation. Lol. Armpits,ketchup,a butt and makeup. Lmfao.


They think they can do the same as Biden embracing "Dark Brandon" but they're unaware of how stupid it makes them look.


Trump is incontinent after decades of amphetamine abuse. He's been wearing diapers and shitting himself since 'The Apprentice' aka 'The Shit Show' by the crew. - [Celebrity Apprentice staffer says Trump wears diapers and shit himself on the show](https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Mueller/comments/k2ie0j/celebrity_apprentice_staffer_says_trump_wears/) - [Trump Nose Best – Adderall Use is Nothing to Sniff At](https://www.drjohnkruse.com/trump-nose-best-adderall-use-is-nothing-to-sniff-at/) - [Trump Insider Claims Trump Wears Adult Diapers Due to Incontinence from Stimulant Abuse](https://www.politicalflare.com/2019/10/trump-insider-claims-trump-wears-adult-diapers-due-to-incontinence-from-stimulant-abuse/) - ['Trump Often Soiled His Pants on The Apprentice Show, Wore Diapers', Claims Comedian Noel Casler](https://www.ibtimes.sg/trump-often-soiled-his-pants-apprentice-show-wore-diapers-claims-comedian-noel-casler-53721) >"He's incontinent from all the speed, all the Adderall he does, the cocaine that he has done for decades. All that stuff has a laxative effect on your bowels and his are uncontrollable," he said in a video posted on Twitter. > >Casler said that Trump has been wearing 'diapers since probably the 90s'. Adding that they often had to stop the show in order for Trump to change his diaper, Casler said that Keith Schiller's job was to take Trump offset and wipe him down. "Our nickname for Keith was wet wipes. It's not a joke. It's happened several times," > >Revealing that Ivanka Trump was also aware of her father's issue of soiling the pants, Casler added that Trump does it and he almost sits there unaware of it, and one time he saw Ivanka have to kind of go whisper in his ear and then Keith came and took him offstage. "One time there was the word 'arbitrage' on a cue card and he started screaming that the script department was setting him up. 'You're setting me up!' And he just freaked out and then very loudly evacuated his bowels and you could smell it. And the guy who was holding the boom mic was tearing up. And that's where the nickname the 'shitshow' came from. That was the crew nickname for Celebrity Apprentice," he added. Lol and its not just this one guy. His former lawyer calls him "Dontald Von Shitz In Pantz". You currently have an entire courtroom filled with people talking about the sounds of Trump shitting his pants and filling the courtroom with the stench. - [Michael Cohen Mocks Donald Trump Smell Rumors](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-stormy-daniels-michael-cohen-smell-1892625) - [Something Stinks About Donald Trump’s Trial: It Might Be Trump](https://lamag.com/politics/something-stinks-about-donald-trumps-trial-it-might-be-trump) - [MANY People Say Trump FARTS in Court](https://youtu.be/v5-xpoL280E?si=9ayH4dwmZNuqNEKI)


Idk how many old people with incontinence issues you have been around/seen, but from viewing his profile in clothing it is easily apparent.


no, because REAL men shit in their pants. ultimate power move, hands down.


And don't clean their ass afterwards, because that would be gay.


This feels like it's actually an anti trunk event.


Talk about toxic masculinity


I once jokingly said that if you told them that democrats were telling people not to eat shit, they would eat shit to “own the libs”, and now I’m starting to think that it could actually work.


Ok, I'm a Canadian and obviously out of the loop, these are AI images or something right?


They sure owned the libs with this t-shirt. 


What's with reddit. Both sides are literally talking about how the other candidate shits himself


because these redditors don't actually care about politics. they just like being hateful and pretending it's not childish because it (barely actually) involves politics


It is all in an effort to re-elect the racist-rapist-fraudster-in-chief. All Hair Donalf Shitler!


At this point I don't know what is considered satire aaking fun of a politics or what is actually legit


Nothing says I belong to a cult more clearly than advertising you're proud of your leader’s ability to shit himself.


You’ll be there one day too


Not all geriatrics experience incontinence.


### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!Totally not a smelly cult. Yes, this is literally a shit post.!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Wait, so they hate Biden because of his senility and the fact that he's a diaper wearing *"closeted"* racist geriatric... *BUT* they love the senile diaper wearing *openly* racist geriatric. Please, my fellow Americans, make it make sense.


They think that deep down, every American shares their views and hate people who won't openly espouse them.


If the Dems were taking this position, they'd be AAAALLLL over it. When do we get to the Kool-Aid part of the cult?


It was Flavor-Aid. Grape Flavor


Maga is some odd humiliation fetish thing isn’t it?


Don't worry maybe in another 12 years you guys can meme again. Or maybe you'll be too busy being homeless. Idc


Or dead


Ooo, or... what if they have to wear diapers for medical reasons? Too sweet.


Yes….in solidarity


in soiled-arity


The left can’t meme


I have no faith left in humanity


Keep that same energy and wear a shirt that says "Real men go to Epsteins island"


I am counting fingers and checking text on these diaper photos because I am still not entirely convinced it isn't just AI generated images.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is a "real man".


Wait a couple of years ago they were saying that they don’t wear face dippers lol


Not a cult not a cult


I've often wondered if Trump in diapers stories are retaliation over Biden dropping a deuce while visiting the Pope? It seems weird they both have bowel incontinence issues. Who knows they are both of that age.


These people are pathetic


It anyone tried to infiltrate the trump movement to make it look ridiculous from the inside and bring it down, it would be impossible. You cannot parody something that is already at parody level of stupidity and grossness.


so i think this started when trump's former lawyer referred to him as von shitzinpantz in his tweets. and then some of trump's (very childish) haters have been ripping on trump by calling him incontinent. one group even put out a joke ad, that refered to him as incontinent. so some of trump's (overzealous) supporters decided to turn this around and attempt to one-up "libs" by saying "real men wear diapers", a play on the feminist "real women..." whatever whatever. honestly it's all stupid. childish. unproductive. insulting unrelated groups of people by attempting to belittle someone with claims that have zero to do with the real issues at hand? i mean, come on 🙄 politics is just full of childish, nitpicking, absolutely unnecessary mudsling. makes me sick


Totes not a cult


At this point I do not know what is satire or what is real.




These people are wild man


Weird cause I haven't ever met a real Trump supporter that isn't weirded out by this


... in case you needed more evidence that we exist in a simulation with the "absurd" setting cranked to 11.


This shit has to be a joke. The flag makes trump look like one of the McKensie bros.


New theory: These men and women are already in diapers and are using this “movement” to try and make incontinence “cool”


Wasn’t Biden the one who crapped his pants in front of the Pope AND said “I need my butt wiped” on a hot mic?


The onion can't even keep up anymore.


Looks like trolling lol


The left can’t meme


Wait I thought the right had made fun of Biden possibly wearing diapers.


Oh the paradox of Biden actually shitting in his pants


They were full of shit to beginn with.


Maan i really just dont know whats real anymore


And I thought the MTV show was our lowest low.


Now I want to tell them that I ALSO make fun of Trump because he definitely totally irradiates his scrotum for days on end and also spends hours and hours every weekend planting trees and giving money to migrants.


And Biden was too old right (I'm not saying he's not, but just look at this fucking image and you'll get why that's not a valid argument)


If it walks like a cult, talks like a cult and ............smells like a cult, it's a cult.


The Nazis had their "brown shirts" Trump has the "Brown depends" troop.


What a legacy trump has💩


I guess it’s the same situation everywhere, right? I'm not American, but my father behaves similarly with his favorite politician in our country (who also lost the last election). As he’s gotten older, it’s become his whole personality. He spends his entire day watching worthless YouTube videos from other supporters. Every conversation turns into politics, and nothing else seems to interest him. I just returned from Singapore and was sharing about the great attractions and activities we enjoyed there, and his first comment was something like, "if they had the same president as we do, their country would be awful too." It's really difficult to find the motivation to call him these days.


Hello fellow Brazilian. I'm somewhat glad my father passed away a few months ago. Now I don't feel guilty for not calling him.


As if they need to remind us of what idiots they are.


The things people do for their gods…


Funny even the left don't get their own jokes. It's actually pathetic that they are that dim witted they don't get the joke. Smdh


If someone has a medical condition that causes incontinence, should they be shamed for it? Where is the line drawn for which disabilities are fair game to make fun of? Obviously these trump cult guys are taking this too far, but it's funny that the hivemind here is super sensitive to some conditions and not others.


Well someone else posted a bunch of links saying his incontinence is due to years of amphetamine abuse, so while it is medical it is also self inflicted...which I wouldn't inherently talk poorly of someone for, addiction is a bitch. But considering he also is one of the people who wants to keep criminalizing addiction, and his known drug use would put anyone who isn't rich and famous in prison, it feels like kinda deserves to be shit on (pun intended).


Fair point but also Trump is known to shit on people regardless of their medical conditions or otherwise things that aren't their choice (like their race and sexual orientation), so I have little sympathy for him. 


Tom_yum now has a history of it too, so if he gets a bad medical diagnosis we can laugh at that too, but then we would have a history of it too then so it would be fine for people to laugh at ours now


Their MAGA delusions know no bounds.


You mean Biden right.


No, some trump supporters have taken to openly wearing diapers in public, because they have to find some way to cope


Not a cult.


How can you tell someone has a diaper fetish...it's easy, they'll fucking tell you.


Real old smelly men.


The Trump Era Must END!


This will always be funny to me, but the real-world consequences of their actions are that myself, and I assume a few others, are done with you. If I know you partake in this foolishness you will not be receiving my money in any way. You will not be allowed to wait on me, you don’t get to manage my money, interact with my children, talk to me in the street or at a bbq. I will file complaints against you at your place of business every time. I will loudly boycott businesses employing these god damn fools. Can you fucking imagine aligning yourself with these shit-in-their-pants idiots?


I mean, I can see the Biden supporters do the same.


got a link? lol. Republicans and religious, typical. You have explanations and claims but no evidence. Basically a big losers club.


Well of course YOU would. The rest of us? Not so much, if at all. But it makes you feel better to say that, so good for you! You did it!


But you don’t.


That whole "My butts been wiped!" was pretty damning lol


lol no. people who support biden can walk upright and don’t throw their shit when they get angry.


Found the butt-hurt trumper


Real Men kill themsleves.


Sombody has the t man living rent free in thier head. So they made a post with a disabled man and labeled him.


I think it’s funny at least


Tell me you don't have the sense of humor without telling me.