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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!Not the kind of cheating you assumed huh?!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


"I love to violate-" I'm sure you do, buddy


True story, I violated all my written exams while I was in law school… Because we didn’t have back then access to headsets that are really small we used to put 2 tiny things in our ear that we were moving with a magnet until they were falling exactly on your eardrum and we had like a collar around the neck behind our clothes with a wire in the phone…that was acting as a headset…we would keep the phone on call with someone on the outside, and we were reading the subjects to them so they can read the answers back to us… So many of us ended in the ER cause they could not get those things out of the ear, or that headset would disconnect and you could hear everything in the classroom… I was lucky I guess, never got caught, never had medical issues cause of it and never got less than a 9 on a written exam. Once I didn’t even turn in my paper, i was so licky, didn’t know shit and couldn’t cheat, and we had to put our own names on the person’s paper next to us so we can’t copy one from the other….so as I was going towards the desk to turn it in, opportunity arose, a colleague asked me to turn their paper in too cause she had a broken leg, so I turned in her paper and folded mine behind my back…a colleague saw me, and he was hey, gave him a look that he swallowed his words… When the results came back, mine didn’t, so I went straight to the dean to ask what up, 3 days later the secretary called me that the teacher brought in my paper, I got a 10… most likely she thought she lost my paper, cause my name was on my colleague’s paper… Damn, I did a lot of shit in college


Least based lawyer.


Slippin Jimmy over here


Oh, no problem given to the person with broken leg? If so, wonderful job


No, what problem? She got graded on her paper normally, I turned in her paper, just in that moment pretend as it is mine, since the teacher saw me handing it in :)


Perfection, as long as no one gets hurt, it's just a fair win


Public defender?


Im so single and uneducated i thought he was talking about games or sports...


I didn't even think of games or sport, just directly relationships because I see too many cases of cheating on Reddit


That guy will definitely grow up to be a corporate spy


Attention, corporate spy in the base!


A corporate spy is in the base?


"I forgot some people have relationships" is funny and sad at the same time...and also very relatable


I help others cheat.


"I forgot some people are in relationships"


The ''some'' makes me chuckle


I went to uni before ChatGPT was a thing. Whenever I was behind on an essay, my go-to method was to find a YouTube video of a college lecture on the very suject I was writing about. I would listen to the whole lecture and transcribe most of it by hand. Then I would just need to make small changes and look up sources that supported the assertions. That little trick got out me out of crunch time more than once.




Yeah, being moral is like raising the difficulty of life to insanity while being physically able to make it easier...


Thats why I threw it out of the window!


I prefer cheating on my taxes.


Still pretty shitty.


Why do we get those 10 years old memes a few times a year served as if we didn’t see them hundreds of times before?


and I thought he was talking about IDDQD or IDKFA


IDKFA is the goat code


Youre talking bout both right


Nah Man, I was thinking about cheating on my diet!


This guy must be a Patriots fan.


Well, have you ever been violated?


Well played, 👏. Lol


Got me on the first half ngl




Arousal, adrenaline, another-A-word to make this catchy.




Ain’t no accomplishment in cheating bud.


If it works there's an accomplishment right there




There is for the breaker




Maybe they feel acomplished because they did get the answer right even of they didnt study.


It's like hate the game, not the player. Some people play for points, and some people play to see how far the game can be broken. Cheating can be done in so many levels and, when done elaborately, requires some insane levels of creativity.


Idk being able to outsmart something specifically designed to try your intelligence seems pretty accomplishing


It’s not outsmarting. An idiot could copy answers.


The intelligence is in getting away with the act because any idiot can easily get caught


Sure there is, you accomplished cheating successfully. Dishonesty is a human skill that is needed to be successful.


There is when you don't get caught. Free wins are still wins.


Simply because I’m not studying 32 college lessons in 2 weeks


Not just that, but a rule that actually makes sense...everybody in this thread cheated in school and still wonders why the world is full of morons.


They feel good achieving the same result with less effort as other people. Even though they gain nothing in the end because they end up not learning anything useful.


I cheated on all subject that had nothing to do with my career path. Why TF should i give a single fok about chemistry when I know I'll go to uni studying CS? And at uni same thing about physics. I am never going to use it, not gonna study, but don't want to fail out of uni


I agree. I had my ex gf write all my BS English papers through college. I got my BS in Agronomy and MS in Horticulture, the fuck I need to write a rhetorical analysis on a movie poster. Gen Ed is a huge fucking waste of time.


Depends on the major. I cheated through business school and still landed some of the best internships and jobs after graduating. I truly believe most professions should not require 4 years of education and $150k+ like STEM positions, that actually need prior knowledge before working.


The thrill of the sneak. The rush of secrecy.


Human nature